Create a web based stock portfolio app using the free IEX API.
- JavaScript
- SQL/PHP MyAdmin
- PHP OOP Implementation with a focus on DRY code
- Ability to register account with name, email and password
- JS Dynamic form used for either login or registration
- Email/password authentication, including page redirection if not logged in
- API use to fetch current stock rate(s) and other current stock info
- User input used to check validity of stock and purchase ability
- Ability to write/Read and update DB data
- User color coded front end stock DIV(s) with red as low and green as high
- User readable presentation of DB data, such as transactions
Login / Index.php
Register / Index.php
Stock Search - IEX API Call / Portfolio.php
Stock Purchase Confirm - Pre PHP Submit / Portfolio.php
Monetary Acct Transactions Table - Transactions.php
When a user registers they are presented with a success message informing them they can now login.
If a user attempts to login with invalid credentials they are presented with a message on the index page.
If a user has signed up or they have not made any purchases they will be presented with this message on both the portfolio page and the stock transaction page.
When a user is attempting to purchase or view a stock's price if they type in a symbol that is not found or valid they will be notified of this error and the form will not allow them to proceed.
When attempting to make a purchase a user will be presented with a popup modal in one of two instances. One being a successful purchase, the other being when the balance cannot cover a purchase amount.
Future updates may includes things like . . .
- a way to sell stocks back
- implementing JS Node or other method to remove API token from JS
- displaying purchase modal to confirm purchase & prevent fraudulent code/injection