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This branch is 222 commits behind LegendsUnchained/vpx-standalone-alp4k:main.


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Original 2022)

Table Preview

Authors: BurtMacklin
Download File: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde V1.3.7z
Filename: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1.3.vpx
Download: VP Universe

DirectB2S Included with Table zip
Filename: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 2 screen.directb2s

Music Included with Table zip
Filenames: music (encoded at FULL VOLUME) and music (encoded at LOWER VOLUME) Choose Only One Folder


Authors: destruk
Download: VPforums

Tested by: TechZombie


Minimum VPX Standalone build: 10.8.0-1989-a764013

Playfield Controls Backglass DMD ROM Required FPS


  • Copy the contents of this repo folder to your USB drive
  • Add your personalized launcher.elf and rename it to vpx-drjekyllandmrhyde.elf
  • Download the table and directb2s listed above, extract (if necessary) and copy them to external/vpx-drjekyllandmrhyde
  • Make sure (.vpx), (.directb2s), (.ini), and (.vbs) files are all named the same
  • Choose either Full Volume or Lower Volume and rename folder to (music) then Copy (music) folder to vpx-drjekyllandmrhyde
  • Rom file ( stays in zip folder, place zip file in vpx-drjekyllandmrhyde/pinmame/roms
  • "It is one thing to mortify curiosity, another to conquer it." - Dr. Jekyll