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Title: Everpub: reusable research, 21st century style Author: Tim Head (Europe lead), Titus Brown (US lead)


The open source/open science community is rapidly converging around a set of technologies that will enable highly reproducible and reusable computer-aided research. These technologies include environments to encode and encapsulate dependencies, cloud computing to execute workflows, collaboration technologies that enable remixing, and text formats that enable comparison and merging.

We believe that the time is right to develop a vertical spike through the problem space, with tools to go from an empty directory to a fully rendered paper with an associated workflow that can be executed, reviewed, and remixed. We will explore a specific vertical integration of the existing tools in a focused way, find points of general technical agreement, and map areas where further work is needed. In the process, we will provide a technical basis for demos and extension. Engagement with a broad community, open discussion, and community brainstorming will build consensus about "solved" problems as well as discovering the hard knots of disagreement. Finally, open community building around this problem will inevitably yield serendipitous long-term interactions.


In recent years, a robust set of technologies has emerged that are being applied to the problem of reproducible computational publications and narrative data analysis. These include widely used languages with a robust ecosystem of libraries (R and Python), distributed version control systems that support collaboration, remixing, and forking (git and Mercurial), platforms to host collaboration around digital objects (GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab), isolated execution platforms (virtual machines, cloud computing, and containers), configuration and dependency specification (Debian, Nix/Guix, conda, Docker), "notebook" technologies (Jupyter, RMarkdown), DOI minting, and many others.

Even more recently, these technologies have been combined by open science enthusiasts to deliver components that support highly reproducible open science. For example, mybinder, everware and tmpnb enable the execution of Jupyter notebooks in highly configurable remote containers.

Despite these advances, there are still many missing components of a system for executable papers. Moreover, we would like to be able to isolate, modify, and remix the individual components of these papers, which motivates a design where papers are but a single output of a more comprehensive computational workflow.

First and foremost, we need a compute-independent specification of the computational workflow including not only the dependencies and environment needed to execute the code, but also the meta-data needed to indicate the inputs, outputs, and configuration parameters that describe the workflow at a semantic level. Such a specification would permit introspection of the repository to support execution, composition, and remixing.

Second, we need close integration with at least one or two widely used cloud providers so that people can "bring their own compute". Current execution systems (mybinder, everware, tmpnb) are tied to particular providers, have no immediate system for scaling to larger compute, and do not integrate with any authentication systems. We also need to provide simple methods for local development and execution on laptops, workstations, HPCs, and private clouds.

Third, we need to expand support and gain experience with additional literate data analysis ecosystems - namely, R and RMarkdown. The technologies mentioned above natively support Jupyter, which is not as widely used in the biomedical research environment as RMarkdown.

Fourth, there is as yet no simple and opinionated way to get started writing an executable paper. This leaves new users who are enthusiastic about the concept of highly reproducible publishing with no good starting point, and blocks the creation of training materials.

Fifth, we lack ready integration with many useful services such as continuous integration (to run executable papers on pull requests with e.g. TravisCI), DOI minting (with e.g. Zenodo), and authorship tracking (ORCID).

Sixth, the current "notebook" style of execution supported by both Jupyter and RMarkdown limits reusability, remixability, and composibility of code segments. The rich Jupyter Notebook format specification also presents challenges for longevity of research artefacts. Before we "bake" notebooks into computational reproducibility, we should think more deeply about how these issues should be addressed (see e.g. this discussion).

Seventh, there are several missing technical components of the publishing stack for interacting with pre- and post-publication papers. For instance, we lack good tools for notebook/workflow comparison and "diffing" to support review and editorial processes. Moreover, we lack tools to integrate with publishing and repository submission workflows.

Eighth and finally, there are many communities interested in this question and fragmentation is a concern. We hope we can help nucleate a community to help convert the initial enthusiasm of a demo experience to contributions to technical and cultural aspects of building reusability into our publishing ecosystem.

The proposal

We therefore propose to use the award money to develop a "vertical spike" through the problem space, focused on tackling common challenges and integrating existing tools, to demonstrate as complete a pipeline as possible. Products from this would include:

  • a repository specification laying out the location of the dependency specification, input data, output data, output paper, and workflow execution details;

  • a Web app allowing users to discover, interact and experiment with publications integrating the tools and methods advocated here. We include a mock up of the user-interface for this in the OSP submission;

  • Docker-based execution instructions for non-cloud based development and execution of papers;

  • expanded support for RMarkdown and other components of the R ecosystem;

  • an opinionated "green field" repository creation Web app and associated command line tool;

  • demo integration with TravisCI, Zenodo, and ORCID.

In addition to these specific products, we would brainstorm, experiment, and build concept demos around workflow composition, notebook longevity, paper repository diffing and merging, and production of publication-ready XML.

The technical implementation, concept demos, and brainstorming would be supported by a community nucleated by this project, which we would support with social media channels, in-person hackathons, blog posts, and potentially publications.

It is important for us to note that we have no expectation of solving all or even most of the technical problems in this space, but we believe that we can make valuable progress in a specific vertical spike that would be of immediate value and inform a more general implementation.

Advancing the open biomedical sciences

This proposal addresses the criteria for the open science prize in the following ways:

  • Advancement of open science: We will advance open science in biomedical/health research by making it easier to publish reproducible, reusable, and remixable computational analyses. We believe that this project will help gather the scattered requirements and communities working in this area and bring their solutions and unsolved problems into a coherent focus.

  • Impact: The short term impact on biomedical science will be minimal, because the tools and processes we are developing require technical expertise not readily available in the biomedical sciences. We suspect that initial adoption will follow the trends of R and Python adoption, where the bioinformatics and genomics communities have led the way. However, it is inarguable that the future of the biomedical community involves increasing amounts of computational work, and we believe that this project will help pave the way to better computational workflows and publications.

    One of the team leads, CTB, is a card-carrying bioinformatician and genomics researcher; he will bake genomics use cases into the project.

  • Innovation: Our primary innovation will not be technical; many technical solutions already exist. Rather, our innovation is social: we hope to bring the open source community process to bear on this problem! We believe that community-oriented open source projects are one of the best ways make progress through understanding requirements and driving adoption.

  • Originality: we believe this project targets an unmet need for a full executable-papers process.

  • Technological viability and Resource feasibility are addressed throughout.

Short term user story

The use of executable papers provides a benefit to researchers from day one. Each of their projects exists in a separate, customisable environment. They can not interact with each other. No outsiders can modify the environment. This prevents the "This worked four weeks ago and I changed nothing!" scenario, enables rapid sharing with colleagues, and dramatically reduces the time and effort until new team members can make contributions to a project. It increases reproducibility and remixability.

Long term user story

Code is to data analysis what maths is to the laws of nature, the most precise description. Only the publication of code and environment together allows post hoc analysis for flawed methodology or whether a result was affected by a certain bug in a computer program used.

A mockup

Executable paper UI mock up (animated version at


The project will be run like an open-source project: anyone can join and become a contributor to the software, documentation and specifications we create. Building a community around these projects is a focus. The prize will be used to cover out of pocket expenses to achieve this goal:

  • Travel and fees for team members to attend workshops, sprints, and community events to build contacts and recruit new contributors.

  • Organising hackathons to engage with the community and build consensus on the specification and use-cases.

  • Cloud services for a live demonstrator. We will avoid buying physical objects as it is not clear what should happen with them at the end of the project.

TH will commit a significant amount of his time (60-80% FTE) to this project in the next six months. A large part of the budget will go towards paying for his time.

Openness first

The proponents (and contributors to this everpub proposal) will form the first members of a community we will build around this proposal.

The everpub proposal was written in the open on GitHub and was viewed by 356 unique visitors. A total of 20 people subscribed to the repository to be informed about all activity, 32 people showed their support by starring the repository, and twelve people actively contributed to the creation of this proposal. No financial incentives were offered for participation.

We have deliberately avoided converging on technical details in this proposal, except where consensus was quickly reached; discussion continues in the proposal github repository. We think this is a feature, not a bug, because it surfaces complex issues and details without cutting off discussion. It also demonstrates our approach to open discussion! Please see issue #16 for one excellent example of a discussion centring around specifying workflows.

This project will build on top of an existing ecosystem of open-source tools. We will contribute to existing open-source projects under their license. All newly created material and projects will be licensed under BSD3 for code and CC BY 4.0 for other material.

Related efforts

Several efforts exist to create interactive and reusable scientific articles. This includes: gitxiv, Open Science Framework, Galaxy, OpenML, IPOL, reprozip, researchobject, and Exec and share companion sites. To our knowledge, none by themselves provides what we propose. They either lack executability or generality, create lock in, require additional human effort after publication, or focus on workflow management.

Who we are

The proponents of this proposal are researchers in data intensive fields. They have significant technical experience with the individual components required to construct a working prototype. They also have a track record of contributing to open-source projects and growing communities around projects. Our US lead (CTB) is a genomics and bioinformatics researcher at UC Davis with a strong record of reproducible research, open science advocacy, and teaching. In addition, our European lead (TH) is an experimental particle physicist and active open source developer who has built everware as a technical demonstration of a system that allows people to jump right in to other's research code.

A detailed list of proponents is attached to the submission as proponents.pdf.

Expressions of interest in this project

We contacted the following organisations and received an expression of interest in seeing a working prototype implementing the ideas of this proposal:

Other communities to engage

If we are awarded a prize, we will:

  • invite librarians to the table to contribute their perspective on archiving publications and planning for data longevity;

  • talk to the many companies and non-profits working in this space, including Figshare, Overleaf, and Authorea.

  • engage with less technical communities in the biology world to discuss integration with other authoring tools;


Reproducibility is a main principle of the scientific method. We propose to make reproducibility a first-class citizen in computer aided research by enabling the publication of dynamic and interactive scientific narratives that can be verified, altered, reused, and cited from a web browser. This new interactive reusability will increase the transparency, quality and educational value of published scientific work.

There is a large interest in a project like this in the scientific and open-source communities as demonstrated by the interest in the preparation of this proposal and the expressions of interest from publishers.

Concretely, we propose to: build a web application for the publication of dynamic and interactive scientific narratives, create tools and educational material to accelerate the adoption of existing solutions for reusable science, and finally to build a community around these ideas.

Links and additional reading

Collaborative cloud-enabled tools allow rapid, reproducible biological insights, a publication in ISME by Min Ragan-Kelley et al., demonstrating the power of this approach.

Is mybinder a solution for next-gen computational science publishing?, a blog post by CTB, talks about the potential value of mybinder. The comments on composability by KH are also very interesting.