Traditionally, the term 'form' has referred to a printed document that contains spaces for you to fill in the information
The best-known form on the web is probably the search box that sits right in the middle of Google's homepage.
- Text input
- password
- text-area
Button & hidden Controls
The element was introduced to allow users more control over how their buttons appear, and to allow other elements to appear inside the button.
- Date
- Url
- Search
There are several CSS properties that were created to work with specific types of HTML elements, such as lists, tables, and forms.
- list-style-type
- list-style-image
- list-style-position
- list-style
- empty-cells
- cursor
- outline
- structure
- CSS styles
When you browse the web, your browser registers different types of events. It's the browser's way of saying, "Hey, this just happened." Your script can then respond to these events.
- interactions create events
- events trigger code
- code responds to users
- load
- unload
- scroll
- error
- keydown
- click
- mousemove
- input
- select
When the user interacts with the HTML on a web page, there are three steps involved in getting it to trigger some JavaScript code. Together these steps are known as event handling.
- Select element
- specify event
- call code