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Implementation of Verkle Trees as specified in EIP-6800

Verkle trees are a cryptographic data structure proposed for use in Ethereum to optimize storage and transaction verification. They combine features of Merkle Patricia Tries and Vector Commitment Trees to offer efficient data verification with smaller proof sizes. The goal is to improve scalability and efficiency in Ethereum's network operations.

This package is currently in early alpha and is a work in progress. It is not intended for use in production environments, but rather for research and development purposes. Any help in improving the package is very much welcome.


To obtain the latest version, simply require the project using npm:

npm install @ethereumjs/verkle



To initialize a verkle tree, we provide an async constructor createVerkleTree which returns a VerkleTree instance that is properly initialized with the required VerkleCrypto package that implements the necessary cryptographic primitives used by Verkle trees.

// ./examples/simple.ts#L7-L7

const tree = await createVerkleTree()

Note, the current VerkleCrypto library we use internally is verkle-cryptography-wasm which is a WASM compilation of the rust-verkle library with some Javascript specific wrappers and helper methods.

If you prefer to instantiate the verkle tree class directly, you can do so by passing in an already instantiated VerkleCrypto object and then initializing the root node manually.

// ./examples/diyVerkle.ts

import { MapDB, bytesToHex } from '@ethereumjs/util'
import { VerkleTree } from '@ethereumjs/verkle'
import * as verkle from 'micro-eth-signer/verkle'
const loadVerkleCrypto = () => Promise.resolve(verkle)

const verkleCrypto = await loadVerkleCrypto()

const main = async () => {
  const tree = new VerkleTree({
    cacheSize: 0,
    db: new MapDB<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>(),
    useRootPersistence: false,
  await tree.createRootNode()
  console.log(bytesToHex(tree.root())) // 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

void main()

Getting and Putting Values

Values are stored using a combination of a stem obtained through the getVerkleStem function exposed by @ethereumjs/util. In the context of Ethereum, to retrieve the data associated with an account at a particular address, we would first compute the verkle stem of that address (getVerkleStem(verkleCrypto, address)), and then get the particular pieces of data we're interested in by suffixing the stem with the suffixes corresponding to that data.

Following the design goal of verkle trees of allowing efficient reads and writes of multiple values that are "close" to each other, the get and put methods take a stem as a first argument and then an array of "suffixes" (the 32nd byte) of the key used to access a value.

Getting values

When retrieving values given a stem 0xc5e561a64a0f52c2d038d827293b3deab99a886d41cc0667c938946dcad853 and suffixes [0, 1], the get method would access the values stored at 0x781f1e4238f9de8b4d0ede9932f5a4d08f15dae70000 and 0x781f1e4238f9de8b4d0ede9932f5a4d08f15dae70001.

Putting values

When storing values given a stem 0xc5e561a64a0f52c2d038d827293b3deab99a886d41cc0667c938946dcad853, suffixes [0, 1], and values ['test', 'test2'], the put method would store the values at 0xc5e561a64a0f52c2d038d827293b3deab99a886d41cc0667c938946dcad85300 and 0xc5e561a64a0f52c2d038d827293b3deab99a886d41cc0667c938946dcad85301.

See below for a complete example.

// ./examples/simple.ts

import { bytesToUtf8, createAddressFromString, getVerkleStem, utf8ToBytes } from '@ethereumjs/util'
import { createVerkleTree } from '@ethereumjs/verkle'

async function test() {
  const addrHex = '0x781f1e4238f9de8b4d0ede9932f5a4d08f15dae7'
  const address = createAddressFromString(addrHex)
  const tree = await createVerkleTree()
  const stem = getVerkleStem(tree['verkleCrypto'], address)
  await tree.put(stem, [0], [utf8ToBytes('test')])
  const value = await tree.get(stem, [0, 1])
  console.log(value[0] ? bytesToUtf8(value[0]) : 'not found') // 'test'
  console.log(value[1] ? bytesToUtf8(value[1]) : 'not found') // 'not found'

void test()


Verkle Proofs

The EthereumJS Verkle package is still in development and verkle proof generation is not yet supported.


With the breaking release round in Summer 2023 we have added hybrid ESM/CJS builds for all our libraries (see section below) and have eliminated many of the caveats which had previously prevented frictionless browser usage.

It is now easily possible to run a browser build of one of the EthereumJS libraries within a modern browser using the provided ESM build. For a setup example see ./examples/browser.html.



Generated TypeDoc API Documentation

Hybrid CJS/ESM Builds

The verkle package is shipped with both CommonJS and ESM builds.

If you use an ESM import in your code, import as below:

import { createVerkleTree } from '@ethereumjs/verkle'

If you use Node.js-specific require, the CJS build will be used:

const { createVerkleTree } = require('@ethereumjs/verkle')


This library uses the debug debugging utility package.

The Verkle class features optional debug logging. Individual debug selections can be activated on the CL with DEBUG=ethjs,[Logger Selection].

The following options are available:

Logger Description
verkle:# a core verkle operation has occurred
verkle:#:put a verkle put operation has occurred
verkle:#:get a verkle get operation has occurred
verkle:#:del a verkle del operation has occurred
verkle:#:find_path a node is being searched for

To observe the logging in action at different levels:

Run with minimal logging:

DEBUG=ethjs,verkle npx vitest test/verkle.spec.ts

Run with put method logging:

DEBUG=ethjs,verkle:put npx vitest test/verkle.spec.ts

Run with verkle + put/get/del logging:

DEBUG=ethjs,verkle,verkle:put,verkle:get,verkle:del npx vitest test/verkle.spec.ts

Run with max logging:

DEBUG=ethjs,verkle:* npx vitest test/verkle.spec.ts

ethjs must be included in the DEBUG environment variables to enable any logs. Additional log selections can be added with a comma separated list (no spaces). Logs with extensions can be enabled with a colon :, and * can be used to include all extensions.

DEBUG=ethjs,verkle:#:put,verkle:#:find_path:* npx vitest test/interop.spec.ts



See our organizational documentation for an introduction to EthereumJS as well as information on current standards and best practices. If you want to join for work or carry out improvements on the libraries, please review our contribution guidelines first.
