Command = require('es_command');
// create either from json
msg_string = '{"id":"123","type":"user","action":"setName","params":["ricky"]}';
command = new Command(msg_string);
// or from a hash
msg = {
id: 123,
type: "user",
action: "setName",
params: ["ricky"]
command = new Command(msg);
// Accessors
command.getDataId() // 123
command.getDataType() // "user"
command.getAction() // "setName"
command.getParams() // ["ricky"]
command.getMessage() // message in hash format
command.getSerializedMessage() // message in json format
// Execute
// run the command's action on a given object
// if the command accepts a callback, you can do async/chaining
// the command calls current_user.setName("ricky",cb)
// and setName would run this code whenever it would run cb()