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FICCC CTBF Weekly Newsletter (5/11/2020 - 5/17/2020)

  • 查经主题/ Topic of Bible study: 马太效应; 路加 19:11-27;

  • 带领/Lead: Star

  • Zoom meeting starts at 7 pm on Friday:

      Topic: CTBF Fellowship
      Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
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              +1 651 372 8299 US
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              +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
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      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
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Previous Newsletter

Prayer meeting:

  • 祷告主题:为疫情祷告

  • Workday prayer meetings:

  • Saturday prayer meeting at 7:30 pm:

      Topic: CTBF Prayer Meeting
      Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 969 8127 2574
      One tap mobile
      +16465189805,,96981272574# US (New York)
      +16468769923,,96981272574# US (New York)
      Dial by your location
      +1 646 518 9805 US (New York)
      +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
      +1 470 381 2552 US (Atlanta)
      +1 786 635 1003 US (Miami)
      +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
      +1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta)
      +1 602 753 0140 US (Phoenix)
      +1 651 372 8299 US
      +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)
      +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
      +1 720 928 9299 US (Denver)
      +1 971 247 1195 US (Portland)
      +1 253 215 8782 US
      +1 301 715 8592 US
      +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
      Meeting ID: 969 8127 2574
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       China) (Brazil) (Canada) (Japan)
      Meeting ID: 969 8127 2574
      Join by Skype for Business


  • Missions/World

      1) Pray for God to use FICCC’s Bolivia offering to help suffering children: Praise God for the large offering of over $8000 that FICCC was able to give to the Bolivia-based missionary parents of FICCC member Dae Guang Chung Kim to help those suffering from lack of food there as a result of poor lockdown policies. Pray God will use these funds to bless kids at an orphanage there and many other poor families as well to have enough food to get through this crisis. Let’s also ask the Lord to work in the hearts of those who receive help and aren’t Christians to become genuine followers of Jesus.
      2) Pray for Derrick and Esther (currently in the US) and their ministry in Thailand: Derrick and Esther and their two children returned to the US at the end of March due to the coronavirus. They are still engaged in Thailand ministry online, and are also connecting via the internet with supporting churches in the US. Pray for God’s grace as they apply for a long-term visa to minister in Thailand, which has been made more complicated by the pandemic. Pray as well that God will provide new English teachers to minister with them in Thailand. Let’s also ask the Lord to bless their ministry to and interaction with supporting churches in the US.
      3) Pray for Zhang Tao and Yingyun as they seek God’s leading for their next step: Tao has just finished his theological study at Gordon-Conwell Seminary and plans to go back to China to be a pastor. However, he has run into some difficulties – due to the pandemic, he has been unable to get a visa from the Chinese embassy in New York for his newborn daughter; he and his family would need to be in quarantine for 14 days after returning to China; and plane tickets back to China are very expensive right now. So he has started to look for a year-long position as an intern at a Chinese church in the US before heading back to China. Let’s pray for God to lead Tao and his family and to provide the right church for him to intern at if they are unable to return to China this summer.
      4) Reopening after the lockdown:  Pray for wisdom for government leaders in deciding when to allow citizens to return to their work and other activities.  Pray that their decisions will result in the economy being restored as soon as possible while a minimum number of people getting sick.  Pray that citizens will be wise in their practices to help minimize health problems.  Pray also for wisdom for our church leaders as they consider different factors to decide when to reopen our church's worship services and other ministries.  Pray that they will set up procedures so that people can worship and fellowship with each other while keeping physically safe. Pray that people within our church will not waste the opportunities associated with the lockdown.  Pray that they will use this time to draw closer as a family and to work on their spiritual disciplines of reading the Bible and praying.
  • Church

      1. Support and Build Up One Another: One tactic the Devil often uses to bring down the morale of a church is to make the church coworkers busy with their own ministries and lose energy and interest to support one another. May God give all of us spiritual insight to give Satan no room for success. Pray and ask God to help us to on the one hand maintain very good balance for our own lives and on the other have the heart to support and to empower one another.
      2. All Church ministries online: Continue to pray that Pastor Paul and Pastor Tang will learn to effectively preach online.  Pray that many people will use their extra time to participate in our online prayer meetings, Bible studies and fellowship meetings.  Pray for unchurched people to invite to participate in these online ministries.  
      3. Evergreen Fellowship Monthly Meeting Online This Saturday: Evergreen will have their monthly meeting online this Saturday, 5/16, from 10 AM to noon, Pray for a good attendance and a good fellowship time.
      4. Registration for Seminary Extension online Class on Bible Ethics: This year  Dr Peter Chow, the former president of CES, will teach the online class on Bible Ethics from June 6 to June 10  It’s a great opportunity to learn from an experienced teacher and gain great insights on Christian life  that most people find it difficult to study by self. Pray that many church members will decide to take the class and register early.
      5. English Congregation: 
      I.  Abi Bernard graduated from Cornell University in December.  In the spring semester, our church has supported her as she served as a Cru intern.  During her time at Cornell and as a Cru intern, she has faithfully served our church as a shepherd/discipler and a worship team leader.  In late August/early September she plans to serve as a Cru intern in the Ivory Coast in which she will partner with the international church as well as participate in French-speaking ministry on college campuses.  Pray that the pandemic will not prevent her from serving the Lord in this way.  Pray that the Lord will raise up people to support her ministry financially and prayerfully. 
      II.  Stephanie Deng is a Cornell student who faithfully serves as a youth worker in our church.  She is also currently volunteering with a group called TeleHealth Access for Seniors in which she is recruiting people to donate electronic devices or donations for electronic devices so that senior citizens can be in touch with their physicians during the pandemic.  Pray that she will be able to raise the needed donations and that it will result in senior citizens receiving the help they need. 
      III:  Elise Epp is Pastor Paul and Hildy's daughter.  She has served faithfully as a youth worker in our church.  She  hopes and plans to go on a summer mission trip with Leaders Trek youth ministry in which she will train youth to work with the needy in the USA.  Pray that the leaders of Leaders Trek will have wisdom in deciding how and whether to proceed during the transition from lockdown to reopening.  Pray that the Lord will raise up people to support her ministry financially and prayerfully. 
      6. Worship Service: Pray for the worship services this coming Sunday.  Let us come with a joyful heart and lift up our voices to glorify God.
      a. Speaker: Elder Mancang Dong will preach in the Chinese Worship service on “The Comfort of the Holy Sprit” from II Corinthians 1:4, Acts 9:31.  Pastor Paul will preach in English congregation. Please pray for their sermon preparations. Let us also pray for our readiness to hear God’s Word and to respond to it. 
  • Individuals

      1. Final Exams: Continue to pray for the undergraduate and graduate students in the two congregations as they face final examinations and deadlines.  Special pray for the undergraduates ( include the basil group members)in the ending of this special semester.  May God give them good health, strength and wisdom to do the best they can.
      2. Parents Needing More Prayer Support: Sometimes parents can feel powerless and even guilty when they are not able to help their children as much as they want to.  Some are for health issues.  Some are for the children’s behaviors or decisions. Please pray for some parents who are in our church family and are experiencing these pains.