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Ethereum Cat Herder Meeting #50 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 19 January 2021 at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 1 hour

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Avishek Kumar


DECISION 50.1: Alita & Shane have to add their proposals. Hudson will leave comments. Who would be working on the development will be decided in the next meeting.

DECISION 50.2: Pooja to create ‘Off-topic’, ‘Scam alert’ channel in Discord. Start using the channel efficiently.

DECISION 50.3: Pooja to add Shane to the meeting calendar

Pooja Ranjan: Welcome to the Ethereum Cat Herders meeting 50.This is big one as we are completing 50 and I believe in another couple of days we are also going to complete two years of our establishment the group, so welcome to the meeting,the first item on the agenda is progress on the ECH website

1.Progress on ECH website

Pooja Ranjan: To be transparent about what we are doing and how we are trying to utilize the fund that was provided by Moloch on the development of the website. There is an issue created on ECH github. So far we have received two proposals: one from the Ethstakers community. I mean there is a participant of the Ethstaker community and he would be represented by Shane and the other one is by Alita. So the minimum requirement that we have mentioned earlier is like we want to have a decent website with all information displayed that Cat Herders are working on the content, should be very easy to manage maybe with the help of a PR or something, it should be a zero to low maintenance or support needed website. The ideal duration that we thought would be good for the development of this would be three to six weeks but yeah it's up to the proposers. So Shane if you would like to go ahead and share your proposal and mention what you are proposing and how we would want to proceed with that.

Shane lightowler: Absolutely I will just take you through it verbally although Pooja if you would like to share the materials that I have shared already then be my guest but essentially after the last call, I reached out to Michael Gessen on the staker community. Michael is among other things is a mod over the Ethstaker subreddit. He does web build in his professional capacity. He has already done the website for the staker knowledge hub over at Hudson he name dropped you not sure if that's good or not.

Hudson Jameson: Yeah that is fine.

Shane lightowler: So he has put together a proposal for us. Top line the cost estimate for the work is 3500 usd that would cover build and the application of Ethereum Cat herders is branding subject to that being agreed and the time estimate for the work is start to finish four weeks. What that would entail or what that would get us would be clearly website front end. I took him through Pooja the contents of the documents that you would provide me. So I took him through over the course of a couple of zoom calls, the prototype and the requirements document.

Hudson Jameson: Hold on just a second, I think Pooja disconnected accidentally, hey pooja you back.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah for some reason my laptop it's not connected, so I connected with another device.

Hudson Jameson: okay

Shane lightowler: you're probably gonna need to restart the recording yeah

Pooja Ranjan: oh no we don't have to, it's fine.

Hudson Jameson: All right, no problem. we're going over so we're in the middle of going over Shane's web proposal and then we'll go over Alita if you are prepared to talk about yours too that would probably be a smart or website proposal I guess I should have been more clear.

Alita: Yeah that's fine. I can talk about that.

Hudson Jameson: All right cool and yeah I guess Pooja's running the meeting though but Shane if you want to continue I think we are good.

Shane lightowler: No problem so where did I get to? I was just describing what the cost outlay would get us and that would be all of the various types of content pages that are outlined in the prototype document including youtube streaming embeds plus archives. Embedded meeting calendar nothing in the proposal sounded like it would be impossible to deliver in terms of the technology solution. Michael is proposing that we go with wordpress cms. There are a few reasons for that which he has outlined in the video. They are provided to Pooja which he goes through in a much more eloquent way than I am doing now. But in summary he thinks wordpress is particularly suited even if it is open source. Nature has an alignment with the ethereum ethos over and above the fact that wordpress cms is extremely easy for users to pick up which he's saying could be a good thing if the long-term ambition for Cat Herders is to expand its network of contributors. The cost would also get us a (?) account to be set up by Michael and Unvetica which would track all of the usual and he is given us the option of whether or not to host through invesca if we were to host through them. It would be a cost of an additional cost of 25 per month in terms of ongoing maintenance. There are a couple of options namely no charge if it's not hosted through Unvertica or if it is a sort of 150 dollars per month charge for a sort of higher tier of support than we would otherwise get so that is the summary of the proposal clearly. Michael is someone whom we know is massively engaged in ethereum. I have got no doubt from a technical standpoint that he couldn't do the job. So I leave that proposal now with Cat Herders.

Hudson Jameson:I will write up my feedback and questions afterwards to you and Alita and send them to you but just to see if you know any answers off the cuff that are 25 dollar a month or server hosting. What do you know what type of server that would be or I guess we can just ask.

Shane lightowler: I do not but Michael is more than happy to answer any questions.

Hudson Jameson: Then the second thing I would like to know when the Cat Herders want to go in and post something to wordpress is that like a graphic interface move images around like old school form or blog posting like wordpress. Usually does or does it take markdown or what's the post formatting.

Shane lightowler: Indeed I would assume both but we will leave Michael to answer that.

Hudson Jameson: Okay cool.

Alita: You might actually want to look into a thing called, I'm forgetting what the name of it is but basically that there's a plug-in for wordpress that's really good.

Hudson Jameson: It was for markdown Alita, just to be clear.

Alita: I don't know about markdown but it's very it's like a dragon drop type thing where you can move things in it's very user friendly. So you can design pages super easily but anyways I will get the name of that but.

Pooja Ranjan: So Alita if you would like to go over your proposal just to give us a like sense of what you're proposing and how you would want to proceed? I mean like which technology you are using and how you would want to proceed with that.

Alita: Sure so for my proposal it sort of assumes that we want to do it like a react style website. So something that's built from scratch.Which now I am hearing the the wordpress though maybe wordpress is better because I guess it would be more manageable. But anyway, basically my proposal goes through the list of tasks that would be required to build it from scratch that I like to react to for example: Implementing gatsby which is basically like a uh it basically just copies the format of the website. The added benefit to going from scratch is that we can transfer over elements to the website. As we see fit so and then also yeah the drawback there is going to be the price to get it set up because it takes developer time to both build and then also maintain custom built components and websites and then for the hosting. It would just be hosted through netlify which is free pretty much I think that you would want to add on an analytics page for or an analytics feature which is about 10 dollars per month and that will help us look like the data flow. Yeah it is more of like an engineering proposal as it were, so it's harder to go through every single task or anything but essentially. Building from scratch gives us more freedom but might be more challenging to maintain and take longer to build.

Hudson Jameson: Is there a budget component with that one?

Alita: Yeah, so the proposed budget was I think 4500 dollars over the course and they would take about a total of something like at least like six weeks or something.

Hudson Jameson: okay cool

Pooja Ranjan: So both Alita and Shane thank you for the proposal and we will try to. I mean we have already created an issue on the ECH github where we are tracking the progress, how we are going about this particular development. will update hopefully by the next meeting we should have clarity on whom should be working on this proposal.

Hudson Jameson: Real quick before we move off the topic. I have my questions, I posted to Shane and Alita and I am putting them in the updating the ECH website issue and github and I have Alita's github name and I tagged her. Shane what's your github name or I can either do you and Vetica or both.

Shane lightowler: Oh good question. I am not sure what the best one would be. Let me get back to you.

Hudson Jameson:okay sounds good. Just do you have me in discord. Yeah okay Yeah just get back to me today and i'll post that comment thanks.

Pooja Ranjan: And one more thing like do we want to have the proposal listed there on the issue.

Hudson Jameson: That would be great to just have it all in one place in my opinion. Pooja Ranjanokay so yeah Alita and Shane,please feel free to add your proposals over there. okay so moving on to the next item.

2. ECH contribution to contents at

Pooja Ranjan: It's very close to the first one like earlier when we were discussing having a page on to display. These. information but now that we have been discussing moving to our separate page. The contribution now cannot be limited to one page but it could be added in multiple pages. Based on these suggestions that were provided by team members we have identified a few pages like one is the history page where they are keeping the upgrades history but few elements are missing like the name of the eips that undergo every upgrade that is missing the postmortem reports are missing. These information are with us but if somebody is interested we can create a pull request and add it over there. The number two place was page there also. we can add some information I believe. We have a doc in which we have collected these things. I am gonna share the link right away for people to refer here. Right there in the section. I have added a few items that I believe we could be adding on. we could contribute adding this is a volunteering contribution anyone interested in the group or the community can go ahead and create a pull request to add these details to the page and yeah feel free to reach out to me on ethereum cat herders discord if there is any question. So, does anybody have any questions from the group now. Okay, then we can move on to the next item. The next item on the agenda is an ethereum network upgrade survey.

3. Ethereum network upgrade Survey

Pooja Ranjan: So Ethereum is preparing for the next network upgrade that is Berlin. So we would want to reach out to the various stakeholders running nodes that might need an upgrade. So this survey is created to collect responses from the miners wallet exchanges and on-chain projects or any other infrastructure providers of the ethereum ecosystem. So yeah I mean yes , James Hancock has updated ethereum1.0 spec repository with the present list of YOLO v3 which is also getting into Berlin. So, we would want to collect feedback to understand their experience, how the upgrade goes, the challenges with the network upgrade, if there are any and to collect the feedback about preferred frequency like it's been a year since we had our last upgrade. So I feel that it would be helpful if we get the sentiment of how frequent they want, what numbers of eips should be there in every upgrade if there are any preferences. We are going to share this survey in the ecs discord that would also be available on newsletter and our website, so if you are running an ethereum node please feel free to fill up the survey and that would help us with the network upgrade frequencies. I am sharing it here but I am not sure if this will give a full sense because this is divided into five section and in each section we are trying to collect different kind of information like awareness and notification preferences, thoughts on the upgrade experience and expectation from cat herders group like how we can be helpful to them. How frequent information they are looking for? So, feel free to share this link with community members and we will come up with some reports after two weeks or four when we have enough data to share with the community.

Brent Allsop: We have done previous surveys like this to minors before do we have a collection of email addresses. We could forward the info to those email addresses of miners.

Pooja Ranjan: Yes, we have reached out to miners earlier and we do have that list of email addresses, so we are going to make use of our Ethereum Cat Herder's email to reach out to those infrastructure providers but in case that email address is not valid and if people are aware of the right connection so feel free to share. Okay so the next item on the agenda is meeting notes.

Pooja Ranjan: So here we are trying to provide a kind of summary of all the notes that are documented by Cat Herders. I believe Shane has also shown interest. It's on me I am gonna add you to the schedule very soon maybe from next week onwards if I can adjust you to the calendar. So you can start contributing that would be really great thank you so much for offering. So, if anyone available in the meeting today would like to take up the note that they have documented and provide us like real quick summary on that. I believe Alita you have documented EIPIP notes.

Alita: Yeah! I can follow up on that, So basically all that happened that meeting was actually, I am gonna go ahead and look at my notes for one sec. So one big decision was that we're gonna remove the dead eips from eip1as none of them are critical according to Micah. Then there was a lot of progress for creating a bounty to populate one spec repo. So basically there was a large discussion about how to do that. What exactly the task would mean more or less and that's just sort of in progress and then as I recall here. Then there was also discussion about 1559 and how they are sort of the people that are jumping in to almost derail the conversation and not really much progress in that regard but just it's. A problem was basically what I gathered and I think that pretty much sums up the EIPIP.

Pooja Ranjan: Thank you Alita. The another note is from a breakout room meeting, so we had this meeting yesterday.This was for evm 384 and bls curve discussion. All the notes are linked in the agenda whatever notes we have already published it's available there and the summary of breakout room meeting is available in the agenda itself in the comments section on a very high level in this discussion. We got some quick development updates on both the proposals the evm 384 and the bls eips. There were some concerns that were around testing a client developer don't feel really comfortable reviewing code by themselves and there are some other concerns related to complexities which are there with both the proposals. We have created a new discord channel cryptography to discuss these two proposals and understand which one is better for the ethereum mention and which one which we should consider for the upcoming upgrade. This is an ongoing discussion and I believe the evm 384 team is going to publish some notes today or tomorrow and followed by an eip for this particular proposal. I think that's it. I do not see any other members on the call today to take up other notes. Again a reminder like people please try to finish up the notes on the suggested timeline three to five days after the meeting. If you are unable to take up that meeting notes, please let the group know and we will try to get somebody else to finish up the notes and make it available for the community. Moving on the next item is Peep an EIP.

Pooja Ranjan: In the last two weeks we did two peep and eip recording, one was for Flash loan that was with Alberto. We had really good conversations on DeFi projects and flash loans and how it is helpful for people. Another episode recorded was for two proposals in Berlin eip2929 and eip2930 with Vitalik Buterin and Martin Swende. This has a very good presentation. People try to explain with variants like what are the new things that are coming up in ethereum, future upgrades with Berlin. It is a very good watch if you haven't watched it yet, please go to the Ethereum Cat Herder's youtube channel and in Peep an EIP playlist you can find all the eips recorded so far. Tomorrow, we are going to have another eip to be recorded that is for eip3085 wallet add ethereum chain rpc method with Eric Marks that is at 1830 utc earlier we announced that we are going to have Greg Colvin for the proposal in Berlin but for some personal reason he may not be able to make the meeting. He will try to rearrange meetings with him maybe in february. Any questions or comments so far.

Brent Allsop: I have a quick question is is there a calendar invite to those that we can get on a list so that when there's a new one scheduled we can get a calendar invite or is there anything like that.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah sure. I will add you to the calendar invite. Generally these are available on the Ethereum Cat Herder project board where we are listing which proposal is coming up. I am going to link.

Brent Allsop: Yeah, I am aware that I just need to follow that closer.

Pooja Ranjan: Okay no worries, so yes I will make sure to add you in the calendar.

The next topic is coming up with a new discord channel or communication channel.

6. New Discord Channel

Pooja Ranjan: It has been observed that people are posting messages of job services that they can offer and others that are not directly related to current discussion topics. So I was thinking of directing them to have an off topic channel that would be easier for the community to share what they want to offer and help to avoid spamming other channels. So the proposal is to create a few new channels or maybe make up use of existing channels. So the new one is off topic channel for posting jobs resources available or services are maybe for general query like that. The second one was to report scam channels in early 2020 some of the cat editors worked with the ethereum foundation to take down the scam youtube and some twitch channels and recently with the rise in the price. More cam channels are growing, so I was wondering if we can create another channel on discord to report any scam email telegram id youtube channel etc. Do we have any thoughts on that ? and it can be added under. You know security and will be open for every every member on the ECH discord whenever they find something. They can report it there.

Shane Lightowler: There's no real downside aside from the potential for it. Not to be used which I would presume is not a big concern.

Pooja Ranjan: Right I mean I am not aware of any particular channel in any other in this court not even in R&D dedicated to this kind of creating an alert, if people find something they can actually go ahead and report it from there it can be picked up. So I believe it is going to be helpful.

William Schwab: My crypto runs something like that I don't know if they have an official channel for it but if you reach out to them with telegram they run something called my scam db which I can try and pull out the link for. But I mean I don't necessarily know if that would discount also having the discord channel. It could even be that the best thing for us to do with information would be to report it to them for inclusion in their database because they have been populating it for years.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah!

Brent Allsop: Good idea.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah of course. Yeah if we have people.

Shane Lightowler: Can I ask one question? Once an example is found and work to be posted in the channel, what is the action that is then taken off the back of that future.

Pooja Ranjan: So generally, what we did last year so we collected a list of youtube channels they were claiming themselves to be helium foundation but they were actually trying to scam people by offering some. You know free and something like that. So we notified the ethereum foundation and they took some legal action against them and those channels were pulled down eventually.

Brent Allsop: Okay

Pooja Ranjan: So yeah that is the idea here. Not only for ethereum foundation but in general if people come across this with telegram and other people make fake identities of somebody who is popular in the ethereum community and try to ask. So if somebody comes across anything like that they can go ahead and report. So it is kind of creating a channel to report and reports when they are reported. It will be on us the Cat Herders to take it forward with the ethereum foundation and whatever we can do about it. So those were two and one were about another channel announcement that is there but we haven't made any use of it yet. So with Berlin getting closer. We maybe can start sharing important ethereum announcements related to upgrading and survey etc. So any thoughts on that? any thought on how to improve our communication with the community by either making good use of the existing channels or the newsletters are welcome.

Brent Allsop: Yeah if there are already existing channels, we should focus on collaborating rather than starting yet. In other words, everyone knows when you see a scam you go there.

Pooja Ranjan: So I know Shane is interested. I mean you mentioned earlier like you were interested in sharing a summary of all core dev meetings or maybe important meetings. You did that in Ethfinance reddit and I saw that they received good responses. Thank you for that. If you would like to publish anything related to upgrading any eip or something that can increase awareness or education on ECH medium. Feel free to send a draft.

Shane Lightowler: okay no problem

Pooja Ranjan: I mean it's good that we have one person who is constantly following reddit and kind of sharing information from what we have in the category group. Okay that is I believe all and now the next item is discuss and close the ECH Github issues and PRs.

7. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

Pooja Ranjan: On the pm repository I believe we have only one new issue that is upgrading the ECH website other than that I don't see any new one. Just as a reminder if people find something they don't know where to go and they are looking for some information they can always post that an ethereum Cat Herder is discarded or create an issue at the ethereum Cat Herder as github. If we have any information we will try to answer that if not then at least we can point towards the right set of people who can help you with the query. On the funding part I believe there are quite a few open issues. Alita I left a comment on one of your funding requests. Since January 2021 we are considering for 90 minutes meeting the funding would be 150 usd equivalent. So you would want to edit that and create the request. update the request and I will finish up all the funding requests. Try to close all the funding requests today or maybe whenever the gap size. I don't know what the gas price is. If it is going very very high I will have to wait maybe a day or two for me otherwise I will try to finish it up as early as possible.

Alita: Okay, sounds good.

Pooja Ranjan: Before we go into review of outstanding action item, I see some comments left by you Brent. Would you want to talk about it? I don't know how relevant earlier this is but yeah if you would want to talk about it.

Brent Allsop: Yeah, just a quick we're basically looking for a new hire, a new partner for canonizer and I wondered if anyone had any ideas of what kind of salaries a I am just I have never done anything like this. So I am just trying to survey people what kind of salaries do typical core dev level engineers get paid and stuff like that and what's a good channel to post a job offering in and stuff like if you guys had any information that would be helpful.

William Schwab: Why don't we keep personal business on the discord channels,if you don't mind. I am more than happy to share whatever I don't know with a tremendous amount of insight on this. I am more than happy to talk to you about it.

Brent Allsop: That makes a lot of sense, thanks for that feedback.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah, I think the off topic channel that we discussed today in the meeting would be a good place to discuss this kind of stuff because I have received like even in introductions people come and talk about. I would like to have some resources like this and this is what we are looking for . So I believe that's going to be helpful.

Brent Allsop: Yeah when I saw that I figured I should have posted it there instead of trying to bring it in this meeting so thanks for that.

Pooja Ranjan: Okay so last item for today's meeting is the review of outstanding action items.

8. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings

Pooja Ranjan: Okay and let me just quickly go through that. Create bounty to create an ech website. I mean it was basically to create an issue and we already did increase payment for notes of ECH meeting. Yes from January 1st 2021 if any meeting is documented that is 90 minutes so the payment would be revised, for converting five ETH to pay for notes. It is not done yet. I have talked to people on the multisect channel. So yes we were considering that and this is obviously approved that's why we are raising the payment there but it is not done yet. I will try to follow up and get this conversion done. Create a separate channel for eip1559 discussion that is created. So I am trying to add some resources that we are finding on whatever is coming up new on eip1559. We are adding it there but if people have any question community related feel free to add there. Although we also already have a 1559 channel in at R&D discord that is there with technical queries. Other than that two um one of the outstanding action item is blogs on ECH medium. I believe I have to check with Edson on that. I haven't received any response yet. The last one creates an issue that is already done. So that's all from the agenda side, if people have anything to share quickly. One more thing came up in the 1559 meeting. Last meeting it was reaching out to stakeholders collecting information. I believe Cat Herders has been involved in this kind of activity since the beginning of this group. Now that the upgrades are coming closer and we have quite a few proposals lined up even after the Berlin upgrade. Whatever we can do to create connection or reaching out to people if there are any suggestions feel free to share in the discord,

William Schwab: what do you mean you're looking for new ways to update people about upcoming hard forks or upgrades? What would you have in mind?

Pooja Ranjan: I think we did not have any formalized channel yet. We had been trying to reach with the help of email but some of the emails bounced back or we never received any response on that. So one thing that I mentioned earlier making use of announcement channels with that is good but if people are aware of any personal connection, if they know somebody, if they can invite them to Cat Herders, This is what we are trying to create a channel for people to both sided from our end. We will be providing information that we have and from there, if they have any question, comment or concern related to an update because not everybody can join the all core dev meeting and say this is what I don't like and this is what I like. so we can act as a bridge. I was having a thought of inviting participation from the community as well as sharing the world around that Cat Herders are there to help you out. Join the discord and we will try to provide all the information,

William Schwab: Some of that's probably just about broadcasting that on social media with a certain level of frequency. You know the Cat Herders account should be tweeting like you have any questions about the upcoming Berlin fork. You can ask in our discord but not only when it is down to the wire. I mean sending out a message like that every couple of weeks or once a month or something that I think is fine. I think that should probably be done across a variety of platforms. My initial suspicion would be that the different kind of sub-ecosystems that exist inside ethereum probably hang out on different platforms. There I have some weird instinct that I wouldn't be surprised if some of the mining entities might see linkedin when they would see twitter which might sound bizarre. I wouldn't be shocked to find out his true truth is what would be more than either of those would be some of the chinese social media though like weibo. People aren't gonna just show up in the discord out of the blue most likely. If they do, it would almost certainly be a trickle. We would have to be able to advertise to people that it is a destination and that it is somewhere where they could get questions answered, where they could find out information that would definitely be my first thought.

Pooja Ranjan: All right about the twitter account making good use of Cat herders twitter. I have to confess that I do not have full access to twitter yet and I am looking for other ways.I am trying to figure out I mean I have to reach out. I know who may have, I am trying to reach out and will get that because I do not have access to the emails. The personal messages like there are a lot of restrictions. I just use tweetdeck and twitter sometimes to retweet only retweet so I am working on that and as you mentioned many people do not hang out in discord. That may be correct.

William Schwab: We have not been in discord; you could be in 100 other discords also not necessarily know that art exists.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah but I was trying to uh make a point here when we did some surveys in the past, we try to collect information like what is your source of information and the shocking information was 60% of people said that they are updated because of twitter.

William Schwab: Yeah but that's probably overfit data as in. It probably went out what platforms was the survey broadcast on.

Pooja Ranjan: I am specifically referring to 1559 survey where we did all kind of where we used all kind of measures reaching out to them personally,email, twitter and even all core dev channels, we made use of that.

William Schwab: I still kind of suspect that it's a little bit over fit based off of who responded but I could definitely open to being wrong also. The truth is maybe we can put this as an item on the meeting for next time actually discussing social media more. Getting out there and maybe messaging about ourselves more and trying to get more of a presence because I don't think it's going to happen on its own and I think it probably would be good for us to have some kind of initiative with that.

Shane Lightowler: I had similar thoughts, Pooja. In my sort of correspondence with you earlier in the week, I know this may sound like a lot of work but for this type of thing it would be really good to have a sort of overarching coherent strategy of these are all the topics that we're interested in communicating about to the community. Here is whom we defined the community as here are the channels mediums where we intend to communicate to those communities on and in what frequency.If that were to be all mapped out I think it would be much clearer and you would be able to sort of assign responsibility to those channels assuming it is a larger job than one person can reasonably handle.

William Schwab: Yeah! I would be interested in expanding this as a topic if we are able to bring it up next week or not next week in the next call. I think that would be great. It might it would also be good to know what different languages we have. We have many chinese speakers. I don't think we do right now but you never know.

Pooja Ranjan: No I am not aware of but obviously we have many people from china who are falling because most of the miners are from that side so yes.

William Schwab: Right which is why I was thinking of being able to also just broadcast our existence on the more chinese channels.

Pooja Ranjan: Oh I believe I may have contacts on a few chinese channels. Last year, we did some events with the ETH planet people and they I believe they have a dedicated channel for chinese people they did some translation in chinese of the all core dev meeting and Eth2 meetings. So I believe we can contact them if we want to reach out

William Schwab: Yeah, Trent was on the call for a little bit earlier. so yeah that that might be good. If we are able to maybe leverage that if we also want to try and have a presence on (?) or any of the other chinese apps. Interesting yes let's bring this up as a topic on the next call and maybe we can try and focus on how we can get ourselves a little bit more of attraction which would allow for what you are saying which is actually getting people to show up to the discord and ask us instead of us having to sort of run around trying to find them fine.

Pooja Ranjan: Right I will be sure to add this as a topic in the next meeting. Okay so we are like 10 minutes early, If anybody else wants to bring up anything. Shane I am gonna add you to the calendar today. Thank you everyone for joining. See you guys all in two weeks so that would be I believe february 2nd. Thank you everyone have a good day.

Brent Allsop: It looks like Avishek is taking notes for today's meeting and I am not seeing him here today

Pooja Ranjan: I mentioned in the discord channel but I will mention it again.

Shane: I am happy to do the notes if you cannot get a hold of him.

Pooja Ranjan: Sure I am going to add provide you the right access to the channels and to the calendar as well.Thank you everyone.

Brent Allsop: All right, thanks for watching.

Alita: Have a great day bye


  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Brent Allsop
  • William Schwab
  • Alita More
  • Shane Lightowler
  • Hudson Jameson
  • Trent

Next Call - Feb 02, 2021 .

Zoom Chat

00:16:05 Pooja Ranjan:

00:16:19 Pooja Ranjan:

00:21:11 Hudson Jameson: Shane was is your GitHub username?

00:22:08 Alita: wordpress gutenberg

00:22:16 Hudson Jameson: Thanks Alita!

00:23:43 Pooja Ranjan:

00:24:25 Shane Lightowler: @hudson Github= shanelightowler

00:25:02 Hudson Jameson:

00:26:26 Pooja Ranjan:

00:33:32 Hudson Jameson: Have to leave early. Later all!

00:33:42 Pooja Ranjan: thank you !

00:36:03 Pooja Ranjan:

00:39:08 William Schwab: