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Releases: fernandoescolar/vscode-solution-explorer

v 0.5.0

27 Jul 08:48
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Adding open solution command

Adding different automatic open solution flags: in root folder, in alt folders, in root folders and subfolders (Enhancement #204), and omnisharp integration

Adding command to update package references versions automatically

Bugfix #205: README images fixed thanks to Philippe Desmarais

Adding welcome view when no solution found

Updating README

v 0.4.7

03 Jun 12:39
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Enhancement #63: prefix commands with "SolutionExplorer: "

Enhancement #167: using runtime icons for tree actions

Enhancement #189: it tries to determine the file extension when you create a new one without extension

Enhancement #159: added new command: "SolutionExplorer: Select Active Document"

v 0.4.6

02 Jun 16:34
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Bugfix #178: Nested items PR #197 (by @callummarshall9)

Enhancement #171: load new project templates from dotnet new --list command output.

Fixing Dependabot alerts

Move branch from master to main.

v 0.4.5

06 Jan 07:53
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Bugfix #183: Pass right parameter into PackageReference contructor (by @Danieladu)

Enhancement #186: update to C# 10 namespace syntax (by @little512)

Fixing Dependabot alerts

v 0.4.4

14 Jul 08:16
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Bugfix #177: cleaning console.log calls

Enhancement #175: adding "Watch Run" command

Fixing Dependabot alerts

v 0.4.3

07 Apr 08:10
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Bugfix #165: fixing error loading solutions from alt folders

Bugfix #118: replacing '&' by '&' in project XML quoted strings

Fixing dependantbot alerts

v 0.4.2

28 Mar 15:02
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Bugfix #164: revert #118 solution

v 0.4.1

27 Mar 16:33
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Bugfix #155: fixing error deleting folders

Bugfix #118: save XML special characters encoded: & < > " '

Bugfix #84: avoid errors with non-existing projects in solution

v 0.4.0

27 Mar 12:58
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Enhancement #38 #50 #158: Add multi folder in workspace support. Thanks to vlesierse and m4ss1m0g for their PRs.

Upgrading npm packages

v 0.3.11

17 Aug 16:47
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Upgrading npm packages

Enhancement #139: Add more project templates. Thanks to jbactad

Bugfix #135: Don't focus tree when tracking active file. Thanks to jbactad