cli using python-ldap lib to create connections with Active Directory this project use poetry
create virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
activate environment
poetry shell
install padc
poetry install
Create .env file inside root directory to establish a ldap connection
has logging_settings.ini inside padc/config
keys = root
keys = FileHandler,StreamHandler
keys = simpleFormatter
level = DEBUG
handlers = FileHandler,StreamHandler
class = FileHandler
formatter = simpleFormatter
args = ('padc.log', 'a')
class = StreamHandler
formatter = simpleFormatter
args = (sys.stdout,)
format = %(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s
pip install padc
You can modify where log file will be created by editing logging_settings.ini the default file is created at current directory with name 'padc.log'
cli written in Typer to manipulate operations in AD
padc --help
is the main subcommand, every subcommand has a helper option
pacd users --help
has in users subcommand some basic operations
if one of the supported operations runs with --debug
option so
when errors occurs the traceback and exception will be raised.
padc users create -f .env "Pingu pythonico" "Pingupassword@123" -c 514 --debug
padc users create-ldif -f .env --ldif example.ldif
padc users add-to-group --file .env "Pingu" "CN=testgroup,CN=Users,DC=RTS,DC=LOCAL" --debug
padc users remove-from-group --file .env "Pingu" "CN=testgroup,CN=Users,DC=RTS,DC=LOCAL"
padc users delete --file .env "Pingu pythonico"
padc users enable -f .env "Pingu" --debug
padc users disable "Pingu" --debug
Simple Unittest to create/delete/modify user account in AD
python -m unittest -v tests.test_msad
poetry build