This plugin override the default behavior of ActiveRecord#destroy method to set an active attribute to false instead of delete the record. The plugin also add a default_scope to hide the inactived records. This plugin assumes the table has a active boolean field, with default to true.
This plugin is HEAVLY influencied by acts_as_paranoid
This plugin depends of default_scope, introduced in Rails 2.3. If you use Rails 2.1 or 2.2, install default_scope as a plugin:
script/plugin install git://
After, install this plugin:
script/plugin install git://
create_table :users do |t| t.string :name t.string :last_name t.boolean :active, :null => false, :default => true end class User acts_as_active end User.first.destroy UPDATE users SET active = 'f' WHERE id = 1 User.first.destroy! #call the original destroy DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 1 User.all SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 't' User.all :conditions => {:name => "joe"} SELECT * FROM users WHERE (name = 'joe') AND (active = 't') User.find_with_inactive :conditions => {:name => "joe"} SELECT * FROM users WHERE (name = 'joe')
Turn on the plugin. options are: :with - name of the boolean field which indicates that the record is active. default is "active" :show_inactive_in_associations - if you want to show inactive objects in associations, set it to true
Disable the default scope and invoke the default find args: the same of ActiveRecord::Base#find
Disable the default scope and invoke the default all args: the same of ActiveRecord::Base#all
Disable the default scope and invoke the default calculate args: the same of ActiveRecord::Base#calculate
Disable the default scope and invoke the default count args: the same of ActiveRecord::Base#count
Returns the active attribute
Sets the active attribute to true
Sets the active attribute to true
Calls the original destroy
If you want to use default_scope in your model, add it AFTER the acts_as_active call. Example:
class User acts_as_active default_scope :conditions => {:type => 'admin'}, :order => "name ASC" end
Copyright © 2009 Fernando Luizão, released under the MIT license