If you are adding a new type of event to be acted upon, the first step is to go to your org or repo webhooks and make sure it is being sent.
If your org is set to "Let me select individual events." you will need to select the new event type, e.g. Issue comment.
Once you have the event firing (confirmed at the org or repo webhooks
link above), it is a good idea to copy/paste a json payload from a
fired event to the test_resources
folder for use in a unit test,
e.g. forked_repo_issue_comment.json
Now that you have confirmed the event is firing, and you have copied the json payload, it is time to start adding the code that processes the event.
You will need to add a case to the logic in main.py
checks the event type, i.e.:
elif event == "issue_comment":
And a "matcher", i.e.:
elif event == "issue_comment":
for potential_handler in job_map_config['issue']:
matcher = potential_handler['match']
if ( ('branch' not in matcher or re.match(matcher['branch'], branch)) and
('repo' not in matcher or re.match(matcher['repo'], repo)) and
Matchers work like this: if a field does not exist in map_config.yml
or the
field exists in map_config.yml
and matches the condition (regex,
string comparison, etc) then the matcher "matches". Matchers iterate
over map_config.yml
and the last one that matches is used to trigger
the jenkins job.
Finally, when adding a new event type, you will likely need a condition to trigger a jenkins job based on the handler (the result of the match), i.e.:
elif issue_comment:
actual_handler = simplejson.loads(simplejson.dumps(handler).replace('{comment}', message).replace('{repo}', repo).replace('{owner}', owner).replace('{issue_number}', str(issue_number)))
NB that the series of chained .replace
methods replace the
curly-brace-surrounded fields in map_config.yml
with the values that
have been received from the json payload, e.g.:
event_gen = {
'type': event,
'repo': repo,
'repo_owner': owner,
'branch': branch,
These replaced fields are typically used as parameters to the jenkins job that is triggered.
Some common errors you might see when running the tests:
{ 'msg': "'no_message'", 'state': 'error'}
expected string or buffer
{ 'msg': 'expected string or buffer', 'state': 'error'}
These are often indicative of vars that are unset or that aren't matching (and thus aren't triggering any jenkins jobs).
Make sure that your json payload is being read correctly to set required vars - compare how a push event's json payload defines repo with how it is defined in a pull_request event:
repo = json['repository']['name']
repo = json['pull_request']['head']['repo']['name']
If these aren't pulling in valid values from your
you will tend to see errors
like the above.