Small fix in epistemic neural networks
Small fix in epistemic neural networks
Announcing Pearl serialization
Announcing Pearl serialization
dqn for frozen lake tutorial
dqn for frozen lake tutorial
Make all Pearl components torch.nn.Modules
Make all Pearl components torch.nn.Modules
Implement compare
for safety modules
for safety modulesImplement compare
for contextual bandits
for contextual banditsImplement compare
for action representation modules
for action representation modulesImplement compare
for (neural) linear regression modules
for (neural) linear regression modulesRefactor TestAgentWithPyTorch so its models can be reused
Refactor TestAgentWithPyTorch so its models can be reused
Unit test for dqn and double dqn
Unit test for dqn and double dqn
Publishing the model with exploration scores for CB use-cases
Publishing the model with exploration scores for CB use-cases
add the missing .shape to q value networks
add the missing .shape to q value networks
Add missing Pyre mode headers] [batch:21/1502] [shard:31/N]
Add missing Pyre mode headers] [batch:21/1502] [shard:31/N]
Allow twin critic to take network instances and test SAC in atari games.
Allow twin critic to take network instances and test SAC in atari games.
Rename VanillaCNN to CNNValueNetwork and divide state values by 255.
Rename VanillaCNN to CNNValueNetwork and divide state values by 255.
add autotune to discrete sac
add autotune to discrete sac
modify epsilon greedy exploration to add epsilon scheduling
modify epsilon greedy exploration to add epsilon scheduling
Fix training_epochs meaning in Pearl offline learning
Fix training_epochs meaning in Pearl offline learning
Multiple minor warnings
Multiple minor warnings
Fix the error when max_number_of_actions is None and the action_space…
Fix the error when max_number_of_actions is None and the action_space…
setup atari experiments
setup atari experiments
allow passing optimizers to policy learners
allow passing optimizers to policy learners
change observations only from float64 to float32 before adding to the…
change observations only from float64 to float32 before adding to the…
replace _critic_update_count with _training_steps in td3
replace _critic_update_count with _training_steps in td3
Make csac's autotune more efficient
Make csac's autotune more efficient