Generic leaf types in a qp trie
May 2017
The original qp trie is based around a two-word "twig" object, which can be either a leaf (a key+value pair of pointers) or a branch (an index word and a pointer).
When I benchmarked memory overhead, I took the key+value pair as a sunk cost. But it's common (especially in the C++ world) to want to embed the key and value rather than reference them indirectly. Similarly, DJB's crit-bit trie has single-word leaves that just point to the key; if you want to store a key+value pair, you need to embed the key in the value so that you can find the value given the key.
These efficiency tricks don't work in a qp trie because the layout of leaves is tied to the layout of branches. Can we decouple them, to make the layout of leaves more flexible and efficient?
The original branch layout consists of:
an index word, which contains the offset into the key of the branch's controlling nybble, and a bitmap indicating which child nodes are present;
a pointer to an array of child "twigs", each of which can be either a leaf or a branch.
The new layout segregates child nodes into separate arrays of branches and leaves. Each array has its own bitmap, and the bitmaps must have an empty intersection.
In effect, the tag bits inside twigs (the flags field that was used to distinguish between leaves and branches) have been moved up into the index word.
As before, each element in the branch array consists of an index word and a pointer. The child's two arrays are placed consecutively in memory at the target of the pointer, so only one pointer is needed.
The type of elements of the leaf array can be entirely under the control of the user.
We need to find space for this second bitmap.
In a 4-bit qp trie, we can steal 16 bits from the nybble offset, so a 64 bit index word contains two 16 bit fields for bitmaps, and a 32 bit nybble offset.
In a 5-bit qp trie, there isn't space in a 64 bit word for all three fields, so we have to spill into another word.
With the old layout, a 6-bit qp trie was not an attractive option since it wastes a word per leaf, but that is no longer a problem with this new layout.
The following table shows how branches can fit reasonably nicely on the two common word sizes and the three sensible nybble sizes. We want to keep a branch object to a whole number of words so an array of branches can be packed tightly.
size word size 32 64
4 bit pointer 32 64
offset 31+1 31+1
bitmaps 16 x 2 16 x 2
words 3 2
5 bit pointer 32 64
offset 29+3 61+3
bitmaps 32 x 2 32 x 2
words 4 3
6 bit pointer 32 64
offset 30+2 62+2
bitmaps 64 x 2 64 x 2
words 6 4
It's possible to reduce the size of branches by reducing the size of the offset field (the pointer and bitmap sizes are fixed) but to get the benefit of smaller offsets we would need to reorganize the branch array into separate arrays so that small offsets can be packed tightly. However this is likely to make array indexing more expensive.
This new layout works with concatenated branch nodes. There is no longer any need for a branch nybble field. If there is a single bit set in the branch bitmap, the branch array just contains one offset and a pair of bitmaps, and instead of a pointer, the child branch's arrays follow consecutively in memory.
Two observations:
To support binary keys as described at the end of the notes on rib compression, the leaf bitmap needs an extra bit. This is annoying with wide fanouts, because the bitmaps no longer fit in a word.
The two bitmaps are somewhat redundant: zero in both means no nodes with this prefix; a one and a zero means either a leaf or a branch; but two ones doesn't have an assigned meaning.
Having both a leaf and a branch at the same point in the trie implies that we have relaxed the requirement for prefix-freedom. This relaxation also means we no longer have a problem with binary keys, so we don't need the extra valueless bit in the leaf bitmap.
When a child has bits set in both bitmaps, this means that the the leaf key is longer than the offset of this nybble, but shorter than the offsets of all children in the branch. In other words, a leaf is pushed down the tree as far as possible.
When searching, if there is a leaf at a node, compare keys. If they match, you have succeeded. If the leaf is not a prefix of the search key we have found a subtrie where we cannot match, so quit. Else check for a branch; if there is a branch, continue down the trie, or if not, the search key is not in the trie, so quit.
The new layout is overall a lot more type-safe, since different types of object are placed in different parts of memory, rather than being distinguished by tag bits.
This greatly reduces portability problems due to type punning between the index word and a pointer - things like endianness and word size mismatches can mess up the placement of the tag bit.
The lack of coupling allows leaf type to be completely generic, and the genericity could be straightforwardly extended to key comparisons and fetching nybbles.
The main requirement on leaves is that they can be moved around freely, when arrays are resized to insert or delete child nodes.
Overall, this new layout should be a lot more friendly to C++ and Rust.
The risk of completely user-defined leaf types that embed both key and value is that the user must take care not to alter the key, otherwise they will corrupt the trie. I don't know of any way to get the compiler to help enforce this constraint, and also allow in-place mutation of the value part.
It's also mildly awkward from the syntax point of view. When the key and value are the same object, a sugary
trie[key] = value;
syntax doesn't work. Instead it has to be more like
Written by Tony Finch; You may do anything with this. It has no warranty.