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The trace-import command line tool helps you:

  • Analyze import/require() statements to understand why they aren't resolving correctly
  • Understand the relationships between package folders in your node_modules tree
  • Ensure that package.json files correctly export their .js and .d.ts entry points


It's recommended to install this package globally:

# Install the NPM package
npm install -g @rushstack/trace-import

# View the command-line help
trace-import --help

Command line

usage: trace-import [-h] [-d] -p IMPORT_PATH [-b FOLDER_PATH] [-t {cjs,es,ts}]

This tool analyzes import module paths, to determine the resolved target
folder. For example, if the "semver" NPM package is installed, "trace-import
--path semver/index" will print output equivalent to the Node.js require.
resolve() API. If "@types/semver" is installed, then "trace-import
--resolution-type ts --path semver/index" will print the .d.ts file path that
would be resolved by a TypeScript import statement.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -d, --debug           Show the full call stack if an error occurs while
                        executing the tool
                        The import module path to be analyzed. For example,
                        "example" in expressions such as: require("example");
                        require.resolve("example"); import { Thing } from
  -b FOLDER_PATH, --base-folder FOLDER_PATH
                        The "--path" string will be resolved as if the import
                        statement appeared in a script located in this folder.
                         If omitted, the current working directory is used.
  -t {cjs,es,ts}, --resolution-type {cjs,es,ts}
                        The type of module resolution to perform: "cjs" for
                        CommonJS, "es" for ES modules, or "ts" for TypeScript
                        typings. The default value is "cjs".

Sample outputs

These commands were invoked in the C:\Git\rushstack\apps\trace-import folder where trace-import is developed.

Resolving a CommonJS main index

trace-import --path semver

Sample output:

Base folder:             C:\Git\rushstack\apps\trace-import
Package name:            semver
Package subpath:         (not specified)


Package folder:          C:\Git\rushstack\common\temp\node_modules\.pnpm\semver@7.3.8\node_modules\semver
package.json:            semver (7.3.8)
Main index:              "main": "index.js"

Target path:             C:\Git\rushstack\common\temp\node_modules\.pnpm\semver@7.3.8\node_modules\semver\index.js

Resolving a CommonJS package subpath

trace-import --path typescript/bin/tsc

Sample output:

Base folder:             C:\Git\rushstack\apps\trace-import
Package name:            typescript
Package subpath:         bin/tsc


Package folder:          C:\Git\rushstack\common\temp\node_modules\.pnpm\typescript@4.8.4\node_modules\typescript
package.json:            typescript (4.8.4)

Target path:             C:\Git\rushstack\common\temp\node_modules\.pnpm\typescript@4.8.4\node_modules\typescript\bin\tsc

Resolving a TypeScript declaration

trace-import --resolution-type ts --path semver

Sample output:

Base folder:             C:\Git\rushstack\apps\trace-import
Package name:            semver
Package subpath:         (not specified)


Package folder:          C:\Git\rushstack\common\temp\node_modules\.pnpm\semver@7.3.8\node_modules\semver
package.json:            semver (7.3.8)
@types folder:           C:\Git\rushstack\common\temp\node_modules\.pnpm\@types+semver@7.3.5\node_modules\@types\semver
@types package.json:     @types/semver (7.3.5)
@types main index:       "types": "index.d.ts"

Target path:             C:\Git\rushstack\common\temp\node_modules\.pnpm\@types+semver@7.3.5\node_modules\@types\semver\index.d.ts

Resolving a relative path

trace-import --path ./config/rig.json

Sample output:

Base folder:             C:\Git\rushstack\apps\trace-import
Import path:             ./config/rig.json

The import path does not appear to reference an NPM package.

Target path:             C:\Git\rushstack\apps\trace-import\config\rig.json


The trace-import tool is part of the Rush Stack family of projects.