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This document will illustrate how you can reuse Docker images among the blocks of the same Semaphore 2.0 project and its promoted pipelines.

The problem that we are trying to solve has to do with creating unique filenames that can be discovered in all the blocks of a Semaphore pipeline as well as in promoted pipelines.

In order to be able to reuse a Docker image, you will need to use the cache utility from the Semaphore Toolbox or push the Docker image to Docker Hub and pull it from there. For reasons of simplicity all the presented examples will use the cache utility from the Semaphore Toolbox. You can find more about the cache utility in the Toolbox reference page.

Environment variables

In this section you will learn about the Semaphore 2.0 environment variables that can help you create filenames that are unique while discoverable.


The SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID environment variable remains the same during a pipeline run and is available in all the blocks of a pipeline as well as in all promoted and auto promoted pipelines.

If you need to reuse just a single resource, using the SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID environment variable is simplest and quickest solution.


The SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ID environment variable remains the same throughout all the blocks of a pipeline, which, at first, makes it the perfect candidate for sharing data inside the same pipeline.

However, using SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID is the recommended way because the value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID does not change if there are rebuilds in a pipeline.


The SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable always exists. Its value is the same as the value of the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_X_ARTEFACT_ID environment variables, where X is the biggest number among all the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_X_ARTEFACT_ID environment variables of a given pipeline.

So, in the pipeline that is initiated by .semaphore/semaphore.yml, you will have both SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID and SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID and their values will be the same.


The SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable always exists and always points to the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID value of the pipeline created by .semaphore/semaphore.yml.


The SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_1_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable will only appear if there is at least one promotion in a pipeline. This means that it will begin appearing in the first promoted pipeline.

The numbering and the creation of new ARTEFACT_ID environment variables will continue for as long as there exist more promotions in a pipeline. This means that you might have SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_2_ARTEFACT_ID, SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_3_ARTEFACT_ID, SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_4_ARTEFACT_ID, etc, depending on the number of promotions that exist.

As the numbering begins with 0, the 10th pipeline will have a SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_9_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable.

The Rules of Artefacts

In this section you will learn more about Artefacts in Semaphore 2.0 and the rules that govern them and their values.

  • The value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID always references the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID of the pipeline specified in .semaphore/semaphore.yml.
  • Each promotion adds a new SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_X_ARTEFACT_ID, where the value of X is increased by 1 from the biggest value of the previous pipeline.
  • The value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_1_ARTEFACT_ID will always reference the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID of the pipeline of the first promotion of the current branch.
  • The value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_2_ARTEFACT_ID will always reference the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID environment variables of the pipeline on the second promotion of the current branch. This rule keeps going.
  • If the values of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID and SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID are the same, then you are not on a rebuild.
  • Promotions work linearly. Therefore pipelines can use the Artefact IDs of all previously defined pipelines as long as there is a shared path among them. Put simply, there must be a direct, linear connection between the pipelines you want to connect using Artefact IDs.
  • This means that if there is a split somewhere, only the Artefact IDs of the common path of one or more pipelines can be used as you cannot reference the pipelines from the other branch(es).
  • The SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable offers a convenient and standard way of using the Artefact ID of the current pipeline without the need for knowing the name of the environment variable with the biggest number that holds the current Artefact ID (SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_9_ARTEFACT_ID).
  • If you promote a pipeline more than once, the Artefact ID of that pipeline, as well as the Artefact IDs of the pipelines that are after that pipeline will change. However, the values of all previous Artefact IDs will remain the same.

Two Examples

Please note that both examples are using caching for reasons of simplicity. They can be easily modified in order to store the generated Docker images to Docker Hub or to a similar service.


There is a Docker image that is created in a pipeline that is defined in .semaphore/semaphore.yml and stored in the cache. You want to be able to access that Docker image from all the blocks of .semaphore/semaphore.yml as well as the two pipelines that are auto promoted and are defined in .semaphore/p1.yml and .semaphore/p2.yml. .semaphore/semaphore.yml auto promotes .semaphore/p1.yml, which auto promotes .semaphore/p2.yml.

This section will explain how you can do that by presenting three sample pipeline files. All three pipelines are using the SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID environment variable.

The contents of .semaphore/semaphore.yml are as follows:

version: v1.0
name: Testing Auto Promoting
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu1804

- name: Staging
  pipeline_file: p1.yml
    - result: passed
        - "master"

  - name: Create Docker image
        - name: Store Docker image in cache
            - checkout
            - echo $SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
            - docker build -t go_hw:v1 .
            - mkdir docker_image
            - docker save go_hw:v1 -o docker_image/go_hw.tar
            - ls -l docker_image
            - cache store docker-image-$SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID docker_image
  - name: Test Docker image
        - name: restore Docker image from cache
            - echo $SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
            - cache restore docker-image-$SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
            - ls -l docker_image
            - docker load -i docker_image/go_hw.tar
            - docker images
            - docker run -d -p 8000:80 go_hw:v1
            - wget localhost:80

The contents of Dockerfile are the following:

FROM golang:alpine

RUN mkdir /files
COPY hw.go /files
WORKDIR /files

RUN go build -o /files/hw hw.go
ENTRYPOINT ["/files/hw"]

The contents of hw.go are the following:

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello World!")

The contents of .semaphore/p1.yml are as follows:

version: v1.0
name: 1st promotion
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu1804

- name: Publish image
  pipeline_file: p2.yml
    - result: passed
        - "master"

  - name: Test Docker image
        - name: Restore Docker image from cache
            - echo $SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
            - cache restore docker-image-$SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
            - ls -l docker_image
            - docker load -i docker_image/go_hw.tar
            - docker images
            - docker run -d -p 8000:80 go_hw:v1
            - wget localhost:80

The contents of .semaphore/p2.yml are as follows:

version: v1.0
name: 2nd promotion
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu1804

  - name: Test Docker image
        - name: Restore Docker image from cache
            - echo $SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
            - cache restore docker-image-$SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
            - ls -l docker_image
            - docker load -i docker_image/go_hw.tar
            - docker images

Using Artefacts

For the purposes of this section we will use three pipeline files. The scenario that is going to be used is the following: the initial pipeline begins using the .semaphore/semaphore.yml file. That file auto promotes another pipeline using the .semaphore/p1.yml pipeline. Last, .semaphore/p1.yml auto promotes another pipeline that is defined using .semaphore/p2.yml.

As the third pipeline is promoted by the second pipeline, we have a linear path, which means that there are no splits.

There is a Docker image that is created in .semaphore/semaphore.yml. That Docker image needs to be accessible from both .semaphore/p1.yml and .semaphore/p2.yml using caching. Additionally, .semaphore/p1.yml creates another Docker image that we also want to make available to .semaphore/p2.yml through caching.

This section will explain how you can do that.

The contents of the .semaphore/semaphore.yml file are the following:

version: v1.0
name: Reuse Docker Images in S2
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu1804

- name: Staging
  pipeline_file: p1.yml
    - result: passed
        - "master"

  - name: Create and Store Docker image
        - name: Store Docker image in cache
            - checkout
            - cp v1.go hw.go
            - docker build -t go_hw:v1 .
            - mkdir v1
            - docker save go_hw:v1 -o v1/go_hw.tar
            - ls -l v1
            - cache store $SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID v1

  - name: Test Docker image
        - name: Restore Docker image from cache
            - cache restore $SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID
            - ls -l v1
            - docker load -i v1/go_hw.tar
            - docker images
            - docker run go_hw:v1

In this pipeline, the values of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID and SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID are the same as this is the initial pipeline. If this is the initial build of this pipeline, then SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ID will also have the same value as the values of both SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID and SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID.

If you rebuild that pipeline only, then the value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ID will change whereas the values of both SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID and SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID will remain the same.

Last, a Docker image was created in .semaphore/semaphore.yml that is stored in the caching server – the name of that Docker image will be the value of the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable.

The contents of Dockerfile are the following:

FROM golang:alpine

RUN mkdir /files
COPY hw.go /files
WORKDIR /files

RUN go build -o /files/hw hw.go
ENTRYPOINT ["/files/hw"]

The contents of v1.go are the following:

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello from v1!")

The .semaphore/semaphore.yml pipeline auto promotes p1.yml, which is as follows:

version: v1.0
name: 1st promotion
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu1804

- name: Publish image
  pipeline_file: p2.yml
    - result: passed
        - "master"

  - name: Create and Store Docker image
        - name: Store Docker image in cache
            - checkout
            - cp v2.go hw.go
            - docker build -t go_hw:v2 .
            - mkdir v2
            - docker save go_hw:v2 -o v2/go_hw.tar
            - ls -l v2
            - cache store $SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID v2

  - name: Test Docker image
        - name: Restore Docker image from cache
            - cache restore $SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID
            - ls -l v2
            - docker load -i v2/go_hw.tar
            - docker images
            - docker run go_hw:v2

The contents of v2.go are the following:

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello from v2!")

There is a Docker image created inside .semaphore/p1.yml that is stored in the caching server – the name of that Docker image will be the current value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID.

In .semaphore/p1.yml, the value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ID is new. However, the value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID will be the value of the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID environment value of .semaphore/semaphore.yml. There is also a SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_1_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable that is the same as the value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID.

In order for .semaphore/p1.yml to access the Docker image defined in .semaphore/semaphore.yml, it has to use the value of the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable.

As discussed, the pipeline of p1.yml auto promotes p2.yml, which has the following contents:

version: v1.0
name: 2nd promotion
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu1804

  - name: Test Docker images
        - name: Restore Docker image from cache
            - cache restore $SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID
            - docker load -i v1/go_hw.tar
            - cache restore $SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_1_ARTEFACT_ID
            - docker load -i v2/go_hw.tar
            - docker images
            - docker run go_hw:v1
            - docker run go_hw:v2

In .semaphore/p2.yml, the value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ID is new. However, the value of SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_1_ARTEFACT_ID will be the same of the value of the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable in .semaphore/p1.yml. There exist a SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable that holds the value of the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable defined in the pipeline of .semaphore/semaphore.yml.

So, in order for .semaphore/p2.yml to access the Docker image defined in .semaphore/semaphore.yml, it has to use the value of the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_0_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable.

Last, in order for .semaphore/p2.yml to access the Docker image defined in .semaphore/p1.yml, it has to use the value of the SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_1_ARTEFACT_ID environment variable.

See Also