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Software platform for Simulation of advanced photon Experiments.

Build Status master Build Status develop

Purpose of SimEx

SimEx is a python library to facilitate setup, execution, and analysis of simulations of experiments at advanced laser light sources. As an example, consider a molecule radiated by highly brilliant, ultrashort x-ray pulses such as delivered by an X-Ray Free Electron Laser (X-FEL). The simulation platform allows to combine tools and codes for the simulation of each step of the experiment: Generation of radiation in the photon source, propagation through optics and waveguides to the interaction point, photon-matter interaction, scattering of the radiation into the far field and detection of the latter. The platform provides slots and interfaces for the various simulation steps.

User manual

For more details (user manual, installation instructions, examples, etc.), please visit the project's readthedocs page at


Get source code:

git clone --depth 1 -b master


yum install -y hdf5 hdf5-devel fftw-devel flex bison

Conda (preferred)

wget -c -O /tmp/
sh /tmp/
  • Select a directory XX where to install miniconda, consider 5GB of free disk space.
  • Add the XX/miniconda/bin/ directory to your path
./ conda-env
conda init $SHELL

restart your shell

conda activate simex
./ conda

Docker image

To run the docker image, edit and run the script.


Tutorial notebooks


The size of this Github repository of SimEx is huge due to the historical TestFiles.

This command can clone only the newest develop branch to reduce the dowloading size:

git clone --depth 1 -b develop

Now the TestFiles are hosted at Zenodo. The files can be downloaded with this script.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654220 and No 823852.