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Node Discovery Protocol v5 - Wire Protocol

Protocol version v5.2

This document specifies the wire protocol of Node Discovery v5.


Here we present the notation that is used throughout this document.

[ .. , .. , .. ]
    is recursive encoding as an RLP list
a || b
    means binary concatenation of a and b
xor(a, b)
    means binary XOR of a and b
    is the SHA256 digest of x
aesctr_encrypt(key, iv, pt)
    is unauthenticated AES/CTR symmetric encryption with the given key and iv.
    Size of key and iv is 16 bytes (AES-128).
aesgcm_encrypt(key, nonce, pt, ad)
    is AES-GCM encryption/authentication with the given key, nonce and additional
    authenticated data ad. Size of key is 16 bytes (AES-128), size of nonce 12 bytes.

UDP Communication

Node discovery messages are sent as UDP datagrams. Since UDP is a lossy transport, packets may be received in any order or not at all. Implementations should not re-send packets if the recipient doesn't respond.

The maximum size of any packet is 1280 bytes. Implementations should not generate or process packets larger than this size. Most messages are smaller than this limit by definition, the exception being the NODES message. FINDNODE returns up to 16 records, plus other data. As per specification the maximum size of an ENR is 300 bytes. A NODES message containing all FINDNODE response records would be at least 4800 bytes, not including additional data such as the header. To stay below the size limit, NODES responses are sent as multiple messages and specify the total number of responses in the message.

The minimum size of any Discovery v5 packet is 63 bytes. Implementations should reject packets smaller than this size.

Since low-latency communication is expected, implementations should place short timeouts on request/response interactions. Good timeout values are 500ms for a single request/response and 1s for the handshake.

When responding to a request, the response should be sent to the UDP envelope address of the request.

Packet Encoding

The protocol deals with four distinct kinds of packets:

  • Ordinary message packets, which carry an encrypted/authenticated message.
  • Session message packets. These are identical to an ordinary message packets, but cannot trigger a handshake.
  • WHOAREYOU packets, which are sent when the recipient of an ordinary message packet cannot decrypt/authenticate the packet's message.
  • Handshake message packets, which are sent following WHOAREYOU. These packets establish a new session and carry handshake-related data in addition to the encrypted/authenticated message.

In the following definitions, we assume that the sender of a packet has knowledge of its own 256-bit node ID (src-id) and the node ID of the packet destination (dest-id). When sending any packet except WHOAREYOU, the sender also generates a unique 96-bit nonce value.

Protocol Header

All discovery packets contain a header followed by an optional encrypted and authenticated message.

Header information is 'masked' using symmetric encryption in order to avoid static identification of the protocol by firewalls.

packet        = masking-iv || masked-header || message
masked-header = aesctr_encrypt(masking-key, masking-iv, header)
masking-key   = dest-id[:16]
masking-iv    = uint128   -- random data unique to packet

The masked-header contains the actual packet header, which starts with a fixed-size static-header, followed by a variable-length authdata section (of size authdata-size).

header        = static-header || authdata
static-header = protocol-id || version || flag || nonce || authdata-size
protocol-id   = "discv5"
version       = 0x0002
authdata-size = uint16    -- byte length of authdata
flag          = uint8     -- packet type identifier
nonce         = uint96    -- nonce of message

Decrypting the masked header data works as follows: The recipient constructs an AES/CTR stream cipher using its own node ID (dest-id) as the key and taking the IV from the packet. It can then decrypt the static-header and verify that protocol-id matches the expected string. If it does, the recipient can read authdata-size and unmask the remaining authdata.

Implementations should not respond to packets with mismatching protocol-id.

In ordinary message packets and handshake message packets, the packet contains an authenticated message after the authdata section. For WHOAREYOU packets, the message is empty. Implementations must generate a unique nonce value for every message packet.

message       = aesgcm_encrypt(initiator-key, nonce, message-pt, message-ad)
message-pt    = message-type || message-data
message-ad    = masking-iv || header

The flag field of the header identifies the kind of packet and determines the encoding of authdata, which differs depending on the packet type.

Ordinary Message Packet (flag = 0)

For message packets, the authdata section is just the source node ID.

authdata      = src-id
authdata-size = 32

message packet layout

Session Message Packet (flag = 3)

The structure of this type is identical to an ordinary message packet, apart from the different flag value.

Session packets are used to send a message that assumes an existing session. When a packet with this flag value is received and cannot be decrypted, the packet should be dropped, and not trigger a WHOAREYOU response.

WHOAREYOU Packet (flag = 1)

In WHOAREYOU packets, the authdata section contains information for the identity verification procedure. The message part of WHOAREYOU packets is always empty. The nonce part of the packet must be set to the nonce of the message packet that caused the WHOAREYOU response.

authdata      = id-nonce || enr-seq
authdata-size = 24
id-nonce      = uint128   -- random bytes
enr-seq       = uint64    -- ENR sequence number of the requesting node

whoareyou packet layout

Handshake Message Packet (flag = 2)

For handshake message packets, the authdata section has variable size since public key and signature sizes depend on the ENR identity scheme. For the "v4" identity scheme, we assume 64-byte signature size and 33 bytes of (compressed) public key size.

authdata starts with a fixed-size authdata-head component, followed by the ID signature, ephemeral public key and optional node record.

The record field may be omitted if the enr-seq of WHOAREYOU is recent enough, i.e. when it matches the current sequence number of the sending node. If enr-seq is zero, the record must be sent. Node records are encoded and verified as specified in EIP-778.

Please refer to the handshake section for more information about the content of the handshake packet.

authdata      = authdata-head || id-signature || eph-pubkey || record
authdata-head = src-id || sig-size || eph-key-size
authdata-size = 34 + sig-size + eph-key-size + len(record)
sig-size      = uint8     -- value: 64 for ID scheme "v4"
eph-key-size  = uint8     -- value: 33 for ID scheme "v4"

handshake packet layout


Messages are the payloads of packets. A message is identified by its message-type and contain message-data specific to each type.

There are three classes of messages:

For request and response messages, the first element of every message-data list is the request ID. request-id is an RLP byte array of length <= 8 bytes. For requests, this value is assigned by the requester. The recipient of a message must mirror the value in the request-id element of the response. The selection of appropriate values for request IDs is left to the implementation.

All defined protocol messages are listed below. The hexadecimal value in parentheses is the message-type.

PING Request (0x01)

message-data = [request-id, enr-seq]
message-type = 0x01
enr-seq      = local ENR sequence number of sender

PING checks whether the recipient is alive and informs it about the sender's ENR sequence number.

PONG Response (0x02)

message-data   = [request-id, enr-seq, recipient-ip, recipient-port]
message-type   = 0x02
enr-seq        = ENR sequence number of sender
recipient-ip   = 16 or 4 byte IP address of the intended recipient
recipient-port = recipient UDP port, a 16-bit integer

PONG is the reply to PING.

FINDNODE Request (0x03)

message-data = [request-id, [distance₁, distance₂, ..., distanceₙ]]
message-type = 0x03
distanceₙ    = requested log2 distance, a positive integer

FINDNODE queries for nodes at the given logarithmic distances from the recipient's node ID. When distance 0 is requested, the result set should contain the recipient's current record.

The recipient should create the result set by collecting nodes from its local node table according to the requested distances. Implementations should limit the number of nodes in the result set. The recommended result limit for FINDNODE queries is 16 nodes.

NODES Response (0x04)

message-data = [request-id, total, [ENR, ...]]
message-type = 0x04
total        = total number of responses to the request

NODES is the response to a FINDNODE. Multiple NODES messages may be sent as responses to a single query. Implementations may place a limit on the allowed maximum for total. If exceeded, additional responses may be ignored.

When handling NODES as a response to FINDNODE, the recipient should verify that the received nodes match the requested distances.

TALKREQ Request (0x05)

message-data = [request-id, protocol, request]
message-type = 0x05

TALKREQ sends an application-level request. The purpose of this message is pre-negotiating connections made through another application-specific protocol identified by protocol. protocol and request are RLP byte arrays.

The recipient must respond with a TALKRESP message containing the response to the request. If the protocol is unknown to the recipient, it must respond with a TALKRESP response containing empty response data.

TALKRESP Response (0x06)

message-data = [request-id, response]
message-type = 0x06
request-id   = request-id of TALKREQ

TALKRESP is the response to TALKREQ. The response is a RLP byte array containing the response data.

RELAYINIT Notification (0x07)

message-data      = [initiator-enr, target-id, nonce]
notification-type = 0x07
target-id         = 256-bit node ID of target
nonce             = uint96    -- nonce of timed out request

RELAYINIT is a notification sent from the initiator of a hole punch attempt to a relay. The sender sets the initiator-enr to its own ENR.

The relay looks up the ENR of target-id in its node table, and if it exists relays the initiator-enr and nonce to the target in a RELAYMSG notification.

RELAYMSG Notification (0x08)

message-data      = [initiator-enr, nonce]
notification-type = 0x08
nonce             = uint96    -- nonce of timed out request

RELAYMSG is a notification from the relay in a hole punch attempt to the target. The receiver sends the nonce back to the initiator in a WHOAREYOU packet using the initiator-enr to address it.

Test Vectors

A collection of test vectors for this specification can be found at discv5 wire test vectors.