CVPR24 2311.12754v2
Describe what the paper have done, training srategy (supervised/unsupervised), system inputs and outputs, and application scenarios.
- Surround camera RGBs ---> "meaningful geometry"
- Prior 2D Segmentation map ---> Semantic Occupancy
Vision-centric autonomous driving
- SemanticKITTI
- KITTI-2015
- nuScenes
Very important.
Clarify the motivation behind the paper, and the comparison with prior arts.
"it is desired to learn meaningful 3D representations only from recorded video sequences without 3D labels." Existing unsupervised method "are still based on 2D representations in each monocular camera space. It remains challenging to obtain reasonable and comprehensive 3D representations useful for further autonomous driving prediction and planning [29] in a self-supervised manner." "it is nontrivial to adapt them to surround views".
- Using screenshots if neccessary. Directly ctrlC+V.
- Provide the network details.
$$ \boldsymbol{O} = M(\left{ \boldsymbol{I}{i} \right}) = D(F(E(\boldsymbol{I}{1}), \cdots, E(\boldsymbol{I}_{N}))) $$
Implementation details of contributions. Description of novel ideas.
- Use SDF instead of densities
- MVS-embedded strategy
- SDF regularization
Metrics and Datasets can be ommitted if former papers have already clarified.