mini_json is a header-only json library
- Prerequisites
1. C++17 at least
2. CMake 3.15 or later
3. vcpkg (need Catch2 for test)
4. valgrind (for memory check)
- Build
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
- Run test
# cd build
# run test
make run_t
# run benchmark
make run_b
# run memory check
make run_m
- Demo
#include "include/mini_json/json.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
* there are tow methods to obtain data from node object
* for node.get<Type>(), it may (without errors) return a ref of data
* but the Type must be same as the node's built-in data
* for<Type>(), it may (without errors) return a copy of data
* it only requires the data can be converted to Type data
int main()
namespace json = mini_json;
using Obj = std::unordered_map<std::string, json::node>;
// create json object
std::string cont = "{\"name\": \"arthur\", \"age\": 19}";
json::json demo(std::move(cont));
// parse json context
auto ret = demo.parse();
// visit elements in easy way
if (ret) {
auto& node = *ret;
auto& root = node.get<Obj>();
// a string_view object is fast and safe
auto name = root["name"].as<std::string_view>();
// the type of number data in a node object is double
// but it can be converted to int data from as<int> func
int age = root["age"].as<int>();
std::cout << "name: " << name << std::endl;
std::cout << "age : " << age << std::endl;