- Overview
- Version control
- Browsers and Headless Browser Testing
- Docker
- Cloud CLIs
- Network utilities
- Databases and services
- Erlang and Elixir
- Go
- Java and JVM languages
- JavaScript via Node.js
- Python
- Ruby
- See also
The ubuntu1804
image is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The user in the environment is named semaphore
, and
has full sudo
Image name: ubuntu1804
Following version control tools are pre-installed:
- Git (2.x)
- Git LFS (Git Large File Storage)
- Mercurial (4.5.x)
- Svn (1.9.x)
- Firefox 52 and 60 (default: 60)
- geckodriver 0.21.0
- Google Chrome 69
- chrome_driver 2.41
- xvfb (X Virtual Framebuffer)
Chrome and Firefox both support headless mode. You shouldn't need to do more than install and use the relevant Selenium library for your language. Refer to the documentation of associated libraries when configuring your project.
Docker toolset is installed and following versions are available:
- Docker 18.06
- docker-compose 1.22.0
- aws-cli
- eb-cli
- ecs-cli
- gcloud
- kubectl
- heroku
- httpie
- curl
- rsync
Database services are not started by default. To start them you
need to run sem-service
sem-service start mysql
sem-service start postgres
sem-service start redis
sem-service start memcached
- To access MySQL, username is
and password is blank. - To access PostgreSQL, username is
and password is blank.
For more information about sem-service
Toolbox reference.
Erlang versions are installed and managed via kerl. Elixir versions are installed with kiex.
- Erlang: 21.0
- Elixir: 1.7.3
Additional libraries:
- rebar: 2.6.4
- rebar3: 3.6.1
- 1.10
- 1.11
- Java: 8u181, 10.0.2
- Scala: 2.11.11, 2.12.6
- Leiningen: 2.8.1
- sbt
- Maven: 3.5.4
- Gradle: 4.1
Node.js versions are managed by nvm.
You can install any version you need with nvm install <version>
Installed version:
- v8.11.3 (set as default, with alias 8.11)
- Yarn: 1.10.1
- Bower: 1.8.4
PHP versions are managed by phpbrew. Installed versions:
- 7.0.31
- 7.1.21
- 7.2.10
phpunit: 6.3
Python versions are installed and managed by virtualenv. Installed versions:
- 2.7
- 3.7
Supporting libraries:
- pypy: 5.8.0
- pypy3: 5.8.0
- pip: 18.1
- venv: 16.0.0
Ruby versions are installed and managed by rbenv. Installed versions:
- 2.3.7
- 2.4.4
- 2.5.1
- jruby-