Theorem proving is the main difference between Kind and traditional pure functional languages like Haskell. Since proving theorems require certain techniques that aren't common in these languages, this tutorial aims to fill that gap, supplementing a reader that is familiar with basic functional programming concepts (like recursion, pattern matching and algebraic datatypes) with the required knowledge to start proving theorems right now.
Before starting, make sure to install Kind via Haskell or JavaScript
(example: npm i -g kind-lang
), clone this repository
) and cd
into the kind/base
directory (you must be there for now). You'll be editing the Main.kind
only. Open it in your favorite editor and type kind Main.kind
to type-check it.
To start proving theorems, first you must be aware of the Equal
type Equal <A: Type> (a: A) ~ (b: A) {
refl ~ (b = a)
If that looks alien to you, don't worry for now, it will become clear. The
type has only one constructor, refl
, which has the following type:
Equal.refl : (A: Type) -> (x: A) -> Equal(A,x,x)
That means refl
receives a type (A
), and element x
of type A
, and
returns Equal(A,x,x)
. As an example, the program below:
two_is_two: Equal(Nat, 2, 2)
Equal.refl(Nat, 2)
Is a proof that 2 == 2
. Not that scary, right? Since Equal
and refl
common, there is a shortcut to write them. The program above is equivalent to:
two_is_two: 2 == 2
Make sure to replace the contents of Main.kind
by the snipped above, and type
kind Main.kind
to test it. You should see:
two_is_two: 2 == 2
All terms check.
Meaning that we indeed proved that 2 and 2 are equal. We can use Equal.refl
prove an equality when both sides are equal, or when they reduce to the same
term. That means this also works:
two_is_two: (1 + 1) == 2
Because (1 + 1)
is a concrete value that computes to 2
. Now, of course,
proving that two concrete values are equal isn't that interesting. The real fun
starts when you start mixing letters; aka, variables; in these equations.
Theorem proving, in its most essential form, is all about techniques to
manipulate these equations until you get both sides to be identical. That's what
we're going to do through all this tutorial. Ready? Let's go!
We'll start proving a simple theorem: that, for any Boolean b, not(not(b)) == b
. In other words, we'll prove that negating a boolean twice results on the
original boolean. To start this proof, we give the theorem a name, a type, and
a body (a goal):
double_negation(b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
We now run kind Main.kind
. That will display:
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
With context:
- b: Bool
That just tells us that we must fill the body of double_negation
with a proof
that not(not(b)) == b
; nothing new here. Let's try using Equal.refl
double_negation(b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
Equal.refl(Bool, b)
This will show a type error:
Type mismatch.
- Expected: Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
- Detected: b == b
With context:
- b: Bool
That's because Equal.refl(Bool, b)
proves that b == b
, but we want a proof
that Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
. Yes, we, humans, know that
should always reduce to b
, but the machine, Kind,
doesn't know that. Why? Let's see the definition of Bool.not
(from Bool.kind
Bool.not(b: Bool): Bool
case b {
true: false
false: true
When Kind sees Bool.not(Bool.not(b))
, it reduces it to:
Bool.not(case b { true: false, false: true })
But now the inner case is stuck, trying to pattern-match on b
. It can't
choose any branch, because it doesn't know what b
is. It isn't true
, it
isn't false
. It is just a variable. That is the only reason Kind is not
able to tell that Bool.not(Bool.not(b))
and b
are the same. But we can help
it with a case analysis. That is, we can pattern-match on b
double_negation(b: Bool): not(not(b)) == b
case b {
true: ?a
false: ?b
Check it with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
With context:
- b: Bool
Goal ?b:
With type: Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
With context:
- b: Bool
Now, instead of one goal, we have two goals. But Kind is still demanding a
proof that Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
in both, so, that wasn't very helpful.
But consider the following: on the true
case, we know that b
is true
because we just pattern-matched it. Similarly, on the false
case, we know that
is false
. Wouldn't it be great if Kind noticed that, and relaxed its
demands by specializing b
to its concrete value on each branch? We can ask
Kind to do just that by adding a !
after the case expression:
double_negation(b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
case b {
true: ?a
false: ?b
Here, !
stands for "please, be less demanding and specialize b to its concrete
values on each case". By running kind Main.kind
, we now see:
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.not(Bool.not(Bool.true)) == Bool.true
With context:
- b: Bool
Goal ?b:
With type: Bool.not(Bool.not(Bool.false)) == Bool.false
With context:
- b: Bool
Kind now demands a proof that not(not(true)) == true
on the first case,
and a proof that not(not(false)) == false
on the second one. That's great,
because the variable b
is gone and the case b
inside not
is now "unstuck"
and ready to compute. To see that this is true, Kind allows us to inspect
and reduce a goal by writing -
after it:
double_negation(b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
case b {
true: ?a-
false: ?b-
Running kind Main.kind
, we see:
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.not-10(Bool.not-22(Bool.true-30)) == Bool.true-3
With context:
- b: Bool
Goal ?b:
With type: Bool.not-10(Bool.not-22(Bool.false-30)) == Bool.false-3
With context:
- b: Bool
Notice how a -N
was added after each reducible expression. That's a label. We
can ask Kind to reduce any of these by writting that label after the goal.
Let's reduce the inner not
(the one labelled -22
) on each branch:
double_negation(b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
case b {
true: ?a-22
false: ?b-22
Running kind Main.kind
, we see:
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.not(Bool.false) == Bool.true
With context:
- b: Bool
Goal ?b:
With type: Bool.not(Bool.true) == Bool.false
With context:
- b: Bool
Notice how the inner Bool.not
was reduced, going from, on the ?a
not(not(true)) == true
to not(false) == true
. We can repeat the step above
to reduce the last not
double_negation(b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
case b {
true: ?a-22-10
false: ?b-22-10
Running kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.true == Bool.true
With context:
- b: Bool
Goal ?b:
With type: Bool.false == Bool.false
With context:
- b: Bool
That means Kind wants us to prove that true == true
and false == false
on each branch respectively. That is easy: since both sides are equal, we can
just use refl
double_negation(b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
case b {
true: refl
false: refl
By running kind Main.kind
, we see:
double_negation: (b:Bool) Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
All terms check.
That means our first proof is complete, and not(not(b)) == b
is indeed true.
Good job!
Note that you could have written refl
on its full form (for example,
Equal.refl(Bool, Bool.true)
) instead of just refl
. Note also that this last
step of reducing the goal with -
is optional. If you knew that not(not(true)) == true
would reduce to true == true
, you could have just written refl
directly. Learning to use -
can be very handy when you have goals too complex
to reduce in your head, so keep it in your toolbelt!
Let's now prove that and(true, b) == b
. That's true because, if b
is true
then the equation becomes and(true,true) == true
, which reduces to true == true
, which holds. And, if b
is false
, the equation becomes
and(true,false) == false
, which reduces to false == false
, which holds.
Let's prove it. As always, we start by writting a name, a type and a body:
and_true_b(b: Bool): Bool.and(true, b) == b
By running kind main.kind
, we see:
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.and(Bool.true,b) == b
With context:
- b: Bool
Notice that there is a variable b
on the left side of the equation. That means
that we must pattern-match, because it is stuck... or is it? Let's recall the
definition of Bool.and
(from Bool.kind
Bool.and(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool
case a {
true: b,
false: false,
Notice that this function only pattern-matches on a
, not on b
. That means
is not stuck, and immediately reduces to b
. We can
convince ourselves of that by reducing Bool.and
. First, add a -
to the
and_true_b(b: Bool): Bool.and(true, b) == b
Run it with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.and-18(Bool.true-26,b) == b
With context:
- b: Bool
Apply the Bool.and
labelled with 18
and_true_b(b: Bool): Bool.and(true, b) == b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: b == b
With context:
- b: Bool
Since both sides are equal, we can complete this proof with refl
and_true_b(b: Bool): Bool.and(true, b) == b
Check with kind Main.kind
and_true_b: (b:Bool) Bool.and(Bool.true,b) == b
All terms check.
And done! Notice how we didn't need to use case
on this proof. The lesson is:
having variables inside an expression doesn't mean it is stuck, it depends on
the definition of the used functions. As a rule of thumb, when proving a
theorem, don't just pattern-match every variable you see on the goal. Always use
to test if your goal can be simplified as is. Only if it can't you should
pattern-match to specialize a variable to its concrete values.
Let's now prove and(b, true) == b
and_b_true(b: Bool): Bool.and(b, true) == b
That is almost identical to the last theorem we proved (and(true, b) == b
), so
it should be just refl
too, right? Wrong! Let's see what happens if we try to
reduce Bool.and
. To do so, first, write -
after the goal:
and_b_true(b: Bool): Bool.and(b, true) == b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.and-18(b,Bool.true-14) == b
With context:
- b: Bool
Reduce the Bool.and
labelled with 18
and_b_true(b: Bool): Bool.and(b, true) == b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: b((a) Bool,Bool.true,Bool.false) == b
With context:
- b: Bool
What? Unlike the previous theorem, reducing Bool.and
didn't turn our type into
b == b
immediately. Instead, it became b(...) == b
. That's because
is defined to pattern-match on the first argument, which, now, is the
variable b
, instead of the concrete boolean true
. That causes the left side
to be stuck trying to apply b
to these things. To get it unstuck, we must use
a case on b
and_b_true(b: Bool): Bool.and(b, true) == b
case b {
true: ?a
false: ?b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Bool.and(Bool.true,Bool.true) == Bool.true
With context:
- b: Bool
Goal ?b:
With type: Bool.and(Bool.false,Bool.true) == Bool.false
With context:
- b: Bool
Now we could have used -
to reduce Bool.and
on both goals to convince
ourselves that they reduce to true == true
and false == false
Since I already know that, I'll just write refl
on both cases:
and_b_true(b: Bool): Bool.and(b, true) == b
case b {
true: refl
false: refl
That completes our third proof. The lesson is: again, use -
to see how your
goal reduces, use case to specialize stuck variables, and use refl
when you
manage to get two sides equal. With this simple procedure and enough patience,
you can prove any equality theorem.
Let's now prove that b == and(b,true)
right_and_b_true(b: Bool): b == Bool.and(b, true)
Since we have a variable b
, and not a concrete value, as the first argument of
, and, since and
pattern-matches on its first argument, then we
must need a pattern-match on this proof. Right? Kinda. Indeed we could do that:
right_and_b_true(b: Bool): b == Bool.and(b, true)
case b {
true: refl
false: refl
And that would complete our proof. But in this case, since we have just proven
and(b,true) == b
, which is the same thing just flipped,that means we can reuse
the former proof to prove right_and_b_true
and_b_true(b: Bool): Bool.and(b, true) == b
case b {
true: refl
false: refl
right_and_b_true(b: Bool): b == Bool.and(b, true)
Here, mirror : (A: Type) -> (a: A) -> (b: B) -> Equal(A,a,b) -> Equal(A,b,a)
is a standard function that flips the two arguments of an equality. That is, it
turns a == b
into b == a
. The lesson here is that not always we will prove
equalities with refl
directly. If we did that, every proof would be huge!
Instead, we can use former proofs inside later proofs, simplifying their code.
This is a functional programming language, after all. Modularism, function reuse
and clean code apply to proofs too!
As an exercise, prove the following theorems:
and_false_b(b: Bool): Bool.and(false, b) == false
and_b_false(b: Bool): Bool.and(b, false) == false
or_true_b(b: Bool): Bool.or(true, b) == true
or_b_true(b: Bool): Bool.or(b, true) == true
or_false_b(b: Bool): Bool.or(false, b) == b
or_b_false(b: Bool): Bool.or(b, false) == b
eql_b_b(b: Bool): Bool.eql(b, b) == true
demorgan_0(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.and(a,b)) == Bool.or(Bool.not(a),Bool.not(b))
demorgan_1(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.or(a,b)) == Bool.and(Bool.not(a),Bool.not(b))
Let's now prove the simplest "inductive" theorem on natural numbers: that the half of the double of a natural number is itself. As usual, we begin by writting a name, a type and a body:
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
With context:
- n: Nat
Here, we could try using -
to reduce Nat.double
and check if it simplifies.
Let's recall the definition of Nat.double
and Nat.half
Nat.double(n: Nat): Nat
case n {
succ: Nat.succ(Nat.succ(Nat.double(n.pred))),
Nat.half(n: Nat): Nat
case n {
succ: case n.pred {
succ: Nat.succ(Nat.half(n.pred.pred))
Since half
uses case
on n
, it gets stuck, so we use case
on n
in our
proof to unstuck it:
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: ?a
succ: ?b
Run with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Nat.half(Nat.double(0)) == 0
With context:
- n: Nat
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.half(Nat.double(Nat.succ(n.pred))) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
On the zero
case, we must prove that half(double(0)) == 0
. This reduces to
0 == 0
(you can use -
to verify that), so we just write refl
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: ?b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.half(Nat.double(Nat.succ(n.pred))) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
Since there is just one goal left, that means the first case is correct. Now,
for the succ
case, remember that the successor of a number can be written as
1 + pred
, where pred
is the predecessor of n
. As such, Kind demands
us to prove that half(double(succ(pred))) == succ(pred)
. Let's try to simplify
the left side of that equation. Write a -
after the goal:
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: ?b-
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.half-10(Nat.double-22(Nat.succ-46(n.pred))) == Nat.succ-5(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
Reduce the call to Nat.double
(label 22
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: ?b-22-
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.half-10(Nat.succ-22(Nat.succ-46(Nat.double-94(n.pred)))) == Nat.succ-5(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
Reduce the call to Nat.half
(label 10
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: ?b-22-10
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.succ(Nat.half(Nat.double(n.pred))) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
It seems like not much has changed, but we managed to get the Nat.succ
out of
the half(double(...))
expression. But now double
is stuck on a variable
again: n.pred
. Remember .
is just part of the name, n.pred
is the
predecessor of n
. We could pattern-match on n.pred
to unstuck it:
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: case n.pred {
zero: ?a
succ: ?b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Nat.half(Nat.double(1)) == 1
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.half(Nat.double(Nat.succ(Nat.succ(n.pred.pred)))) == Nat.succ(Nat.succ(n.pred.pred))
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
- n.pred.pred: Nat
The first goal now demands a proof that half(double(1)) == 1
. Both sides are
now concrete and variable-free, so it reduces to 1 == 1
, which can be
completed with refl
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: case n.pred {
zero: refl
succ: ?b
Great, we now proved the theorem for n = 0
and n = 1
! But now the second
goal now became:
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.half(Nat.double(Nat.succ(Nat.succ(n.pred.pred)))) == Nat.succ(Nat.succ(n.pred.pred))
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
- n.pred.pred: Nat
This is similar to the situation we had before. With enough patience, we could
"lift" the Nat.succ
out of the half(double(...))
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.succ(Nat.succ(Nat.half(Nat.double(n.pred.pred)))) == Nat.succ(Nat.succ(n.pred.pred))
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
- n.pred.pred: Nat
But now Nat.double
is succ on n.pred.pred
. We can use case
on it too:
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: case n.pred {
zero: refl
succ: case n.pred.pred {
zero: ?a
succ: ?b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Nat.half(Nat.double(2)) == 2
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
- n.pred.pred: Nat
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.half(Nat.double(Nat.succ(Nat.succ(Nat.succ(n.pred.pred.pred))))) == Nat.succ(Nat.succ(Nat.succ(n.pred.pred.pred)))
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
- n.pred.pred: Nat
- n.pred.pred.pred: Nat
Once again, the first goal is now concrete and we can fill with refl
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: case n.pred {
zero: refl
succ: case n.pred.pred {
zero: refl
succ: ?b
That means we have proven our theorem for n=0
, n=1
and n=2
. But the last
case is even larger. We could go on forever and forever, but we would never
finish this proof because there are infinitely many natural numbers. So, we must
take a step back where the loop began. Remember we had the following proof:
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: ?b-22-10
And the following goal (check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.succ(Nat.half(Nat.double(n.pred))) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
Since we were stuck on n.pred
, we used case
on it. But this resulted in an
endless chain of case
s. Let's instead try something different: instead of
pattern-matching on n.pred
, let's use half_double_theorem
recursively on
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
let ind = half_double_theorem(n.pred)
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.succ(Nat.half(Nat.double(n.pred))) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
- ind: Nat.half(Nat.double(n.pred)) == n.pred
Our goal didn't change, but now we have a new variable, ind
in our context. We
gained it "for free" by calling half_double_theorem
recursively on its
predecessor. Since half_double_theorem
returns half(double(n)) == n
for any
, and since we applied it to n.pred
, then ind
has type
half(double(n.pred)) == n.pred
. That's the inductive hypothesis. Take a
moment to realize that this type is almost the same as our goal: the only
difference is that the goal has an extra Nat.succ
on each side. We can apply a
function to both sides of an equality using apply(f,e)
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
let ind = half_double_theorem(n.pred)
let app = apply(Nat.succ, ind)
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.succ(Nat.half(Nat.double(n.pred))) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
- ind: Nat.half(Nat.double(n.pred)) == n.pred
- app: Nat.succ(Nat.half(Nat.double(n.pred))) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
The type of app
is exactly the type of our goal, so we can complete the proof
with it:
half_double_theorem(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
let ind = half_double_theorem(n.pred)
let app = apply(Nat.succ, ind)
Check with kind Main.kind
half_double_theorem: (n:Nat) Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
All terms check.
Great! This one was really hard, wasn't it? That's because the concept of
induction is hard to grasp, yet, induction is nothing but a fancy name for
recursion when used inside a proof. The lesson here is that there
is a new way to "unstuck" a variable in a goal. Instead of pattern-matching on
it (with case), we can apply the function recursively to it. This will give us
"for free" a term of type a == b
that is closer to the goal. Then, by
manipulating that equation (with mirror
and apply
, for example), we can
prove our goal.
Let's now prove that 0 + n == n
for any n
. We start as usual:
add_0_n(n: Nat): (0 + n) == n
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Nat.add(0,n) == n
With context:
- n: Nat
Kind asks us to prove Nat.add(0,n) == n
. It would be tempting to
pattern-match on n
. But let's recall the definition of Nat.add
Nat.add(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat
case n {
zero: m,
succ: Nat.succ(Nat.add(n.pred, m)),
Since it pattern-matches on the first argument, and since the first argument of
0 + n
is concrete, then the goal reduces immediately to n == n
. You can
verify that by using the -
feature. As such, this proof is trivial:
add_0_n(n: Nat): (0 + n) == n
Check with kind Main.kind
add_0_n: (n:Nat) Nat.add(0,n) == n
All terms check.
Let's now prove (n + 0) == n
add_n_0(n: Nat): (n + 0) == n
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Nat.add(n,0) == n
With context:
- n: Nat
In this case, the first argument of Nat.add
is a variable, n
, instead of a
concrete value like 0
. It will get stuck. As usual, we unstuck it by using
add_n_0(n: Nat): (n + 0) == n
case n {
zero: ?a
succ: ?b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Nat.add(0,0) == 0
With context:
- n: Nat
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.add(Nat.succ(n.pred),0) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
We can reduce Nat.add
on the goal ?a
using -
add_n_0(n: Nat): (n + 0) == n
case n {
zero: ?a-18
succ: ?b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: 0 == 0
With context:
- n: Nat
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.add(Nat.succ(n.pred),0) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
Since both sides of the ?a
goal are equal, we complete it with refl
add_n_0(n: Nat): (n + 0) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: ?b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.add(Nat.succ(n.pred),0) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
On the left side of the goal ?b
, we have add(succ(n.pred),0)
. From the
definition of Nat.add
, we know that this is equivalent to
, so we use -
to reduce add
and simplify the goal:
add_n_0(n: Nat): (n + 0) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: ?b-18
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.succ(Nat.add(n.pred,0)) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
Now add
has a variable, n.pred
, on its first argument, so it is stuck.
Instead of using case
on n.pred
- which will lead to an infinite cascade of
cases - we use the inductive hypothesis. That is, we apply add_n_0
to n.pred
add_n_0(n: Nat): (n + 0) == n
case n {
zero: refl
let ind = add_n_0(n.pred)
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.succ(Nat.add(n.pred,0)) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
- ind: Nat.add(n.pred,0) == n.pred
Thanks to the inductive hypothesis, we gained ind: add(n.pred,0) == n.pred
free. The type of ind
is almost equal to our goal, except that it is missing a
on both sides. We add it using apply
add_n_0(n: Nat): (n + 0) == n
case n {
zero: refl
let ind = add_n_0(n.pred)
let app = apply(Nat.succ, ind)
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?b:
With type: Nat.succ(Nat.add(n.pred,0)) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
With context:
- n: Nat
- n.pred: Nat
- ind: Nat.add(n.pred,0) == n.pred
- app: Nat.succ(Nat.add(n.pred,0)) == Nat.succ(n.pred)
The type of app
is now the same as our goal, so we complete the proof with it:
add_n_0(n: Nat): (n + 0) == n
case n {
zero: refl
let ind = add_n_0(n.pred)
let app = apply(Nat.succ, ind)
Check with kind Main.kind
add_n_0: (n:Nat) Nat.add(n,0) == n
All terms check.
Done! As you can see, proofs about natural numbers often follow this same
structure. On the zero case, write refl
. On the succ case, use the inductive
hypothesis on n.pred
and manipulate ind
to reach the goal
. Of course, it
varies depending on what you're trying to prove, but often that's the way.
As an exercise, prove the following theorems:
lte_0_n(n: Nat): Nat.lte(0, n) == true
gte_n_0(n: Nat): Nat.gte(n, 0) == true
eql_n_n(n: Nat): Nat.eql(n, n) == true
is_even_double_n(n: Nat): Nat.is_even(Nat.double(n)) == true
gte_succ_n_0(n: Nat): Nat.gte(Nat.succ(n), 0) == true
gte_succ_n_n(n: Nat): Nat.gte(Nat.succ(n), n) == true
Here, Nat.lte(a,b)
stands for a <= b
and Nat.gte(a,b)
stands for a >= b
for natural numbers a
, b
. Check their definitions on Nat.kind
In Kind, to prove that a theorem is true, we construct an element of the corresponding type. But how do we prove that something is not true? To do it, we must show that constructing an element of that type is impossible. The easiest way to do it is by contradiction: we first assume that the theorem holds and, based on that assumption, construct an element of the Empty type. Since the Empty type can't be constructed, then our theorem can't be true. But what is the Empty type?
Remember the Boolean type has 2 elements:
type Bool {
Similarly, the Unit type has 1 element:
type Unit {
And a Suit type has 4 elements:
type Suit {
If we can create a type with 1, 2 and 4 elements, can we create a type with 0 elements? Sure, that's the Empty type:
type Empty {
But what is the point of a type with zero elements? It is useless, right? Wrong!
In fact it is one of the most useful types, because of how case
work, and the princible of explosion. In order for a case
expression to be
considered well-typed in Kind, you must provide a proof that it holds on
each case. For example, recall the double negation theorem:
double_negation(b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(b)) == b
case b {
true: refl
false: refl
Here, Kind demanded us a proof of not(not(true)) == true
on the true
case, and a proof of not(not(false)) == false
on the false case. Since we
provided a proof for each case of b
, the case
expression returned a proof of
not(not(b)) == b
. That is, from a proof of each specific case (true
) we generated a proof of the general case (a variable b : Bool
). But
what happens if we use case
on a variable e
of type Empty
xablau(e: Empty): 1 == 0
case e {
Here, Kind will demand us to prove that 1 == 0
holds for each possible
value of e
. But e
has no case, so, technically, we satisfied Kind's
demand by doing nothing. Kind then returns a proof that 1 == 0
holds for
every possible value of e
. So, did we just prove that 1 == 0
? No! Because
is a function that demands an element of the type Empty
. But the
type has no elements, so we can never call xablau
That's the principle of explosion: from an absurd, we can derive any other
absurd. That's why Empty
is so useful. If we can derive Empty
a theorem, then that theorem is definitely false. For example, let's prove
that 1 == 0
is not true. We write a function:
one_neq_zero(e: 1 == 0): Empty
Which stands for "if 1 == 0, then we can construct an element of the Empty type". Which can be read as "1 == 0 is a false theorem".
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Empty
With context:
- e: 1 == 0
That means that, to prove that "1 == 0" is indeed false, our goal is to construct
an element of the Empty
type, based on the assumption that 1 == 0
(named e
To do it, you must understand two other things. First, that we can have expressions on types. For example:
two: if true then Nat else String
This is a perfectly valid Kind definition. Notice how we used an expression
) inside the type of two
. This is completely allowed. If you replaced if true
by if false
, the program above wouldn't type-check anymore (try it!). We
can also write inline type annotations in Kind with ::
, so, for example:
let two = 2 :: if true then Nat else String
Is also valid.
Second, we can rewrite a
by b
inside a type if we have a proof that a == b
. For example, suppose we had the following context:
eq: n == 2
xs: Vector(Nat, n)
That is, we have a vector xs
of n
natural numbers, and a proof eq
that n == 2
. We can use rewrite
and eq
to cast xs
to type Vector(Nat, 2)
let ys = xs :: rewrite x in Vector(Nat, x) with eq
This would give us the following context:
eq: n == 2
xs: Vector(Nat, n)
ys: Vector(Nat, 2)
Take a moment to make sure the above makes sense to you. If you want to, you may
check the definition of rewrite
on the Equal.kind
file (although that may be a
little bit too indimidating for now!).
With these two insights in mind (that we have expressions inside types, and that
we can rewrite equal values inside types), we can prove that one_neq_zero
using a very clever trick. Ready? Here it is:
one_neq_zero(e: 1 == 0): Empty
let a = 42 :: if Nat.eql(1,1) then Nat else Empty
let b = a :: rewrite x in (if Nat.eql(1,x) then Nat else Empty) with e
Now take a breath, and let me explain what is going on.
First, we created a local variable, a
, of type if Nat.eql(1,1) then Nat else Empty
. Since Nat.eql(1,1)
is true, then a
must have type Nat
. So, we just
write 42
, but any number would work.
Second, we used the fact that 1 == 0
to replace the second 1
on the type of
, from 1
to 0
. That means that b
will have type if Nat.eql(1,0) then Nat else Empty
. But Nat.eql(1,0)
is false
, so, b
has type Empty
. Which
is what we were trying to construct!
In other words, we managed to create an element of type Empty
by assuming that
1 == 0
, plus a clever use of rewrite
to "trick" Kind. Since the Empty
type has no elements, that means that, by contradiction, 1
is different of
. In other words, whenever we have a proof in the following shape:
a_neq_b(e: a == b): Empty
Then we know, for sure, that a
and b
are different. Since this is so common,
you can also write it as a != b
a_neq_b: a != b
(e) proof_by_contradiction
Here, a != b
is a synonym of Not(a == b)
, which is a synonym of (e: a == b) -> Empty
, which is why we write a lambda (e)
on the body of a_neq_b
Uff! That was a lot of information. Let's prove another inequality, but this time being a little bit more straightforward.
Let's now prove that 3 != 2
. As usual, start with the name, type and body:
three_neq_two: 3 != 2
Check it with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Not(3 == 2)
As expected, Kind just tells us we must prove Not(3 == 2)
, which is the
same as (e: 3 == 2) -> Empty
. Since that is a function, we create a lambda:
three_neq_two: 3 != 2
(e) ?a
Check it with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Empty
With context:
- e: 3 == 2
Now Kind is demanding that we derive an element of type Empty
given a
value of type 3 == 2
. We could proceed by using the rewrite trick above, but,
let's be honest, it is confusing and doing it every time would be annoying.
Instead, we will use the following function, exported by Bool.kind
Bool.true_neq_false: true != false
Which, remember, is equivalent to:
Bool.true_neq_false: (e: true == false) -> Empty
So, here is the plan: since we have e : 3 == 2
, and a function that, given
true == false
returns Empty
(which is our goal), then we'll just manipulate
to transform its type from 3 == 2
to true == false
, and then we'll send
it to Bool.true_neq_false
, resulting in Empty
(our goal). Let's use
to subtract 1 from both sides:
three_neq_two: 3 != 2
let e0 = apply(Nat.pred, e)
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Empty
With context:
- e: 3 == 2
- e0: 2 == 1
Now we have e0: 2 == 1
. Let's do it again:
three_neq_two: 3 != 2
let e0 = apply(Nat.pred, e)
let e1 = apply(Nat.pred, e0)
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Empty
With context:
- e: 3 == 2
- e0: 2 == 1
- e1: 1 == 0
Now we have e1 : 1 == 0
. Let's now apply Nat.is_zero
to both sides:
three_neq_two: 3 != 2
let e0 = apply(Nat.pred, e)
let e1 = apply(Nat.pred, e0)
let e2 = apply(Nat.is_zero, e1)
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Empty
With context:
- e: 3 == 2
- e0: 2 == 1
- e1: 1 == 0
- e2: false == true
Let's now flip e2
using mirror
three_neq_two: 3 != 2
let e0 = apply(Nat.pred, e)
let e1 = apply(Nat.pred, e0)
let e2 = apply(Nat.is_zero, e1)
let e3 = mirror(e2)
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Empty
With context:
- e: 3 == 2
- e0: 2 == 1
- e1: 1 == 0
- e2: false == true
- e3: true == false
Perfect, we now have e3: true == false
in our context. Since
receives true == false
and returns Empty
(our goal),
we just apply it to e3
three_neq_two: 3 != 2
let e0 = apply(Nat.pred, e)
let e1 = apply(Nat.pred, e0)
let e2 = apply(Nat.is_zero, e1)
let e3 = mirror(e2)
Check with kind Main.kind
three_neq_two: Not(3 == 2)
All terms check.
Let's now prove that not(b) != b
. We start as usual:
not_a_neq_a(b: Bool): Bool.not(b) != b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Not(Bool.not(b) == b)
With context:
- a: Bool
As expected, Kind demands that we prove Not(not(b) == b)
, which is the
same as (not(b) == b) -> Empty
. Since that is a function, we add a lambda:
not_a_neq_a(b: Bool): Bool.not(b) != b
(e) ?a
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Empty
With context:
- a: Bool
- e: Bool.not(b) == b
Now we must construct Empty
from e: not(b) == b
. Let's pattern-match on b
not_a_neq_a(b: Bool): Bool.not(b) != b
case b {
true: ?a
false: ?b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Empty
With context:
- b: Bool
- e: Bool.not(b) == b
Goal ?b:
With type: Empty
With context:
- b: Bool
- e: Bool.not(b) == b
This isn't helpful: we now have two branches with identical goals and contexts.
But notice that b
is true on the first branch, and false on the second branch,
yet e: Bool.not(b) == b
wasn't "updated" to reflect that fact. Can we update
it? Sure: just move the lambda to inside the case expression. This will allow
Kind to rewrite the type of e
with the concrete values of b
on each
not_a_neq_a(b: Bool): Bool.not(b) != b
case b {
true: (e) ?a
false: (e) ?b
Check with kind Main.kind
Goal ?a:
With type: Empty
With context:
- b: Bool
- e: Bool.not(Bool.true) == Bool.true
Goal ?b:
With type: Empty
With context:
- b: Bool
- e: Bool.not(Bool.false) == Bool.false
Great! now we have e: false == true
in one branch, and e: true == false
the other, and we must prove Empty
. Now, remember that we can use
and Bool.false_neq_true
to create Empty
from true == false
and false == true
respectively. As such, we just apply these functions
to e
not_a_neq_a(b: Bool): Bool.not(b) != b
case b {
true: (e) Bool.false_neq_true(e)
false: (e) Bool.true_neq_false(e)
Check with kind Main.kind
not_a_neq_a: (b:Bool) Not(Bool.not(b) == b)
All terms check.
Perfect! Notice that here we did something new: we used case of to specialize
the value of a variable on the context, not the goal, to reflect the concrete
value of b
on each branch. Another way to do it is by using the with
not_a_neq_a(b: Bool): Bool.not(b) != b
case b
with e : (Bool.not(b) == b) {
true: Bool.false_neq_true(e)
false: Bool.true_neq_false(e)
This "moves" e: Bool.not(b) == b
to inside the pattern-match, specializing b
on its type. It has the same effect of moving the lambda inside. It may be more
or less verbose depending of what you're trying to prove.
Prove the following inequalities:
or_true_a_neq_false(a: Bool): Bool.or(true, a) != false
or_a_true_neq_false(a: Bool): Bool.or(a, true) != false
and_false_a_neq_true(a: Bool): Bool.and(false, a) != true
and_a_false_neq_true(a: Bool): Bool.and(a, false) != true
These theorems are harder than the rest, but can be proven from the techniques presented here:
add_succ_n_m(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat.add(Nat.succ(n), m) == Nat.succ(Nat.add(n, m))
add_n_succ_m(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat.add(n, Nat.succ(m)) == Nat.succ(Nat.add(n, m))
add_a_b(a: Nat, b: Nat): (a + b) == (b + a)
succ_n_neq_n(n: Nat): Nat.succ(n) != n
To prove
, useadd_0_n
. -
To prove
, usecase
to specializee
(like onnot_a_neq_a
) and the inductive hypothesis.
If you got here congratulations! For more challenges read our problem list for newcomers