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Distributing the EYE reasoner for browser and node using WebAssembly.

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The simplest way to use this package is to use the n3reasoner to execute a query over a dataset and get the results. The input data should include the data and any inference rules that you wish to apply to the dataset; the optional query should match the pattern of data you wish the engine to return; if left undefined, all new inferred facts will be returned. For example:

import { n3reasoner } from 'eyereasoner';

export const queryString = `
@prefix : <>.

{:Socrates a ?WHAT} => {:Socrates a ?WHAT}.

export const dataString = `
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix : <>.

:Socrates a :Human.
:Human rdfs:subClassOf :Mortal.

{?A rdfs:subClassOf ?B. ?S a ?A} => {?S a ?B}.

// The result of the query (as a string)
const resultString = await n3reasoner(dataString, queryString);

// All inferred data
const resultString = await n3reasoner(dataString);

Note: One can also supply an array of dataStrings rather than a single dataString if one has multiple input data files.

The n3reasoner accepts both strings (formatted in Notation3 syntax) and quads as input. The output will be of the same type as the input data. This means that we can use n3reasoner with RDF/JS quads as follows:

import { Parser } from 'n3';

const parser = new Parser({ format: 'text/n3' });
export const queryQuads = parser.parse(queryString);
export const dataQuads = parser.parse(dataString);

// The result of the query (as an array of quads)
const resultQuads = await n3reasoner(dataQuads, queryQuads);


The n3reasoner function allows one to optionally pass along a set of options

import { n3reasoner } from 'eyereasoner';

const data = `
@prefix : <> .
:Alice a :Person .
{ ?S a :Person } => { ?S a :Human } .

const result = await n3reasoner(data, undefined, {
  output: 'derivations',
  outputType: 'string'

The options parameter can be used to configure the reasoning process. The following options are available:

  • output: What to output with implicit queries.
    • derivations: output only new derived triples, a.k.a --pass-only-new (default)
    • deductive_closure: output deductive closure, a.k.a --pass
    • deductive_closure_plus_rules: output deductive closure plus rules, a.k.a --pass-all
    • grounded_deductive_closure_plus_rules: ground the rules and output deductive closure plus rules, a.k.a --pass-all-ground
    • none: provides no -pass-* arguments to eye, often used when doing RDF Surface reasoning
  • outputType: The type of output (if different from the input)
    • string: output as string
    • quads: output as array of RDF/JS Quads

Advanced usage

To have more granular control one can also use this module as follows

import { SwiplEye, queryOnce } from 'eyereasoner';

const query = `
@prefix : <>.

{:Socrates a ?WHAT} => {:Socrates a ?WHAT}.

const data = `
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix : <>.

:Socrates a :Human.
:Human rdfs:subClassOf :Mortal.

{?A rdfs:subClassOf ?B. ?S a ?A} => {?S a ?B}.

async function main() {
  // Instantiate a new SWIPL module and log any results it produces to the console
  const Module = await SwiplEye({ print: (str: string) => { console.log(str) }, arguments: ['-q'] });

  // Load the the strings data and query as files data.n3 and query.n3 into the module
  Module.FS.writeFile('data.n3', data);
  Module.FS.writeFile('query.n3', query);

  // Execute main(['--nope', '--quiet', './data.n3', '--query', './query.n3']).
  queryOnce(Module, 'main', ['--nope', '--quiet', './data.n3', '--query', './query.n3']);


Selecting the SWIPL module

The SWIPL module exported from this library is a build that inlines WebAssembly and data strings in order to be isomorphic across browser and node without requiring any bundlers. Some users may wish to have more fine-grained control over their SWIPL module; for instance in order to load the .wasm file separately for performance. In these cases see the SWIPL modules exported by npm swipl wasm.

An example usage of the node-specific swipl-wasm build is as follows:

import { loadEyeImage, queryOnce } from 'eyereasoner';
import SWIPL from 'swipl-wasm/dist/swipl-node';

async function main() {
  const SwiplEye = loadEyeImage(SWIPL);

  // Instantiate a new SWIPL module and log any results it produces to the console
  const Module = await SwiplEye({ print: (str: string) => { console.log(str) }, arguments: ['-q'] });

  // Load the the strings data and query as files data.n3 and query.n3 into the module
  Module.FS.writeFile('data.n3', data);
  Module.FS.writeFile('query.n3', query);

  // Execute main(['--nope', '--quiet', './data.n3', '--query', './query.n3']).
  queryOnce(Module, 'main', ['--nope', '--quiet', './data.n3', '--query', './query.n3']);


CLI Usage

This package also exposes a CLI interface for using the reasoner. It can be used via npx

# Run the command using the latest version of eyereasoner on npm
npx eyereasoner --nope --quiet ./socrates.n3 --query ./socrates-query.n3

or by globally installing eyereasoner

# Gloablly install eyereasoner
npm i -g eyereasoner
# Run a command with eyereasoner
eyereasoner --nope --quiet ./socrates.n3 --query ./socrates-query.n3

Browser Builds

For convenience we provide deploy bundled versions of the eyereasoner on github pages which can be directly used in an HTML document as shown in this example which is also deployed on github pages.

There is a bundled version for each release - which can be found at the url:

for instance v2.3.14 has the url We also have shortcuts for:

Available versions can be browsed at

Github also serves these files with a gzip content encoding which compresses the script to ~1.4MB when being served.

Dynamic imports

We also distribute bundles that can be dynamically imported on github pages; for example

const { eyereasoner } = await import('');

// Instantiate a new SWIPL module and log any results it produces to the console
const Module = await eyereasoner.SwiplEye({ print: (str) => { console.log(str) }, arguments: ['-q'] });

// Load the the strings data and query as files data.n3 and query.n3 into the module
Module.FS.writeFile('data.n3', data);
Module.FS.writeFile('query.n3', query);

// Execute main(['--nope', '--quiet', './data.n3', '--query', './query.n3']).
eyereasoner.queryOnce(Module, 'main', ['--nope', '--quiet', './data.n3', '--query', './query.n3']);


We provide some examples of using eyereasoner:


We use benchmark.js to collect the performance results of some basic operations. Those results are published here.

Experimental linguareasoner

We have experimental support for RDF Lingua using the linguareasoner; similarly to n3reasoner it can be used with both string and quad input/output. For instance:

import { linguareasoner } from 'eyereasoner';

const result = await linguareasoner(`
# ------------------
# Socrates Inference
# ------------------
# Infer that Socrates is mortal.

@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix var: <>.
@prefix : <>.

# facts
:Socrates a :Human.
:Human rdfs:subClassOf :Mortal.

# rdfs subclass
_:ng1 log:implies _:ng2.

_:ng1 {
    var:A rdfs:subClassOf var:B.
    var:S a var:A.

_:ng2 {
    var:S a var:B.

# query
_:ng3 log:query _:ng3.

_:ng3 {
    var:S a :Mortal.


If you are using or extending eye-js as part of a scientific publication, we would appreciate a citation of our zenodo artefact.


©2022–present Jesse Wright, Jos De Roo, MIT License.