- rNodal from now on will use compressibility factors calculated in zFactor.
- functions that have a dot as prefix could return a list.
- if the z factor function returns a list it must be explictely declared as an argument. Example: z.hallyarborough(..., as_list = TRUE)
- the core function should a have a dot . like in .z.HallYarborough(). The core function performs the Newton-Raphson root finding on the function and its derivative.
- The core functions are called by high-level functions that do more complex activities like sapply, lapply or create matrices calling the core function.
- these functions are hidden and are special. some may be core functions.
- the oil properties
- gas properties
- water properties
the tubing at-depth iterator (marching algorithm). class
the VLP correlations
the IPR correlations
plotting modules (ggplot2, base)
statistical modules
- interpolation
- data.table, dataframes
compressibility factor, sweet hydrocarbon gases (zFactor)
- the hierarchical structure storage (hdf5)
- list.names: makes unnecssary to type the variable twice
- matrix conversion
- add z factor for sour gases. now using a temporary weak function.
- convert VLP control to object-oriented with S4
- Move Duns-Ros functions to its own script
- finish Fancher-Brown
- finish Poettman-Carpenter
- finish Baxendell-Thomas
- finish Orkiziewski
- compare experimental VLP functions
- continue with PVT correlations
- perform comparison with PVT correlations
- start Aziz mechanistic
- consider adding different tubing sizes along the well