In this example we will let a payer account pay the fee for another transaction by using the fee bump transaction.
// Create 3 random Keypairs, we will need them later for signing.
KeyPair sourceKeyPair = KeyPair.random();
KeyPair destinationKeyPair = KeyPair.random();
KeyPair payerKeyPair = KeyPair.random();
// Account Ids.
String payerId = payerKeyPair.accountId;
String sourceId = sourceKeyPair.accountId;
String destinationId = destinationKeyPair.accountId;
// Create the source and the payer account.
await FriendBot.fundTestAccount(sourceId);
await FriendBot.fundTestAccount(payerId);
// Load the current data of the source account so that we can create the inner transaction.
AccountResponse sourceAccount = await sdk.accounts.account(sourceId);
// Build the inner transaction which will create the the destination account by using the source account.
Transaction innerTx = new TransactionBuilder(sourceAccount)
new CreateAccountOperationBuilder(destinationId, "10").build())
// Sign the inner transaction with the source account key pair.
innerTx.sign(sourceKeyPair, Network.TESTNET);
// Build the fee bump transaction to let the payer account pay the fee for the inner transaction.
// The base fee for the fee bump transaction must be higher than the fee of the inner transaction.
FeeBumpTransaction feeBump = new FeeBumpTransactionBuilder(innerTx)
// Sign the fee bump transaction with the payer keypair
feeBump.sign(payerKeyPair, Network.TESTNET);
// Submit the fee bump transaction containing the inner transaction.
SubmitTransactionResponse response = await sdk.submitFeeBumpTransaction(feeBump);
// Let's check if the destination account has been created and received the funds.
AccountResponse destination = await sdk.accounts.account(destinationId);
for (Balance balance in destination.balances) {
if (balance.assetType == Asset.TYPE_NATIVE) {
if (double.parse(balance.balance) > 9) {
print("Success :)");
// You can load the transaction data with sdk.transactions
TransactionResponse transaction = await sdk.transactions.transaction(response.hash);
// Same for the inner transaction.
transaction = await sdk.transactions.transaction(transaction.innerTransaction.hash);