This guide is intended for modern Debian/Ubuntu-based and Arch-based GNU/Linux distributions.
Note: we'll use gf_dev
as reference name for this guide. Of course, you can change it as you wish.
Generate Italian locale for your system:
$ sudo locale-gen it_IT.UTF-8
We need to install common development packages, Git, Python and related packages, SQLite and PostgreSQL databases.
On Debian/Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core \ python python-{dev,imaging,pip,setuptools,virtualenv} virtualenvwrapper \ sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev python-sqlite \ postgresql postgresql-client libpq-dev python-psycopg2
On Arch:
$ sudo pacman -S base-devel git \ python2 python2-pip python-virtualenvwrapper \ sqlite \ postgresql postgresql-libs python2-psycopg2
Only on Arch, first of all initialize
user:$ sudo -u postgres initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'
Now start PostgreSQL daemon:
# On Debian/Ubuntu $ sudo service postgresql start # On Arch (and Debian Jessie?) $ sudo systemctl start postgresql
Then, open the file:
# On Debian/Ubuntu (if necessary, replace "9.3" accordingly to your version of PostgreSQL) $ sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf # On Arch $ sudo vim /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf
Add the last line:
# TYPE DATABASE USER CIDR-ADDRESS METHOD local all postgres peer local all gf_dev trust
Reload PostgreSQL:
# On Debian/Ubuntu $ sudo service postgresql reload # On Arch (and Debian Jessie?) $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql
Create gf_dev
PostgreSQL user:
$ sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A gf_dev
Create gf_dev
PostgreSQL database:
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O gf_dev -E utf-8 -T template0 gf_dev
Test access to the new database (then, exit with \q
or CTRL+d
$ psql -d gf_dev -U gf_dev psql (9.3.5) Type "help" for help. gf_dev=#
Note: we'll assume your virtualenvs root is ~/.config/venvs
Set the virtualenv root to your .bashrc
(or .zshrc
) and reload it:
$ echo 'export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.config/venvs' >> ~/.bashrc $ source ~/.bashrc
Create your virtualenv:
$ mkvirtualenv -p `which python2` gf_dev
Now, you've enabled the virtualenv and you'll see something like:
For deactivate it usedeactivate
, for enable it againworkon gf_dev
Note: we'll assume your repositories root is ~/src
Clone the Gasista Felice repository:
(gf_dev)$ cd ~/src (gf_dev)$ git clone git:// gf_dev
Alternatively, if you've a Github account:
(gf_dev)$ git clone gf_dev
Go inside new directory and install submodules:
(gf_dev)$ cd gf_dev (gf_dev)$ git submodule update --init
Install Python requirements inside your virtualenv:
(gf_dev)$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
Set your local settings:
(gf_dev)$ cd gasistafelice (gf_dev)$ cp{.dist,}
accordingly to your needs:
(gf_dev)$ vim
Initialize the database:
(gf_dev)$ ./ syncdb --noinput (gf_dev)$ ./ migrate
Create the admin user:
(gf_dev)$ ./ init_superuser
Optionally, you could load some example data:
(gf_dev)$ ./ loaddata fixtures/auth/test_data.json
Export the following environment variables:
(gf_dev)$ export DJHISTORY_HOME=$WORKON_HOME/gf_dev/src/django-pro-history (gf_dev)$ export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Now let's run the web server:
(gf_dev)$ ./ runserver
Go to http://localhost:8000/ and enjoy Gasista Felice!!
You could use also the Django admin interface to do some tests at http://localhost:8000/gasistafelice/admin/.
Next time you'll run Gasista Felice, you've to:
Go to project root, inside gasistafelice
$ cd ~/src/gf_dev/gasistafelice
Enable virtualenv and export the following environment variables:
$ workon gf_dev (gf_dev)$ export DJHISTORY_HOME=$WORKON_HOME/gf_dev/src/django-pro-history (gf_dev)$ export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Run the web server:
(gf_dev)$ ./ runserver
Now you can see next guides:
- configure mail
- use GitHub account
- forking model