Api for Ownbit Merchant Wallet
Ownbit Merchant Wallet helps merchant accept Bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies for online payments. Integrating Ownbit Merchant Api is easy and straightforward. There are three parties: Merchant Website(your website for selling online goods), Ownbit Merchant Wallet, and Ownbit Platform. This is how the Api works:
- You create a Ownbit Merchant Wallet (you own the wallet mnemonics, thus control the coming crypto-payments fully), search Ownbit in iOS AppStore or download at https://ownbit.io.
- You integrate Ownbit Merchant Api into your existing website, so that your customer can select pay for your goods by Bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies.
- The customer paid, your Ownbit Merchant Wallet received the payment directly, and you can spend the received payment immediately, since you control the Ownbit Merchant Wallet fully.
- The Ownbit Platform call a callback_url (you provided when configuring the Ownbit Merchant Wallet) to notify your website that a payment is received (or a payment is canceled or failed in case of blockchain rollbacks).
- apiKey: The Api Key for your Ownbit Merchant Wallet. It can be found in your Ownbit Merchant Wallet -> Wallet Management -> Merchant Options. ApiKey is used to compute the orderHash. Always keep apiKey secret.
- walletId: Your Ownbit Merchant Wallet ID, you inputted when creating the Ownbit Wallet.
- orderId: Any string that identify an order, length: 1-64, must be unique among the system.
- orderPrice: Format: amount CURRENCY_SYMBOL, can be fiat or crypto, example: 9.9 USD, means 9.9 US Dollar, 0.23 BTC, means 0.23 Bitcoin. ATTENTION: There's one space between amount and symbol.
- coinType: Coin symbols separated by |, example: BTC|LTC|BSV|DASH, one coin only example: BTC.
- minPaidRate: (Optional)The minimum paid rate for an order. Can be a float value range: 0 - 1 (Default). Example: 0.95, means the minimum paid is 95% of the target amount.
- orderHash: Used to authenticate the request. It is dynamically computed for each order. The computing algorithm is as follows:
When parameter minPaidRate is given:
orderHash = SHA256(walletId+":"+orderId+":"+orderPrice+":"+minPaidRate+":"+apiKey)
When parameter minPaidRate is NOT given:
orderHash = SHA256(walletId+":"+orderId+":"+orderPrice+":"+apiKey)
Example 1, apiKey = 11f9eaff08754dac910d744449b7a377, walletId = r89fdk3mrf1d, orderId = order12345, orderPrice = 9.9 USD and minPaidRate is not given.
Example 2, apiKey = 11f9eaff08754dac910d744449b7a377, walletId = r89fdk3mrf1d, orderId = order12345, orderPrice = 9.9 USD and minPaidRate = 0.95.
orderHash(Example 1) = SHA256("r89fdk3mrf1d:order12345:9.9 USD:11f9eaff08754dac910d744449b7a377"); Note that space inside orderPrice is included in computing.
orderHash(Example 2) = SHA256("r89fdk3mrf1d:order12345:9.9 USD:0.95:11f9eaff08754dac910d744449b7a377");
Merchant Api Supported Crypto Coins:
Note: USDT|DAI|USDC|TUSD|PAX are ERC20 tokens.
Merchant Api Supported Fiat currency:
Ownbit merchant API supports all fiat currencies, examples are: USD, CNY, EUR, JPY, AUD, etc.
Get crypto info by an order ID, method: POST, POST data is in JSON format:
"orderHash": "5d9153dbea146fb09bc87585cbef718114cc078321bb100fbda9c0a672b44568",
"walletId": "r89fdk3mrf1d",
"orderId": "order12345",
"orderPrice": "9.9 USD",
"coinType": "BTC|ETH|USDT|LTC",
"minPaidRate": 0.95
You should turn on the sepcific coin in your Ownbit Merchant Wallet before making the call.
Another example with fixed crypto rate (minPaidRate not given):
"orderHash": "c55018f9017078d833124c603be839194a91a9adbf61bf0de5d800ddc8e07be0",
"walletId": "r89fdk3mrf1d",
"orderId": "order12345",
"orderPrice": "0.12 BTC" --> ask the customer pay 0.12 BTC regardless of the exchange rate
When the first time of this interface is called for a specific order ID, a new address for each requested coin types is allocated. Success Response:
"data": {
"crypto": [{
"address": "353GjPxEY1kd14QD8XzMKRCvuv4XwhkpDK",
"coinType": "BTC",
"indexNo": 9, --> The BIP32 index for generating the address, example: m/49'/0'/0'/0/5, 5 is the index
"requestedAmount": "0.003778" --> The amount for the specific coin the customer should pay
}, {
"address": "qzpc2q53zres6eq32mc9a3ghque3urs8xvh9mq2f9x",
"coinType": "BCH",
"indexNo": 6,
"requestedAmount": "0.121193"
}, {
"address": "LUuqRpxZ43fqyxQxWxQZrxPuGLugb2h9FM",
"coinType": "LTC",
"indexNo": 2,
"requestedAmount": "0.510948"
}, {
"address": "0x3d0243Bba4eF808D9d98f8A6E7567a1e772Ef861",
"coinType": "ETH",
"indexNo": 0,
"requestedAmount": "0.1756324"
}, {
"address": "0x3d0243Bba4eF808D9d98f8A6E7567a1e772Ef861",
"coinType": "USDT",
"contractAddress": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
"indexNo": 0,
"requestedAmount": "37.950888"
"payment": {
"txHash": "ea6b0490a2e62d841677fc62cc1dd48eb987e8bc121c25ec0d4af9db116e6e9b",
"coinType": "BTC",
"amount": "0.003778", --> received amount
"paymentStatus": 1,
"confirmations": 0,
"rbf": false --> whether the payment can be rbf (replaced-by-fee), only valid when confirmations is 0.
"orderId": "order-example-0009",
"orderPrice": "270 CNY",
"minPaidRate": 0.95 --> Optional
"message": "success",
"status": 0
The "payment" block only exists after a valid payment is received.
If an order is not paid within 24 hours, the allocated address will be revoked and reused.
amount rules:
- For ETH/ERC20 tokens(USDT/DAI/USDC...): The received amount should be exactly the same as requested. Less or greater than requested will be treated as an invalid payment. Example, the requested amount is 1.234523 ETH, and the user paid 1.234524 ETH or 1.234522 ETH, will all be treated as invalid payments.
- For UTXO coins: The received amount should be equal or greater than requested * minPaidRate. Example, the request is 0.123456 BTC and minPaidRate equals 1, the payment is 0.123455 BTC, it will be treated as invalid, no payment info will be returned, and no notification will be sent. If payment is 0.123456 BTC or 0.123457 BTC, then it will be treated as valid. When minPaidRate equals 0.98, the target amount will be: 0.123456 * 0.98 = 0.12098688 BTC, a payment of 0.123455 BTC will also be treated as valid.
Note that minPaidRate only works for UTXO coins (not including ETH/ERC20 tokens), for ETH/ERC20 tokens, minPaidRate is always 1. The Merchant's Payment UI should always ask the customer to pay the exact amount showing in the page.
paymentStatus can have the following value:
- 0: Initial status, no payment (or invalid payments);
- 1: A valid payment is received, status: unconfirmed;
- 2: A valid payment is received, status: confirmed;
- 9: The payment transaction is canceled or failed;
Note: The merchant should handle paymentStatus 9 in a proper manner. paymentStatus 9 can happen even after a transaction is confirmed (in case of blockchain rollback, even though it is very rare).
If something is wrong for processing, or the merchant passed the wrong parameters, the Api returns corresponding error code:
"message": <error message>,
"status": <error code>
A list of status codes are:
- 0: success
- -1: Insufficient fee
- -31: Lack of madatory parameters
- -41: Wallet not exists
- -61: Invalid Order Price
- -62: Unsupported Fiat Currency
- -63: Unsupported Coin Type
- -64: Coin not open in corresponding Merchant Wallet
- -65: Order ID and Order Price not match (Fetch orderId again with non-empty orderPrice, but with a different value of the first fetch)
- -66: Can't generate more address
- -67: Merchant Account not exists
- -68: orderHash incorrect
- -202: Invalid exchange rate for coin (Server side error)
The Ownbit Platform charges 2% - 0.3% of transaction volume as the processing fee according to how much volume the merchant has processed in total. And the fee must be deposited into your Ownbit Merchant Wallet before hand. If the current fee is insufficient, the Api will return the following error:
"message": "Insufficient fee",
"status": -1
Fee rate for different volume range :
- 2%: Total processed volume less than 1,000 USD
- 1.5%: Total processed volume between 1,000 USD - 10,000 USD
- 1%: Total processed volume between 10,000 USD - 100,000 USD
- 0.9%: Total processed volume between 100,000 USD - 500,000 USD
- 0.8%: Total processed volume between 500,000 USD - 1,000,000 USD
- 0.7%: Total processed volume between 1,000,000 USD - 5,000,000 USD
- 0.6%: Total processed volume between 5,000,000 USD - 10,000,000 USD
- 0.5%: Total processed volume between 10,000,000 USD - 50,000,000 USD
- 0.4%: Total processed volume between 50,000,000 USD - 100,000,000 USD
- 0.3%: Total processed volume > 100,000,000 USD
The Ownbit Platform will call the merchant's callback_url to notify the merchant that a payment is received or a payment state is changed. callback_url must be a POST interface. POST data is passed as the following:
Note: Deposit enough fee in your Ownbit Merchant Wallet. The Ownbit Platform will stop calling the notification as long as the fee balance becomes less than 0.
Note: When you deposite enough fee in your Ownbit Merchant Wallet, the missed notification will be resent to callback_url automatically.
Note: Set callback_url in your Ownbit Merchant Wallet -> Wallet Management -> Merchant Options.
"orderPrice":"1000 USD",
"payment": {
"txHash": "ea6b0490a2e62d841677fc62cc1dd48eb987e8bc121c25ec0d4af9db116e6e9b",
"coinType": "BTC",
"amount": "0.123765", --> received amount
"paymentStatus": 2,
"confirmations": 1,
"rbf": false
"callbackHash": "fc1e249e4595220f18c8298e1e5d261e352b4382a1d33c3ccc8342e94fd94be5"
callbackHash is used to verify that the call is really originated from the Ownbit Platform. The merchant side should recompute the callbackHash, and compare with the one received in the request, to make sure the call is from Ownbit. The computing algorithm is as follows:
callbackHash = SHA256(walletId+":"+orderId+":"+orderPrice+":"+txHash+":"+coinType+":"+amount+":"+paymentStatus+":"+confirmations+":"+rbf+":"+apiKey)
In above example, if apiKey = 11f9eaff08754dac910d744449b7a377, walletId = r89fdk3mrf1d
callbackHash = SHA256("r89fdk3mrf1d:order12345:1000 USD:ea6b0490a2e62d841677fc62cc1dd48eb987e8bc121c25ec0d4af9db116e6e9b:BTC:0.123765:2:1:0:11f9eaff08754dac910d744449b7a377"); Note that space inside orderPrice is included in computing.
If rbf is true, use 1 for computing, otherwise use 0 for computing.
The Ownbit Platform expects a plain string: "SUCCESS" or a JSON string contains "SUCCESS" as the response. If the response is not SUCCESS, the platform will continuously to call the url in specific time gaps (30 secs, 1 min, 2 mins, 5 mins, 30 mins, 2 hours, 6 hours, 1 day and 2 days), until it fails after 10 times. Example response:
Situations the callback is triggered
- A: A new payment is received;
- B: The unconfirmed payment becomes confirmed;
- C: A payment is canceled or failed;
The merchant might get multiple notifications for a payment. Possible notification cases are as follows:
CASE 1: A -> B (First get notification A, then get B, the pyament comes to unconfirmed first, and then confirmed)
CASE 2: B (the payment goes to confirmed directly, no unconfirmed state)
CASE 3: A -> C (the payment goes to unconfirmed, and then canceled)
Sometime payments may take dozens of minute to confirm, should the merchant trust unconfirmed payments or not? If not trust unconfirmed payments, the customer may need to wait for long time to get the goods. It's not friendly in some cases especially for digital contents. But if we trust all unconfirmed payments, attackers can make use of this vulnerability, open a new order, get the goods, and then cancel or make the transaction invalid.
To get around of this problem, Ownbit suggests a general rule for merchants to follow:
- For account based coins, like: ETH/ERC20 tokens(USDT/DAI/USDC...), always trust confirmed payments only, ship your digital contents to your cusomter only after payment transaction get confirmed.
- For UTXO based coins, like: BTC/BCH/LTC..., merchants can trust unconfirmed payments when rbf is false. The merchant can ship the digital contents immediately if rbf is false.
- Unconfirmed payments with rbf equals to true, can be canceled in technical very easily. If merchants trust such payments, they should have a mechanism to get their goods back if the payments get canceled.
- It's very difficult and very rare for unconfirmed payments get canceled if the rbf is false. But it's not to say impossible in theory.
- Merchants should get well prepared for handle notification of paymentStatus 9, to deal with payments cancelation.
If you won't integrate /getCryptoByOrderId Api in low level, you can use Ownbit Pay Page directly. For each order, you open an URL similar like below for payment:
Parameters for Pay Page:
- orderId: same as /getCryptoByOrderId Api.
- orderPrice: same as /getCryptoByOrderId Api.
- walletId: same as /getCryptoByOrderId Api.
- orderHash: same as /getCryptoByOrderId Api.
- coinType: same as /getCryptoByOrderId Api.
- minPaidRate: (Optional)same as /getCryptoByOrderId Api.
- orderSubject: The Subject for the order.
- orderDescription: The description text for the order.
- lang: the page language, allowed values are:
- en: English, default
- cn: Simplified Chinese
- tra: Traditional Chinese
- jp: Japanese
- kr: Korean
- ru: Russian
All parameters are URLEncoded. Example, an URLEncoded value of "1.3 CNY" is "1.3%20CNY"
JS code example for URLEncode:
// Encode a URI
var param = "A pizza 8-10 inches with 6 slices";
var encodedParam = encodeURI(param);
// OUTPUT: A%20pizza%208-10%20inches%20with%206%20slices
Java code for integrating /getCryptoByOrderId Api and orderHash computing is in the java directly.