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251 lines (217 loc) · 25.4 KB

File metadata and controls

251 lines (217 loc) · 25.4 KB


Linux General

command description example
echo Output Strings echo "hello world"
cd Change folder cd /wfs/
cp Copy
chmod Change file attributes chmod +x /wfs/
mkdir Create a folder
rmdir Delete a folder
rm Delete a file
ls Show directory content
su Change to root
vi Texteditor
kill Kill a running task by process id
killall Kill a running task by name killall pnlogin 2>/dev/null
ps Show running tasks
cat Display a file
more Display a file page by page more /wfs/group.ini
mount Mount a partition
user_shutdown Shutdown the system
user_reboot Reboot the system
grep Search for regular expression more /wfs/setup.ini | grep structure
top Task Monitor
killall Kill process by name
sleep Wait
watch Repeat periodic a command
which Locate command
uname Show Linux details
date Date tool
systemctl service handler systemctl restart networkmanager
compgen list all the linux commands (including bash shell aliases and functions) compgen -c | egrep "igel|_rm" | sort | more

Network general

command description example
ping / ping6 Ping IPV4 / Ping IPV6
/etc/init.d/network restart Restart network service
ftp Start a FTP Client
netstat Display open connections
hostname Display current hostname
route Display/Config network routes
iptables Firewall configuration
probeport Test network port on a host
nmcli Manage network connections via CLI
ifconfig Ethernet configuration
iwconfig WIFI configuration
ethtool Tool for ethernet configuration
getmyhwaddr Show current MAC ID's
getmyip Show current IP
iwgetid Report ESSID
iwlist Scan for available WIFI networks
iwevent Display wireless events
iwspy Provide WIFI information's

Linux pipes

command description
> Write output into a new file
>> Extend file with output
| Output is input for next process


command description
dmidecode Provide hardware details
lsusb List USB devices
lspci List PCI devices
rtcwake Automatic restart/supend
speaker-test Speaker test
aplay Audio device tool
x11config Show display config
get-edid Display DDC details
saned SANE Daemon
hardinfo Display Hardware Info's
setserial Setup/Diagnostic for RS232
amixer Audio configuration tool
free Show memory details

Smart Card

command description
pcsclistreaders List Smart Card readers
/etc/init.d/pcscd Stop / Start PCSC Daemon
opensc-explorer Show available readers
opensc-tool Commandline SC Tool

Printing related

command description
lpq Show current print jobs
lpstat Show finished print jobs
lpr Print a file
lpc Printer control tool
lprm Delete a print job
cancel Cancel the current print job

Active directory

command description
klist Display kerberos tickets
kinit Active Directory login

OS folders

folder description
/wfs Configurations / Certs
/usr/share/icons Contains Icons of Linux and Igel
/license/dsa/licenses device licenses
/media Removable Storage
/services License related services
/var/logs Various log files
/userhome/.ICAClient/logs ICA Client logs

OS files

file description
/wfs/setup.ini Local configuration
/wfs/group.ini Configuration from UMS
/wfs/server.crt UMS Server certificate
/wfs/dhclient-*.lease dhcp client lease; DHCP Option 224 + 226
/config/sessions Generated sessions
/tmp/wpa_debug.all network debug log

UMS files

file description
api.log IMI interface log
catalina.log(.yyyy-mm-dd) UMS log
localhost.log(.yyyy-mm-dd) Tomcat log
communication.log communication between devices and UMS server / UMS console and UMS server log; empty / deactivated by default, has to be activated in; can be very huge when active
usgcommunication.log(.x) communication between devices and ICG / UMS console and ICG log; empty / deactivated by default, has to be activated in; can be very huge when active
license_deployment.log ALD log
stdout.log like catalina.log but only since last server start
stderr.log JVM error output log; critical VM messages
umsthreaddump UMS ThreadDump
igel-ums-admin.log UMS Administrator log
install.log UMS installation log
ERP_PROCESS.log support information
ERP_PROCESS_INFOS.log support information
Environment.txt support information
thread_dump_start.* support information
thread_dump_end.* support information


command description example
setup Start IGEL Setup
get Get Variable from registry
vget Get specification for a variable
setparam Write variable to registry setparam system.remotemanager.ums_structure_tag "Building1"
setcryptparam Write a password to the registry
list List a part of the registry
delinstance Delete a session or instance
newinstace Create a session or instance
numinstances Show next available instance nr.
superclasses List all available superclasses
store_usbconfig Write config to USB Storage
load_usbconfig Load config from USB Storage
show_usbconfig List configs from USB Storage
reset_to_defaults Factory reset

Firmware Update

command description
/config/bin/firmware-update Start firmware update

Custom Partition

command description
custompart Delete/Create a custom partition

Universal Management Suite

command description
ums_available Check available UMS Server
rmregister Start tool to register @ UMS
rmagent_cli UMS Agent commandline
get_rmsettings Get UMS config (reboot to apply)

Useful keybindings

keybinding description
ALT+CTRL+TAB Switch active window
TAB+TAB Show commands
ALT+CTRL+Fx Switch between console
CTRL+ALT+F11 terminal 1
CTRL+ALT+F12 terminal 2


command description example
florence OnScreen Keyboard
notify-send-message Display GUI Text Message
Mostly all commands provide an build-in help with command --h
igel_firstboot_wizard Starts the First Boot Wizard
igel_buddy_update_server_scan Search for Buddy Masters in network
start-wireless-manager Starts the Wireless cafe menu (start as user)
xfce4-display-settings Start the old Display Switcher as binary
igel_gamma TOCHECK Should influence the brightness
igel_display_switcher Start the new Display Switcher
xrandr Controls the Screens from command line
systemd-resolve --flush-caches Flush DNS cache
df -h Shows Partition usage
gpicview Starts an Picture Viewer
user_shutdown Shutdown as User
user_reboot Reboot as user
opensc-tool Lists opensc smartcard informations and tools
apparmor_status Lists all services protected by apparmor
applauncher Starts the application launcher
icg-setup Start the ICG GUI Setup or with parameters the CLI
icaconncenter ICA Connection Center
zenity Dialog select item zenity --list --text "Please select a Citrix Server" --radiolist -column "Select" --column "Server" Storefront1 "Storefront1" Storefront2 "Storefront2"
zenity Dialog with progress bar zenity --progress --text="Trying to ping 4 times" --percentage="0" --auto-close & ping -c 4
setusercryptparam Saves User encrypted Data like Password to Igel Registry
setcryptparam Saves encrypted Data like Password to Igel Registry
pkcs11getloginname Shows extracted smart card login name
curl Command line tool to check for trusted certificate curl
icg-config -s -o 1234 IGEL Cloud Gateway config; with url and mass deployment key
nmcli radio wifi off Disables Wifi (on enables it)
journalctl -f View and follow system log
systemctl restart network-manager Restart Network
killwait_postsetupd reset and apply setup changes set by "setparam"
write_rmsettings Write local setup changes back to UMS.
getmyip | cut -d. -f1-4 show device IP only.
openssl verify /path/to/cert.cer Verify if an SSL certificate is trusted


Path description
network.interfaces.wirelesslan.device0.wpa.debug wifi debug
network.interfaces.ethernet.devices%.ieee8021x.debug 802.1x debug