Cloud resources will require some form of credentials. The Terraform providers maintained by the large clouds generally have some form of authentication using environment variables. The terraform-operator can add credentials using environment variables via Kubernetes Secrets.
Some Terraform Providers can use other methods of authentication. Terraform-operator currently supports the use of AWS IRSA or KIAM when deploying.
Add provider credentials from environment variables by first creating the secret in Kubernetes.
First, configure all key-value pairs in a secret as container environment variables. Then add the following to the terraform-operator resource configuration to use these secrets:
kind: Terraform
# (...)
- secretNameRef:
name: aws-session-credentials
KIAM runs as an agent on each node in your Kubernetes cluster and allows cluster users to associate IAM roles to Pods.
Add the KIAM annotation to the terraform execution pod by adding the following config to the terraform-operator resource configuration:
kind: Terraform
# (...)
- aws:
kiam: my-kiam-rolename
With IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA) on Amazon EKS clusters, you can associate an IAM role with a Kubernetes service account. This service account can then provide AWS permissions to the containers in any pod that uses that service account.
In order for the pod to be able to use this role, the "Trusted Entity" of the IAM role must allow this service account name and namespace.
The most secure way to use IRSA is by adding the specific ServiceAccount
to the AWS TrustEntity config with a "StringEquals" policy.
However, for a reusable policy consider "StringLike" with a few wildcards to make the IRSA role usable by pods created by terraform-operator. The example below is pretty liberal, but will work for any pod created by the terraform-operator.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": "${OIDC_ARN}"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"${OIDC_URL}:sub": "system:serviceaccount:*:tf-*"
Add the following configuration to the terraform-operator resource configuration to use IRSA:
kind: Terraform
# (...)
- aws:
irsa: arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/my-irsa-role
If you are using Google Cloud then Workload Identity is a great way to associate a kubernetes ServiceAccount
with a GCP Service Account + Cloud IAM Roles.
It can be a little fiddly getting the exact kubernetes ServiceAccount
resource in a namespace associated with the GCP project and IAM identity and roles.
e.g. here is an example of creating an IAM service account mink-controller
and then associating that with a kubernetes ServiceAccount
in namespace mink-system
with name `controller.
Because you need to both link the kubernetes ServiceAccount
to the IAM role and vice versa, its hard to dyanmically create a ServiceAccount
per Terraform
resource (which is the default behaviour in the Terraform Operator).
So to work well with Workload Identity its easier to just specify the kubernetes ServiceAccount
name inside your Terraform
resource as follows:
kind: Terraform
# (...)
serviceAccount: my-tf-sa
Then the Terraform
resource will use the kubernetes ServiceAccount
called my-tf-sa
for the apply and destroy Jobs which you can then use Workload Identity and the annotation on the ServiceAccount
to associate with the necessary Cloud IAM roles.
Here is a complete example.
You may find its easier to use the above approach with Google Cloud and use a specific spec.serviceAccount
and have that kubernetes ServiceAccount
associated with cloud IAM roles if your cloud provider supports it.
If your cloud provider supports annotations to associate a kubernetes ServiceAccount
with cloud IAM roles you can add those service accounts here:
kind: Terraform
# (...)
- serviceAccountAnnotations:
myannotation: something
anotherAnnotation: oneMoreThingHere