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File metadata and controls

374 lines (293 loc) · 16.8 KB

Access to GMrepo using Perl through RESTful APIs

Table of contents

Install and load required modules

Please install the following required modules:

## -- if you are using Debian Linux, following is the recommended way.
## -- start CPAN shell
perl -MCPAN -e shell

## -- install HTTP::Request
cpan> install HTTP::Request

## -- install LWP::UserAgent
cpan> install LWP::UserAgent

## -- install Encode
cpan> install Encode

## -- install JSON
cpan> install JSON

## -- install Data::Dumper
cpan> install Data::Dumper

## -- quit CPAN shell
cpan> q

Load required modules:

#!usr/bin/perl      -w
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Encode;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;

Declare a variable:

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;


Get all phenotypes and statistics

input: none,

output: an array

### -- get all phenotypes  --
my $url1 = '';
my $req1 = HTTP::Request->new('POST' => $url1);
my $all_phenotypes = decode_json($ua->request($req1)->content())->{'phenotypes'};

### -- select the valid key-value pairs
my @col = ('disease','term','note', 'all_samples', 'processed_runs','valid_runs','failed_runs','nr_species','nr_genus');
my $row = @$all_phenotypes;
my @phenotypes = map{my %h;@h{@col}=@$_{@col};\%h}@$all_phenotypes[0..($row-1)];

### -- the resulting variable is an array of hashes
print "print the top 5 elements:\n";
print Dumper(@phenotypes[0..4]);

The array phenotypes contains phenotypes and related statistics as shown in, the elements of '@phenotypes' are anonymous hashes.

Get statistics on a phenotype

Using the corresponding MeSH ID (e.g. D006262 for Health ), uses can first obtain some statistics information of the phenotype, including:

  • nr of associated species/genera
  • nr of total/processed/qualified runs
  • and other information

input: a MeSH ID,

output: a scalar

## -- get summary information by mesh_id
my $url2 = '';
my $res2 = $ua->post($url2,Content => '{"mesh_id": "D006262"}');## -- to get statistics on MeSH ID D006262
my $phenotype_stats = decode_json($res2->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to a hash of hashes
print "\$phenotype_stats:","\n";
print Dumper($phenotype_stats);

Get associated species of a phenotype

Again the MeSH ID D006262 will be needed as the input:

input: a MeSH ID,

output: a scalar

## -- all associted species --
## -- please note only species that are found in >= 2 runs & with median relative abundance >= 0.01% will be retrieved
my $url3 = '';
my $res3 = $ua->post($url3,Content => '{"mesh_id": "D006262"}');
my $phenotype_assoc_species = decode_json($res3->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to an array of hashes
print "print the top 5 elements:\n";
print Dumper(@$phenotype_assoc_species[0..4]);

Get associated genera of a phenotype

input: a MeSH ID,

output: a scalar

## -- all associted genera --
## -- please note only genera that are found in >= 2 runs & with median relative abundance >= 0.01% will be retrieved
my $url4 = '';
my $res4 = $ua->post($url4,Content => '{"mesh_id": "D006262"}');
my $phenotype_assoc_genera = decode_json($res4->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to an array of hashes
print "print the top 5 elements:\n";
print Dumper(@$phenotype_assoc_genera[0..4]);

Calculate species/genera prevalence

Prevalence refers to the percentage of runs in which a species/genus is found out of the total number of valid runs; the latter can be found in $phenotype_stats->{stats}->{nr_valid_samples}.

## calculate species/genera prevalence for all species associated with Health (D006262):
my @species_prevalence = map {
        $_->{samples} / $phenotype_stats->{stats}->{nr_valid_samples} * 100

## calculate species prevalence for all genera associated with Health (D006262):
my @genera_prevalence = map {
        $_->{samples} / $phenotype_stats->{stats}->{nr_valid_samples} * 100

Get associated projects

input: a MeSH ID,

output: a scalar

## -- all associted projects --
my $url6 = '';
my $res6 = $ua->post($url6,Content => '{"mesh_id": "D006262"}');
my $phenotype_assoc_pros = decode_json($res6->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to an array of hashes
print "print the top 5 elements:\n";
print Dumper(@$phenotype_assoc_pros[0..4]);

Please note very often a project may contain samples/runs of multiple phenotypes.

Get curated projects

input: NULL,

output: a scalar

## -- all associted projects --
my $url6 = '';
my $res6 = $ua->post($url6,Content => '{}');
my $curated_pros = decode_json($res6->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to an array of hashes
print "print the top 5 elements:\n";
print Dumper(@$curated_pros[0..4]);

Get associated runs

Some phenotypes are associated with tens of thousands of runs (e.g. Health (D006262)) that are too many to be retrieved with one call. Therefore it may take a two-step procedure to retrieve all runs associated with phenotype.

First, count the number of runs associated with a phenotype:

input: a MeSH ID,

output: a scalar

## -- count associated runs --
my $url7 = '';
my $res7 = $ua->post($url7,Content => '{"mesh_id": "D006262"}');
my $phenotyp_nr_assoc_runs = decode_json($res7->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to an array of hash
print (keys %{@$phenotyp_nr_assoc_runs[0]},":",values %{@$phenotyp_nr_assoc_runs[0]},"\n");

Then users can use a loop retrieve the associated runs, 100 runs at a time:

input: a MeSH ID, the number of records to skip, the number of records to retrieve; see below.

output: a scalar

## -- get all associted runs --
## use skip = 0, limit = 100 to retrieve the first 100 runs, then
##     skip = 100, limit = 100 to retrieve the next 100 runs ....
my $url8 = '';
my $res8 = $ua->post($url8,Content => '{"mesh_id": "D006262", "skip": 0, "limit": 100}');
my $phenotyp_a_page_of_assoc_runs = decode_json($res8->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to an array of hashes
print "print the top 5 elements:\n";
print Dumper(@$phenotyp_a_page_of_assoc_runs[0..4]);

Get relative species/genus abundances in samples/runs associated with a phenotype

To get the related information, two input parameters are required:

  • MeSH ID of interests, e.g. D003093 for Colitis, Ulcerative
  • NCBI taxonomy ID of the species/genus of interests, e.g. 40520 for Blautia obeum (species).
my $url9 = '';
my $res9 = $ua->post($url9,Content => '{"mesh_id": "D003093","ncbi_taxon_id": "40520"}');
my $data = decode_json($res9->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to a hash of hashes
print "This data set contains the following information:\n";
print join("," ,keys %{$data},"\n");

The resulting $data is a reference to a hash of hashes containing:

  • hist_data_for_phenotype: the value corresponding to this key contains the distribution of the relative abundances of the species/genus of interests in all samples of current phenotype,
  • hist_data_for_health: if current phenotype is not Health, the distribution of the relative abundances of the species/genus of interests in all samples of Health will also be retrieved,
  • abundant_data_for_disease: the value corresponding to this key contains the relative abundance data of the species/genus of interests in all samples of current phenotype,
  • abundant_data_for_health: if current phenotype is not Health, the relative abundances of the species/genus of interests in all samples of Health will also be retrieved,
  • taxon: NCBI taxonomy information for current taxonomy ID,
  • disease: details of current phenotype,
  • abundance_and_meta_data: runs in which current taxon is found and related meta data,
  • co_occurred_taxa: cooccurred taxa of the taxon of interests in current phenotype

See for more details.


Get an overview of the species/genera

input: none,

output: a scalar.

### --- get all species and genera that presented in >= 2 runs with median relative abundance >= 0.01%
my $url10 = '';
my $req10 = HTTP::Request->new('POST' => $url10);
my $data10 = decode_json($ua->request($req10)->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to a hash of hashes
print "This data set contains the following information:\n";
print join("," ,keys %{$data10},"\n");

The retrieved data is a list containing:

  • all_species:the value corresponding to this key contains all species that presented in >= 2 runs with median relative abundance >= 0.01%,
  • all_genus: the value corresponding to this key contains all genera that presented in >= 2 runs with median relative abundance >= 0.01%,
  • metadata: the value corresponding to this key contains additional statistics:
    • loaded_samples: nr. qualified runs for which the relative abundance data are available,
    • all_species_count: nr. all species
    • retrieved_species_count: nr. species in the array: all_species,
    • all_genus_count: nr. all genera,
    • retrieved_genus_count: nr. genera in the array: all_genus.

With the retrieved data, users can plot the species prevalence in phenotypes and species prevalence in samples, as shown at

Get summary information of the prevalence and relative abundance of a species/genus in all associated phenotypes

data input: ncbi taxonomy id of a species/genus,

data output: a scalar

my $url12 = '';
my $res12 = $ua->post($url12,Content => '{"ncbi_taxon_id": "40520"}');
my $data12 = decode_json($res12->content())->{'phenotypes_associated_with_taxon'};

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to an array of hashes
print "print the top 5 elements:\n";
print Dumper(@$data12[0..4]);

See the first table at for details.

Get detailed information of the prevalence and relative abundance of a species/genus in all associated phenotypes

data input: ncbi taxonomy id of a species/genus,

data output: a scalar

my $url13 = '';
my $res13 = $ua->post($url13,Content => '{"ncbi_taxon_id": "40520"}');
my $data13 = decode_json($res13->content());

## --- the resulting variable is a reference to a hash of hashes
print "This data set contains the following information:\n";
print join(",",keys %{$data13},"\n");

The retrieved $data is a reference to a hash of hashes containing:

  • phenotypes_associated_with_taxon: the value corresponding to this key contains summary information on associated phenotypes,
  • taxon: the value corresponding to this key contains detailed information about this taxon, such as scientific name and taxonomic level,
  • density_data_groupped: the value corresponding to this key is a reference to a hash, contains abundance information of the current taxon in an associated phenotype; the number of key-value pairs corresponds to the number of phenotypes the current taxon is associated with.

The retrieved data can be used to generate the plots at

Get relative species/genus abundances for a sample/run

Two APIs are available here, namely getRunDetailsByRunID and getFullTaxonomicProfileByRunID. The usages are the same (see below). However, getFullTaxonomicProfileByRunID will produce the full taxonomic profiles at species and genus levels, while getRunDetailsByRunID only produces the top ten most abundant ones, and merge the others into a 'Others' category.

input: run ID, e.g. ERR475468,

output: a scalar, see below:

my $url14 = '';
my $res14 = $ua->post($url14,Content => '{"run_id":"ERR475468"}');
my $data14 = decode_json($res14->content());

### -- the resulting variable is a reference to a hash of hashes
print "This data set contains the following information:\n";
print join(",",keys %{$data14},"\n");

The retrieved $data is a reference to a hash of hashes containing:

  • run: the value corresponding to this key is a reference to a hash, contains run metadata,
  • species: the value corresponding to this key is a reference to an array, contains relative abundances of all species,
  • genus: the value corresponding to this key is a reference to an array, contains relative abundances of all genera.

See for details.

Get relative species/genus abundances for a project

data input: project id, e.g. PRJNA489760, and a MeSH ID

data output: a list

my $url15 = '';

# Get relative species/genus abundances for all phenotypes
my $res15 = $ua->post($url15,Content => '{"project_id":"PRJNA489760","mesh_id":""}');

# Get relative species/genus abundances for one of the phenotype in the project
my $res15 = $ua->post($url15,Content => '{"project_id":"PRJNA489760","mesh_id":"D006262"}');

my $data15 = decode_json($res15->content());
### -- the resulting variable is a reference to a hash of hashes
print "This data set contains the following information:\n";
print join(",",keys %{$data15},"\n");

The retrieved data is a list containing:

  • project_info: the value corresponding to this key is a reference to a hash, contains project information
  • disease_info: the value corresponding to this key is a reference to a hash, contains disease information
  • abundance_and_meta_data: the value corresponding to this key is a reference to an array, contains relative abundances of the project.

Projects and runs

Although it is possible to download projects and runs through our RESTful API, it is highly recommended to download them from our website, or use the following URLs: