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File metadata and controls

216 lines (165 loc) · 9.05 KB


A simple client library to remotely access the exfm REST API as per


$ pip install -e git+



>>> from exfm import ExfmClient
>>> exfm = ExfmClient()

All interactions with the exfm API are through methods of an instance of ExfmClient.

Getting data

Get a user's profile information by username

>>> jm = exfm.get_user('jm')
>>> from pprint import pprint  # For pretty printing of returned data, just for this tutorial.
>>> pprint(jm)
{'status_code': 200,
 'status_text': 'OK',
 'user': {'background': {'color': '#FFFFFF',
                         'image': '',
                         'is_default': False,
                         'position': 'left top',
                         'repeat': 'repeat',
                         'use_image': True},
          'bio': 'Software developer at exfm, composer, tabla player.',
          'image': {'medium': '',
                    'original': '',
                    'small': ''},
          'import_feeds': [{'name': "jm's tumblr",
                            'type': 'tumblr',
                            'url': ''},
                           {'name': "jm's tumblr",
                            'type': 'tumblr',
                            'url': ''}],
          'is_beta_tester': True,
          'location': 'New York, NY',
          'name': 'Jonathan Marmor',
          'total_followers': 54,
          'total_following': 97,
          'total_loved': 682,
          'username': 'jm',
          'viewer_following': False,
          'website': ''}}

All methods return a dictionary with the following top-level keys:

  • status_code: The HTTP status code of the response. Anything other than 200 raises ExfmError.
  • status_text: Always 'OK' for successful responses.
  • user, users, song, songs, etc: The payload of the response, containing a dictionary representation of the object requested or a list of such objects.

User object

The user profile object has some basic information about the user's profile page:

  • background: Images, colors, and positioning of profile page background.
  • bio: User-created biography.
  • image: User-uploaded avatar.
  • import_feeds: Automatically love songs that get posted on these sites. Currently restricted to connected Tumblr accounts.
  • is_beta_tester: Flag if the user has permission to log in to exfm's next-generation awesomeness.
  • name: The user's real name, as entered by the user.
  • total_followers: The number of exfm users who are following this user.
  • total_following: The number of exfm users this user is following.
  • username: The user's exfm username.
  • viewer_following: Flag the current viewer following this user. Not relevant for this client because there is no concept of a viewer.
  • website: The user's website, as entered by the user.

Get a list of a user's loved songs

>>> jm_loved = exfm.get_user_loved('jm')
{'results': 20,
 'songs': [{'album': 'Good As I Been To You',
            'aliases': [],
            'artist': 'Bob Dylan',
            'buy_link': None,
            'id': '20szn',
            'image': {'large': '',
                      'medium': '',
                      'small': ''},
            'last_loved': 'Fri Nov 04 23:10:42 +0000 2011',
            'listened': None,
            'loved_count': 1,
            'metadata_state': 'complete',
            'recent_loves': [],
            'similar_artists': ['bob dylan and the band',
                                'neil young',
                                'woody guthrie',
                                'the band',
                                'van morrison & bob dylan'],
            'sources': ['',
            'tags': ['folk rock',
                     'classic rock'],
            'title': 'Jim Jones',
            'trending_rank_today': 1782,
            'url': '',
            'user_love': {'client_id': 'exfm_api',
                          'comment': '',
                          'context': 'None',
                          'created_on': 'Fri Nov 04 23:10:42 +0000 2011',
                          'source': 'None',
                          'username': 'jm'},
            'viewer_love': None},
 'start': 0,
 'status_code': 200,
 'status_text': 'OK',
 'total': 682}

Paginated responses have these additional keys:

  • start: The index of the first record returned.
  • results: The number of records returned in this response.
  • total: The total number of records available to this method.

Song object

Song objects in exfm are really Song-URL objects -- each is a record for a specific URL of an mp3 on the web. For example, the first one returned by the call above is the song found at the URL:

which is an mp3 that was uploaded as part of this Tumblr blog post:

Exfm song objects have the following keys:

  • title: The title of this song.
  • artist: Artist name.
  • album: Album name.
  • buy_link: URL where you can and should buy the song.
  • id: Exfm's ID for this song object. Use this to retrieve this exact record later.
  • image: URLs of small, medium, and large images for the album this song is on.
  • last_loved: Timestamp of the last time an exfm user loved this song.
  • listened: Timestamp of the last time an exfm user listened to this song.
  • loved_count: Number of exfm users who have loved this song.
  • recent_loves: Details of recent love events. Steamy.
  • similar_artists: List of artists that might be similar to the artist associated with this song.
  • sources: URLs of the context in which this song was found.
  • tags: List of keyword tags that might be descriptive of this song.
  • trending_rank_today: Exfm's rank of how popular this song is on exfm today.
  • url: The URL of the file.
  • user_love: Details of the event when this user loved this song.

Get a list of a user's followers and users the user is following

>>> jm_followers = exfm.get_user_followers('jm')
>>> jm_following = exfm.get_user_following('jm', start=12, results=3)
>>> jm_following_ids = get_user_following_ids('jm')

Methods with paginated responses accept start and results arguments to specify which records are returned. In the example above, jm_followers got the default records 0 through 19, jm_following got records 12, 13, and 14, and jm_following_ids got all the ids becuase that method is not paginated. See for a list of paginated and not paginated methods.

Get time-based feed of events related to a user

See for details of what each of these returns.

>>> exfm.get_user_feed_love('jm')
>>> exfm.get_user_activity('jm')
>>> exfm.get_user_activity_with_verb('jm' 'love')
>>> exfm.get_user_notifications('jm')

Search for songs by artist and title

>>> exfm.get_song_search_results('machaut')

Search for songs by tag

Search for multiple tags with a string containing asterisk-separated terms.

>>> exfm.get_explore(tag='rock*pop')

Get songs by ID

>>> exfm.get_song('20szn')

See a graph representation of a song's loves

>>> exfm.get_song_graph('20szn')

Love and unlove a song

>>> password = 'JMsReallySecretPassw0rd'
>>> song_id = '20szn'
>>> exfm.love_song('jm', password, song_id)
>>> exfm.unlove_song('jm', password, song_id)

POSTs require authentication

All POSTs require that you provide an exfm username and the password for that user. Passwords are hashed by the client before being sent.

Get all loved songs from a URL

>>> url = ''
>>> exfm.get_loved_on_url(url)

Get songs that are trending on exfm

>>> exfm.get_trending()

Get songs from the Site of the Day, Mixtape of the Month, and Album of the Week

>>> exfm.get_sotd()
>>> exfm.get_motm()
>>> exfm.get_aotw()