- Profile hotspots on low-end Android phone.
- Replace world space UI with world space transforms.
- Replace text with Text Mesh Pro.
- Event updates text.
- Word: Chicken. Tap "C". Expect one C selected. Got both Cs selected.
- Press Pause button. Pauses.
- Hint, delete, shuffle. Press only selects once.
- Start on pause screen.
- Pause screen has title, "Word Eggspert" or "Word Sizzle".
- Mobile: Drag to select; release to submit. References: Word Cookies, Word Connect, Wordscapes.
- Draw line to connected letters. References: Wordscapes, Word Cookies, Word Connect.
- Convert indent from 1-tab to 4-spaces.
- Separate animated canvases.
- Tween shuffle.
- Particles on draw line.
- Particles on shuffle.
- Keyboard: Space to advance. Escape to pause or resume.
- Keyboard: Pause: Read key to resume, new, quit.
- Profile IL2CPP on low-end Android phone.
- Cache state string to int.
- Build Android 25 or 26.
- Reduce calls to GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo, by fewer set states.
- Event updates button, select, text state.
- Event updates text.
- Replace GAF animations with Mecanim animations.
- Displays 3 letters in a circle.
- Types to select letter.
- When spell word, animates "You win".
- Backspaces or delete to delete letter.
- When spell alternate word, animates "You win".
- Displays 3 to 12 letters in a circle and selection.
- Spelling word advances to next word.
- In editor, Jennifer types to spell 30 words.
- Press ENTER to advance to next word.
- 2017-07-15 Jennifer Russ: Are the words becoming more difficult?
- Advance 50 per step.
- Advance logarithm.
- Composite z-scores of frequency and length.
- Shuffle letters on buttons.
- 2017-07-15 Jennifer Russ: Trackpad, click next. Not responding. x5
- Text on webGL build: Press ENTER key
- Jennifer types to spell a word on the web.
- 2017-07-15 Jennifer Russ: Click You Win. No response. x2
- Bevel button.
- Animate button.
- Button collider includes win text.
- 2017-07-15 Jennifer Russ: At first she asked if she was supposed to spell a word.
- First trial text: SPELL a word.
- 2017-07-15 Jennifer Russ: At first she tapped the letters and selection letters.
- On web build read: You can also type on the keyboard.
- Button tap selects letter.
- Tap selection backspaces letter.
- 2017-07-15 Jennifer Russ: Is the black circle a pan?
- Illustrates pan.
- Animates pan.
- Particles.
- Jennifer plays on Android phone.
- Delete button on mobile.
- 2017-07-22 Jennifer Russ: Hint????
- 2017-07-22 Jennifer Russ: Is the radial progress meter moving?
- Pan has no highlight on rim.
- 2017-07-22 Jennifer Russ: Show which letter buttons were selected?
- When press space during review screen, does not show hint.
- 2017-07-22 Jennifer Russ: Shuffle?
- On keyboard device, read keys near buttons.
- 2017-07-22 Jennifer Russ: Harder when letters in a circle than in a row.
- 2017-07-22 Jennifer Russ: Looks up: airshot, disinter, two more.
- Word level steps by 24 words.
- 2017-07-22 Jennifer Russ: [When jumping each 50, there are only about 60 anagrams to solve.]
- Word level steps by 24 words.
- Particles appear more rapidly until solved.
- Letter buttons darken over time until solved.
- Letter select: Smokes until spell word.
- Anagram Model: Spelling word stops timer.
- Buttons: Sizzle volume correlates to smoke.
- Animates and hears smoke before fire.
- 2017-08-13 Jennifer Russ: Burn awful quick!!!!!
- 2017-08-13 Jennifer Russ: Cannot see hint or letter behind smoke!!
- Particles emit 270 degrees of circle instead of 360.
- If answer quickly, animatic of happy eater.
- If answer slowly, animatic of eating burnt food.
- If answer quickly, happy eater compliments, like that airplane in that art deco word game.
- Compliments sorted by speed.
- Sounds sizzle, crackle, explosion.
- 2017-08-13 Jennifer Russ: What happens if let letters go on burning??? Does the pan explode? Anything?
- 2017-08-13 Jennifer Russ: Love eggs!!!
- 2017-08-13 Jennifer Russ: Frying. Fun. Burning?
- 2017-08-13 Jennifer Russ: How many words did I do?
- 2017-08-26 Smoke obscured hint letters.
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: Word 122 of 123 repeated. There were only 122 words.
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: Said words are always in same order.
- Random offset.
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: What is "eggsarch"?
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: What is "eggsimious"?
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: Words smoking. Still eater smiles!!!!
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: Repeats some compliments.
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: likes: eggsplicit notes of ash
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: likes: these eggs have legs
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: likes: eggsecutive chef
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: likes: you poached my heart
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: likes: eureka paprika
- During epilogue, hear swallow and 4 reaction sounds.
- Hear letter selection.
- Pastel color palette.
- Jennifer types to spell a word on the web.
- Jennifer taps to spell a word on a phone.
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: Save word in progress and auto-load.
- New game erases progress.
- Pause button.
- Quit button from pause menu.
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: "with s-panache" ?
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: "tickled pickled" ?
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: "smoky aroma" and "crunchy" dissonant with smile.
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: not words: ser, wat.
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: Says swallow sounds too loud.
- 2017-08-27 I see button text is small.
- 2017-08-27 I see HUD is behind speech.
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: likes gulp and twinkle sounds.
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: likes heart in eye.
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: likes "olive your cooking".
- 2017-08-27 Jennifer Russ: likes "you're my butter half".
- 2017-09-03 Ben Russ: Burnt. Is it locked?
- Button contrast hard to read on top of egg.
- Swipe to spell.
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: Word 52 of 122: hard.
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: Word 91 of 122: long.
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: liked solving the word "ashless" since the theme is frying eggs.
- Read: Spelling a word with fewer letters cools the letters.
- Displays rows of blank squares.
- Displays words filled in at their color.
- If not a word, shake letters then clear selection.
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: Wants to read all comments.
- 2017-08-13 Jennifer Russ: Hint. Accident?
- 2017-08-13 Jennifer Russ: Senors. Not English.
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: What is "carolus"(?)?
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: What is "rabbitts"(?)?
- 2017-08-26 Jennifer Russ: In review, pressed enter too quickly.
- Hear delete and shuffle sound.
- Animates shuffle.
- Linear model of word difficulty.
- If answer slowly, animate belching smoke.
- MadLib of entered word matches part of speech.
- Smoke and fire matches eating on plate.
- Letters fly to eater's plate.
- If answer quickly, animate 3 stars.
- Spelling a word replaces letters with light letters.
- Select levels from a list.
- Unlock levels from a list.
- Spelling longest word unlocks next level.
- Compliments in random sliding range.
- Upgrades pan to burn slower.
- Coin particles lock on to coin count.
- Spend coins to replace performance on a word.
- Coin count increments as each particle hits it.
- All letters in alphabet make a set worth 100 coins.
- Extract words from a text on frying food.
- Spend 1 coin to spin a dial that adds one letter to collect.
- 2017-07-15 Jennifer Russ: The letters "THIS" can spell "SHIT". She chuckled, but asked if I wanted that.
- Omit words that anagram to excluded words.
- Jennifer drags to spell a word on a phone.
- Buffer news. Example: news.Post(populateNews); ... news.Update(); ... if model.news.IsNow(model.populateNews) { view.Populate(model.word); }