Fruit Ninja is a mobile game developed by Halfbrick Studios that released in April 2010 on the iOS App Store. In Fruit Ninja, the player slices fruit with a blade controlled via the touch screen. As the fruit is thrown onto the screen, the player swipes their finger across the screen to create a slicing motion, attempting to slice the fruit in half.
- Topics: Physics, 3D Models, Particle Effects
- Version: Unity 2020.3 (LTS)
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The Fruit Ninja game was combined with Human Pose Estimation with Event Camera to create a game where you move your arms to slice the fruit.
[Todo: Flowchart goes here]
A = event data going from the camera to the computer B = Event packets from the atis_bridge to module that creates a representation, specifically EROS C = EROS frame-like representation goes into a python module that detects Human Pose D = 13-point skeleton is fed to fruit ninja Unity executable.
- The system has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and pop_os 20.04 LTS
- 2 Docker images are available online and offline for computers with and without GPU.
- The Fruit-ninja same is available as an executable for Linux. Another can be created for Windows on demand.
- YARP is used as middleware for the entire process