Release of 1.0.5 version.
Now you could set API url through config:
YandexMoney.configure do |config|
config.money_url = ""
config.sp_money_url = ""
Some API changes - now exceptions raised only for 4xx and 500 error codes, changed returned values.
Big refactoring of specs, they are can run without vcr cassettes with success, small fixes in README, list of operations in operations history now are OpenStruct, not hash.
Change OpenStruct to RecursiveOpenStruct in all responses.
Totally new API (like in other implementations), temporally removed logger, removed spec/support/constants
from git (for travis now it encrypted).
Disable handling of HTTP errors inside gem in process_payment
Add support for logging.
Exceptions now is divided by classes, now it lives in lib/yandex_money/exceptions.rb
for details.
Changed API for initialization and obtain_token
method. Now secret key only needed in obtain_token