v1.2.0 (2018-08-28)
Closed issues:
- Entity could be an array? #87
- Cannot use Passport-Google-Token through POST request on /authentication #83
- JWT sub is always 'anonymous' after using verifier #82
- How to authenticate token from Facebook on Feathers server #80
- How to use FBSDK Login with React Native and FeathersJS? #22
- Create custom formatter to support calling back a mobile deep link #8
- Create custom formatter for returning an html page that calls back to parent window #7
Merged pull requests:
- Update all dependencies #89 (daffl)
- Allowing return type of _createEntity to be an Array #88 (testless)
- Fix for Update an existing entity in verifier #18 #86 (nsainaney)
- Update @feathersjs/commons to the latest version 🚀 #84 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Fix state=true in authorizationURL integrating passport-oauth2 #81 (happydenn)
v1.1.0 (2018-06-23)
Closed issues:
- Authentication always logging as first user #77
- Restricting certain email domains #75
- Error when save callback payload google login into users service #74
- Confusing in doc of 'OAuth2 Authentication' #73
- Deleted #71
- Callback URL problem in production when using oauth #53
- Unable to override Facebook display options #32
- Implement oauth2 with graphql #25
Merged pull requests:
- Allow a custom error Handler #79 (mrdj07)
- Update sinon to the latest version 🚀 #76 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Update sinon to the latest version 🚀 #72 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Update sinon-chai to the latest version 🚀 #69 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Update mocha to the latest version 🚀 #66 (greenkeeper[bot])
v1.0.3 (2018-01-03)
Closed issues:
- I got Internal error when I log in with google #63
- how to use proxy when call authnetication provider #62
Merged pull requests:
- Update documentation to correspond with latest release #65 (daffl)
- Update semistandard to the latest version 🚀 #64 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Update feathers-memory to the latest version 🚀 #61 (greenkeeper[bot])
v1.0.2 (2017-11-28)
Closed issues:
- Dependency @feathersjs/express not declared #59
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.1 (2017-11-16)
Closed issues:
not works properly #57- I get Internal server error after I auth with Google authentication #55
- Cannot connect with OAuth2, always getting 404 Not Found Page. #54
Merged pull requests:
- Add default export for better ES module (TypeScript) compatibility #58 (daffl)
- Update @feathersjs/authentication to the latest version 🚀 #56 (greenkeeper[bot])
v1.0.0 (2017-11-01)
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.0-pre.1 (2017-10-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Update to Feathers v3 #51 (daffl)
- Rename repository and use npm scope #50 (daffl)
- Update to new plugin infrastructure #49 (daffl)
v0.3.2 (2017-10-15)
Closed issues:
- Examples are no longer working due to missing email property #40
- Log a warning if this.service.id is undefined or null #21
Merged pull requests:
- Erroring if service.id is undefined. Closes #21. #47 (ekryski)
- Update mocha to the latest version 🚀 #46 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Update examples to work with latest OAuth payload #45 (teddy-error)
- Update sinon to the latest version 🚀 #43 (greenkeeper[bot])
v0.3.1 (2017-09-27)
Closed issues:
- Google "hostedDomain" not working #13
Merged pull requests:
v0.3.0 (2017-09-25)
Closed issues:
- Missing params on OAuth redirect creation #41
- how to custom callback page after authetication #39
- profileUrl is undefined #38
- Use patch to update the entity instead of update #31
- Update existing user in verifier will change the user password hash from an already hashed password. #19
Merged pull requests:
- Added support for redirect options on strategy options (#41) #42 (nsainaney)
- #19 Fix: using patch to update entity in verifier #20 (skinnyworm)
v0.2.6 (2017-09-12)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix old property name fallback for backwards compatibility #37 (daffl)
- Include babel-polyfill and package-lock.json #35 (daffl)
- Update debug to the latest version 🚀 #30 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Update sinon to the latest version 🚀 #29 (greenkeeper[bot])
v0.2.5 (2017-06-21)
Closed issues:
- Module is using the wrong default config key #23
- Generated default.json is missing scope for Google OAuth #14
- Cookie not getting set #12
Merged pull requests:
- Greenkeeper/chai 4.0.2 #28 (daffl)
- using correct auth key. Closes 23. #24 (ekryski)
- Update semistandard to the latest version 🚀 #17 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Update feathers-hooks to the latest version 🚀 #16 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 #15 (greenkeeper[bot])
v0.2.4 (2017-03-24)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Follow failureRedirect on oauth2 authentication failure #11 (buske)
- Issue #9: Add callbackPath option to support oauth2 endpoint within sub-app or server proxy #10 (buske)
v0.2.3 (2016-12-14)
v0.2.2 (2016-12-14)
Merged pull requests:
v0.2.1 (2016-12-14)
v0.2.0 (2016-11-23)
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.2 (2016-11-20)
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.1 (2016-11-19)
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.0 (2016-11-16)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator