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src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4358800/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown.png' border=0 width=16 height=16><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168685925 href='/u/2554469/ALazyGeek'>ALazyGeek</a> <div style='margin-left:58px;'><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>CHARACTER CREATION AND INFORMATION</strong></p><hr><p><strong>In This Topic...</strong></p><ol><li><em><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168685983\">Minor Character Sheets</a></em> <ul><li>Minor Characters are characters that are known to exist in their fandoms, however not much is known about them and their history and personality have not been fleshed out properly. These sheets give you the chance to fully develop your characters before playing them.</li> </ul></li> <li><em><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168686021\">Original Character Sheets</a></em> <ul><li>OCs are characters that you can create yourself for each of the fandoms that we have on the forum. They are totally unique and we do have high standards when it comes to requests.</li> </ul></li> <li><em><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168686042\">Worldborn Children</a></em> <ul><li>The Worldborn Children are children that have been born or appeared in the Convergence. They require their sheets to be accepted in the same way as normal OC characters, however these sheets must be completed and changed as they get older.</li> </ul></li> </ol><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><em>Please make sure that your sheets are in the required formats and that each character has their own post.</em></p></div> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168685925,1,1,1, 2554469);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514673228'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited <span data-xutime='1514728291'>12/31/2017</span> #1</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4358800/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown.png' border=0 width=16 height=16><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168685983 href='/u/2554469/ALazyGeek'>ALazyGeek</a> <div style='margin-left:58px;'><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>Minor Character Information Sheets</strong></p><hr><ol><li>Characters must first be requested and accepted in the Character List. You cannot play the character until you have PM'd the sheet below to <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2554469/ALazyGeek\">Rhya</a>, had it accepted and acquired permission to post the sheet in this topic.</li> <li>MCs do not take up one of your OC slots, they are required to make sure that your character is fully developed. Like OCs, appearance and personality must be at least 3 lines long and history must be at least 5 lines.</li> <li>You must stick to the known canon of the character. Under 'Role in Canon' just put a small summary of what we do know about the character. You cannot change any of this information. You should consult the Wikia of your character before posting the sheet (if there is a Wikia page for that character), particularly if you are unsure of canon details.</li> <li>Characters must be over the age of 15 where possible.</li> <li>Some MCs, such as the Harry Potter and Hunger Games' Next Generation, have set information to maintain consistency. Please see the Welcome Topic or Character List for more information.</li> </ol><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>Template</strong></p><hr><p><strong>MINOR CHARACTER <em>- </em></strong><em>Please include at the top of your sheet</em></p><p><strong>Full Name:</strong></p><p><strong>Gender:</strong></p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong></p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong></p><p><strong>Role In Canon:</strong></p><p><strong>Species:</strong></p><p><strong>Appearance: </strong><em>(must be at least 3 lines long, links not included)</em></p><p><strong>Personality: </strong><em>(must be at least 3 lines long)</em></p><p><strong>History: </strong><em>(must be at least 5 lines long)</em></p><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>Minor Character List</strong></p><hr><ul><li><strong><strong>Supernatural</strong></strong> <ul><li>______</li> </ul></li> <li><strong><strong>Harry Potter</strong></strong> <ul><li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168727088\">Dominique Weasley</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168693710\">Lily Potter</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#170680147\">Albus Severus Potter</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#171743989\">Dennis Creevey</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#172871731\">James Sirius Potter</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#173760765\">Daphne Greengrass</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/3/#175171452\">Molly Weasley II</a></li> </ul></li> <li><strong><strong>Marvel Cinematic Universe </strong></strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong><strong>Sherlock </strong></strong> <ul><li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168695405\">Andrea \"Anthea\" Johnson</a></li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Doctor Who</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Percy Jackson </strong> <ul><li>______</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>The Vampire Diaries</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>The Hunger Games</strong> <ul><li>____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Merlin</strong> <ul><li>____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Once Upon a Time</strong> <ul><li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#168984777\">Felix</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168696586\">Paige Grace</a></li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Divergent</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Fox Marvel Cinematic Universe</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Star Trek</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>The Maze Runner</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>DC Nation</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Star Wars</strong> <ul><li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#170429706\">Barriss Offee</a></li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Lord of the Rings</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>The Mortal Instruments</strong> <ul><li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#173288855\">Rebecca Lewis</a></li> </ul></li> <li><strong>House</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Disney Live Action</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Twilight</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Teen Things</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Stranger Wolf</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Riverdale</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> <li><strong>Narnia</strong> <ul><li>_____</li> </ul></li> </ul></div> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168685983,1,1,1, 2554469);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514673404'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited <span data-xutime='1546289659'>12/31/2018</span> #2</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4358800/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown.png' border=0 width=16 height=16><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168686021 href='/u/2554469/ALazyGeek'>ALazyGeek</a> <div style='margin-left:58px;'><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>Original Character Creation Sheets</strong></p><hr><ol><li>All OCs are to be submitted, via PM, to <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2554469/ALazyGeek\">Rhya</a>. The sheet will then be reviewed, possibly discussed, and then accepted, at which point you will be able to post the sheet in this topic and play them.</li> <li>You are allowed two OCs in total, one male and one female (either presenting gender or biological).</li> <li>We do not accept OCs that are related to canon characters, nor do we accept OCs that heavily impact on the plot of a fandom. Acquaintances are permitted, but close friends and family are not, with few exceptions (e.g. Percy Jackson OCs who will almost certainly be related to somebody). This is because we do not expect roleplayers that play canons to change their headcanons for OCs.</li> <li>Certain OCs will be disallowed, such as droids from Star Wars and fairytale characters from OUAT - see the Welcome Topic for more details.</li> <li>Names must be realistic. No Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Ways. The name of your OC should be suitable for their fandom and the time period they're from. Additionally, OC names should not be the same as another character in their fandom or as another OC.</li> <li>OCs should be 15 years old, or older.</li> <li>Describe your character. Links and faceclaims are okay, but only as an additional feature, not as the description for your character. Personality and appearance must be at least 3 lines long (around 10 or 11 on mobile). Links are not included in the length.</li> <li>Be detailed with the history of your character. At least 5 lines (around 15 or 16 on mobile) are required. Do not add things after your OC has been accepted without PMing Rhya. Don't add additional things over the course of the RP if it's going to affect the plot of a series or significantly change your OC. The history of an OC should not be overly tragic. As is in line with the forum's rules, your OC's history should not mention any form of abuse.</li> <li>Don't add unnecessary detail to your character. Weight doesn't really matter, especially if you're not certain about what's normal and what isn't. Some characters have been posted in the past with ridiculous, unrealistic proportions.</li> <li>Your OC should not 'outshine' the protagonist of a series. For example, you shouldn't post a Harry Potter OC who has also happened to survive the Killing Curse. The protagonist of a fandom should not have their unique trait 'stolen' by an OC. Your OC should also not be overpowered.</li> </ol><p><strong>OCs must be original. </strong><strong>Don't base them heavily on a character from another fandom - that's cheating the system and not allowed. These characters are supposed to be your own. We don't know every fandom ever, but if we realise you have made your OC incredibly similar to a fictional character from <em>any fandom </em>that already exists, we will take action.</strong></p><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>Template</strong></p><hr><p><strong>ORIGINAL CHARACTER <em>- </em></strong><em>Please include at the top of your sheet</em></p><p><strong>Full Name:</strong></p><p><strong>Gender:</strong></p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong></p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong></p><p><strong>Species:</strong></p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable):</strong></p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong><em> (must be at least 3 lines long, links not included)</em></p><p><strong>Personality: </strong><em>(must be at least 3 lines long)</em></p><p><strong>History: </strong><em>(must be at least 5 lines long)</em></p><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>Original Character List</strong></p><hr><p><em>Female (Max. 25)</em></p><ol><li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168693178\">Taylor Jade Williams (Weasley)</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168695635\">Scarlett Hawkins</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168697754\">Melanie Silver (Mirror)</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#169945064\">Jasper (Feral Wolf)</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#171837576\">Cassandra Helena Lake</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#172542130\">Holly Daniella Clarke</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/The-OC-Creation-and-Minor-Character-Information-Topic#173103935\">Shaela \"Shae\" O'Hara</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#173681510\">Alexandria \"Ria\" June Maddox</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#174118223\">Nadia Madeline Foxx</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#175170430\">Maelle \"May\" Alva Landon</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/3/#175170882\">Lirisse</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/3/#175313111\">Stephanie Cy \"Bean\" Beckett</a></li> </ol><p><em>Male (Max. 25)</em></p><ol><li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168729146\">Logan Miles</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168801012\">Shalto O'Hara</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#169013270\">Tobias Langdon</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#169549122\">Evan Vin Hale</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#170728538\">DJ Lake</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#172505961\">Jared Williamson</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#172661987\">Ryo Lu</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#173828633\">Nicolas Irugashi</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#174500316\">Jaiden 'Jai' Park</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#174501499\">Carter Frederick Watson</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#174503808\">Elias Owen Hale</a></li> </ol></div> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168686021,1,1,1, 2554469);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514673500'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited <span data-xutime='1546289613'>12/31/2018</span> #3</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4358800/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown.png' border=0 width=16 height=16><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168686042 href='/u/2554469/ALazyGeek'>ALazyGeek</a> <div style='margin-left:58px;'><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>Worldborn Children Information Sheets</strong></p><hr><ol><li>Sheets for the Worldborns will be held to the same standard as normal OCs and MCs.</li> <li>A sheet must be PM'd to and accepted by <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2554469/ALazyGeek\">Rhya</a> before your Worldborn can be played independent of another character. Once accepted, you will be able to post the sheet within this topic.</li> <li>Please ensure that what is written on the sheet of your Worldborn is consistent with how they behave on the roleplay itself. They should be 'in-character', and if they aren't, the sheet or the way your roleplay them needs to change.</li> <li>Character sheets are allowed to be changed and adapted as the Worldborn develops. However, if we decide that the sheet is not up to standard, even if it has been accepted before, you will receive a PM informing you that you will not be allowed to play that character until the sheet has been reaccepted.</li> <li>Worldborns can only be created biologically, in which case permission must be requested from Lena, or via a stork or a wish, in which case permission is from Rhya. For more information on Major Life Events and Wishes, have a look at the Welcome Topic.</li> </ol><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>Template</strong></p><hr><p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD <em>- </em></strong><em>Please include at the top of your sheet</em></p><p><strong>Full Name:</strong></p><p><strong>Gender:</strong></p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong></p><p><strong>Parents:</strong></p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents:</strong></p><p><strong>Species:</strong></p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable):</strong></p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong><em> (must be at least 3 lines long)</em></p><p><strong>Personality: </strong><em>(must be at least 3 lines long)</em></p><p><strong>History:</strong></p><hr><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>Worldborn Children List (in birth order)</strong></p><hr><ol><li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168695023\">Jaxon Barrett Winters</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168707283\">Ava Morgause Gorlois</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168711004\">Matthew Arthur Weasley</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168705247\">Riley Grace Weasley</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168711849\">Isabelle Nicole Fitz-Simmons</a></li> <li><span style=\"text-decoration:line-through;\"><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168693568\">Zariah Hope Celestia Holmes</a></span> (deceased)</li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168695015\">Mason Jay Derek</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168788180\">Braedon Dwaine Gorlois</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168734778\">Zachary Michael Fitz-Simmons</a></li> <li><span style=\"text-decoration:line-through;\"><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168705352\">William Sterling Romanov-Holmes</a></span> (deceased)</li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168708212\">Oscar George Bell-Weasley</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168725276\">Kendra Claire Watson</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168706127\">Alara May Derek</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168697777\">Evie Laurel Queen</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168732470\">Kalina Rose Mikaelson-Petrova</a></li> <li><span style=\"text-decoration:line-through;\"><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168705848\">Genevieve Addison Dare</a></span> (deceased)</li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168726484\">Rowan Aiden Johnson</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#171158886\">Vera Juliette Potts</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#171465443\">Stella Mackenzie Ram\u00edrez-Arellano</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/#171193895\">Zoran Ragnor Rhyan Lightwood-Bane</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/The-OC-Creation-and-Minor-Character-Information-Topic#173512706\">Raven Knight</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/The-OC-Creation-and-Minor-Character-Information-Topic#174118642\">Amr Balinor Emrys</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/The-OC-Creation-and-Minor-Character-Information-Topic#174119052\">Aneira Linette Emrys</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/2/The-OC-Creation-and-Minor-Character-Information-Topic#174969207\">Nathaniel Aloysius Gray</a></li> <li><a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/3/#179360179\">Adrian Howard Christopher Stark-Potts</a></li> </ol></div> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168686042,1,1,1, 2554469);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514673532'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited <span data-xutime='1577393311'>12/26/2019</span> #4</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/3815405/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown-bronze.png' border=0 width=16 height=16><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168693178 href='/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x'>x.GalaxyQueen.x</a> <p style=\"text-align:left;\"><strong>ORIGINAL CHARACTER</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Taylor Jade Williams (Otherwise known as Taylor Weasley)</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Female</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong> 14/6/1978 (Age: 24)</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> Harry Potter</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Witch</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities: </strong>Taylor is a strong witch due to her pureblood heritage. She is able to perform wandless magic, to a degree, and many of the trickier spells from her universe. Her real skill, however, is Potions, and that is her main area of expertise. She is significantly worse at Transfiguration.</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> Taylor is approximately 5'3 with a curvy and athletic figure. She has black hair which brushes the tips of her shoulders and is dyed blue at the tips. She often curls it unnaturally or wears it thrown back into a ponytail or bun. Strands often escape from her hairband and call around her face, and she has a habit of running her fingers through it when she is stressed or frustrated. She has a very expressive heart-shaped face with piercing blue eyes that turn icy when she is angry. When she can be bothered, she will wear light make up that includes winged eyeliner and different coloured eyeshadows. She is lightly tanned, due to the amount of time she spends outside, and usually wears shorts, jeans or athletic wear. She wears two necklaces, one being a locket and other being a small silver broomstick, and a bracelet with four charms (an F, a G, an L and a T). On her right hand, she wears the wedding and engagement rings that George gave her all those years ago.</p><p><strong>Personality: </strong>Taylor is a jock with a put-on carefree and cheeky personality. To those she loves, she is incredibly affectionate, loyal and protective but this doesn't come easily, and she will make people work to get close to her. She can come across as friendly and open, but this is often accompanied by sarcasm, dry humour and a biting wit. Her blunt and honest nature can come across rude and bitchy.</p><p>Often, Taylor will pretend to be fearless and stupidly brave in the face of danger. That is, other than her irrational cat phobia. In reality, she is terrified of losing people that she allows close to her \u2013 which makes it hard for her to bond properly with others. When she does lose someone, she can often fall straight into despair where she will lash out and attack those that she holds close to her heart. There are many layers to her personality and many barriers that someone must break through to be considered a 'friend' in her eyes.</p><p>While at Hogwarts, Taylor was a troublemaker with no regard for the rules unless it suited her. She was sorted into Gryffindor at school, though some might have said that Slytherin was a better choice. She has respect for authority but often places her own needs above those directions. She is impulsive and jealous, leading to a 'hit first, ask questions later' philosophy, and doesn't do well with personal arguments as she gets riled up and angry \u2013 clouding her judgement. She is very proud of her pureblood heritage as it shows the different witches and wizards that she has been descended from and their achievements, but this doesn't impact on the way she sees muggles or muggle-borns \u2013 other than to see them as more vulnerable beings.</p><p>Taylor has matured in the five years she has been away, and her children from the world have impacted her as well. One of her key characteristics is the way she will lead and take charge of a group if needed. In an emergency, she can be very clear-headed and make fast decisions. She is a lot calmer than she was when she was younger and has been able to forgive herself for much of what happened.</p><p><em>ESTP Personality Type - Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results. Theories and conceptual explanations bore them - they want to act energetically to solve the problem. Focus on the here-and-now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can be active with others. Enjoy material comforts and style. Learn best through doing.</em></p><p><strong>History: </strong>Born in London, Taylor is the third child, and only girl, of known Death Eater, Damien Williams.</p><p>Damien was a follower of Voldemort in the first Wizarding War but escaped capture originally and married. Taylor's mother, Ruth, worked as a healer in St Mungo's and had no idea about his original past. Soon after Taylor's younger brother, Kyle, was born and Taylor had turned, Damien was arrested for using muggles as test subjects for potions, among other things. Taylor's first memory was of him using the Cruciatus Curse in the house. No one in her family talks about the incident, and it's not something that she likes to spread around. She was especially close to her brothers growing up, especially Edmund, who was a couple of years older than she was. All four of them learnt very early on how to build walls around their feelings and put on emotional masks. Although Ruth made sure that they were brought up to respect muggles, not detest them as their father had done, a few lessons remained \u2013 witches were more important, and muggles were vulnerable and needed protecting.</p><p>At Eleven years old, Taylor received her Hogwarts letter. Tommy, her eldest brother, was just entering his final year, and Edmund was entering his third. On the train, she walked off and met up with Fred, George and Lee on the train going to Hogwarts, and as luck would have it, they were all sorted into Gryffindor. She was always bright at school, getting mostly Os and Es in her subjects without trying, especially Potions \u2013 in which she was on the best in the year. She barely scraped through Transfiguration with a pass. Most of her spare time was spent with the twins and Lee, helping to prank the school and come up with schemes. She adored Quidditch, playing as a chaser in the Gryffindor team, though it was all for the adrenaline rather than the glory \u2013 and with the number of detentions she ended up having, it was a wonder she had any chance to play at all.</p><p>She did start gaining a bit of a reputation for sleeping around during her final Hogwarts years, tending to use men for entertainment \u2013 something which was a great amusement to the twins. There was no hesitation when it came to joining Dumbledore's Army as was very much behind Harry due to her relationship with Fred and George. Although she didn't leave with him, she chose to try and aggravate Umbridge as much as possible until she completed her Newts. This was also the year her father escaped from Azkaban, adding an extra layer of bitterness and defensive behaviour to her personality.</p><p>After Hogwarts, Taylor seemed set for a career in Quidditch, aiming to play professionally and joining the Holyhead Harpies. She loved it, devoting a lot of time and effort to the game. Offseason, she would be found in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, generally helping them out and assisting them. She managed to estrange herself from her family, all of them running from issues regarding their father. Edmund had let himself fall in love with a muggle during this time, someone their father murdered while out of prison.</p><p>As the threat of Voldemort grew, Taylor left Quidditch and worked for the Order of the Phoenix. She fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, killing many people that she had once known, many of whom she can't remember the name of. She didn't find out about Fred's death until the day after, having reunited with her own family and begun to celebrate.</p><p>As a result, partly blaming herself for any role she might have played, she stayed with George after the war and gave up on her dreams of being a professional Quidditch player. She helped to keep him, and the shop, alive, picking him up off the street while drunk and doing the housework while battling her demons and issues.</p><p>It took a while for George to recover and begin to move on with his life, and at this point, Taylor made the brave decision to move on with her own. She began to travel, eventually settling in New York for three years, training in Potions and qualifying as a pharmacist. On her return to England, aged 24, she bought the apothecary in Diagon Alley with what was left of her part of the family money. The section she was most proud of was her collection of antidotes to WWW products.</p><p>She remained close with George and Lee, getting to know George's children until her death. She died aged 29 in a fire when she was babysitting for George and Angelina \u2013 she managed to get the children out, but the smoke had affected her lungs too significantly.</p><p>Taylor came into the world for the first time aged 20 and remained there for four years. On January 1st, 2018 she returned to the world aged 24. Her Convergence history can be found <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685734/4/#168709072\">HERE</a></p><hr><p><em>(Taylor was one of the first OC characters created on the forum, therefore some of her history does not comply with the more up to date rules for OC characters.)</em></p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168693178,1,1,1, 2742265);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514691453'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited <span data-xutime='1521579952'>3/20/2018</span> #5</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4810618/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168693568 href='/u/2398995/Gracie-Holmes'>Gracie Holmes</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Zariah Hope Celestia Holmes <em>(</em><em>zuh-RYE-uh)</em></p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Female</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong> 10 April 2016 (Aged 18)</p><p><strong>Parents:</strong> Mycroft and Naomi Holmes</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> Supernatural/Sherlock</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Human, natural psychic</p><p><strong>Powers: </strong>She has psychic abilities. (see: supernatural.wikia.com/wiki/Psychics )</p><ul><li><strong>Clairsentience</strong> - The ability to perceive the residual information of an object by touching it.</li> <li><strong>Telepathy</strong> - The ability to read people's minds and mentally communicate with others, sometimes over a distance.</li> <li><strong>Empathy</strong> - The ability to sense the emotions that a person is feeling.</li> <li><strong>Telekinesis</strong> - One of the rarest powers for a natural psychic, but also one of the most powerful; this allows them to move objects with their mind.</li> </ul><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> (FC: Anna Popplewell) Zariah is 5'8'' tall, with a pale complexion. She has shoulder-length wavy dark brown hair that highlights dark auburn in the sunlight. Her eyes are bright blue and expressive. She has an adorable smile with little dimples and blushes to the tips of her ears. Her nose is just a bit too big and she has a cleft chin, both from her father's side. Otherwise, she looks quite like her left-handed's left handed. She's fairly athletic and if very fit, from horseback riding as well as her training.</p><p>She wears a heart-shaped silver locket she received from her father and uncle when she was young and a dearest ring on her right hand. She's fond of wearing jumpers, nice trousers, dresses, scarves, tights with boots, anything that looks well put together and proper. She carries a selection of hidden weapons. She speaks in both American and British accents or a combination thereof, depending on who is talking to her.</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> (<em>ENTJ/ENFJ</em>, with variation because people don't fit in boxes) Quietly curious, terribly clever, cautious, diplomatic, sensitive, and completely loves her family. Zariah is an intellectually gifted child (Holmes level smart, obviously), and has a unique way of perceiving things as she both tunes into thoughts as well as seeks to answer the many questions she has. Usually very organized and put together, she's fond of lists and neatness. Her thinking and feeling sides battle each other and her personality has been shaped by her empathetic powers and the people she grew up with.</p><p>Not anything close to bubbly, she's still very friendly with strangers and usually keeps her distaste hidden. She is just very curious about people. She rarely misbehaves and dislikes conflict, but will stand up to fight back if the situation calls for it. She gets angry quickly but lets it go if it is illogical to continue. Like her father, she tends to carry the world on her shoulders and is a quiet leader.</p><p>With an excellent memory, she recalls most every encounter she's had and treats people accordingly. She leans a bit more towards the feminine side. She's fairly sensitive and emotionally expressive. She's a dreamer, and while she's enjoying her life in the short time she has it, she is always wishing she could do/see/experience more.</p><p>After the time in the Wasteland, she's grown up a bit. Is less naive and more independent, hardened against the reality of their situation in the four months of living in nothing. Her protective side is just as strong as it's always been, however. She turns into the mum-friend if she senses people need a little push.</p><p>She enjoys horseback riding, reading, dancing, journaling, learning, dressing up, and self-defense lessons. Her love languages would be physical touch and words of affirmation.</p><p><strong>History:</strong> Zariah was born to Naomi and Mycroft Holmes during Season 4, Episode 17 on 10 April 2016 at sunrise. She's human, due to being accidentally conceived while Naomi's grace was stolen, and psychic because of her development with Naomi's grace surrounding her. Her first couple weeks of life were very quiet and she did a lot of learning and playing, but she was still young as the end of the season happened and the world crumbled around them. The change of climate from the tropics to the snowy mountains was rough. They settled into a home and Naomi amped up security measures in the new world. She cautiously explored the world she lives in with her family, venturing out on her own mainly on horseback. Victoria is a black thoroughbred mare and Boaz is a dapple gray thoroughbred gelding. They're both about 16hands tall and have been with her parents since the beginning of Season 4.</p><p>Zariah has been through a number of tragedies and close calls in her life. A concussion after being thrown from her horse and dying during the world-born reset episode in September 2016, are just two of a few others. She's developed and working through post-traumatic stress leading to slight obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. She functions best when her loved ones are close. Her favorite place is tucked between her parents.</p><p>She's been dating James Potter II since October 2016 and decided to tell him she loves him at Christmas. She will nearly always blush when he's mentioned. Her best friend is her cousin Sterling. They are very close, and she decided as much the moment he was born. Although she's seven months older, she doesn't treat him like a little kid. They're like two peas in a pod and understand each other better than most anyone else.</p><p>She's a language learner and has mastered English, Enochian, Russian, French, Klingon, Latin, Spanish, and Mandarin. She's skilled in self-defense and weaponry. Her favorite is her weaponized dove-grey umbrella, which has a number of special features including bulletproof fabric, a gun, a sword coated in angel blade metal, and a panic button. Her interests veer towards history, philosophy, and social/cultural studies, less towards science. She is an avid reader of many genres.</p><p><strong>Blog: </strong><em>zariahholmes.tumblr.com</em></p><p><em>bakerstreetviolin.tumblr.com/tagged/zariah</em></p><hr><p><strong>CHARACTER TRACKER</strong></p><p ><strong>Character Name:</strong> <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685925/1/#168693568\">Zariah Hope Celestia Holmes</a></p><p ><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> Worldborn</p><p ><strong>Original Age: </strong>stopped growing at 18, born 10th of April 2016</p><p ><strong>Current Age: </strong>20 y.o., will be 21 in August, 22 in December</p><p ><strong>Date/Episode Arrived:</strong> Born on 10 April 2016, Season 4, Episode 17</p><p ><strong>Faceclaim:</strong> Anna Popplewell (for edits only, Zariah's got a Holmes-nose)</p><p ><strong>House Description: </strong>She and Sterling live in a fairly big house near their parents. There is a barn and pasture for her horses, and Sterling has a butterfly house. Link to pictures here:</p><ul ><li >gifts-of-convergence.tumblr.com/post/172616182036/holmes-home-20-zariah-sterlings-afterlife</li> </ul><p ><strong>Events In The Convergence</strong>: Pre-Afterlife Events can be found: <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/160501768/2/#160771409\">HERE</a></p><hr><p ><em>Wasteland</em>:</p><p >Zariah walked through the door with her family, hoping that her bad feeling was just a false alarm. But instead of something good on the other side, she and Sterling were by themselves. With nothing but a single weapon, a backpack with a journal, crackers, and a water bottle, and a hoodie with their names on it, they faced an eternal nothingness.</p><p >Zariah's weapon was her special weaponized umbrella. She got very protective of her people and became a sort of mum-friend to anyone who needed a little bossing around. Thinking they were never going to see their family again, they just worked on surviving. Zariah's heart broke at the loss of James. They'd promised to love each other forever and this nothingness without him wasn't conducive to that. She tried to move on, throwing herself into taking care of her cousins. She held Sterling a long while and they cried together. That first week was just getting used to the fact they were on their own. She chopped her hair quite short since it was less of a mess that way without being able to wash it.</p><p >Zariah found her horses in the world after a month of living in the wasteland. She was overjoyed to have a piece of her home back. With only their halters and some rope, she ended up riding around bareback. They just stayed around the worldborn camp, nibbling on the sparse grass. Jackie and Basil made it too, but it was James' do Pikachu that surprised her. She took in the little corgi, and after a good long cry, allowed herself to move on again. She missed people. Her friends, her family, her boyfriend.</p><p >With so much time to fill, she worked on her psychic gifts, like her mother had taught her to do. She expanded her abilities, being able to cut herself off easier and get a wider range of feeling. During a bought of extreme stress and emotion, she found herself able to use an ability she'd never done before. Telekinetic movement of objects. She can't do this as a usual, but rather only during the extreme.</p><p >Once the houses were made, she and Sterling moved into one of them, despite it being a one-bedroom outfit. They'd been sleeping next to each other on the ground for months now and they both had horrible nightmares, they couldn't be apart. She decorated it with flowers and their sketches, trying to bring some hope into their lonely world. They had the Derek-Winters, as well as the other worldborns, over for dinner a few times, and just kept busy with creating their new life. A new normal.</p><p >Zariah didn't die in the Wasteland, but she'd seen others do and come back. She had died twice in her short life already, that was more than enough. But she does have a new scar, her only scar, one that cuts her shoulder over the top, after a monster attack she just barely survived.</p><hr><p ><em>Afterlife</em>:</p><p ><strong>#1</strong></p><p >Zariah woke up like any other day after a bought of nightmares and left the house she shared with Sterling to go on a morning ride. She found Mason and they chatted a bit. As usual, a little cheering up helped her spirits and she moved on. Finding Evie, she learned that people were starting to come back. Now, if only it was the people she loved more than any other. She waits.</p><p >When their parents came back, Zariah was overjoyed. She and Sterling could finally start living again. Time had passed for most of them, but it would be okay, they'd heal from it all together. Over the weeks, she spent time with her parents and various members of her family. When Mary vanished, she was heartbroken. For the family and for Kendra specifically, living in fear that her parents would disappear too.</p><p >James came back a bit later, but he'd jumped ahead four years. Zariah was a mess and knew they couldn't be together anymore, at least not right away. She brought his dog back and they spoke a couple times. She needed more time. But before they could have that time, he vanished too.</p><p >Zariah has met a lot of people, both new and old. She spent time with Mason, and made plans to do sword fighting practice with Jaxon. But she also made a new friend in Jack Kline, seeing as they're both children of angels, and almost cousins.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168693568,1,1,1, 2398995);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514692230'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited <span data-xutime='1532991887'>7/30/2018</span> #6</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/2484824/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168693710 href='/u/3492955/ChaserGlader'>ChaserGlader</a> <p><strong>MINOR CHARACTER</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Lily Luna Potter</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Female</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong> 12th September 2007 (age 17)</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> Harry Potter</p><p><strong>Role In Canon:</strong> Daughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, Younger sister of James and Albus Potter. Godsister to Teddy Lupin</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Witch</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> (FC: Holland Roden) Lily has fiery red hair and brown eyes like her mother. She is about 5'3 being on the shorter side of five feet. Her eyes always have a twinkle in them, as if she's up to something. She also has the same build as her mother, slender and mostly legs. When most people look at her they say she looks exactly like her mother but with her father's eye shape. Some people who knew her grandmother say she looks like her without the eye color.</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> Much like her mother, Lily has a fiery temper when someone does something to her family or her or her friends. She may be the youngest of her family, but she is very protective of them. Being her parents' daughter, Lily is also very pranky. Though when she pranks, it's to get revenge on someone. She's willing to do whatever she can to help her family. She's loyal, definitely brave enough to do things, and she loves to have fun. She's kind towards those who aren't mean to others. She's picky towards those she trusts, mainly because of the people who tried to befriend her in Hogwarts.</p><p><strong>History:</strong> Lily was born on 12th of September 2007. It was a normal day expect for her being born. Throughout her toddler years, she proved to be a handful. She would make trouble and run away laughing like she was having the time of her life. As she got older, she wound down. She would only prank Albus and James only after they did something to her.</p><p>At eleven, Lily walked into Hogwarts. She was very excited. Unlike Albus, she wouldn't have cared if she were put in Slytherin. She wasn't evil, and she knew it. But she'd like to be with her family. When her name was called, she got on the stool and waited for the decision.</p><p>'Ah, Lily Potter.... The youngest Potter. Where shall we put you?'</p><p>'I don't mind.... Though I want to be with at least one person in my family....'</p><p>'Hmm.... You're loyal and brave, but mostly brave. Much like your uncles Fred and George you prank people but only for revenge... I put you in Gryffindor!\"</p><p>Lily got up and walked to her table. James congratulated her, so did her cousins. Her first few years were tough. Girls would try to befriend her only because of her dad and when they would talk bad about her, or her family, they could always expect a prank. They tried to get on her good side, but she had her family to help her, even if they were annoying at times.</p><p>One day in her third year, she befriended someone named Everrett. Everrett was a muggle-born, and he was very proud of it. They were great friends throughout their school years. In her fifth year, a Slytherin called him a mudblood. That day she sent him to the hospital wing.</p><p>From that day on, people knew not to mess with her. She was fine with only one true friend; she didn't want any of them to be fake. She dropped all her other friends and started hanging out with only Everrett. Most people decided that it meant she like him and everyone would tease her, except her brothers. Teddy especially told her that she wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend.</p><p>In her sixth year, being seventeen, she found another friend, Analynn, she was in the year below her and Everrett, and they all became fast friends. They would prank people who were rude to kids who didn't deserve it or people who were mean to people that they cared about. They were the revengeful prankers, and that was how Lily liked it.</p><p>During Winter break, Lily spent time with her family, and when she was in her room, designing things for pranks, she fell asleep and woke up in the Convergence.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168693710,1,1,1, 3492955);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514692560'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514694858'>12/30/2017</span> #7</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4947326/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168695015 href='/u/3803024/xX-Liza-Xx'>xX Liza Xx</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Mason Jay Derek (Winters)</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Male</p><p><strong>Date of Birth:</strong> July 15, 2016 (Physically 17)</p><p><strong>Parents:</strong> Bennal Derek and Jenna Winters</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents: </strong>Star Wars and Supernatural</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Human</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities:</strong> Force sensitive. Trained by Anakin Skywalker for some time but now self training. A natural inclination towards the healing abilities of the force.</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> Mason is a young man of light completion which is complimented by his dark hair and deep brown eyes. His hair is kept pretty short, but it's still enough for him to run his fingers through, which he does on occasion. He's a relatively tall teen, matching his father at 6'1. He wears a lot of jeans and steel toed boots. For tops, he prefers long sleeve shirts with a hoddie type jacket, occasionally wearing something heavier to keep from the cold. He almost always wears a leather bracelet on his wrist, reminding him of his brother. He also will sport a ball cap from time to time, like his father in that way. (FC - Nick Robinson)</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> Mason is a relatively quiet young man. He will make conversation if he feels he must, but he often doesn't feel the need to. He is kind at heart and rather content. He has all that he needs from life and doesn't seek more. Answers are something he does struggle with, issues that he wants to understand or things he is slightly insecure about, but he still doesn't ask for more than what he has. As long as he has his parents, his brother, and his friends, he is a lucky man. He can come off as a little short to some people, seeing as he doesn't always see the point of forcing conversation with a person. He will try, but he's never been the type to keep pushing if there isn't much happening. He'll close the conversation kindly and be on his way.</p><p>While Mason may be content with the things he has been given in life, there are a few things that bother him. He doesn't enjoy being treated like a child. He knows that he is his parents' kid and he knows they will always be his parents, so his issue isn't so much with them. He wants to be one of his peers, fit in with them despite the fact he was born late in the order of worlborn kids. He wants to be seen as grown, more mature than a mere child. And with this issue is also that of his origin. He knows he was born in this world and that some of his growth has been fascinating compared to that of others in this world, however he isn't fond of being looked at like a museum display or categorized as 'one of them.' Mason is just a person. He's just a regular seventeen-year-old. He doesn't enjoy being seen any other way.</p><p>Mason enjoys reading books, is secretly quite good at art. He has found his spot in abstract expressionism, using it as a way to express what he feels through the force. He's been doing this for months now. He likes to focus on specific things and people at specific times. Most of his pieces could almost look like they could be of stars or nebula in space, but it's really so much more than that. He puts emotion into every stroke, able to sit there and paint for hours because he tends to bury himself in the force. Though it may not seem like much, he is incredibly proud of his work. It's been his secret hobby for a while and is just finally coming to light.</p><p>Mason is also pretty good in the kitchen. He likes baking with his mother, reading, meditating, and walking the dog in his free time. He uses his force abilities in every day life, not so much as a defense or a weapon because he doesn't often encounter the need. However, if he did, he wouldn't hesitate to protect those he loves.</p><p>Mason's MBTI type is INFJ (from 16personalities.com)</p><p>Strengths</p><ul><li>Creative \u2013 Combining a vivid imagination with a strong sense of compassion, Advocates use their creativity to resolve not technical challenges, but human ones. People with the Advocate personality type enjoy finding the perfect solution for someone they care about, and this strength makes them excellent counselors and advisors.</li> <li>Insightful \u2013 Seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives, Advocates step past manipulation and sales tactics and into a more honest discussion. Advocates see how people and events are connected, and are able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter.</li> <li>Inspiring and Convincing \u2013 Speaking in human terms, not technical, Advocates have a fluid, inspirational writing style that appeals to the inner idealist in their audience. Advocates can even be astonishingly good orators, speaking with warmth and passion, if they are proud of what they are speaking for.</li> <li>Decisive \u2013 Their creativity, insight and inspiration are able to have a real impact on the world, as Advocates are able to follow through on their ideas with conviction, willpower, and the planning necessary to see complex projects through to the end. Advocates don't just see the way things ought to be, they act on those insights.</li> <li>Determined and Passionate \u2013 When Advocates come to believe that something is important, they pursue that goal with a conviction and energy that can catch even their friends and loved ones off guard. Advocates will rock the boat if they have to, something not everyone likes to see, but their passion for their chosen cause is an inseparable part of their personality.</li> <li>Altruistic \u2013 These strengths are used for good. Advocates have strong beliefs and take the actions that they do not because they are trying to advance themselves, but because they are trying to advance an idea that they truly believe will make the world a better place.</li> </ul><p>Weaknesses</p><ul><li>Sensitive \u2013 When someone challenges or criticizes Advocates' principles or values, they are likely to receive an alarmingly strong response. People with the Advocate personality type are highly vulnerable to criticism and conflict, and questioning their motives is the quickest way to their bad side.</li> <li>Extremely Private \u2013 Advocates tend to present themselves as the culmination of an idea. This is partly because they believe in this idea, but also because Advocates are extremely private when it comes to their personal lives, using this image to keep themselves from having to truly open up, even to close friends. Trusting a new friend can be even more challenging for Advocates.</li> <li>Perfectionistic \u2013 Advocates are all but defined by their pursuit of ideals. While this is a wonderful quality in many ways, an ideal situation is not always possible \u2013 in politics, in business, in romance \u2013 and Advocates too often drop or ignore healthy and productive situations and relationships, always believing there might be a better option down the road.</li> <li>Always Need to Have a Cause \u2013 Advocates get so caught up in the passion of their pursuits that any of the cumbersome administrative or maintenance work that comes between them and the ideal they see on the horizon is deeply unwelcome. Advocates like to know that they are taking concrete steps towards their goals, and if routine tasks feel like they are getting in the way, or worse yet, there is no goal at all, they will feel restless and disappointed.</li> <li>Can Burn Out Easily \u2013 Their passion, poor patience for routine maintenance, tendency to present themselves as an ideal, and extreme privacy tend to leave Advocates with few options for letting off steam. People with this personality type are likely to exhaust themselves in short order if they don't find a way to balance their ideals with the realities of day-to-day living.</li> </ul><p><strong>History:</strong> Mason was born the equivalent of a month early to parents Jenna Hope Winters and Bennal Derek. His first few weeks of development were pretty straightforward. The world seemed like a pretty great place to Mason. He had two loving parents, a brother who was somewhat distant, but still cared, and friends beyond that. Life seemed like it would never be bad. His first encounter with death was the day his mother was killed randomly by a man he later came to know of as Rumpelstiltskin. His mother did, of course, come back. However, that was a day Mason will never forget.</p><p>As time moved on, Mason continued to think this place he lived in was nice and kind to him. Then his parents disappeared. Then he was forgotten. And it shook him to his core. Who was his family? was it just the people with the names and the faces, or did their history with him make them his family. He found the last to be true during that time. When they came back to him at the physical age of eleven, he became even more grateful for what he had and fearful he may lose them again.</p><p>At the same time, Mason began to deal with the questions of how he fit in this world. He had only recently found out that he would die in this world and that he wasn't like the others. It was a hard thing to swallow, death. It became even harder when he learned he wasn't the first child that his mother had, and wouldn't be the first she lost. It seemed to Mason that he would one day break his mother's heart just as Jaxon had.</p><p>From then on, he became like his father and brother in many ways. He had always looked up to them, of course, and things continued to shape him into the young man that he is.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168695015,1,1,1, 3803024);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514695628'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited <span data-xutime='1514750558'>12/31/2017</span> #8</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4947326/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168695023 href='/u/3803024/xX-Liza-Xx'>xX Liza Xx</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Jaxon Barrett Winters</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Male</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong> June 27, 2015</p><p><strong>Parents:</strong> Jenna Winters & Bucky Barnes</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents:</strong> Supernatural & MCU</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Human</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> Jaxon is relatively average height standing 6'0. He takes after his father when it comes to looks. Short, dark hair is countered by lightly tanned fair skin and bright blue eyes. A smile almost always graces his lips making his eyes sparkle. He's quite strong and physically toned, however his style doesn't flaunt that. He can often be seen in simple shirts, jeans and boots. He tends to wear t-shirts but he might occasionally wear a button up if he is feeling dressy. Due to his death, Jaxon now bears a black 'X' on his back in the place where he was initially stabbed. It's like a tattoo, there to remind anyone watching of what happened in September of 2015. His physical age is 19</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> Jaxon is a very warm person. He smiles and laughs a lot. He gets along with list people very well and is pretty great at making friends. He is usually very light but he can get very defensive of his family, especially his mother. He is pretty good at cooking, which he learned from his mother. He enjoys going to the gym and occasionally going out to get a drink at the bar. Spending time with his friends and family is his favorite pass time. He enjoys a good game of chess and things like that that make him think and strategize. He tends to be very caring and understanding, but he can become explosive under extreme pressure.</p><p><strong>History:</strong> Born during the end of season 2, Jaxon came into the world and barely got to meet his father before Bucky died in one of the many explosions that phase. He spend the first week or so of his life with his mother and met one Taylor Weasley, though she wasn't really anything to his family at that point. He spent most of his life growing up in the world of season 3.</p><p>He fell in love with a beautiful blonde girl by the name of Dominique Weasley. He moved out with her and enjoyed a simple life at her side. Peter Pan managed to get under his skin once and ten two had a fight. When he was only 2 months old, his mother left the world leaving him broken and confused. What made it all worse was walking in to find his father making out with his aunt. In a very blind rage, he killed her using the magic the world had given him for that phase. He was absolutely horrified by what he found and spent a while dealing with that. When his mother returned, he was afraid she wouldn't be a part of his life, but she ended up desiring close relationships. He was happy to get to spend time with her and grew close to her again. He also began a sort of friendship with Peter Pan and even fought monsters with him on one occasion.</p><p>In September of 2015, Jaxon was just walking to his parents place when he ended up caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Loki used him as a bargaining chip to get Bucky to join him. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out well. Jaxon was ran through with the scepter and left to die. His mother was the one holding him as he died. Now, a year and a half later, he has returned to the Convergence. For everyone else, it's been so long. For him, it's been minutes</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168695023,1,1,1, 3803024);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514695658'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514697733'>12/30/2017</span> #9</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/6051647/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168695405 href='/u/4970858/Xx-I-Am-Combat-Ready-xX'>Xx-I Am Combat Ready-xX</a> <p><strong>MINOR CHARACTER </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name: </strong>Andrea \"Anthea\" Johnson</p><p><strong>Gender: </strong>Female</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth: </strong>10th January 1980 (34)</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom: </strong>Sherlock</p><p><strong>Role In Canon: </strong>Mycroft Holmes' Personal Assistant</p><p><strong>Species: </strong>Human</p><p><strong>Appearance: </strong>Since being in the Convergence for a year Andrea has let her hair grow out a bit, and it currently lies just above her waist and is naturally wavy though she's been straightening it lately. She has light blue eyes and full lips. Anthea is slightly tanned due to the nicer weather in the new world. She had a slim body, and stands at slightly above average at 5'5''. Anthea's style hasn't changed much, though she wears much more colour. She is almost always found in a blouse and skirt, though she will wear pants on occasion. Typically she wears no jewellery except for the engagement ring on her finger.</p><p><strong>Personality: </strong>Back in her own world Anthea was very closed off, she came off as kind of snarky and was blunt, if you asked her out and she wasn't interested she wouldn't sugarcoat it. She can still be like that, though she's softened up a lot. She's become more open to herself and others, she doesn't actively seek out people, but she won't shut them down anymore. She acknowledges that there is no point in lying and hiding. Even if she still goes by Anthea except for those she cares about. Around the people, she cares and trusts she is very kind and loving and protective. Anthea is always very strong-willed, and that can often lead to conflict with James Wesley, her soon to be husband, who is protective of her.</p><p><strong>History: </strong>As a kid, Anthea had a comfortable childhood, the Johnson's being an upper-middle-class family and her being an only child meant money was never tight, though both her parents worked very hard, and Anthea grew to be very independent. From a young age, she strove to work as hard as she could in order to be successful like her parents. She excelled in all of her subjects and graduated high school with top marks. In college, she took Political Science and graduated with top marks as well, right after she applied for a position in the British government. With her grades, and other skills such as being fluent in multiple languages she caught the eye of Mycroft Holmes, and she eventually became his PA. She considered herself close to the \"Ice Man\" and they spent a fair amount of time together. She was pulled into the convergence during the time that Sherlock was \"Dead\" she was one of the people who knew that he was still alive.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168695405,1,1,1, 4970858);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514696580'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514701027'>12/30/2017</span> #10</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/5317256/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168695635 href='/u/1724075/Joseph-Haney'>Joseph Haney</a> <p style=\"text-align:left;\"><strong>ORIGINAL CHARACTER</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name: </strong>Scarlett Hawkins</p><p><strong>Gender: </strong>Female</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth: </strong>May 6, 1990 (30 years old)</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom: </strong>Supernatural</p><p><strong>Species: </strong>Human</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable): </strong>While she has no super-human abilities, Scarlett is skilled with many different kinds of weapons, including knives and handguns with which she is most efficient. She is also a skilled fighter in close-quarter combat.</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong>Scarlett's most striking feature is her bright red hair which she prefers to keep cut short so that it only reaches her shoulders. She also has brown eyes and, most of the time, a confident smirk on her face. She stands at 5 feet, 9 inches tall with a mildly athletic build. She prefers to dress casually, wearing jeans, plain colored shirts and black boots, along with a light, black jacket that used to belong to her mother. She has more than a few scars across her chest, arms and back, and an anti-possession tattoo on the back of her left shoulder, all of which she prefers to keep hidden if possible. [Face Claim: Katherine Barrell (pbs.twimg.com/media/C8qL1nWVYAEdh9L.jpg)]</p><p><strong>Personality: </strong>At heart, Scarlett is a warm and caring person, though that may not always come through right away. Over a decade of hunting monsters has caused her to build up a bit of a rough exterior, if only to keep herself from going mad from all of the things she's seen. As a result, her first impression can be cold and unfeeling. Hang around her long enough, though, and her caring heart will show itself, so long as you remain on her good side. To her enemies or those she perceives as a threat to herself or those she cares about, she is a force to be reckoned with, and heaven help anyone who betrays her loyalty.</p><p><strong>History: </strong>Scarlett was born in a small town in the Colorado Rockies to a loving mother and an absent father. She could never get a straight answer from her mother as to his identity or where he was and eventually she gave up trying to find out. Instead, she focused her efforts on living her life \u2013 going to school, playing on a youth basketball team, spending time with her friends, etc. All of that changed one night, a week before her fifteenth birthday when she came home early from a basketball practice to find a shape-shifter, wearing the likeness of a neighbor, killing her mother. The creature tried to do the same to Scarlett, but hunter, a woman named Robin, who was in town tracking the creature, managed to show up in time to save her.</p><p>With no other family, Robin offered to take Scarlett under her wing, training her to be a hunter. They were a nearly inseparable team for nearly seven years before Robin was killed by a wendigo. Scarlett spent the next five years hunting on her own, until she rescued an orphaned teenage boy named Tobias from a nest of vampires. He didn't have any other family, so Scarlett looked after him, teaching him to be a hunter as best as she could. They formed a pretty good team and hunted together for three years. On a hunt for a nest of ghouls, Tobias and Scarlett got separated. The last thing she remembered before being pulled into the Convergence was the sound of him calling for help.</p><p>(I don't know how, but I think I ended up posting this in the wrong place before...anyway, here we go!)</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168695635,1,1,1, 1724075);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514697208'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514698767'>12/30/2017</span> #11</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/5819939/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168696586 href='/u/8530929/Xx-Wild-Wolf-xX'>Xx.Wild Wolf.xX</a> <p><strong>MINOR CHARACTER</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name: </strong>Paige Grace</p><p><strong>Gender: </strong>Female</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth: </strong>Unknown (May 16 for the actress)</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom: </strong>Once Upon A Time</p><p><strong>Role In Canon: </strong>Grace is the daughter of Jefferson(The Mad Hatter) and Priscilla. During the first curse she was known as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grace.</p><p><strong>Species: </strong>Human</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong>Although technically she is about 47 years old, Grace appears to be a 19 year old teen. She has slightly wavy, dark blonde hair with blonde highlights that lie past her shoulders. Grace usually keeps her hair down. She stands at 5' 6\", and has a slim figure. She also has light skin and big brown eyes. You'll most likely see her in a light denim jacket and a pair of skinny jeans, but she also wears dresses often. Grace has more of a cute look to her and she isn't too big on make-up, so she has a natural beauty.</p><ul><li>m.imdb.com/name/nm3309629/mediaviewer/rm2224105472</li> <li>m.imdb.com/name/nm3309629/mediaviewer/rm2811308032</li> </ul><p><strong>Personality:</strong>Even after all those years Grace still kept her sweet, innocent, and a caring personality. She is a very compassionate girl who refuses to grow up. She's also old fashioned having that she (somewhat) grew up in the Enchanted Forest and she loves to help people whenever she can. You will mostly, if not always, see a smile on her face. Unless of course she is troubled with something. Grace can be very optimistic, though sometimes she has her doubts. She is also very friendly to everyone, regardless of their appearance.</p><p><strong>History:</strong><em> A</em>s a little girl, Grace would always spend time with her father when he wasn't selling mushrooms; they had a very close relationship. One day the evil queen had made a deal with him that involved him having to go to Wonderland. He declined the offer, but later he decided to take the deal after he couldn't buy her a stuffed rabbit at a market, figuring that he couldn't give her a good life. But what he didn't know was that all she truly needed was him for her to be happy. While they were having a little tea party her father made her a rabbit, and told her that he had to go. She knew it had to do with the queen and had tried to convince him not to go, but it didn't work. Before he had left he promised he'd be back for their tea party. Grace always kept the rabbit that he made close to her since it meant a lot.</p><p>While he was out of the realm Grace spent her time with their neighbors. She would always count the days waiting for her fathers return, but he never showed up. She soon began to get really worried, but the neighbors kept reassuring her that everything was okay. Although that didn't stop her from worrying, and eventually the curse came some time after.</p><p>While she was her cursed self she lived with who she thought was her parents, but really they were her former neighbors. She attended the same school as Henry and had no memory(of any kind) of her papa.</p><p>After the curse was broken, Grace lived with her father in Storybrooke, often visiting her neighbors/ cursed parents. And after being separated from him for so long, she liked to stay close by his side after he had reunited with her. For a while she didn't go out much since her father was always afraid something might happen to her in the chaotic town, but eventually he warmed up to the idea of her being away at times. They would still oftenly go to the town together to do something. And on one of these trips to town Grace had bought a gift for him.</p><p>Grace was now aged to appear 19. She was admiring the rabbit that she had still kept after all those years. Not too long after she was dropped into the convergence.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168696586,1,1,1, 8530929);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514700100'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514736796'>12/31/2017</span> #12</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/5791963/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168697754 href='/u/6239591/shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod'>shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod</a> <p><strong>ORIGINAL CHARACTER</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Melanie Silver (calls herself Mirror)</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Female</p><p><strong>Date of Birth:</strong> March 17, 1992 (age: 22)</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> DC TV-verse (Earth One)</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Metahuman</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities:</strong> Because of the STAR Labs particle accelerator explosion and broken shards of mirror that hit her when the explosion happened, Mel is now able to project alternate images into others' minds, therefore making it possible to hide things in very plain sight from the eyes of others. She can also \"mirror\" a single aspect of a person, be it their eyes, voice, fingerprint, etc...but never more than one at the same time.</p><p><strong>Appearance</strong>: (FC: Saoirse Ronan) Melanie has light blue eyes and straight, blond hair that goes down to her shoulders. She is relatively small in stature, standing a little shorter than five and a half feet tall. Her limbs are a decent size, which comes from her years of doing whatever work she could find. Mel's clothes are usually more of a darker variety, but not so dark as to be described as goth.</p><p>For \"tricks\", she dons a white mask and silver wig. She wears a purple vest over her white shirt with black pants and silver heels to go along.</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> Due to her upbringing, Melanie is a rather quiet and reserved person. She is smart, calm and is good at seeing two sides to an argument, which is a useful skill when it comes to keeping Anton in check. She is not quick to make friends with people, as she always has a fear of losing them or being separated. If someone can get close to her though, as Anton has, she can talk for hours and has a good sense of humor. Melanie enjoys making people smile, just another reason why she loves magic, and will always fulfill a request to perform a trick.</p><p><strong>History:</strong> Melanie was born in Ivy Town, Connecticut to her parents. When she was only a year and a half old, her father fell victim to lung cancer and died before she turned two. Her father had been the main earner in the family, and in his absence Melanie's mother had to take up two jobs. When Melanie started school, they were forced to move into an apartment. Unfortunately, they were forced to move every two years or so, never able to find steady work or rent prices.</p><p>As she grew older, Melanie began taking on any kind of jobs that she could find, from mowing lawns to delivering mail. Working and homework left her with little time for friends, which were hard to make with her constant moving.</p><p>They finally settled in Coast City when Melanie was thirteen. By that time, her mom was working three jobs and sleeping whenever she could. When Melanie turned fourteen, a family friend in the area offered her a job at their Magic Shop, which she took up instantly. She began thumbing through manuals and kits in order to help customers, but as time went on, she found herself learning and enjoying tricks. She would spend her lunch breaks practicing small card tricks or vanishing acts at her lonely table in the corner, not really minding her absence of friends.</p><p>When her sophomore year of high school rolled around, her only two friends convinced her to show off some of her tricks in the talent show. With nothing to lose, since nobody seemed to know she existed, and the opportunity to bring more business to the Magic Shop, she agreed. The talent show went off without a hitch, and the applause she received at the end was enough confirmation that Melanie was doing what she was always meant to.</p><p>Magic, working, and good grades eventually landed her a scholarship to Midwestern University in Keystone City. There a quiet, indrawn Melanie met the ambitious and amazing Anton. They hit it off immediately, and four years later she began working as his assistant, later partner, in a magic act.</p><p>On December 11 during their opening act in Central City in front of their largest crowd ever, Melanie wasn't even nervous. Fogg and Silver, Feats of Tomorrow was about to become a hit. It was what she had been working for nearly half her life, and it paid off. Just as they took their bows, the STAR labs' particle accelerator exploded. The close proximity to the lab send waves of energy rippling through their area, which shattered the mirrors surrounding Melanie, leaving pieces of glass stuck in her flesh.</p><p>She woke up two weeks later with a nurse standing over her. Melanie immediately thought of how pretty the woman's eyes were, but thought nothing else of it until she looked at herself in the mirror. The eyes looking back at her were not her own. As the days passed, she grew more into her \"abilities\" and learned how to properly use them.</p><p>When Anton awoke, they only had a brief reunion before the bad news started piling up. Debt upon debt came in, asking for money that the young adults didn't have. When Anton suggested breaking into the bank, Melanie didn't see any other option. It went well, not considering how Anton had flung black smoke at the police officers that had discovered them.</p><p>After some of the debts were paid, Melanie found that her new job was keeping Anton in check. She constantly warned him which \"tricks\" were too big and could hurt too many people. He had been changed by the explosion in more ways than one, and that hurt her. She owed it to her only friend to keep him safe and secure. When he handed her a white mask and a silver wig, she didn't say no. When he moved them all over the country for their \"tricks\", she didn't say no. When he told her about a heist in Starling City, she didn't say no. Instead she went along with the increasingly rash Anton, keeping her mental promise of keeping him in check. That was until they were both pulled from their plans to the Convergence, which was possibly the greatest trick of them all.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168697754,1,1,1, 6239591);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514704265'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514736888'>12/31/2017</span> #13</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/5791963/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168697777 href='/u/6239591/shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod'>shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name: </strong>Evie Laurel Queen</p><p><strong>Gender: </strong>Female</p><p><strong>Date of Birth: </strong>July 9, 2017</p><p><strong>Parents: </strong>Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents: </strong>DC TV: Arrow</p><p><strong>Species: </strong>Human</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities: </strong>N/A</p><p><strong>Appearance: </strong>(FC: Ginny Gardener) Evie looks much like her mom Felicity, with shoulder-length blonde hair that is normally straight, but she curls it sometimes if she has time. She also has blue eyes and is usually seen with a slight smile on her face if she isn't concentrating on something. Evie stands at about 5'8'', having gotten her height more from Oliver's side of the family. Through her training sessions, she has put on a good deal of muscle, leading to her being a rather fit-looking individual. She normally wears whatever she finds to be comfortable, and can often be seen in athletic clothes following a training session or workout.</p><p><strong>Personality: </strong>Evie is curious, not afraid to meet new people, a bit protective, and is generally an upbeat person. She loves figuring out more about the world, and where others came from, and any new information she can get her hands on is welcome. She is a keen learner, whether it be from books, on computers, or through physical trial and error. Her somewhat protective nature she got from her father, and she is devoted to her parents and younger brother. Evie is generally a happy person, eager to help someone should they need it, and does not come off as having a shy personality, but not so much that she is abrasive. While she doesn't babble quite as often as her mother does, she can go on and on about something she truly enjoys without ever tiring of talking about it. She loves to draw just about anything, and can usually be found with a sketchpad in her hands after a particularly rough day, as it allows her to focus on other things. If something is bothering her though, it can take her a little while to open up about it, which in part she also got from her father. She can be a bit stubborn at times, but it is always because she believes that something better will come out of her holding her ground.</p><p><strong>History: </strong>Evie was born on July 9, 2017, to her parents Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. During her first few months of life, she was rather sheltered. She stuck close to her parents as they warned her about some of the dangers of the people in the world. This has led to her still being very connected to them even as she became a young adult. As a child, Evie was always curious, and as she grew so did her affinity for computers, drawing, and becoming a better fighter. Through lessons with Oliver and Sara in the lair, she's become a formidable fighter, though she hasn't had to use it much during her time in the world. Evie has made a few friends outside of her family, but tends to stay close to them and is always wary of something going wrong.</p><p>The first time something truly awful happened in Evie's life was when her Uncle Barry and half-brother William both left the world at the same time. Evie had never dealt with loss on that scale before, and wasn't quite sure how to handle suddenly missing two very important people to her. Eventually they did come back, though they had new memories of their own...and none of her. Evie managed to work through it with help from her parents, and learned to make the most of the time she has with her family.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168697777,1,1,1, 6239591);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514704335'>12/30/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1517170559'>1/28/2018</span> #14</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4358800/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown.png' border=0 width=16 height=16><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168705247 href='/u/2554469/ALazyGeek'>ALazyGeek</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Riley Grace Weasley</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Female</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong> 31st January, 2016</p><p><strong>Parents:</strong> George Weasley and Taylor Weasley</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents:</strong> Harry Potter</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Witch</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable):</strong> Normal Wizarding abilities</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> (FC: Katherine McNamara) Riley has inherited her mother's dark blue eyes, and her dad's ginger hair. It's fairly long, falling down past her shoulders. It's usually kept down, despite the fact she's almost constantly moving and wouldn't be at risk of having it yanked on when she was exploring if she simply tied it up. When living in the fourth world, her skin was quite tanned. Due to the spent in the cooler environment of the fifth and following worlds, the tan has faded, revealing her skin to be much paler.</p><p>Riley's much shorter than her brother, standing at 5'3, the same height as her mother. Her sense of adventure can be seen by the cheeky grin she's usually wearing, as well as the spark of mischief she often has in her eyes, like both of her parents. Her active lifestyle has also lead to her having a slim but somewhat toned figure, though she doesn't tend to show it off.</p><p>Usually she wears simple t-shirts and jogging pants, accompanied by a hoodie, completed by trainers, on her many escapades around the world. Unless she really wants to make an effort, or is forced to by the world, she won't wear make-up or dresses.</p><p>During her time in the wasteland, where Worldborns were able to respawn, Riley gained three scars. These include a scar covering the palm of her left hand, from where she touched the electric forcefield surrounding the wasteland, a scar on her neck from having her throat ripped out by a monster, and a scar down her spine from where she accidentally fell off a building at the very end of her time in the wasteland.</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> Riley is bright, bubbly, and loves to have fun. She's feisty, enthusiastic about life, and just wants to take on the whole world. She's ready to make the most of it, because, after all, you only live once in this place. She's fiercely protective of those she loves, like her mother, and will always be ready to fight for them. She also didn't escape the tempers of her parents, having inherited hers from both of them. She rarely gets angry, but when she does, you'll know it. Despite this, she doesn't hold a grudge.</p><p>She's also extremely curious, fancying herself to be somewhat of a detective when it comes to exploring the world, which she frequently does. She's almost always out exploring the world, particularly where most of the monsters lurk - after all, they're one of the most exciting parts of it. When she isn't out looking for them, she's probably writing about them in a journal. Making her own notes is Riley's favourite way to learn - she's never cared much for reading and prefers to be much more hands on with educating herself. Still, running around chasing monsters isn't the safest life to live, and on more than one occasion she's been called reckless. That, she's been reminded, makes her quite like her father (and though that might not be always seen as a good thing, Riley's extremely proud of that fact). Riley is also a lesbian, and won't hesitate to be upfront and honest about it, if it happens to come up in conversation.</p><p>Her personality type is ENFP; she is a true free spirit. If she'd actually had the opportunity to attend Hogwarts, there is no doubting that she would have been a Gryffindor through and through.</p><p><strong>History:</strong> Riley was born to George and Taylor Weasley alongside her twin brother, Matthew, to whom she is very close, on the 31st of January, 2016. Growing up, she had quite a lonely upbringing, although unlike most children born in-world, she got to grow up at the same time as her brother. Her parents raised her to have an educated view of the world and made sure she was capable of witchcraft, like any other magical child would be, which included getting a wand to perform magic with.</p><p>Her time in the fourth world was spent mostly in the sun. She was almost always outside, exploring, mostly in the jungles, despite the risks. Offensive and defensive spells slowly became Riley's favourite to perform, and it was those that she was most talented at doing. It was the world that very much felt like home, being warm and comfortable and having all of her family in it. But Riley had no choice but to go 'On' when the doors appeared, heading straight into the much colder fifth world. She didn't like the fifth world anywhere near as much as she loved the fourth. It was contrasted too strongly with the previous world, not only temperature wise, but also in the fact that only a few months after arriving there, her father left the world. This left Riley completely devastated for a time, rendering her angry and bitter at everything and everyone around her. Even more of her energy went into exploring and keeping herself as isolated as possible, often involving her camping out in the forest for days at a time.</p><p>Over time, Riley managed to get back to being her usual self. She started engaging with people a lot more, and though she continued to camp out in the forest, she did so for fun, not to try and isolate herself. Although there were bumps along the way, like her brother's temporary death, and an accident in the forest where she had her leg all but mauled, she's managed to bounce back into being the feisty young woman she truly is.</p><p>Much like she had in all the previous worlds, Riley continued to adventure during her time in the sixth world. Despite her cousin, Oscar, being born just before this world started, she did not take on a role of responsbility. Her favourite place to be was Infernos, and if she wasn't there, she'd probably be found in Empyrean. Some key moments included her and then her brother being possessed, as well as Riley being told to not explore the levels of the world alone, for her own safety. The sixth world also saw the introduction of Cal Derek, her mother's new boyfriend, and Sky Smith, a young alien her mother adopted, into her life.</p><p>In the seventh world, Riley has continued to thrive and explore, and remains living with the rest of her family in an adaptable cottage on D\u00f9rachd. Her adventures included attempting to get the kraken to reveal itself, as well as taking Sky (who has taken the surname Weasley-Derek) to Olc to track down the dragon. Although that particular adventure wasn't successful, it resulted in both her and Sky being grounded for a week.</p><p>One phase in the seventh world was timed in such a way that when Riley's reckless adventure to see the dragon on her own lead to her death, she was able to respawn. Unfortunately in order for this to happen, her own mother died for the rest of the week. Soon, normality was restored, but it the event did knock Riley's confidence and encouraged her to live life with a little more care.</p><p>Also in the seventh world, Riley's Uncle Fred left. Because of this, her cousin Oscar and his two dogs moved in, expanding the household further. Cal, her mother's boyfriend, soon left the world too. Since all of that happened, Riley's life hasn't been all that interesting. She's met some people, such as Kalina (a fellow Worldborn). In the weeks before the seventh world ended, Riley enjoyed decorating the house with her family and exploring the world a few more times, making sure she hadn't missed anything.</p><p>Towards the end of the seventh world, Riley stepped through the door on the bridge and straight into the wasteland of the next world. Her life from this point onward is detailed <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685734/3/#168705250\">here</a>.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168705247,1,1,1, 2554469);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514747799'>12/31/2017</span> . Edited <span data-xutime='1519489222'>2/24/2018</span> #15</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/5264947/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168705352 href='/u/4474640/lawyerbeewitched'>lawyerbeewitched</a> <p style=\"text-align:left;\"><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name: </strong>William Sterling Romanov-Holmes</p><p><strong>Gender: </strong>Male</p><p><strong>Date of Birth: </strong>November 26, 2016</p><p><strong>Parents: </strong>William Sherlock Scott Holmes and Natasha Romanov-Holmes</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents: </strong>BBC Sherlock/MCU</p><p><strong>Species: </strong>Human</p><p><strong>Abilities:</strong> Sterling has no supernatural abilities, but is remarkably observant and analytical, proficient in hand to hand combat, and can handle with a variety of weapons, courtesy of his parents' training. He prefers avoiding conflict, though, so if he can charm his way out of a situation, he'd much rather rely on that.</p><p><strong>Appearance: </strong>(FC for edits: Nicholas Hoult) Sterling is tall, around 6'1\", and previously leaned towards the skinnier side, with a bit of muscle from regular training. He's grown just a little bigger after time spent in the Wasteland. His curly hair is dark brown and cropped relatively, and his eyes are a soft green, similar to his mother's. Pale complexion, like both his parents. Sherlock's nose and cheekbones, and a smile very much like Natasha's. He'll wear button-down shirts, jumpers, and jeans, with a little leather coat and scarf. He also wears a watch, given to him by his parents as a coming of age gift.</p><p><strong>Personality: </strong>Sterling is an intellectually gifted child and a musical prodigy. He's very curious about the world around him, very imaginative, and usually enthusiastic about learning. He'll get excited about topics that interest him, read up on them, ask questions, and discuss what he's learned.</p><p>He's not shy, but he can be on the quieter side if he feels he has nothing of value to ask or contribute to a conversation, and will prefer to listen. He's also perceptive. And though he's not afraid to ask questions about the things he perceives, he'll sometimes keep them to himself until he can figure them out on his own.</p><p>When it comes to his family, Sterling absolutely adores them, and will often be physically affectionate with those he's closest to. He can be mischievous like his parents, but it's a mischief that usually translates into getting into and out of rooms and places to further investigate something he's curious about. Mischief with a purpose. He can also be a little messy, but it's a systematic sort of messy. He has an excellent memory and knows exactly where he's left everything.</p><p>Sterling's interests usually center around all things science and music. He especially loves the violin because his father's playing was his very first introduction into the world of music he loves so much, but he's developed an interest in other instruments. He plays the piano, the cello, the electric cello, the guitar, aside from his violin. During his time in the Wasteland, with nothing on hand save his knife, wood, and the occasional animal bone, the list has expanded to include flutes, whistles, and drums, which he's made for himself, much like the American Native Americans did.</p><p>He also enjoys composing and reading. Particularly about bugs (and specifically, butterflies), plants, music, musical instruments, fiction (leaning towards fantasy, and the occasional romance, because he's a curious child) and non-fiction biographies of scientists and composers.</p><p>Currently, he speaks English, Russian, Klingon, with some French he's picked up from his family, but his preferred form of communication is music.</p><p><strong>History: </strong>Sterling was born to Sherlock Holmes and Natasha Romanov-Holmes during the world's Season 5, Episode 19, after the angel Hadriel healed his mother from an old surgery without her knowledge.</p><p>Because of the world's extreme climate, he spent the better part of his first few weeks of life indoors, with his parents, family, and pets, with the occasional trip outside for bug hunting with his dad, snowball fights with his parents, and just running around and playing in the snow. It is perhaps one of the reasons he came to love science so much, and at such a young age. It opened up a whole world within a world for him, when his own was still technically very, very small.</p><p>Sterling also came to love music, and would sit and listen to his dad playing the violin with an awestruck look on his face, later trying to recreate the melody with his toys. He had a gift for it. His very, very first violin was a gift from his dad, and it is his most loved possession.</p><p>Some weeks before the change in setting, they all went to live with his Aunt Naomi, Uncle Mycroft, and his cousin, Zariah, whom he'd come to adore. Here Sterling learned to play the piano, and indulged his sneakier, stealthier, curious side, encouraged by both his parents, naturally. Despite having lost his house when a large chunk of moon fell on it and destroyed it, it was losing his dad that hit him the hardest. He cried until he returned, and even after, never really let go of his fear that it would happen again.</p><p>The change in setting came as a new adventure. There were a lot of firsts. Trips to the beach, scavenger hunts with his parents, bug hunting with his dad, training with his mum, visits to the Hologram Cinema, horseback rides with Zariah, lots and lots of family dinners, even his first butterfly house. He explored the new world with all the curiosity of a little boy confined to snow for too long.</p><p>Other firsts weren't as pleasant. Sterling came close to losing Zariah, and his own life, in the world's Inferno; watched his uncle die to save them from dangerous creatures; and suffered through an opioid overdose that hurt his parents as much, if not more, than it hurt him. He recovered with the love and support of his family.</p><p>The setting changed again, and again it came as a new adventure. There was a new butterfly house from his dad, and it is where he spent the majority of his time, when he wasn't composing or leaning a new instrument, or spending time with Zariah, or getting swept into his parents games.</p><hr><p><strong>CHARACTER TRACKER</strong></p><p ><strong>Character Name: </strong>William Sterling Romanov-Holmes</p><p ><strong>Name Changes (e.g. due to marriage): </strong>None.</p><p ><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> Worldborn</p><p ><strong>Point in Fandom Taken From (e.g. first book): </strong>None.</p><p ><strong>DOB/Age: </strong>November 26, 2016. Physically looks 18.</p><p ><strong>Date/Episode Arrived: </strong>November 26, 2016. Season 5, Episode 19.</p><p ><strong>Actor/Faceclaim: </strong>Nicholas Hoult</p><p ><strong>House Description:</strong> Sterling lives with Zariah in a fairly big house near their parents. There is a barn and pasture for her horses, and Sterling has a butterfly house.</p><ul ><li >gifts-of-convergence.tumblr.com/post/172616182036/holmes-home-20-zariah-sterlings-afterlife</li> </ul><p ><strong>Events In The Convergence:</strong></p><p ><strong>Season 5: </strong>Sterling was born to Sherlock Holmes and Natasha Romanov on November 26, 2016, during Season 5, Episode 19.</p><p >Because of the world's extremely cold climate, he spent the better part of his first few weeks indoors with his parents and pets. It's perhaps one of the reasons he's come to love science so much. It opened up a whole new world for him when his own world was still technically very small.</p><p >There was a lot of playing, reading, studying, and spending time with his family. As well as cultivating the musical talents he'd already developed at a young age. His very first violin was a gift from his dad. He treasures it above all his other instruments to this day.</p><p >Sherlock and Natasha took Sterling out to play in the snow around the four-year mark, taught him about snowballs and snowball fights, and took him on many trips to the gardens to hunt for bugs and study plants.</p><p >For a couple of weeks before the change in setting, after a piece of moon fell on their house and destroyed most of their belongings, Sterling and his parents went to live with his aunt Naomi, his uncle Mycroft, and his cousin Zariah. He was always good at getting into and out of places, but here he learned to be sneaky and cautious in his endeavors. He also learned to play the piano.</p><p >Close to the end of the setting, he lost his dad for a couple of days. He eventually got him back, and his whole family was very supportive in the meantime, but he's since been scared of losing members of his family for good.</p><p ><strong>Season 6: </strong>With the new setting came new adventures. Sterling acquired new instruments, started training with his mum, visited the gardens and went bug hunting with his dad.</p><p >There were many firsts. Beach days, trips to the pool, learning to drive, many original compositions, including one for his dad's birthday, one for Zariah, and another for his mum.</p><p >During Episode 3, he drank a potion and fiddled with the power to control sound waves for a week. Which was all kinds of fun to play with where music was concerned. He also had his very first birthday that same week and was given a beautiful watch by his parents, engraved with the words '<em>Forever ours</em>' behind the watch face. Zariah gifted him an elegant leather journal.</p><p >During Episode 5, Sterling believed he'd lived his whole life in the Convergence and had plans to become a concert musician once he graduated. Afterward, when his memories came back and he realized there'd be no such future for him here, he was very upset. His dad took him to the gardens to hunt for bugs in an effort to cheer him up, as well as sneakily catch a caterpillar for Sterling to observe at home.</p><p >Sterling had the opportunity to see its whole lifecycle from beginning to end with his own eyes. The journal Zariah gave him is now full of copious notes and observations that he updates regularly.</p><p >Towards the end of Episode 12, Sterling was accidentally triggered by Zariah and spent a long while recovering from the aftermath of an opioid overdose. He's since made up with his family and moved on.</p><p ><strong>The Letters: </strong>Sterling has his mum and dad's determination and sense of adventure, and has taken to the world much the same way he took to the last, if not a little better. He was gifted a butterfly house by his dad, which he's kept track of in a new journal. He's developed friendships, with Henry and Barriss. He trains every day, and composes frequently, often inspired by the people in his life.</p><p >Still, tragedy was never far away. Sterling 'lost' his mum during 'W is for Worrisome', and was completely shattered by the loss. While his dad tried to solve the mystery, he relied mostly on Zariah to cope. He barely ate, rarely slept, and scarcely looked out for himself, let alone his dad. She eventually came back, but Zariah's later loss only set him back further. He still has nightmares of both, but he's since tried his best to move on.</p><p >The last few months have been filled with tending to his butterfly house, reading, riding, and walking with Zariah, playing games of chess with his Uncle Mycroft, training with his mum, music sessions with his dad and Aunt Eurus, getting tangled up in his parents games (because they <em>insist</em> on planting clues on him, so he never knows when he's going to be dragged out of bed at four in the morning, or be bodily searched for clue), and just trying to make the most of his last days with the people he loves most in the world.</p><p >His parents may not be perfect people, or even perfect parents, but their love for him is in everything they do, and he wouldn't trade them for anything. He'll be heartbroken when they're gone.</p><p ><strong>The Wasteland: </strong>After four months in The Wasteland, Sterling is looking a little scruffier than usual, complete with a five o'clock shadow, but he's kept as neat as the circumstances allow. He gets Zariah to cut his hair when his curls get too long.</p><p >The first couple of months were the hardest. Sterling was withdrawn, quiet, coping with the loss of everything through silence, the physical comfort of his family and friends, and through entries in his journal. Occasionally, he'd sketch in the margins, same as he used to do with his butterflies, but with people. Most of the Worldborns are sketched into the pages.</p><p >When animals finally arrived in the world, he took in Jackie and Basil. After scavenging for the appropriate materials, he also made musical instruments for himself using bone and wood, and kept them on a little shelf in the home he shared with Zariah. Butterflies reappeared in his journal.</p><p >Eventually, he decided to build a new butterfly house, and did so with Mason's help. He remembered building his first with his dad, and the day his Sherlock unveiled the second, bigger, better one he'd built for him to cheer him up. After it was all built and ready to be filled with plants and butterflies, he sat in a little corner by himself, and had a long cry until Zariah came for him.</p><p ><strong>Afterlife:</strong></p><p >Sterling has spent all his life fearing his lose his parents, and those fears had finally come true. When Zariah had delivered the news that people were starting to come back, while he'd been tending to his butterflies, he tried not to get his hopes up. That didn't work. They met their parents on the beach, the moment he laid eyes on his mum and dad, he crumbled in their arms. The fear was back full force. With Mary's disappearance, it only grew. He worried, he obsessed.</p><p >Now he's doing a little better, and can usually be found in his dad's lab, in his own butterfly house, composing in room, riding with Zariah, or being a clue/clue-holder in one of his parents' games. On occasion, he'll have to sneak into his parents' house to steal back the dog and cat he's taken custody of.</p><p >When he heard of Sherlock, Mycroft, and Eurus' encounter with the wyvern, he stole his dad away to take through one of the arches for some quality time, just the two of them. His mum came to keep an eye on them, just in case.</p><p >He's had few friends, Mason and Zach being two of them, but his closest has been Barriss. After her second disappearance, he tried to make peace with the fact that they might not be friends like they used to, but now that she's come back again, he's hopeful. He's not entirely sure how to go about it, though. Advice will be solicited. He's been composing a lot since in an effort to figure it out.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168705352,1,1,1, 4474640);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514748114'>12/31/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/2398995/Gracie-Holmes'>Gracie Holmes</a>, <span data-xutime='1532991809'>7/30/2018</span> #16</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4610967/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168705848 href='/u/6307862/The-Skittles-Princess'>The Skittles Princess</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD</strong></p><hr><p>Full Name: Genevieve Addison Dare</p><p>Gender: Female</p><p>Date Of Birth: August 29th, 2017</p><p>Parents: Eric Coulter & Kassandra 'Kasi' Dare</p><p>Universe/Fandom of Parents: Divergent & Fox MCU (X-Men)</p><p>Species: Mutant</p><p>Powers/Abilities: Illusion Manipulation (Psychosomatic Illusion)</p><p>Appearance: [ FC : Bridget Satterlee ] As a young child, Genevieve had bright hazel-green eyes and light blond hair. Throughout her infant years her eyes lightened to a more green colour. Not standing very tall, taking after her mother in height she only stood 5'5\" at the age of sixteen. Not that she had much problem with her height. Taking after her father, in her stance and the way she walked. She also has most of her father's stern, grumpy looking features. Her brows furrowed most of the time and her lips pursed. That didn't stop her from constantly smiling and laughing. As a teen, her hair and eyes darkened slightly making more of her features stand out. Her skin tone now less pale, darkened slightly from going out and playing in the sun when she could. Once Genevieve hit eighteen, the majority of her features heightened and suddenly she started to take more after her father. Her hair was still long and almost an auburn colour and Genevieve's eyes a hazel colour. Her cheekbones are sharp, making that one of her more noticeable features. She stands slightly taller than her mom at 5'5\" and a half. She's got a lean figure that is claud most of the time in dark clothes (which she took after her father being dauntless).</p><p>Personality: Genevieve as a young girl, was more on the shy side. She clung to her parents for most of her younger years, shy and quiet but friendly to anyone her parents told her were family. As a she grew up she became more outgoing, wondering around to meet new people and not being afraid to crack a smile and joke at people she felt that might need it. She started to become more of an extrovert, someone who started talking to more people and someone who wasn't afraid to ask questions when she need clarification. Throughout her teen years, Genevieve became more of a social butterfly. She wanted to meet new people all the time and she wanted to explore the worlds. Both parents letting her do so, with their supervision - Genevieve easily picking up on different traits from her parents. She took after Eric, through some of his 'hard-ass' personality. Genevieve is not afraid to get in a fight - especially if she knows she can win. She took after her mother as well in the sense she's fun and keep her family close to her heart. If anyone hurts the people she loves, she'd destroy them.</p><p>History: Genevieve Addison Dare was born on August 29th, 2017 to her two parents Eric and Kasi during The Twelfth Letter (Fifteen: O is for...O'clock). The first few faces the child of the mutant and dauntless leader saw was Pepper Potts, Minho and Arthur Pendragon. All three of which she proceeded to continuously see throughout most of her childhood.</p><p>Her first few days in the world, were surrounded by both Eric and Kasi watching her every hour of the day, both new parents under stress of making sure they kept her as safe as possible. Genevieve became very familiar with the face of Pepper Potts, who was asked to be Genevieve's godmother. Pepper brought Bruno over the first few days of Genevieve's life, the little girl later on becoming very much in love with her first best friend in the world.</p><p>As soon as Genevieve started learning how to walk and how to talk, she's been rather a handful for both parents. Genevieve being a curious little girl like most young children insisted that her father and mother take her out to explore the changing world constantly. While exploring with her mother, she met many new people including; Arthur Pendragon, Jem Carstairs (Uncle Jem), Tessa Grey (Aunt Tessa), Minho, Charlie Bradbury, etc.</p><p>As she grew up, she started to become close with her godmother 'Aunt' Pepper, and Bruno her godmother's pet dog. Bruno was her first and still is her best friend. Genevieve became very close to Bruno, and she treasured him dearly. Pepper saw this and brought Genevieve a companion of her own.Jack, a brown labordoddle that she cherishes deeply. Her second best friend and protector. The pair are inseparable now that Genevieve was old enough to go out on her own. Both Jack and Genevieve were very much protected by Eric and Kasi - mainly because neither parent wanted to lose their daughter or the dog that they'd both grown just as attached to as Genevieve had.</p><p>When Genevieve turned fourteen she started to develop her mutant powers, they suddenly appeared when Eric had eaten the cake. Genevieve had been concentrating so hard that an illusion of the cake appeared on the table, which scared both Eric and Genevieve at the time. Kasi later learnt of her daughter's mutant powers, and began to help their daughter understand how to use her powers. Though they didn't know the extent of her powers, they did know that she was a strong mutant - especially when it comes to illusions. Since then, Genevieve has constantly practiced and used her powers to get away with certain things she wouldn't have gotten away with if she hadn't had powers. If she uses too much of her powers she starts to develop an almost headache like feeling on the right side of her head - which can be very painful the stronger the illusion. Genevieve took to reading up what she could on her powers, and found out that with her powers she could get into peoples heads as well and make the illusions very painful for them. She compares this constantly to her dauntless roots, always saying that she couldn't have had a power that didn't include pain towards others.</p><p>On the day of her eighteenth birthday she stopped aging, and her mother showed her how to fully control her powers. She didn't move away from home, and her and Jack still go out and explore the world together.</p><hr><p><strong>CHARACTER TRACKER</strong></p><p ><strong>Character Name: </strong>Genevieve Addison Dare</p><p ><strong>Name Changes in The Convergence (e.g. due to marriage): </strong>N/A</p><p ><strong>Universe/Fandom: </strong>Worldborn (Parents from the FMCU and Divergent)</p><p ><strong>Point in Fandom Taken From (e.g. First Book): </strong>N/A</p><p ><strong>Date/Episode Arrived at The Convergence: </strong>August 29, 2017 (During <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/165792971/1/Fifteen-O-is-for-O-Clock\">Fifteen: O is for... O'Clock</a>)</p><p ><strong>Original Age (when they entered the world): </strong>Physically 18 years old at the end of the Letters</p><p ><strong>Current Age: </strong>19 years old</p><p ><strong>Actor/Faceclaim: </strong>Bridget Satterlee</p><p ><strong>House Description: </strong>TBA</p><p ><strong>Events in The Convergence:</strong></p><p ><em>The Letters</em></p><ul ><li >Born to Eric Coulter and Kassandra Dare on August 29, 2017, Genevieve grew up surrounded by love and family. She was taught everything her parents knew about the Convergence and the worlds it contained, with a particular focus on the worlds of Divergent and the FMCU. Her godmother, Pepper Potts, was a very familiar face to the young girl, and the three adults cared greatly for her. As a toddler, Gen grew attached to Bruno, Pepper's dog, prompting her godmother to bring home a dog for the girl as well - a labradoodle named Jack. As time passed, Genevieve became more and more independent and extroverted, enjoying meeting new people and making new friends. Her mutant power began emerging, and though she was afraid at first of hurting someone, Kasi assured her that it was alright and helped her learn to control it. Once she was more confident in her abilities, playing tricks on people with her illusions became a pastime of her's. She made several close friends once fully matured, including Georgina - aka Gigi - and Teddy, another mutant.</li> </ul><p ><em>Wasteland</em></p><ul ><li >Stepping through the door and arriving in the Wasteland rather than what she expected was an utter shock for Genevieve. For someone always surrounded by family and friends, it was new for Gen to be considerably alone, save for the other worldborns there. She had only one weapon - a plain pistol, which she began keeping on her person at all times. Though she did grow closer to the others there, befriending or at least speaking to the majority of them, she began relying on her illusions, using them to make it seem like her family was there. When it came to hunting as well, she began using her illusions, forcing down enemies with illusions of pain. It worked - most of the time. She did, however, die twice when she first began attempting it, resulting in a scar directly across her throat and one in the middle of her spine, as if someone had directly pierced it. When her home appeared, it was very plain, and Gen chose to leave it that way.</li> </ul><p ><em>The Afterlife</em></p><ul ><li >It was a shock to finally see people again - people other than worldborns. Reyna, a friend of hers, was the first person she saw, and she began waiting on the edge of Arcadia for a family member. She quickly found her godmother, Pepper (aka Aunt Pepper), followed by her friend Teddy and finally her father. However, there was no sign of her mother, and she began worrying that she wouldn't even arrive. Nearing the end of January, she was certain her mother wouldn't be coming back, and she went to tell Pepper along with her father. They discovered an interesting surprise there\u2014a baby on her godmother's doorstep, sent by the world. She swore to herself to be there for the little girl as she grew up. Vera Potts became somewhat like a younger sister to her, and she cared for her like family. When her father left, it was hard for Gen to leave the house and be the same cheery person she usually was. She'd always been very close to her father, and the shock of losing both her parents in the new world was difficult. With Pepper, Vera, and Teddy's help, she managed to get through it and returned to her regular self. February soon came around, and she and Teddy began dating after some emotional confessions.</li> </ul> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168705848,1,1,1, 6307862);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514749715'>12/31/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/2398995/Gracie-Holmes'>Gracie Holmes</a>, <span data-xutime='1532219136'>7/21/2018</span> #17</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4621662/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168706127 href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name: </strong>Alara May Derek.</p><p><strong>Gender: </strong>Female.</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth: </strong>June 4th, 2017.</p><p><strong>Parents: </strong>Ben Derek (father) & Jenna Winters (mother).</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents: </strong>Star Wars (father) & Supernatural (mother).</p><p><strong>Species: </strong>Humanoid.</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities: </strong>Alara possesses a high level of midichlorians in her blood, something from her father's galaxy; because of their intense strength, she has the ability to tap into a living energy called the Force. The Force allows her to connect with life itself in various ways and heightens her reflexes, gives her a bit of a 'sixth sense' when it comes to danger, and allows her to learn to use various other abilities available to her the more she trains. Currently, Alara is able to use:</p><ul><li>Telepathy - The ability to call and speak to other Force-sensitives.</li> <li>Telekinesis - The ability to move things with her mind, without touching them. </li> <li>Sense - Alara can sense danger when it is nearby, and also when familiar presences are nearing her, like her family. She can feel their emotions and their pain if strong enough, and everything is vice versa; she can project her own emotions and pain as well.</li> </ul><p>Alara is constantly striving to access more of the Force for other gifts as well. Besides this, she also has learned hand-to-hand combat from her parents and her uncle, Callen Derek. She knows how to use various weapons, including guns, blasters, knives, and her lightsaber (a special laser sword from her father's world, which she built herself with an emerald blade). She's an agile girl who enjoys remaining active and thus, has a decent amount of physical strength and flexibility to her form. She has an acceptable level of stamina that she is always trying to improve in, through ways such as running or sparring with someone from her family. Naturally, Alara is more drawn to and talented in physical activities and sports than studies. She does, however, know literature, math, science, and other subjects in a basic curriculum taught to her by a variety of sources.</p><p><strong>Appearance: </strong>Alara Derek has inherited a great deal of her mother's appearance; including the thick, wavy, dark-brown hair and oval facial structure. Her eyes are her father's, a very bright and deep blue; these, nestled beneath dark locks, and accompanied with soft lips and a fair complexion, make her a handsome child. The illustration cannot be complete without dark eyebrows, long eyelashes, and a slender frame, filled out well with days she fills with physically-challenging activities, such as running and exploring.</p><p>Her style of dress is not limited to one genre, though articles of clothing worn almost daily are a simple black leather jacket, and a cap upon her head. She also has a pair of favorite sneakers, some white converses. She might be seen in jeans and a crop top, a skirt and a casual tee, or a sundress and sandals. Overall, her clothing is practical but fitting to her sense of style that day. She is also never without some form of weapon, her lightsaber and/or a knife being the most common on her person.</p><p><strong>Personality: </strong>An extrovert, with the mind of a mature teenager who has only seen the world for a few months, Alara is curious but intelligent. Having grown so fast but existing so little, she manages to still see with childish wonder the awe of things like nature and the world around her. She is independent and in that sense, chooses her loyalties and will remain with them strongly. She loves with her whole heart, and nearly trusts an equal amount. Her vice is a quick temper and a swift inclination to sarcasm and wariness if she is given a reason to do so.</p><p>Alara's personality type is ENFP - \"the campaigner.\" Words used to describe such a personality are: charming, independent, energetic and compassionate. Alara views the world as an intricate source but doesn't analyze the facts but rather the emotions. This mindset is amplified with her connection with the Force, that allows her emotions, heart, and mind to be linked with every living thing around her (to the extent the world allows).</p><p>Strengths associated with an ENFP personality are: curiosity, being observant, energetic, knowing how to relax, and good communicators. Faults, however are: being easily stressed, difficulty in focusing, and being extremely emotional.</p><p><strong>History: </strong>The major events in the life of Alara May Derek can all be read <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685734/4/#168706065\">HERE</a> on her <em>Character Tracker</em>.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168706127,1,1,1, 4541453);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514750631'>12/31/2017</span> . Edited <span data-xutime='1515808260'>1/12/2018</span> #18</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/5401893/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168707283 href='/u/4400116/Thelis-Hanna'>Thelis Hanna</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Ava Morgause Gorlois</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Female</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong> 29/11/2015, but is physically nineteen</p><p><strong>Parents:</strong> Gwaine and Morgana Pendragon</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> Merlin</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Human/Witch</p><p>Powers/abilities: Can do quite complex spells, not as powerful as her mother but is in no way weak. She highly educated when it comes to magic, having a high priestess as a mother and another as an aunt though unlike her mother and brother, is not a seer.</p><p><strong>Face Claim:</strong> Nicola Posener</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> Ava despite being born not long ago looks about nineteen and is about 5'6 with a well built body due to her mother's ambition to make her a great warrior. She has long straight brown hair that hangs just below her shoulders and has brown eyes that match her father's. She often wears it down and occasionally curls it. She has an oval face and is lightly tanned, thanks to her father and love for the outdoors. She usually wears jeans, and simple T-shirts unless in formal situations when she will attempt to steal her one of mother's gowns. She wears an anti-possession necklace given that Jenna gave to her while she was a baby.</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> Ava is a bit of a mix between her parents. She loves the same humour as her dad and can't stay inside for too long, always needing to be doing something practical. But after events such as Uther and Sarrum, Ava has become a bit more protective, getting her mother's spirit and not being afraid to speak her mind. She does, however, keep such things like sadness private, believing she needs to be strong for Braedon who is a bit more senstitive. Ava is straightforward, sarcastic and is nearly always in the mood to laugh. Ava is obsessed with archery and is hardly ever, seen in public without a bow. She is fit, spending most of her time training. Due to her childhood, her accent is a mixture of Irish and American.</p><p><strong>History:</strong> Ava was born during Season Three, Episode Nineteen: Forest Escapades. Her parents are Sir Gwaine of Camelot and the Lady Morgana, leader of the Saxons and High Priestess of the old religion, both are from Merlin. Despite her mother being a Pendragon, she was given the surname Gorlois as her mother despised the name due to Uther Pendragon's actions and believed her step/adoptive father Gorlois was more of a parent.</p><p>Soon after her birth she began growing quickly becoming a few months old after only one week of life and gained magic quite quickly, around when she was the physical age of eight. Uther showed up in that first week which caused fear for Ava's safety and Morgana tried to keep her hidden. Luckily, his visit was short.</p><p>Ava was immediately put into hiding once Sarrum showed up and had lost a lot of her social life/friends during that time. Her time in hiding became even longer when Uther showed up again causing trouble for her family. Once she was free, she met Michael the archangel and quickly formed a friendship (and crush). The friendship turned out to be quite dangerous with demons constantly attacking her family. Due to some other issues, she lost her friendship with Michael.</p><p>She became an elder sister when Braedon was born and loves him dearly, even with a few dramas in the past. Ava moved in with her long-term boyfriend Minho after a bigger fight among the family but hen things settled, she spent a lot of her time back at her parent's house. Seeing Braedon suffer from nightmares, she often wishes she could take his place in the curse.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168707283,1,1,1, 4400116);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514753947'>12/31/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514756568'>12/31/2017</span> #19</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4358800/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown.png' border=0 width=16 height=16><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168708212 href='/u/2554469/ALazyGeek'>ALazyGeek</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Oscar George Bell-Weasley</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Male</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong> December 31st, 2016</p><p><strong>Parents:</strong> Fred Weasley and Katie Bell</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom(s) of Parents:</strong> Harry Potter</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Squib</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable):</strong> N/A</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> [FC: Rhys Matthew Bond] Taking most of his features from his mother, Oscar has dark brown hair, which is almost constantly styled so that it sticks up. His eyes could arguably be from either parent, though they're closer to his mother's in colour, while the shape more closely resembles his father's. He stands at around 5'9 and has an average build. His skin is quite pale, something that again was almost inevitable to be passed down to him from his parents. His day-to-day clothes consist mainly of jeans and t-shirts, sometimes with a leather jacket thrown over the top, if he's going out. He opts for darker colours more often than not, even though it doesn't seem to match the weather very well.</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> In only a handful of words, Oscar would likely be described as quiet and a bit of an awkward dork. He isn't exactly shy, thanks to who his parents are and how they raised him, but he can be hesitant or awkward when interacting with others initially due to the fact he worries he'll be judged for his lack of abilities, or for his overall self, mainly stemming from the fact he doesn't have magic, unlike the rest of his family. One of the best things about him though is his loyalty and love for his entire family. Even if he doesn't have the same abilities as them, he'd be willing to do anything for them in a heartbeat. To compensate for his lack of magic, Oscar is determined to find different means of proving himself, expressing this mainly through gathering as much information as he can about the world and the various universes through research. Although much of this comes from books, he's also more tech-savvy than the rest of his family because of the fact he finds it so beneficial, the Internet being almost like his own version of magic.</p><p>He smiles a lot and isn't quick to pass judgement on people, willing to give anyone a chance. It is important to note, however, that Oscar is the type of person to keep his emotions bottled up. Any sadness is likely to gradually turn into anger, and will eventually burst forth in a rather emotional explosion. Of course, this doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's very expressive. He's also aware of his fragility compared to those he's surrounded by,</p><p><strong>History:</strong> Oscar was conceived, and later born, as a result of a drunken one night stand between his parents, Katie Bell and Fred Weasley. Classier still, he was born in a hotel on New Year's Eve, 2016. Despite the fact his parents weren't together, the three of them lived as a family unit, and it took a while for Oscar to realise this wasn't typically the case.</p><p>Aside from being born during the New Year's party, Oscar was raised in the sixth world. At a young age, he was given his Bernese Mountain Dog, Gavin, who he has grown with and adores. At no point in his childhood did Oscar show any signs of having magic, something which aroused suspicion in his parents initially but didn't become actual, recognised Squibness until he looked around 9 years old. It was at this time his parents broke the news to him that it was extremely unlikely he'd ever display magical traits, and was a Squib. This was a key moment in Oscar's life, as it shaped who he was as a person. Even now, nearly fully grown, it weighs quite heavily on his mind.</p><p>When he was around 4 months old, Oscar's mother left the world, something that upset him quite a lot, though he tended to try and hide it and act as much like his normal self as possible. To compensate for the loss, his dad acquired a new dog, this time a Westie, which Oscar named Michael. From this point onward, it was only the four of them living in their flat, and then when they moved to the seventh world they acquired an adaptable cottage on D\u00f9rachd, near the rest of their family.</p><p>Unfortunately, in the later months of the seventh world, Oscar's dad also left The Convergence, leaving him without either of his parents. This led to him moving in with his aunt, Taylor, his two cousins Matt and Riley, and his adopted cousin, Sky. Of course, his dogs came with him too. Although he was at first heartbroken and felt a bit awkward living in their house, he soon settled in and enjoyed decorating the cottage for Christmas.</p><p>Not long before his first birthday, Oscar stepped through the door and landed in a wasteland, with the rest of the Worldborns. His life from this moment onward can be found <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685734/4/#168708203\">here</a>.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168708212,1,1,1, 2554469);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514756238'>12/31/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514756603'>12/31/2017</span> #20</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/3815405/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown-bronze.png' border=0 width=16 height=16><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168711004 href='/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x'>x.GalaxyQueen.x</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Matthew Arthur Weasley, (Matt, Matty)</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Male</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong> 31st January 2016</p><p><strong>Parents: </strong>George Weasley and Taylor Weasley</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents</strong>: Harry Potter</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Pureblood Wizard</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities: </strong>Typical wizarding abilities.</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> (FC: Callan McAucliffe) Matthew has wavy dark brown, almost black, hair that he wears moderately short. He has warm brown eyes, an almost exact copy of his fathers and has a bit of stubble around his chin. He stands moderately tall at around 5'11, with a lithe but muscular body. He has a wide grin, which can be cheeky, but his face is obviously soft and kind, with hints of mischief in his expression. The tips of his ears have a habit of turning red, especially when embarrassed. His clothing of choice is usually jeans and a black jacket - which he usually wears with a blue scarf and a beanie.</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> Matt is incredibly kind, happy and carefree. He has the cheekiness, moderate rebellious streak and stubbornness that comes from his Weasley genes, though he also inherited Taylor's blunt attitude. As a worldborn child, he doesn't always understand the danger that comes from the real world and morality is somewhat a grey area. Death especially is something beyond his understanding. Although not academically the brightest when it comes to muggle science and technology, he is slowly becoming a skilled and knowledgeable wizard and is curious about learning new things. Although slightly quieter than his sister, he has no problems going along with her schemes and the two are incredibly close.</p><p><em>ENFJ - The Giver/Protagonist : Popular and sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from the human angle, and dislike impersonal analysis. Very effective at managing people issues, and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others, and probably place the needs of others over their own needs.</em></p><p><strong>History:</strong> Matthew and his twin sister, Riley, were born to George and Taylor Weasley. He had a fairly lonely upbringing, though he had his sister and parents and godmother and learnt a lot through exploration. Their parents raised them to have an educated view of the world, making sure they were capable of witchcraft and teaching them as any other child of their home world would be. This means he has a fairly limited view of the usual 21st technology in the world.</p><p>He was born in the fourth world, enjoying the sun and was almost always outside exploring the beach. It became his home and he developed a close relationship with another worldborn child, Isabelle Fitzsimmons, that he has a massive crush on but has trouble sorting out all the new feelings. He had no choice but to go through the 'On' door into the 5th world, almost dying of the cold as he did so. In this world, his father left which was devastating, but Matthew felt as if he had to stay strong for his mother and sister, and did his best to keep things the way they were.</p><p>He has had many mishaps over the two years he has been alive, dying twice to protect his family most notably, leaving him with a hatred of the cold. He also met a girl named Sky Smith who he brought home and she soon became his sister.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168711004,1,1,1, 2742265);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514763277'>12/31/2017</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/3803024/xX-Liza-Xx'>xX Liza Xx</a>, <span data-xutime='1514825295'>1/1/2018</span> #21</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4518479/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168711849 href='/u/4671294/jeremy-jordan-can-t-dance'>jeremy jordan can't dance</a> <p ><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD</strong></p><hr><p ><strong>Full Name</strong>: Isabelle Nicole Fitz-Simmons</p><p ><strong>Gender</strong>: Female</p><p ><strong>Date Of Birth</strong>: March 12, 2016</p><p ><strong>Parents: </strong>Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons</p><p ><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents</strong>: Marvel Cinematic Universe</p><p ><strong>Species</strong>: Human</p><p ><strong>Powers/Abilities</strong>: Izzy has magical capabilities, having learned originally from her cousin Peter Pan, expanding on such in the wasteland.</p><p ><strong>Appearance</strong><strong><span >: (FC: Kiernan Shipka)</span></strong> Izzy looks much like her mother, with bright brown eyes and a wide smile. She's stopped growing at the short height of 5'2\", but she's still feisty as ever. Her dirty blonde hair has become rather frizzy with the months of living in the wasteland, reaching past her shoulders but not quite touching her elbows; she plans on keeping it more natural from now on. Her once-sparkling enthusiasm has dimmed, also revealed in her resting expression. Months of living in an abandoned world have affected her greatly. She has a scar that stretches across her abdomen originating from a rather awful attack that tore a rift between herself and her brother.</p><p >Izzy has taken to wearing darker colors, almost taking some hints from her lost cousin, Peter. Underneath it all, she always wears a lovely necklace and bracelet given to her by Aunt Jenna, along with a small anti-possession charm from her parents. She always keeps a small dagger on her (one given to her by her cousin Peter), just in case things get hairy.</p><p ><strong>Personality</strong>: Izzy is a very observant, clever, and inquisitive young woman. Smarter than average, thanks to her fantastic parents and their teachings, she grew up looking up to those with big hearts and even greater minds as role models. Before the wasteland, she tended to rattle on about things she loves, and defended them just as well. However, the wasteland dulled her enthusiasm, replacing such with a somewhat colder personality. Death, loss, and constant pain have affected her greatly, and it will take the love of her family to truly get her back to her happier self.</p><p >She is also an out-of-the-box ENFP, which is described as such: Campaigners are fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, they crave creativity and freedom. Although hers is a turbulent personality, and she often can change, her energy and spunkiness will always keep her going.</p><p ><strong>History</strong>: Izzy was born on March 12, 2016, to Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. When only a young girl, she experienced her first big \"change\" thanks to the Convergence, with all her memories changed. She didn't like it, and felt a little violated upon returning to her original state of mind. Since then, she's been increasingly curious about the world, not treating it like \"just where she grew up\" but a curious and slightly frightening place to live. At around the physical age of ten, she discovered the tombstones. Her parents explained the world to her in more fullness, which certainly made her all the more afraid for herself, though with another feeling as well: determination. She wasn't going to end up like the others; she was going to live on.</p><p >Upon learning her father had been possessed, she had her first real moment of doubt and fear. Real fear. She's gotten over it, somewhat, though it still itches in the back of her mind, and perhaps she is more wary of things. Growing up, her family had been impervious superheroes, but now she knew that they were just like the others\u2014human. Which she began to doubt she was herself, though she obviously was just that, if not a little different in other ways.</p><p >When the world changed, Izzy was not ready to be thrust into snow. She was also not ready to be thrust into her first overwhelmingly <span >human </span>experience: developing a crush on Matthew Weasley. Whilst dealing with frigid temperatures and big time emotions, Izzy continued to grow mentally and learns plenty, even if that meant freezing a little now and then.</p><p >It wasn't until months after her birth that the next big shocker came: she was to be a big sister. Her little brother, Zachary Michael Fitz-Simmons, was born on September 11 of the same year of her birth. She has always been very protective of him (in an older sister sort of way), even once he grew both taller and physically older than her (only by some inches and a year). She will do anything to protect those she loves, which has meant some close calls in the past.</p><p >A more in-depth look at her life in the Convergence can be seen <a href=\"https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/146535/168685734/4/#168711054\">here</a>.</p><p >Izzy takes great delight learning anything she can, and has learned French, Mandarin Chinese (thanks to Daisy), Sokovian (some, thanks to Wanda), German, and some bits of Latin and Greek.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168711849,1,1,1, 4671294);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514765594'>12/31/2017</span> #22</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/6051647/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168725276 href='/u/4970858/Xx-I-Am-Combat-Ready-xX'>Xx-I Am Combat Ready-xX</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name: </strong>Kendra Claire Watson</p><p><strong>Gender: </strong>Female</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth: </strong>April 30th, 2017</p><p><strong>Parents: </strong>John and Mary Watson</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents: </strong>Sherlock</p><p><strong>Species: </strong>Human</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable): </strong>N/A</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong>Kendra has long blond hair that she likes to streak different colours, her hair has a slight wave to it. She has blue eyes just like her parents. Because of her parents, she's also not very tall being only 5'3''.Kendra is an average weight for her height weighing 124 pounds. Due to training with her mum and just generally staying active she has slight muscles and is fairly tanned. Kendra doesn't have a set style really, she loves dresses and flowery outfits as well as t-shirts and shorts. She likes wearing a lot of green, purple and red.</p><p><strong>Personality: </strong>Kendra may have gotten a bit too much of her parents (And Uncle Sherlocks) adventurous personality. A Genuinely curious person she enjoys learning new things and going on adventures with her family. She is very ambitious and often thinks she can do more than what she actually can do. Unlucky for her parents Kendra inherited her father's temper. She is quite hot-headed and stubborn,and very loyal to those she cares about family or otherwise. Very kind hearted and welcoming unless she's been told about, or knows a person is dangerous she will strive to become friends with them.</p><p><strong>History: </strong>Kendra was born in the sixth season. Growing up she spent a lot of time with her parents, Uncle Sherlock and her cousins Sterling (Who she grew very attached to) and Zariah As a child she loved princesses and pirates. The first big incident in her life was when Magnussen showed up in the world when she was around four. That showed her a side of her mum she hadn't seen before and scared her. As she got older and learned just what type of person Magnussen was she understood why her mother acted the way she did. She started training with different weapons and hand to hand fairly young, her family wanting to be able to keep herself safe should she run into trouble.</p><p>In the Letters Kendra was nearly grown, and started branching out more. Meeting a few friends and eventually her first boyfriend Harry Hook. She an Harry did not get along at first, though he started to grow on her and apparently she him.It was only after she was fully grown that she was allowed on the other island and that was still only with somebody from her family. Still that wasn't without risks. During H is for Heal Sherlock took Kendra over to explore the shipwreck and they were attacked by the dragon. Kendra was very injured. Thankfully with Sherlock she was able to be healed as they went back over.</p><p>In the finales of the Letters Kendra was a lot quieter and withdrawn, she was scared to lose everyone she loved. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing she ever experienced.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168725276,1,1,1, 4970858);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514825199'>1/1/2018</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514838249'>1/1/2018</span> #23</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/6051647/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168726484 href='/u/4970858/Xx-I-Am-Combat-Ready-xX'>Xx-I Am Combat Ready-xX</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name: </strong>Rowan Aiden Johnson</p><p><strong>Gender: </strong>Male</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth: </strong>September 10th 2017</p><p><strong>Parents:</strong> Andera\"Anthea\" Johnson</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents: </strong>Sherlock</p><p><strong>Species: </strong>Faerie (TMI)</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable): </strong>Faerie magic, heightened senses and reflexes</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong>Rowan has longer crimson hair that has a wild look to it, looking almost unkempt. When training he wears it in a ponytail, otherwise he leaves it down. Rowan has bright green eyes that seem to have a spark of mischief in them. Being a Faerie means he has an an unnatural grace about him, very tall standing at 6'6 and pale skin he has lean muscle from his training with Vallyun. Rowan wears a lot of different clothes and doesn't really have a set style though he does prefer wearing loose clothing and his favourite colours green, blue and brown. He only wears one piece of Jewelry, like most Fae it's made out of some form of nature, his is a bracelet made from sticks he made himself.</p><p><strong>Personality: </strong>Loyalty is one of Rowans defining traits, he will do anything to protect the people he cares about, especially his mother. When it comes to his beliefs and choices he is very stubborn and wont sway. He has a certain way with words, knowing how to talk around the truth as he can't explicitly lie. He tends to keep his worries bottled up, much like his mother and doesn't like to make people worry, pretending to be fine even when he isn't. He's pretty mild mannered and polite even towards people he doesn't like. Rowan tries to be cautious when he can not wanting to die.</p><p><strong>History: </strong>Rowan was born/gifted in the Letters M is for Millennium, being the second child given to a parent from the world. Rowan's life has been for he most part uneventful. Born as a gift from the wishing well Rowan has no father and his mother is Anthea. However, unlike Anthea he isn't human, he's a Faerie from The Mortal Instruments. When he was around the Physical age of 3 his powers started to manifest, and Anthea was having a hard time helping him control it. Though eventually, they did meet Vallyun, a Faerie as well who was more than willing to help him not only gain control of his abilities but also learn about what it meant to be a Faerie. As time went on Rowan viewed Vallyun as almost a father figure and grew close to Magnus as well. Th only inncident that happened to him was a vampire attack by Klaus Mikaelson. He was found by Magnus and Vallyun and healed. During the finally Rowan acted like he was fine, not wanting to worry anyone. He didn't want to say goodbye</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168726484,1,1,1, 4970858);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514829845'>1/1/2018</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514838300'>1/1/2018</span> #24</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/3815405/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown-bronze.png' border=0 width=16 height=16><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168727088 href='/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x'>x.GalaxyQueen.x</a> <p><strong>MINOR CHARACTER </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Dominique Weasley</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Female</p><p><strong>Date of Birth:</strong> 2nd August 2004</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> Harry Potter/Next Gen</p><p><strong>Role in Canon:</strong> Dominique is the second daughter and middle child of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. She has an elder sister, Victoire, and a younger brother, Louis.</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Witch, 1/8 Veela</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> (FC: Indiana Evans) Dominique is naturally very beautiful, due in part to her Veela heritage. Her hair is golden blonde, with the slightest hints of red tones, and hangs in waves to the bottom of her ribcage. She is 5 foot 4, (1.65m) and slender, with lightly tanned, but fair, skin. She has big, expressive blue eyes - almost an exact copy of her fathers and a soft, fairly round, face. Dominique is fairly girly, taking a lot of pride in her appearance. She barely ever goes out without at least natural makeup on, and she never has a hair out of place. Her wardrobe usually includes summer dresses, and high-waisted skirts and blouses - which now they are in a winter world, includes thick patterned tights, a white coat which belts at the waist and on occasion, skinny jeans.</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> Dominique is very expressive, her emotions are clear to read on her face and in her eyes. She is very kind and empathic and is always there as a shoulder to cry on and the first to celebrate her friends and families achievements. She is very motherly and caring to those she loves, especially looking out for her younger cousins, and is very affectionate which shows through hugging, kisses, handholding, etc. She has a strong sense of adventure, but would rather sit back on the sidelines and let others take the spotlight while she assists. Her loyalty and kindness to those she loves could rival that of a Hufflepuff, but her bravery and determination placed her in Gryffindor. She would do anything for her family, even if that meant sacrificing her morals, health and happiness. She can be very stubborn, wanting to get her way through either subtle hints or just putting her foot down and sassy when she's comfortable enough to drop the mask. She gets jealous very easily, especially over her sister who has always overshadowed her with the perfect grades, boyfriend and social life, and when her friends or boyfriend is hanging out with people, she doesn't know or trust herself. This comes from her insecurities over being part Veela and constantly being worried that people are only near her for her appearance and would leave her instantly when a better offer came along. In typical Weasley fashion, she has an explosive temper which can be very destructive and harmful, and when she is mad, she tends to say a lot of things she doesn't mean. Dominique is very close to her parents, especially Bill as she is a complete Daddy's girl. James Sirius is one of her best friends, as they practically grew up side by side.</p><p><em>Wand: </em>Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 12 and a quarter in length with slightly yielding flexibility. (A Pearwood wand does best in the hands of the warm-hearted and wise, owners are usually popular and well-respected. A unicorn core remains faithful to the owner and strongly attached.The flexibility shows readiness to adapt, but still to stand strong when necessary)</p><p><strong>History:</strong> Dominique's very first memory is being sat in the garden of the Burrow and making mudpies with James. She spent a lot of her childhood following him into schemes and pranks, but often with an air of caution. She had a very happy life, getting on well with her family and making friends easily, she was always incredibly close to all her cousins if they let her. Although never really being into Quidditch so much herself, she was her families biggest supporter during any of the matches she saw. She has been bilingual since she learnt to talk and switches between French and English very quickly - especially when she is excited or emotional.</p><p>She was sorted into Gryffindor alongside James at Hogwarts, and was fairly intelligent in class, enjoying Potions and Transfiguration. She also favoured Ancient Runes as she enjoyed the academic challenge of the subject and translating the texts between languages. Although never getting into trouble much herself, she often helped James and their other friends out with pranks in secret and had been known to sneak out to Hogsmeade now and then. She was made a Gryffindor prefect in her 5th year but was always fairly generous and lenient when it came to the younger years and her friends. She has aspirations to be a Healer once she leaves school and helps out in the Hospital Wing a couple of days a week as practice for this.</p><p>She was taken from the very beginning of her seventh Hogwart's year, just a couple of weeks after her 17th birthday.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168727088,1,1,1, 2742265);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514831585'>1/1/2018</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514838366'>1/1/2018</span> #25</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/5473132/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168729146 href='/u/7772785/imaani-m'>imaani.m</a> <p><strong>ORIGINAL CHARACTER </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Logan Miles</p><p><strong>Gender:</strong> Male</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth:</strong> 27 February 1981 (Age: 17 - taken from 6th year at Hogwarts)</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> Harry Potter</p><p><strong>Species:</strong> Wizard</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable):</strong> Clever wizard who can perform most 7th year spells with ease. He's a pure blood, and practises spells and broom-stick flying often. Quidditch is a strength, along with Transfiguration and Charms, but Herbology is his greatest weakness.</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong> [Faceclaim: Munro Chambers] Logan is around 1.7 m in height, with black, almost midnight blue, hair and green eyes. His hair, which he sees as one of his best features, is grown to the bottom of the back of his neck, and he rocks a side-swept fringe. His eyes are, as described by his mother, sea-green and bright, and his lashes are considerably long and thick. He has a recognisable grin, and dimples. His face is diamond-shaped and he's quite pale, with a few scattered freckles which can only be seen up close. He also wears a black stud earring in his right earlobe. He has a lean body shape, with full shoulders and a flat, if not toned, stomach (with Quidditch to thank). When he appears in the Convergence, he is in his Slytherin house Hogwarts robes. Casually, he wears edgy styled attire such as black jeans and a black turtle-neck long sleeved top, hoodies, tight jeans, things laced in chains, stripes and tears. For shoes, he likes to wear black trainers, but mostly he can be seen in ankle-high, high, Doc Martin style boots of dark or sharp colours. His style is almost gothic, but is toned down by his green (house pride, he knows) watch and studded ring from his mother. He also wears black eyeliner under his lower eyelids, and often will paint his nails black. On both wrists he wears black wristbands, and his jeans have hanging off them metal chains.</p><p><strong>Personality:</strong> Logan is definitely mysterious. Not the mysterious as in shy, quiet and resevered, but in the sense that when he talks to you one-on-one, he comes up close, his speech almost slurred, and there is a glint in his eyes which suggest secrecy and excitement. He is quite the chatterbox when he wants to be, but that's only when the topic is hot, otherwise his demeanour is very much bored and uninterested - and he won't fail to show you that through body language, such as resting his chin on his hand (if he's sitting down, of course), or casting his gaze elsewhere. He likes to smile and laugh, because he likes to come across as exciting, though really, he is quite emotional. If he is upset, he's very upset; this usually comes out as extreme anger, or extreme anxiety. On the other hand, when he's excited or happy, he laughs a lot, grins, even giving the friendly nudge to random people. His character is considerably complex; he almost picks and chooses who he pays interest to, the rest getting the I-don't-care treatment. Logan is also quite contemplative: if he doubts something, he most likely will strongly deny it, because he knows that he gets stressed out easily and doesn't want to have to turn into the emotional mess he can be. He prefers to be careless, laid back, and thrilled. Excitement and mystery, on top of adventure, is his middle name. He is a pure-blood, and belongs to the Slytherin house, but this doesn't make him sly and snappy, or a spoilsport, as the stereotypes go. He takes on a competitive nature due to his love for Quidditch, but isn't biased or judgemental, meaning he certainly isn't one to hate someone just because of their status (he's had multiple crushes on Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, by the way). Taking after his parents, Logan likes to keep a circle of friends, with whom he can be himself with. He likes to shout and be a nuisance in public sometimes, but he is a teenager, and, hormones. Though when walking alone, he's more curious, his sea-green eyes seem to glow when he is seeking excitement and thrill.</p><p><strong>History:</strong> Logan grew up as an only child to Natalie and Felix Miles. His humble parents were both extroverted pure-bloods, who showered Logan in attention and affection. They own a family-friendly pub in Hogsmeade, in which Logan had been helping at from the age of 10, in terms of cleaning up for pocket money, which he would spend mostly on sweets from Honeydukes with his two friends. Despite being accepting, however, Natalie and Felix had little connection to non pure-bloods, leading to Logan only really being surrounded by witches and wizards of his own status.</p><p>The biggest excitement for Logan while waiting for his letter from Hogwarts, was being able to branch out to other, different kinds of students all over the wizarding world. Logan, along with only one other of his friends, was sorted into Slytherin. He saw it coming, because his Mother was a Slytherin, and he took a lot of his attributes from her. Though, despite his ambitions to make new friends, Logan spent the first few weeks of his school life hanging out with the same friends from back home. In the following weeks, Logan had finally found his more sociable side, and branched out to others. He also became quite the trouble maker. However, it was only the harmless type of trouble, and it was all in his favour since most of the teachers had grown to like him because of his determination in class.</p><p>In Logan's second year, his passion for Quidditch had grown considerably. He was the seeker of his team, and found most of his happiness in game. During tournaments especially, Logan had a real competitive side. On of his worst memories to this day occurred in his third year, where his team had lost miserably due to his slip-up. Reflecting his emotional side, Logan had a break-down, including a lot of shouting, and the tackling of a player from the opposing Ravenclaw team. <span >Logan had happened to have sent Belle into a mild concussion, of course feeling utterly guilty soonafter having arrived back at his senses; his frequent visits to the Hogwarts hospital during that time also led to the pair's unlikely friendship, and eventually the pair began dating. The couple lasted until their fifth year, where Belle had decided to break up with him in order to focus more on her studies, after her parents' warning to do so. Despite seeing no justice in this - because she was one of the smartest people he knew - Logan agreed, as long as the pair could still be friends, and that it wouldn't be awkward between them.</span></p><p>Logan's fifth and sixth year revolved around hard revision. Logan had developed his love for transfiguration and charms in these years, but also his hatred for Herbology. However, studies were interrupted during the battle of Hogwarts. During the battle, he was in his 6th year, an had no idea where his parents were. After fighting amongst two of his friends and damaging his left leg, Logan, under the heat, was about to join Voldemort's side with the rest of the Slytherins when he was pulled into The Convergence.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168729146,1,1,1, 7772785);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514836586'>1/1/2018</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1517766033'>2/4/2018</span> #26</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/3705041/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168732470 href='/u/4291958/dalishdovahkiin'>dalishdovahkiin</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name</strong>: Kalina Rose Mikaelson-Petrova</p><p><strong>Gender</strong>: Female</p><p><strong>Date of Birth</strong>: 23rd July, 2017 (Physically 18)</p><p><strong>Parents</strong>: Katherine Pierce & Elijah Mikaelson</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents</strong>: The Vampire Diaries & The Originals</p><p><strong>Species</strong>: Witch (The Vampire Diaries)</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities</strong>: Though she may not seem like it, Kalina is a relatively powerful witch. As a witch from The Vampire Diaries she has various powers she could use, but Kalina tends to focus on telekinesis and the ability to control the elements. She has all but mastered these two powers and can use them with ease. Her ability to use chlorokinesis (the ability to control and manipulate plants) and of electrokinesis (the ability to control and manipulate electricity) stem from her being able to control the main four elements, but it takes more out of her to use the two of these branches of magic. Pain infliction, divination, spell casting, and potion making are subjects she hasn't learned or has no interest in learning, preferring to focus on the elements and telekinesis.</p><p><strong>Appearance</strong>: Though Kalina arrived in the world as a newborn baby, she has the appearance of an older teenager. She stands at about 5'3\" and has a slim, slightly curvy build. Her skin is naturally tan, but with the amount of time she spends out in the sun her skin is roughly a shade darker than her natural complexion. She has long and naturally wavy hair that falls to just below her shoulders, the color being a dark brown that seems to be a shade lighter in the sunlight. Her eyes are very warm and expressive, the color of them being close to the shade of dark chocolate. She has a small birthmark on her left hip that's close to the size of a misshapen coat button. She has a few different scars dotted along her body from her time in the Wasteland, but aside from these there aren't any markings on her skin.</p><p>Much to the dismay of her mother and sister, Kalina has a very casual sense of fashion and isn't one for dressing up in the slightest. More often than not you'll find her in a pair of cut-off jean shorts and a take top or loose t-shirt with a pair of sandals, but it's not uncommon to see her with a light jacket or buttoned shirt tied around her waist. Whenever the weather calls for it she will wear jeans and her favorite hooded black trench coat. She's hardly ever seen without a floral print hat that she tends to wear backwards. Kalina doesn't wear or own much jewelry, the only real piece of jewelry she owns is a silver and sapphire ring that was given to her by her father, but she often wears colorful cloth bracelets that she's made herself.</p><p>[FC: Camila Cabello]</p><p><strong>Personality</strong>: For the most part it would be hard to believe that Kalina is related to the people she is related to, purely because she is the exact opposite of them. She's a very kind person by nature, and though being kind, patient, and compassionate is very much a part of who she is, it was influenced by a need to make up for what she considers her parents' mistakes. She loves the idea of life, she loves living her life to the fullest and she loves to watch others do the same. She's very adventurous and explores every bit of the world she can because of how curious she is about the world around her. She's very outgoing and can hold a conversation with pretty much anyone she meets unless they're truly not interested in speaking to her. She's not a genius by any means, but she's knowledgeable in most subjects. She's a very loyal person; though she disagrees with practically every choice her family members made in their home worlds she would still defend them and would risk her life for them if she needed to despite knowing they would come back and she wouldn't. She's a bit of a rambler when she's comfortable around a person. It is extremely hard to get Kalina truly mad, but when someone does she is just as cold and ruthless as her parents and is not someone that you want on your bad side.</p><p>Kalina's interested are extremely varied. She's visits the beach at least once a day and collects seashells and other little stones and gems she finds in the water or sand. She loves the subjects of history and English literature, but she likes to study all sorts of myths and legends as well. She loves exploring and likes to just pack a bag and go out all day, snapping pictures and taking little notes as she goes along. She's very artistic and creative; she loves to make her own colorful bracelets, tie-dye her own shirts and pillows and blankets and other things along those lines, and make abstract drawings and doodles on whatever surface available. She's fluent in English, Bulgarian, and Latin, with the third being learned out of curiosity and not because of her parents like the other two. She likes to garden and grows her own vegetables and some fruits, as well as flowers because she loves the colors and smells.</p><p><strong>History</strong>: Unlike every worldborn child before her Kalina wasn't actually born to her parents, and instead was delivered to their doorstep on the morning of July 23rd, 2017. Her older sister Nadia was the one who found her, having been on her way to join Katherine and Elijah for breakfast. It was a bit of a shock to the two of them, not having expected it in the slightest. But within minutes, Kalina had been taken in by the two of them without a second thought.</p><p>Growing up, Kalina was always trying to do something fun. She'd get her parents or sister to take her out on a walk, would try and sneak ice cream for every meal and snack she was given, would spend hours drawing with her markers at the coffee table, and would even use her father's pet wolf Posey as a horse and ride on his back in the front yard when she was small enough. She'd get someone to read to her whenever she wanted to be held, and her love of stories began when her father first began reading Treasure Island to her.</p><p>The first time in her life that she was truly affected by the world was when she woke up and went to get breakfast in the kitchen because her father always made breakfast and it was always done before she woke up; that was just how things went. But when she got into the kitchen, her father wasn't there. She looked around and grew more panicked with each room she searched and didn't find him in, and when she finally looked on the plaque outside of the house and saw that his name was gone, she broke down right then because she knew her father was gone.</p><p>Things were hard for Kalina after that. A part of her feared how her mother would handle him being gone, but once her mother reassured her that they would be okay she was simply numb from how much she missed her father. He was her best friend and she was his little rose. She knew that if he ever came back, it would be different, and this wasn't something she wanted to accept. She started getting nightmares after he left, and on most nights when she got them she ended up sleeping next to her mother to feel safe.</p><p>It was only when Kalina met another worldborn; a girl by the name of Alara Derek, did Kalina feel less numb about her father's disappearance. The world made the two girls platonic soulmates and there was an instant connection to each other, but even without that Kalina was sure that they would've become friends. This was the first time she had ever met another child from the world, and even though they arrived in different ways Kalina still wanted to know everything she could about being a worldborn.</p><p>Kalina's life became relatively uneventful after this. When the world broke the connection between her and Alara she still felt that the girl was her friend, and found friends in various others as well. Her sister had moved in with her and her mother, something that Kalina was grateful for as it made the house feel less empty. She started getting out more again after this, having truly missed seeing new things in the world and meeting new people.</p><p>Everything was fine for a while, the world went on and she experienced different phases it put her through, but they were all pretty easy to get through and didn't bother her much. There was a phase that made everyone extra tired, and this was fine for Kalina as she usually slept until the afternoon anyways. She didn't mind it, she just cuddled with Posey and slept, and occasionally got out and met some new people.</p><p>But then one morning during this phase, she woke up to her mother and sister arguing about their lives in their world, and everything became too much. She had <em>just</em> started feeling better. and they were talking about her mother letting her sister die, and between the arguing itself and the topic they were discussing, it all just became too much too fast. Before she knew it, something just snapped inside of her, and a flower pot was slung from the kitchen window all the way across the room to crash into the wall.</p><p>She ran as soon as she realized what had happened. She couldn't stay in the house and face them, not after she had done something that could have hurt them. They'd heal from a flower pot crashing into them and she knew that, she wasn't dumb after all, but that wasn't the point. The point was, she was potentially dangerous, and she didn't want to hurt them, so she went to the one place she knew she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone and went to the Waterfall Cave.</p><p>Her mother found her there, she could've spent minutes or hours in the cave before her mother found her but she didn't know how long it had been. By the time she was found she was shaking and on the verge of more tears, but her mother managed to talk to her and get her to go home with her. She spent her time inside again after this, not wanting to risk getting overwhelmed and hurting someone else again.</p><p>Because her sister knew her and was her friend, Kalina then met Morgana, and the woman taught her a few things to help her control her magic. They weren't the same type of witch, but there were enough similarities between them that Morgana could help her. When she felt relatively comfortable with her control over her magic, which all she could truly do at that time was not have random outbursts but that was enough for her, she started going out again and stopped hiding away in her house.</p><p>This was when the world began it's countdown to what she felt was destruction, and Kalina rushed to explore as much as she could before she died. She didn't think there were any other options for her. She would die, and her mother and sister would go home and eventually die as well. She didn't have any hope for their survival; she didn't see it happening so she knew not to get her hopes up. She'd done that a hundred times over through looking into her mirror and wanting to see her father, but ended up being left with nothing. She didn't want to experience that with her mother and sister as well, so she didn't. She enjoyed what time she had left with them, then watched as they went through the door, and once they were gone she went home and waited. What she was waiting for she wasn't sure, but she was ready for the world to end. She just wasn't ready for the world to begin again.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168732470,1,1,1, 4291958);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514844759'>1/1/2018</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514850078'>1/1/2018</span> #27</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/3705041/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168734778 href='/u/4291958/dalishdovahkiin'>dalishdovahkiin</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name</strong>: Zachary Michael Fitz-Simmons</p><p><strong>Gender</strong>: Male</p><p><strong>Date of Birth</strong>: 11th September, 2016</p><p><strong>Parents</strong>: Leo Fitz & Jemma Simmons</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents</strong>: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)</p><p><strong>Species</strong>: Human</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities</strong>: While Zach has no actual powers, he is intellectually gifted and is knowledgeable in various subjects. Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, and Astrophysics are the subjects he knows best, but he knows a fair amount about other sciences and maths as well. Between the brief training he received from his uncle, his usual exercise routine, and the time he spent in the Wasteland, he is slightly above average when it comes to being athletic in the general exercise department, but he is no master at any sport or combat type.</p><p><strong>Appearance</strong>: Zach gained much of his appearance from his father and though it doesn't show much when he is by himself, comparing the two side by side would make it fairly obvious. His hair is kept trimmed and neat, and is close to the shade of brown that is the color of his mother's hair. On occasion the lower half of his face is covered in a light stubble, but he tends to keep this shaved. His eyes are a light shade of green but will darken depending on his mood, and have tiny specks of brown in them. He stands at roughly 5'11\" and has a lean, slightly muscular build. His skin is lightly tanned and there are a few minor scars along his body from his time the Wasteland.</p><p>Zach's sense of fashion is very smart and sophisticated but still casual, as he tends to wear nice trousers and a buttoned shirt with either a tie or bow-tie, loafers, and a cardigan. He owns only three pieces of jewelry; one is a simple leather watch that belonged to his father, another is a silver ring with the words 'I love you' carved into it that also belonged to his father, and the third is a lilac colored ribbon that he was given by a friend that he keeps tied around his wrist.</p><p>[FC: Peyton Meyer]</p><p><strong>Personality</strong>: If someone were to sum Zach up into a single statement, it would easily be that he is truly his parents' son. He absolutely loves to learn, he would spend all of his time locked up in his room studying up on the topics he finds interesting if he could. He's typically a relatively quiet and reserved person, often seeming to be shy when he's out in public and speaking to people he doesn't know. Despite this, he's still a polite and respectful person unless given a reason not to be. He used to be a dependent and relatively immature person when it came to being an adult, but ever since he was stuck in the Wasteland for months he has matured and is much more independent than he was. He often argues with his sister and enjoys annoying her and bothering her whenever he can, but despite this she's still the person he considers his closest friend and he would do anything for her without any hesitation. He's a fairly creative person and enjoys painting and drawing, and while he's not a master at doing either he only does it for his enjoyment and is still decent at the two of them. He likes to be outside and enjoys to explore the world around him, always curious about where he is and everything the world can do.</p><p><strong>History</strong>: Zach was born on the eleventh of September in 2016, the day that would have been his mother's twenty-ninth birthday had he been born in her home world. As he was born only a little bit before the world decided to reset itself and go through every phase it had gone through again, Zach was able to experience much more than he originally would have been able to as a child. The first real memory that Zach has is of his mother showing him around her hometown of Ashburton in Devon, England.</p><p>His life was amazing as he grew up; he was never targeted by an enemy of his parents as he had heard some had been, he got along well with his sister save for some minor brother-sister arguing that happens between siblings (he didn't speak to her for nearly a week because of her being Team Captain America while he was Team Iron-Man), and he had his family. All he truly wanted was his family, and he had everyone so he couldn't complain. His parents, sister, and aunts all taught him various things, and those memories are some of the best that Zach has to this day.</p><p>The first time Zach experienced the world's ability to be cruel was when he had only just finished growing up and he and his family were transported to the Halloween mansion. The mansion itself had been amazing, he had a real Stormtrooper costume with a working blaster and it had been epic. That was, until they made it to the pizzeria, and he got trapped in an office with his family. He was in a corner with his sister, trying to keep her calm when they were attacked, and his mother sacrificed herself to let the two of them escape with their father. The event left Zach scarred and he didn't know how to feel about it, but what mattered was that when the Halloween event was over, he had his mother back.</p><p>The next few months were fairly uneventful for Zach. He discovered what he would have been like if he had been born a girl, but the experience was fairly simple for him. He had been just as intelligent as a girl as he was normally, so he didn't particularly care about the change. This was the only thing he considered significant before he experienced his first world change, something he found to be difficult as the winter world was his home. He woke up in the next world in the section called Empyrean and he was quickly found by his parents and sister. The family of four settled into the new world then, and for a bit life was once again uneventful for him.</p><p>One change affected Zach more than others, and this was when the world made everyone believe that they had all been there their entire lives. Zach had a normal life; he had grown up over years instead of weeks, he went to school, his parents weren't in their twenties, everything was completely normal. And as soon as this phase ended, Zach found himself missing it. This was something he hadn't ever known he wanted, not until he experienced it. Losing it after spending time believing everything was normal, it bothered him more than he cares to admit even now.</p><p>Nothing happened to Zach after this until he woke up one morning and his father was gone from the world. His father, the man he considered to be his best friend, was gone, and if he came back he wouldn't remember him or his sister. This broke him inside, he wanted him back and he wanted him to know him and his sister. He wanted to have his family back to the way it was, but he knew it wouldn't ever be the same again.</p><p>Zach's father returned to the world some time later, and he doesn't like to admit it but he reacted rather badly to this. He tore up the bar, breaking bottle after bottle and cutting up his arms and hands in the process until his Aunt Jenna found him and got him to calm down. She took him home with her and helped him clean up his hands, and after a day or two sleeping on the couch at her house he ended up rooming with his cousin Jaxon. He didn't want to stay at home anymore, it had felt emptier than ever now that his father was back and not living there with them. He still visited his family every day, always made sure his mother and his sister were doing alright, because he didn't want to abandon them. It was just too hard for him to stay there, and he hoped they understood.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168734778,1,1,1, 4291958);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1514849771'>1/1/2018</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1514850123'>1/1/2018</span> #28</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/4021571/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168788180 href='/u/3834114/Great-Need-to-Take-a-Nap'>Great-Need-to-Take-a-Nap</a> <p><strong>WORLDBORN CHILD </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name: </strong>Braedon Dwaine Gorlois (Brae)</p><p><strong>Gender: </strong>Male</p><p><strong>Date Of Birth: </strong>August 14th, 2016 but physically 18</p><p><strong>Parents: </strong>Morgana Pendragon and Gwaine</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom of Parents: </strong>Convergence for Brae/Merlin for both parents</p><p><strong>Species: </strong>Human/Sorcerer/Seer</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable): </strong>Magic and Seer (past only and only Convergence World events)</p><p><strong>Appearance:</strong>Face Claim is Dylan O'Brien. Braedon is 5'10 with dark brown hair and matching brown eyes. Unlike his sister, his complexion is rather pale like his mother's and he has a number of freckles dotting his face. He's rather slim as he doesn't workout all that much, preferring his magic skills over the sword. He typically likes to wear jeans with a button up and a leather jacket/hoodie combo. He wears a necklace that his father made him to match his own, baring the crescent moon sigil of his father's house along with the Saxon sigil for his mother's army, and the druid triskelion. And he always wears a rather elegant bracelet that's silver and gold which his mother gave to him when he was just a baby to help him with his nightmares. He never takes it off.</p><p><strong>Personality: </strong>Braedon doesn't like to listen and do as he's told. If given the chance, he'll do the opposite as he's told. Unless it's his mother who told him. He'll still disobey just not as much. He's often tired from sleepless nights, which leaves him emotional and sometimes irritable, but he has a kind and caring heart. He doesn't like to hold one's past against them if they're willing to change. However, Braedon tends to be overprotective of his family, particularly his mother. He to take time to be by himself and read. His accent is nearly identical to his sister's. A mixture of Irish and American.</p><p><strong>History: </strong>Braedon was born during Season Five, Episode Ten. His parents are Morgana Pendragon, Last High Priestess of the Triple Goddess, and Gwaine, Knight of Camelot. He was named after both of his grandfather's, Dwaine and Gorlois. However at the time, his father was not there. He had disappeared from the world, replaced by a double with different memories and a different life. This other Gwaine had started living with Morgana and helped with Braedon when he was a baby and a toddler. This became a problem when his real father showed back up in the world. As Little Braedon had become accustomed to the fake Gwaine, he often preferred him over his real father but he eventually grew out of it by the time fake Gwaine vanished.</p><p>He had been nicknamed Little Braedon by fake Gwaine due to the fact that he was always rather small for his age. A trait that continued on till he became an adult and reached an average height of 5'10. A few inches taller than his mother but just shy of reaching his father's height. Growing up, Braedon was always a complete Mama's boy. He'd listen to her more than his father and always wanted her attention and affection. He never liked going to sleep because of the nightmares and so he always fought bedtime. His father tried to teach him to use a sword but Braedon preferred his magic instead, not liking the sword or weapons all that much. He'd still use them and carry them around, but he preferred his magic. Though he looks a lot like his father, he's always felt a stronger connection to his mother. He fully takes his mother's side on the war they fought back home and will heatedly argue with anyone who disagree's, even his father and uncles.</p><p>Despite his nightmares, Braedon remained a very happy child and baby. He was always smiling and giggling about something. Though, as he grew up and his nightmares got worse, they began to affect his mood during the day often leaving him emotional and sad though he tries to fight it. When it wasn't bedtime, he was happy as could be, laughing and grinning at everything and everyone he met. He still refers to his mother as Mama, even once he grows up and shortened his name for his sister from Sis Sis to just Sis.</p><p>Though he remained kind and happy, he began to grow annoyed, even angered when it came to his mother. He'd come to the point that he was tired of how people spoke of her, calling her a villain and evil. He grew to resent it and those who said such things about his mother.</p><p>He and his family grew tense and distance for a couple of months when Braedon started dating his first girlfriend, Glimmer. His family greatly disapproved of her. Braedon was stubborn and wouldn't even talk to his family about the situation and communication broke down between him and his mother and sister, causing many fights and tears on both sides. When Brae was hurt and nearly killed by Joker, the situation only got worse. Braedon began isolating himself from everyone until his sister and mother reached out to him and they had a chance to talk about everything. Things went back to normal among them and they all agreed to simply not discuss Braedon's dating life.</p><p>However, Braedon had changed. Being distant from his family made him feel isolated and alone. Especially when he realized that without them, he didn't really have anyone. He didn't have friends. He had people that he talked to. The closest he had to friends were Leo and Glimmer. But he hardly ever saw Leo and Glimmer was his girlfriend so he didn't count her. And others who might consider themselves his friends were among those who spoke badly about his mother which was one of his pet peeves. He felt that he was outcast among them because of this.</p><p>After being possessed by a demon and shot, Braedon's self esteem plummeted even further. He'd been attacked and once again couldn't defend himself. It was his father who showed up and saved the day. His grandparents were warriors, his parents were warriors, his uncles and aunt were warriors, his sister was a fighter. But he couldn't even protect himself. His mother assigned one of her magic wolves as Braedon's body guard. Etri became part of Braedon's life, following him everywhere to protect him. He adored Etri as the wolf was fond of the boy. The wolf snuggled with Braedon, played with him, even slept in the same bed as him. Brae enjoyed having the wolf around but it also reminded him of what he couldn't do. He began to see himself as a failure and like he couldn't do anything right. He was plagued by nightmares of Allard's death, his older brother, and constantly feared the same would happen to him. He'd been trained to fight since he was born, his father made him practice with a sword every day and made sure he carried his weapon with him at all times. He'd studied magic more so than he did sword play and still when it came to fighting he lost every time.</p><p>His moods didn't begin to lift until his girlfriend was freed of her possession and left with a bad wound. Braedon was concerned for her and decided to put his knowledge of magic to the test. He'd studied healing spells but never used them much. But he tried anyway. And by doing so, he discovered that he was extremely good at them. Her wound was almost fully healed by the time he was done and then he did the same to his own wound. He'd learned that he was gifted at healing magic.</p><p>Some time later, while out for a walk with his sister, the two of them were ambushed by Joker who shot Ava in the leg. Once Ava was down, Joker drew a sword that he'd recently gotten, prepared to kill her with it. Ava told Braedon to run, but as usual, he didn't listen. In his fear and anger, he drew his own sword and attacked. Something seemed to click for Braedon at that moment. All of his father's training had proved successful. With his sister's life on the line he fought expertly, swinging the sword like a natural. He disarmed Joker and ran him through, killing for the first time. Shortly after, his mother came upon the two of them and then their father. After Ava's wound was tended to, his father carried her home and Morgana walked behind with Braedon and spoke to him about what happened.</p><p>She'd guessed that he killed Joker by how his hands were shaking and how he and Ava glanced at each other every so often. Braedon didn't take his first kill very well. He felt extremely guilty over the whole thing and was plagued by nightmares for a couple of weeks. He eventually moved past it and began training harder with a sword. After killing Joker, Braedon changed. The experience had forced him to grow up. His sword fighting had improved as well. The situation with Joker seemed to wake up part of Braedon's brain when it came to skills with a sword and suddenly he wasn't fumbling it or tripping over his feet constantly. He trained every day to get better along with the pages and pages of reading he did for his magic, often practicing spells late into the night. He fell into a regular sleep pattern. Sleep for a few hours then get up. A few hours later then sleep again. He'd do this about four times a day in order to get a proper amount of sleep. Thanks to his nightmares, he was lucky if he got a five hours in one go so he aimed for multiple naps a day, each lasting a few hours. Even with his healing bracelet on there were some nightmares that its magic could not keep away. Mainly those of Allard or those pertaining to his family in any way.</p><p>However, as time passed the visions seemed to stay focused on the bad. The terrible and terrifying things that would happen throughout the world of Convergence and it became rare for Braedon to have a vision that was happy and not traumatizing. He'd wake up shaking and sweating every time he went to sleep and it started to affect him throughout the day. And then Glimmer vanished from the world. He took it hard as he never got to say goodbye to her. A month later she returned to the world and with no memories of him which hurt more than her leaving had. It took awhile for Braedon to move on from her. But as time passed he did. And he looked back on his relationship with her. He still loved her but he also looked back on what the relationship had done to his relationship with his family. He began to see that he wasn't entirely faultless in all of it. Yes, his family was stubborn but he'd always known that. How he dealt with all of it though, he realized he could've handled it a lot better. Instead of moping around, feeling sorry for himself and then going home and yelling at his family before isolating himself from them, he could have simply talked to them. Talk to them rationally that is. Not how he did to begin with. He'd pushed his parents away and treated his sister like garbage all over a girl. He never once stopped to consider their point of view he just thought about his feelings for her and ignored everything else. It took a long and deep conversation with his mother for his family life to go back to normal. His mother had been right. He needed to grow up. He'd acted very much like a spoiled child and did have a habit of playing the victim. Not just with Glimmer but with everything back them. If something didn't go his way he'd cry about it, somehow hoping that it would get him what he wanted. Though it often had the opposite result. Having grown up, Braedon saw just how spoiled and sheltered he had been.</p><p>Didn't stop him from crying but it's nothing like before. He no longer cries if he doesn't get his way. Only if he's upset or just having a bad day. Unfortunately, he tends to have a lot of bad days thanks to his visions. He's been trying to work on it but it's a work in progress. He knows he needs to have better control over his emotions.</p><p>While he was in the new world things got worse for him. He'd found his sister easily enough but...his parents weren't there. Months with his parents gone, going through his visions without them or his wolf, and dying in his sister's arms while thinking he was dying permanently. It took a toll on him. He thought his parents were gone for good and he'd never see them again. Add that to dying and his visions and it's safe to say that he's not quite the same. He's withdrawn now and quiet, very quiet. Often just staring out in front of him. Not happy, not sad, just...there. He's more jumpy than he used to be, quick to draw his weapons.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168788180,1,1,1, 3834114);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1515026001'>1/3/2018</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x'>x Bout as Stable as the Wind x</a>, <span data-xutime='1517170611'>1/28/2018</span> #29</small></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td valign=top><img class='lazy round36' style='clear:left;float:left;margin-right:3px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;' src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/images/d_60_90.jpg' data-original='//ff74.b-cdn.net/image/5067024/50/50/' width=50 height=50><img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle><a style='margin-left:2px;' target='forum' id=168801012 href='/u/7792909/x-alassefaelivrin-x'>x.alassefaelivrin.x</a> <p><strong>ORIGINAL CHARACTER </strong></p><hr><p><strong>Full Name</strong>: Shalto O'Hara</p><p><strong>Gender</strong>: Male</p><p><strong>Date of Birth:</strong> January 17th - year unknown - (17 years old)</p><p><strong>Universe/Fandom:</strong> Divergent</p><p><strong>Species</strong>: Human - Dauntless</p><p><strong>Powers/Abilities (if applicable): </strong>Quick on his feet, skilled fighter.</p><p><strong>Appearance</strong>: (FC: Min Yoongi - data.whicdn.com/images/280567923/original.jpg ) Shalto stands at a height of around 5'6. He has a lean, slender figure and soft facial details - due to his Korean ethnicity. He has deep blue - almost chromatic - coloured eyes and small puckered lips. He has a slightly rounded face shape, but an accentuated jawline and what would be described as a button nose. He has unblemished soft skin of a pale peach colour. His hair is pitch black and quite full and he has a heavy fringe that falls just above his eyes. Shalto wears 2 sapphire hoop earrings in each lobe, and one black helix stud in his right ear. <span >He also has a tattoo just behind his right ear - the tattoo is of tribal flame pattern, it's only small - not too big and noticeable. </span>Whilst training, he wears his usual dauntless attire. Casually, he wears oversized jackets, long tops, ripped jeans and ankle boots. He also likes to wear a black Homburg hat.</p><p><strong>Personality</strong>: Some say that Shalto takes fun too seriously. He is active, mischievous and sometimes rather stubborn and stuck in his ways. He has a cute side which rarely surfaces, but when it does it results in him being ditsy, usually over someone that he loves, or if he got a compliment that made him feel good. He is not shy but steers away from being loud. His demeanour is confident and outgoing, and although he avoids socialising in most cases, he can easily approach people when he needs to. Around his friends, he uses his sharp, quick side to be as protective as he can for them, willing to sacrifice himself for anyone he holds close. Although amongst his friends, he is always the one to start a game, pull a prank or spark a buzz of excitement. On the other hand, his ambitiousness leads to an inability to cope with failure and loss. When he's quiet, he is very observant of his surroundings and current affairs - seeing more importance in what is going on then being involved in it. When he is involved, however, he always looks for ways to make things interesting.</p><p><strong>History</strong>: Shalto was born and raised in Chicago. He grew up as the younger sibling of 2 in a Korean family - his mother, father and older sister, who always seemed to tease him.</p><p>He had grown up in Dauntless, his parents had always challenged him to become one of them and Shalto had always looked up to them as his biggest role-models. As a child, Shalto had always aspired to be the perfect Dauntless - he knew he wouldn't be, but always thought he could try and be as good as he could. He was determined in all the activities his parents had challenged him with. Even before he was classed as an individual in the faction, his parents encouraged him out of his comfort zone frequently claiming it would help him for the challenges he would face later on in life. All in all his parents got him ready for the outside world, after choosing his faction.</p><p>Although he had a fulfilling family life, he spent a lot of time continuing his love for thrilling activities with his small group of friends. They would often climb to rooftops, and have races on train tracks.</p><p>His results for the Aptitude test came back as Dauntless, to his relief. At the choosing ceremony, his family and friends were glad to see him choose the faction that he was destined to. He entered Dauntless at the same time as Tris Prior. He stuck with friends that he had known prior to the choosing ceremony, which made him confident and at home during the process of settling in.</p><p>He and his friends grew to dislike their leader, Eric. However, it was Shalt who despised him the most: he didn't like his abrupt ways and his obnoxious attitude. Even so, Shalt made staying within the top of the group, and therefore in Dauntless, not only a goal but something vital to him. He worked hard to achieve in many of the things that the faction did: he soon learnt that his parents' earlier training were to his advantage. Shalt remained a character within the young Dauntless community, making new friends but only sticking to a few. Others soon recognised his mischievous side.</p><p>Shalt was pulled into the convergence during his third week of Dauntless training.</p> <span style='float:right'><script>render_actions(2554469,146535,168685925,168801012,1,1,1, 7792909);</script></span><small class=xgray><span class=xdate data-xutime='1515081224'>1/4/2018</span> . Edited by <a href='/u/2554469/ALazyGeek'>ALazyGeek</a>, <span data-xutime='1518709616'>2/15/2018</span> #30</small></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody></table></div>\n <!-- end table -->\n <center style='margin-top:8px;margin-bottom:8px;'>Page <b>1</b> .. <a href='/topic/146535/168685925/3/The-OC-Creation-and-Minor-Character-Information-Topic'>Last</a> <a href='/topic/146535/168685925/2/The-OC-Creation-and-Minor-Character-Information-Topic'>Next »</a></center></div><!-- endz --><div style='width:100%;text-align:left;' class='table-bordered'><table class='table table-striped ' width='100%' cellpadding='4' id='gui_table2i'><tbody><tr >\n\t<td >Forum Moderators:\n <img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown.png' border=0 width=16 height=16> <a href='/u/2554469/ALazyGeek'>ALazyGeek</a> <img align=absmiddle src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/crown-bronze.png' border=0 width=16 height=16> <a href='/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x'>x.GalaxyQueen.x</a></td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td >Rules:\n <ul type='circle'>\n <li>Forums are not to be used to post stories.\n <li>All forum posts must be suitable for teens.\n <li>The owner and moderators of this forum are solely responsible for the content posted within this area.\n <li>All forum abuse must be reported to the moderators.\n </ul>\n </td>\n</tr>\n<tr >\n\t<td >Membership Length: <img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/diamond.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle> 2+ years <img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/ruby.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle> 1 year <img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/rosette-label.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle> 6+ months <img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/sofa.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle> 1 month <img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/bamboos.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle> 2+ weeks <img src='//ff74.b-cdn.net/static/fcons/leaf.png' width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle> new member\n </td>\n</tr>\n</tbody></table></div>\n <!-- end table -->\n \n<script>\n$().ready(function() {\n var axel = Math.random() + '';\n var num = axel * 1000000000000000000;\n $.get('/eye/1/3/0/146535/?'+num); //record eye stats\n});\n</script></div></div></div><div id=p_footer class=maxwidth style='clear:all;padding:1em 0 1em 0;'><div style='text-align:center'><a href='/support/'>Help</a> . <a href='/cookies/'>Cookies</a> . <a href='/privacy/'>Privacy</a> . <a href='/tos/'>Terms of Service</a> . <a href='#top'>Top</a></div><div style='height:10px'></div><div style='text-align:center'><a href='//www.twitter.com/fictionpress'><span class='icon-twitter-3' style='color:rgb(104, 100, 100);font-size:18px;height:20px;width:20px;'></span></a></div><div style='height:15px'></div></div>\r\n<script>\r\n$(function() {\r\n $('img.lazy').lazyload({\r\n //skip_invisible : false\r\n });\r\n});\r\n</script>\r\n \r\n<style>\r\n .hv_center {\r\n bottom: 0px;\r\n position: fixed;\r\n left: 0;\r\n right: 0;\r\n height: 55px;\r\n background-color: #363636;\r\n color: #e4e4e4;\r\n\r\n /* IE 10 */\r\n display:-ms-flexbox;\r\n -ms-flex-pack:center;\r\n -ms-flex-align:center;\r\n\r\n /* FF */\r\n display:-moz-box;\r\n -moz-box-pack:center;\r\n -moz-box-align:center;\r\n\r\n /* Safari, Opera, and Chrome */\r\n display:-webkit-box;\r\n -webkit-box-pack:center;\r\n -webkit-box-align:center;\r\n }\r\n\r\n #cookie_notice {\r\n font-size: 0.9em;\r\n }\r\n #cookie_notice a:link, \r\n #cookie_notice a:hover, \r\n #cookie_notice a:active, \r\n #cookie_notice a:visited {\r\n color: #e4e4e4;\r\n text-decoration: underline;\r\n }\r\n</style>\r\n <script>\r\n var _cookie_policy = 'cookies';\r\n\r\n //cookie functions\r\n function _sCookieGet(cookieName) {\r\n var theCookie=\"\"+document.cookie;\r\n var ind=theCookie.indexOf(cookieName);\r\n if (ind==-1 || cookieName==\"\") return false;\r\n var ind1=theCookie.indexOf(';',ind);\r\n if (ind1==-1) ind1=theCookie.length;\r\n return unescape(theCookie.substring(ind+cookieName.length+1,ind1));\r\n };\r\n function _sCookieSet(NameOfCookie, value, expirehours, path, domain) {\r\n if(!path) path = \"/\";\r\n var ExpireDate = new Date ();\r\n ExpireDate.setTime(ExpireDate.getTime() + (expirehours * 3600 * 1000));\r\n document.cookie = NameOfCookie + \"=\" + escape(value) + (!expirehours ? \"\" : \"; expires=\" + ExpireDate.toGMTString()) + \"; path=\"+path+\";\" +(!domain ? \"\" : \"domain=\" + domain + \";\");\r\n };\r\n\r\n function _cookieAccept() {\r\n _sCookieSet(_cookie_policy,'yes',365 * 24,'/');\r\n document.getElementById('cookie_notice').style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n\r\n var c = _sCookieGet(_cookie_policy)\r\n\r\n if(c != \"yes\") {\r\n document.write(\"<div id='cookie_notice' class='hv_center'>\" +\r\n \" <div style='padding-left:50px;padding-right:50px'>\" +\r\n \" <table>\" +\r\n \" <tr>\" +\r\n \" <td> We use cookies. 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"text": "FanFiction | unleash your imagination [Browse ](#) Story * [Stories](#) * [Story](#)Anime * [Writer](#)Books * [Forum](#)Cartoons * [Community](#)ComicsGamesMiscPlaysMoviesTV * [Crossovers](#)AnimeBooksCartoonsComicsGamesMiscPlaysMoviesTV [Just In ](#)AllStories: NewStories: UpdatedCrossovers: NewCrossovers: Updated * [Community ](#)GeneralAnimeBooksCartoonsComicsGamesMiscMoviesPlaysTV [Forum ](#)GeneralAnimeBooksCartoonsComicsGamesMiscMoviesPlaysTV [Betas ](#) * [All](#)AnimeBooksCartoonsComicsGamesMiscPlaysMoviesTV * [Specific](#)AnimeBooksCartoonsComicsGamesMiscPlaysMoviesTV The Convergence For many fictional characters, a vast, weird and wonderful world, which stole them unexpectedly, is now where they call 'home'. But for others, the Afterlife is just the beginning of their adventure. Private multifandom roleplay - not accepting new members. New Follow Forum Follow Topic Page 1 .. Last Next \u00bb Forums The Convergence The OC Creation and Minor Character Information Topic [ALazyGeek](/u/2554469/ALazyGeek) CHARACTER CREATION AND INFORMATION In This Topic... 1. Minor Character Sheets + Minor Characters are characters that are known to exist in their fandoms, however not much is known about them and their history and personality have not been fleshed out properly. These sheets give you the chance to fully develop your characters before playing them. 2. Original Character Sheets + OCs are characters that you can create yourself for each of the fandoms that we have on the forum. They are totally unique and we do have high standards when it comes to requests. 3. Worldborn Children + The Worldborn Children are children that have been born or appeared in the Convergence. They require their sheets to be accepted in the same way as normal OC characters, however these sheets must be completed and changed as they get older. Please make sure that your sheets are in the required formats and that each character has their own post. 12/30/2017 . Edited 12/31/2017 #1 [ALazyGeek](/u/2554469/ALazyGeek) Minor Character Information Sheets 1. Characters must first be requested and accepted in the Character List. You cannot play the character until you have PM'd the sheet below to Rhya, had it accepted and acquired permission to post the sheet in this topic. 2. MCs do not take up one of your OC slots, they are required to make sure that your character is fully developed. Like OCs, appearance and personality must be at least 3 lines long and history must be at least 5 lines. 3. You must stick to the known canon of the character. Under 'Role in Canon' just put a small summary of what we do know about the character. You cannot change any of this information. You should consult the Wikia of your character before posting the sheet (if there is a Wikia page for that character), particularly if you are unsure of canon details. 4. Characters must be over the age of 15 where possible. 5. Some MCs, such as the Harry Potter and Hunger Games' Next Generation, have set information to maintain consistency. Please see the Welcome Topic or Character List for more information. Template MINOR CHARACTER - Please include at the top of your sheet Full Name: Gender: Date Of Birth: Universe/Fandom: Role In Canon: Species: Appearance: (must be at least 3 lines long, links not included) Personality: (must be at least 3 lines long) History: (must be at least 5 lines long) Minor Character List * Supernatural + ______ * Harry Potter + Dominique Weasley + Lily Potter + Albus Severus Potter + Dennis Creevey + James Sirius Potter + Daphne Greengrass + Molly Weasley II * Marvel Cinematic Universe + _____ * Sherlock + Andrea \"Anthea\" Johnson * Doctor Who + _____ * Percy Jackson + ______ * The Vampire Diaries + _____ * The Hunger Games + ____ * Merlin + ____ * Once Upon a Time + Felix + Paige Grace * Divergent + _____ * Fox Marvel Cinematic Universe + _____ * Star Trek + _____ * The Maze Runner + _____ * DC Nation + _____ * Star Wars + Barriss Offee * Lord of the Rings + _____ * The Mortal Instruments + Rebecca Lewis * House + _____ * Disney Live Action + _____ * Twilight + _____ * Teen Things + _____ * Stranger Wolf + _____ * Riverdale + _____ * Narnia + _____ 12/30/2017 . Edited 12/31/2018 #2 [ALazyGeek](/u/2554469/ALazyGeek) Original Character Creation Sheets 1. All OCs are to be submitted, via PM, to Rhya. The sheet will then be reviewed, possibly discussed, and then accepted, at which point you will be able to post the sheet in this topic and play them. 2. You are allowed two OCs in total, one male and one female (either presenting gender or biological). 3. We do not accept OCs that are related to canon characters, nor do we accept OCs that heavily impact on the plot of a fandom. Acquaintances are permitted, but close friends and family are not, with few exceptions (e.g. Percy Jackson OCs who will almost certainly be related to somebody). This is because we do not expect roleplayers that play canons to change their headcanons for OCs. 4. Certain OCs will be disallowed, such as droids from Star Wars and fairytale characters from OUAT - see the Welcome Topic for more details. 5. Names must be realistic. No Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Ways. The name of your OC should be suitable for their fandom and the time period they're from. Additionally, OC names should not be the same as another character in their fandom or as another OC. 6. OCs should be 15 years old, or older. 7. Describe your character. Links and faceclaims are okay, but only as an additional feature, not as the description for your character. Personality and appearance must be at least 3 lines long (around 10 or 11 on mobile). Links are not included in the length. 8. Be detailed with the history of your character. At least 5 lines (around 15 or 16 on mobile) are required. Do not add things after your OC has been accepted without PMing Rhya. Don't add additional things over the course of the RP if it's going to affect the plot of a series or significantly change your OC. The history of an OC should not be overly tragic. As is in line with the forum's rules, your OC's history should not mention any form of abuse. 9. Don't add unnecessary detail to your character. Weight doesn't really matter, especially if you're not certain about what's normal and what isn't. Some characters have been posted in the past with ridiculous, unrealistic proportions. 10. Your OC should not 'outshine' the protagonist of a series. For example, you shouldn't post a Harry Potter OC who has also happened to survive the Killing Curse. The protagonist of a fandom should not have their unique trait 'stolen' by an OC. Your OC should also not be overpowered. OCs must be original. Don't base them heavily on a character from another fandom - that's cheating the system and not allowed. These characters are supposed to be your own. We don't know every fandom ever, but if we realise you have made your OC incredibly similar to a fictional character from any fandom that already exists, we will take action. Template ORIGINAL CHARACTER - Please include at the top of your sheet Full Name: Gender: Date Of Birth: Universe/Fandom: Species: Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Appearance: (must be at least 3 lines long, links not included) Personality: (must be at least 3 lines long) History: (must be at least 5 lines long) Original Character List Female (Max. 25) 1. Taylor Jade Williams (Weasley) 2. Scarlett Hawkins 3. Melanie Silver (Mirror) 4. Jasper (Feral Wolf) 5. Cassandra Helena Lake 6. Holly Daniella Clarke 7. Shaela \"Shae\" O'Hara 8. Alexandria \"Ria\" June Maddox 9. Nadia Madeline Foxx 10. Maelle \"May\" Alva Landon 11. Lirisse 12. Stephanie Cy \"Bean\" Beckett Male (Max. 25) 1. Logan Miles 2. Shalto O'Hara 3. Tobias Langdon 4. Evan Vin Hale 5. DJ Lake 6. Jared Williamson 7. Ryo Lu 8. Nicolas Irugashi 9. Jaiden 'Jai' Park 10. Carter Frederick Watson 11. Elias Owen Hale 12/30/2017 . Edited 12/31/2018 #3 [ALazyGeek](/u/2554469/ALazyGeek) Worldborn Children Information Sheets 1. Sheets for the Worldborns will be held to the same standard as normal OCs and MCs. 2. A sheet must be PM'd to and accepted by Rhya before your Worldborn can be played independent of another character. Once accepted, you will be able to post the sheet within this topic. 3. Please ensure that what is written on the sheet of your Worldborn is consistent with how they behave on the roleplay itself. They should be 'in-character', and if they aren't, the sheet or the way your roleplay them needs to change. 4. Character sheets are allowed to be changed and adapted as the Worldborn develops. However, if we decide that the sheet is not up to standard, even if it has been accepted before, you will receive a PM informing you that you will not be allowed to play that character until the sheet has been reaccepted. 5. Worldborns can only be created biologically, in which case permission must be requested from Lena, or via a stork or a wish, in which case permission is from Rhya. For more information on Major Life Events and Wishes, have a look at the Welcome Topic. Template WORLDBORN CHILD - Please include at the top of your sheet Full Name: Gender: Date Of Birth: Parents: Universe/Fandom of Parents: Species: Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Appearance: (must be at least 3 lines long) Personality: (must be at least 3 lines long) History: Worldborn Children List (in birth order) 1. Jaxon Barrett Winters 2. Ava Morgause Gorlois 3. Matthew Arthur Weasley 4. Riley Grace Weasley 5. Isabelle Nicole Fitz-Simmons 6. Zariah Hope Celestia Holmes (deceased) 7. Mason Jay Derek 8. Braedon Dwaine Gorlois 9. Zachary Michael Fitz-Simmons 10. William Sterling Romanov-Holmes (deceased) 11. Oscar George Bell-Weasley 12. Kendra Claire Watson 13. Alara May Derek 14. Evie Laurel Queen 15. Kalina Rose Mikaelson-Petrova 16. Genevieve Addison Dare (deceased) 17. Rowan Aiden Johnson 18. Vera Juliette Potts 19. Stella Mackenzie Ram\u00edrez-Arellano 20. Zoran Ragnor Rhyan Lightwood-Bane 21. Raven Knight 22. Amr Balinor Emrys 23. Aneira Linette Emrys 24. Nathaniel Aloysius Gray 25. Adrian Howard Christopher Stark-Potts 12/30/2017 . Edited 12/26/2019 #4 [x.GalaxyQueen.x](/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x) ORIGINAL CHARACTER Full Name: Taylor Jade Williams (Otherwise known as Taylor Weasley) Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 14/6/1978 (Age: 24) Universe/Fandom: Harry Potter Species: Witch Powers/Abilities: Taylor is a strong witch due to her pureblood heritage. She is able to perform wandless magic, to a degree, and many of the trickier spells from her universe. Her real skill, however, is Potions, and that is her main area of expertise. She is significantly worse at Transfiguration. Appearance: Taylor is approximately 5'3 with a curvy and athletic figure. She has black hair which brushes the tips of her shoulders and is dyed blue at the tips. She often curls it unnaturally or wears it thrown back into a ponytail or bun. Strands often escape from her hairband and call around her face, and she has a habit of running her fingers through it when she is stressed or frustrated. She has a very expressive heart-shaped face with piercing blue eyes that turn icy when she is angry. When she can be bothered, she will wear light make up that includes winged eyeliner and different coloured eyeshadows. She is lightly tanned, due to the amount of time she spends outside, and usually wears shorts, jeans or athletic wear. She wears two necklaces, one being a locket and other being a small silver broomstick, and a bracelet with four charms (an F, a G, an L and a T). On her right hand, she wears the wedding and engagement rings that George gave her all those years ago. Personality: Taylor is a jock with a put-on carefree and cheeky personality. To those she loves, she is incredibly affectionate, loyal and protective but this doesn't come easily, and she will make people work to get close to her. She can come across as friendly and open, but this is often accompanied by sarcasm, dry humour and a biting wit. Her blunt and honest nature can come across rude and bitchy. Often, Taylor will pretend to be fearless and stupidly brave in the face of danger. That is, other than her irrational cat phobia. In reality, she is terrified of losing people that she allows close to her \u2013 which makes it hard for her to bond properly with others. When she does lose someone, she can often fall straight into despair where she will lash out and attack those that she holds close to her heart. There are many layers to her personality and many barriers that someone must break through to be considered a 'friend' in her eyes. While at Hogwarts, Taylor was a troublemaker with no regard for the rules unless it suited her. She was sorted into Gryffindor at school, though some might have said that Slytherin was a better choice. She has respect for authority but often places her own needs above those directions. She is impulsive and jealous, leading to a 'hit first, ask questions later' philosophy, and doesn't do well with personal arguments as she gets riled up and angry \u2013 clouding her judgement. She is very proud of her pureblood heritage as it shows the different witches and wizards that she has been descended from and their achievements, but this doesn't impact on the way she sees muggles or muggle-borns \u2013 other than to see them as more vulnerable beings. Taylor has matured in the five years she has been away, and her children from the world have impacted her as well. One of her key characteristics is the way she will lead and take charge of a group if needed. In an emergency, she can be very clear-headed and make fast decisions. She is a lot calmer than she was when she was younger and has been able to forgive herself for much of what happened. ESTP Personality Type - Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results. Theories and conceptual explanations bore them - they want to act energetically to solve the problem. Focus on the here-and-now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can be active with others. Enjoy material comforts and style. Learn best through doing. History: Born in London, Taylor is the third child, and only girl, of known Death Eater, Damien Williams. Damien was a follower of Voldemort in the first Wizarding War but escaped capture originally and married. Taylor's mother, Ruth, worked as a healer in St Mungo's and had no idea about his original past. Soon after Taylor's younger brother, Kyle, was born and Taylor had turned, Damien was arrested for using muggles as test subjects for potions, among other things. Taylor's first memory was of him using the Cruciatus Curse in the house. No one in her family talks about the incident, and it's not something that she likes to spread around. She was especially close to her brothers growing up, especially Edmund, who was a couple of years older than she was. All four of them learnt very early on how to build walls around their feelings and put on emotional masks. Although Ruth made sure that they were brought up to respect muggles, not detest them as their father had done, a few lessons remained \u2013 witches were more important, and muggles were vulnerable and needed protecting. At Eleven years old, Taylor received her Hogwarts letter. Tommy, her eldest brother, was just entering his final year, and Edmund was entering his third. On the train, she walked off and met up with Fred, George and Lee on the train going to Hogwarts, and as luck would have it, they were all sorted into Gryffindor. She was always bright at school, getting mostly Os and Es in her subjects without trying, especially Potions \u2013 in which she was on the best in the year. She barely scraped through Transfiguration with a pass. Most of her spare time was spent with the twins and Lee, helping to prank the school and come up with schemes. She adored Quidditch, playing as a chaser in the Gryffindor team, though it was all for the adrenaline rather than the glory \u2013 and with the number of detentions she ended up having, it was a wonder she had any chance to play at all. She did start gaining a bit of a reputation for sleeping around during her final Hogwarts years, tending to use men for entertainment \u2013 something which was a great amusement to the twins. There was no hesitation when it came to joining Dumbledore's Army as was very much behind Harry due to her relationship with Fred and George. Although she didn't leave with him, she chose to try and aggravate Umbridge as much as possible until she completed her Newts. This was also the year her father escaped from Azkaban, adding an extra layer of bitterness and defensive behaviour to her personality. After Hogwarts, Taylor seemed set for a career in Quidditch, aiming to play professionally and joining the Holyhead Harpies. She loved it, devoting a lot of time and effort to the game. Offseason, she would be found in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, generally helping them out and assisting them. She managed to estrange herself from her family, all of them running from issues regarding their father. Edmund had let himself fall in love with a muggle during this time, someone their father murdered while out of prison. As the threat of Voldemort grew, Taylor left Quidditch and worked for the Order of the Phoenix. She fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, killing many people that she had once known, many of whom she can't remember the name of. She didn't find out about Fred's death until the day after, having reunited with her own family and begun to celebrate. As a result, partly blaming herself for any role she might have played, she stayed with George after the war and gave up on her dreams of being a professional Quidditch player. She helped to keep him, and the shop, alive, picking him up off the street while drunk and doing the housework while battling her demons and issues. It took a while for George to recover and begin to move on with his life, and at this point, Taylor made the brave decision to move on with her own. She began to travel, eventually settling in New York for three years, training in Potions and qualifying as a pharmacist. On her return to England, aged 24, she bought the apothecary in Diagon Alley with what was left of her part of the family money. The section she was most proud of was her collection of antidotes to WWW products. She remained close with George and Lee, getting to know George's children until her death. She died aged 29 in a fire when she was babysitting for George and Angelina \u2013 she managed to get the children out, but the smoke had affected her lungs too significantly. Taylor came into the world for the first time aged 20 and remained there for four years. On January 1st, 2018 she returned to the world aged 24. Her Convergence history can be found HERE (Taylor was one of the first OC characters created on the forum, therefore some of her history does not comply with the more up to date rules for OC characters.) 12/30/2017 . Edited 3/20/2018 #5 [Gracie Holmes](/u/2398995/Gracie-Holmes) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Zariah Hope Celestia Holmes (zuh-RYE-uh) Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 10 April 2016 (Aged 18) Parents: Mycroft and Naomi Holmes Universe/Fandom: Supernatural/Sherlock Species: Human, natural psychic Powers: She has psychic abilities. (see: supernatural.wikia.com/wiki/Psychics ) * Clairsentience - The ability to perceive the residual information of an object by touching it. * Telepathy - The ability to read people's minds and mentally communicate with others, sometimes over a distance. * Empathy - The ability to sense the emotions that a person is feeling. * Telekinesis - One of the rarest powers for a natural psychic, but also one of the most powerful; this allows them to move objects with their mind. Appearance: (FC: Anna Popplewell) Zariah is 5'8'' tall, with a pale complexion. She has shoulder-length wavy dark brown hair that highlights dark auburn in the sunlight. Her eyes are bright blue and expressive. She has an adorable smile with little dimples and blushes to the tips of her ears. Her nose is just a bit too big and she has a cleft chin, both from her father's side. Otherwise, she looks quite like her left-handed's left handed. She's fairly athletic and if very fit, from horseback riding as well as her training. She wears a heart-shaped silver locket she received from her father and uncle when she was young and a dearest ring on her right hand. She's fond of wearing jumpers, nice trousers, dresses, scarves, tights with boots, anything that looks well put together and proper. She carries a selection of hidden weapons. She speaks in both American and British accents or a combination thereof, depending on who is talking to her. Personality: (ENTJ/ENFJ, with variation because people don't fit in boxes) Quietly curious, terribly clever, cautious, diplomatic, sensitive, and completely loves her family. Zariah is an intellectually gifted child (Holmes level smart, obviously), and has a unique way of perceiving things as she both tunes into thoughts as well as seeks to answer the many questions she has. Usually very organized and put together, she's fond of lists and neatness. Her thinking and feeling sides battle each other and her personality has been shaped by her empathetic powers and the people she grew up with. Not anything close to bubbly, she's still very friendly with strangers and usually keeps her distaste hidden. She is just very curious about people. She rarely misbehaves and dislikes conflict, but will stand up to fight back if the situation calls for it. She gets angry quickly but lets it go if it is illogical to continue. Like her father, she tends to carry the world on her shoulders and is a quiet leader. With an excellent memory, she recalls most every encounter she's had and treats people accordingly. She leans a bit more towards the feminine side. She's fairly sensitive and emotionally expressive. She's a dreamer, and while she's enjoying her life in the short time she has it, she is always wishing she could do/see/experience more. After the time in the Wasteland, she's grown up a bit. Is less naive and more independent, hardened against the reality of their situation in the four months of living in nothing. Her protective side is just as strong as it's always been, however. She turns into the mum-friend if she senses people need a little push. She enjoys horseback riding, reading, dancing, journaling, learning, dressing up, and self-defense lessons. Her love languages would be physical touch and words of affirmation. History: Zariah was born to Naomi and Mycroft Holmes during Season 4, Episode 17 on 10 April 2016 at sunrise. She's human, due to being accidentally conceived while Naomi's grace was stolen, and psychic because of her development with Naomi's grace surrounding her. Her first couple weeks of life were very quiet and she did a lot of learning and playing, but she was still young as the end of the season happened and the world crumbled around them. The change of climate from the tropics to the snowy mountains was rough. They settled into a home and Naomi amped up security measures in the new world. She cautiously explored the world she lives in with her family, venturing out on her own mainly on horseback. Victoria is a black thoroughbred mare and Boaz is a dapple gray thoroughbred gelding. They're both about 16hands tall and have been with her parents since the beginning of Season 4. Zariah has been through a number of tragedies and close calls in her life. A concussion after being thrown from her horse and dying during the world-born reset episode in September 2016, are just two of a few others. She's developed and working through post-traumatic stress leading to slight obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. She functions best when her loved ones are close. Her favorite place is tucked between her parents. She's been dating James Potter II since October 2016 and decided to tell him she loves him at Christmas. She will nearly always blush when he's mentioned. Her best friend is her cousin Sterling. They are very close, and she decided as much the moment he was born. Although she's seven months older, she doesn't treat him like a little kid. They're like two peas in a pod and understand each other better than most anyone else. She's a language learner and has mastered English, Enochian, Russian, French, Klingon, Latin, Spanish, and Mandarin. She's skilled in self-defense and weaponry. Her favorite is her weaponized dove-grey umbrella, which has a number of special features including bulletproof fabric, a gun, a sword coated in angel blade metal, and a panic button. Her interests veer towards history, philosophy, and social/cultural studies, less towards science. She is an avid reader of many genres. Blog: zariahholmes.tumblr.com bakerstreetviolin.tumblr.com/tagged/zariah CHARACTER TRACKER Character Name: Zariah Hope Celestia Holmes Universe/Fandom: Worldborn Original Age: stopped growing at 18, born 10th of April 2016 Current Age: 20 y.o., will be 21 in August, 22 in December Date/Episode Arrived: Born on 10 April 2016, Season 4, Episode 17 Faceclaim: Anna Popplewell (for edits only, Zariah's got a Holmes-nose) House Description: She and Sterling live in a fairly big house near their parents. There is a barn and pasture for her horses, and Sterling has a butterfly house. Link to pictures here: * gifts-of-convergence.tumblr.com/post/172616182036/holmes-home-20-zariah-sterlings-afterlife Events In The Convergence: Pre-Afterlife Events can be found: HERE Wasteland: Zariah walked through the door with her family, hoping that her bad feeling was just a false alarm. But instead of something good on the other side, she and Sterling were by themselves. With nothing but a single weapon, a backpack with a journal, crackers, and a water bottle, and a hoodie with their names on it, they faced an eternal nothingness. Zariah's weapon was her special weaponized umbrella. She got very protective of her people and became a sort of mum-friend to anyone who needed a little bossing around. Thinking they were never going to see their family again, they just worked on surviving. Zariah's heart broke at the loss of James. They'd promised to love each other forever and this nothingness without him wasn't conducive to that. She tried to move on, throwing herself into taking care of her cousins. She held Sterling a long while and they cried together. That first week was just getting used to the fact they were on their own. She chopped her hair quite short since it was less of a mess that way without being able to wash it. Zariah found her horses in the world after a month of living in the wasteland. She was overjoyed to have a piece of her home back. With only their halters and some rope, she ended up riding around bareback. They just stayed around the worldborn camp, nibbling on the sparse grass. Jackie and Basil made it too, but it was James' do Pikachu that surprised her. She took in the little corgi, and after a good long cry, allowed herself to move on again. She missed people. Her friends, her family, her boyfriend. With so much time to fill, she worked on her psychic gifts, like her mother had taught her to do. She expanded her abilities, being able to cut herself off easier and get a wider range of feeling. During a bought of extreme stress and emotion, she found herself able to use an ability she'd never done before. Telekinetic movement of objects. She can't do this as a usual, but rather only during the extreme. Once the houses were made, she and Sterling moved into one of them, despite it being a one-bedroom outfit. They'd been sleeping next to each other on the ground for months now and they both had horrible nightmares, they couldn't be apart. She decorated it with flowers and their sketches, trying to bring some hope into their lonely world. They had the Derek-Winters, as well as the other worldborns, over for dinner a few times, and just kept busy with creating their new life. A new normal. Zariah didn't die in the Wasteland, but she'd seen others do and come back. She had died twice in her short life already, that was more than enough. But she does have a new scar, her only scar, one that cuts her shoulder over the top, after a monster attack she just barely survived. Afterlife: #1 Zariah woke up like any other day after a bought of nightmares and left the house she shared with Sterling to go on a morning ride. She found Mason and they chatted a bit. As usual, a little cheering up helped her spirits and she moved on. Finding Evie, she learned that people were starting to come back. Now, if only it was the people she loved more than any other. She waits. When their parents came back, Zariah was overjoyed. She and Sterling could finally start living again. Time had passed for most of them, but it would be okay, they'd heal from it all together. Over the weeks, she spent time with her parents and various members of her family. When Mary vanished, she was heartbroken. For the family and for Kendra specifically, living in fear that her parents would disappear too. James came back a bit later, but he'd jumped ahead four years. Zariah was a mess and knew they couldn't be together anymore, at least not right away. She brought his dog back and they spoke a couple times. She needed more time. But before they could have that time, he vanished too. Zariah has met a lot of people, both new and old. She spent time with Mason, and made plans to do sword fighting practice with Jaxon. But she also made a new friend in Jack Kline, seeing as they're both children of angels, and almost cousins. 12/30/2017 . Edited 7/30/2018 #6 [ChaserGlader](/u/3492955/ChaserGlader) MINOR CHARACTER Full Name: Lily Luna Potter Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 12th September 2007 (age 17) Universe/Fandom: Harry Potter Role In Canon: Daughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, Younger sister of James and Albus Potter. Godsister to Teddy Lupin Species: Witch Appearance: (FC: Holland Roden) Lily has fiery red hair and brown eyes like her mother. She is about 5'3 being on the shorter side of five feet. Her eyes always have a twinkle in them, as if she's up to something. She also has the same build as her mother, slender and mostly legs. When most people look at her they say she looks exactly like her mother but with her father's eye shape. Some people who knew her grandmother say she looks like her without the eye color. Personality: Much like her mother, Lily has a fiery temper when someone does something to her family or her or her friends. She may be the youngest of her family, but she is very protective of them. Being her parents' daughter, Lily is also very pranky. Though when she pranks, it's to get revenge on someone. She's willing to do whatever she can to help her family. She's loyal, definitely brave enough to do things, and she loves to have fun. She's kind towards those who aren't mean to others. She's picky towards those she trusts, mainly because of the people who tried to befriend her in Hogwarts. History: Lily was born on 12th of September 2007. It was a normal day expect for her being born. Throughout her toddler years, she proved to be a handful. She would make trouble and run away laughing like she was having the time of her life. As she got older, she wound down. She would only prank Albus and James only after they did something to her. At eleven, Lily walked into Hogwarts. She was very excited. Unlike Albus, she wouldn't have cared if she were put in Slytherin. She wasn't evil, and she knew it. But she'd like to be with her family. When her name was called, she got on the stool and waited for the decision. 'Ah, Lily Potter.... The youngest Potter. Where shall we put you?' 'I don't mind.... Though I want to be with at least one person in my family....' 'Hmm.... You're loyal and brave, but mostly brave. Much like your uncles Fred and George you prank people but only for revenge... I put you in Gryffindor!\" Lily got up and walked to her table. James congratulated her, so did her cousins. Her first few years were tough. Girls would try to befriend her only because of her dad and when they would talk bad about her, or her family, they could always expect a prank. They tried to get on her good side, but she had her family to help her, even if they were annoying at times. One day in her third year, she befriended someone named Everrett. Everrett was a muggle-born, and he was very proud of it. They were great friends throughout their school years. In her fifth year, a Slytherin called him a mudblood. That day she sent him to the hospital wing. From that day on, people knew not to mess with her. She was fine with only one true friend; she didn't want any of them to be fake. She dropped all her other friends and started hanging out with only Everrett. Most people decided that it meant she like him and everyone would tease her, except her brothers. Teddy especially told her that she wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend. In her sixth year, being seventeen, she found another friend, Analynn, she was in the year below her and Everrett, and they all became fast friends. They would prank people who were rude to kids who didn't deserve it or people who were mean to people that they cared about. They were the revengeful prankers, and that was how Lily liked it. During Winter break, Lily spent time with her family, and when she was in her room, designing things for pranks, she fell asleep and woke up in the Convergence. 12/30/2017 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 12/30/2017 #7 [xX Liza Xx](/u/3803024/xX-Liza-Xx) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Mason Jay Derek (Winters) Gender: Male Date of Birth: July 15, 2016 (Physically 17) Parents: Bennal Derek and Jenna Winters Universe/Fandom of Parents: Star Wars and Supernatural Species: Human Powers/Abilities: Force sensitive. Trained by Anakin Skywalker for some time but now self training. A natural inclination towards the healing abilities of the force. Appearance: Mason is a young man of light completion which is complimented by his dark hair and deep brown eyes. His hair is kept pretty short, but it's still enough for him to run his fingers through, which he does on occasion. He's a relatively tall teen, matching his father at 6'1. He wears a lot of jeans and steel toed boots. For tops, he prefers long sleeve shirts with a hoddie type jacket, occasionally wearing something heavier to keep from the cold. He almost always wears a leather bracelet on his wrist, reminding him of his brother. He also will sport a ball cap from time to time, like his father in that way. (FC - Nick Robinson) Personality: Mason is a relatively quiet young man. He will make conversation if he feels he must, but he often doesn't feel the need to. He is kind at heart and rather content. He has all that he needs from life and doesn't seek more. Answers are something he does struggle with, issues that he wants to understand or things he is slightly insecure about, but he still doesn't ask for more than what he has. As long as he has his parents, his brother, and his friends, he is a lucky man. He can come off as a little short to some people, seeing as he doesn't always see the point of forcing conversation with a person. He will try, but he's never been the type to keep pushing if there isn't much happening. He'll close the conversation kindly and be on his way. While Mason may be content with the things he has been given in life, there are a few things that bother him. He doesn't enjoy being treated like a child. He knows that he is his parents' kid and he knows they will always be his parents, so his issue isn't so much with them. He wants to be one of his peers, fit in with them despite the fact he was born late in the order of worlborn kids. He wants to be seen as grown, more mature than a mere child. And with this issue is also that of his origin. He knows he was born in this world and that some of his growth has been fascinating compared to that of others in this world, however he isn't fond of being looked at like a museum display or categorized as 'one of them.' Mason is just a person. He's just a regular seventeen-year-old. He doesn't enjoy being seen any other way. Mason enjoys reading books, is secretly quite good at art. He has found his spot in abstract expressionism, using it as a way to express what he feels through the force. He's been doing this for months now. He likes to focus on specific things and people at specific times. Most of his pieces could almost look like they could be of stars or nebula in space, but it's really so much more than that. He puts emotion into every stroke, able to sit there and paint for hours because he tends to bury himself in the force. Though it may not seem like much, he is incredibly proud of his work. It's been his secret hobby for a while and is just finally coming to light. Mason is also pretty good in the kitchen. He likes baking with his mother, reading, meditating, and walking the dog in his free time. He uses his force abilities in every day life, not so much as a defense or a weapon because he doesn't often encounter the need. However, if he did, he wouldn't hesitate to protect those he loves. Mason's MBTI type is INFJ (from 16personalities.com) Strengths * Creative \u2013 Combining a vivid imagination with a strong sense of compassion, Advocates use their creativity to resolve not technical challenges, but human ones. People with the Advocate personality type enjoy finding the perfect solution for someone they care about, and this strength makes them excellent counselors and advisors. * Insightful \u2013 Seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives, Advocates step past manipulation and sales tactics and into a more honest discussion. Advocates see how people and events are connected, and are able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter. * Inspiring and Convincing \u2013 Speaking in human terms, not technical, Advocates have a fluid, inspirational writing style that appeals to the inner idealist in their audience. Advocates can even be astonishingly good orators, speaking with warmth and passion, if they are proud of what they are speaking for. * Decisive \u2013 Their creativity, insight and inspiration are able to have a real impact on the world, as Advocates are able to follow through on their ideas with conviction, willpower, and the planning necessary to see complex projects through to the end. Advocates don't just see the way things ought to be, they act on those insights. * Determined and Passionate \u2013 When Advocates come to believe that something is important, they pursue that goal with a conviction and energy that can catch even their friends and loved ones off guard. Advocates will rock the boat if they have to, something not everyone likes to see, but their passion for their chosen cause is an inseparable part of their personality. * Altruistic \u2013 These strengths are used for good. Advocates have strong beliefs and take the actions that they do not because they are trying to advance themselves, but because they are trying to advance an idea that they truly believe will make the world a better place. Weaknesses * Sensitive \u2013 When someone challenges or criticizes Advocates' principles or values, they are likely to receive an alarmingly strong response. People with the Advocate personality type are highly vulnerable to criticism and conflict, and questioning their motives is the quickest way to their bad side. * Extremely Private \u2013 Advocates tend to present themselves as the culmination of an idea. This is partly because they believe in this idea, but also because Advocates are extremely private when it comes to their personal lives, using this image to keep themselves from having to truly open up, even to close friends. Trusting a new friend can be even more challenging for Advocates. * Perfectionistic \u2013 Advocates are all but defined by their pursuit of ideals. While this is a wonderful quality in many ways, an ideal situation is not always possible \u2013 in politics, in business, in romance \u2013 and Advocates too often drop or ignore healthy and productive situations and relationships, always believing there might be a better option down the road. * Always Need to Have a Cause \u2013 Advocates get so caught up in the passion of their pursuits that any of the cumbersome administrative or maintenance work that comes between them and the ideal they see on the horizon is deeply unwelcome. Advocates like to know that they are taking concrete steps towards their goals, and if routine tasks feel like they are getting in the way, or worse yet, there is no goal at all, they will feel restless and disappointed. * Can Burn Out Easily \u2013 Their passion, poor patience for routine maintenance, tendency to present themselves as an ideal, and extreme privacy tend to leave Advocates with few options for letting off steam. People with this personality type are likely to exhaust themselves in short order if they don't find a way to balance their ideals with the realities of day-to-day living. History: Mason was born the equivalent of a month early to parents Jenna Hope Winters and Bennal Derek. His first few weeks of development were pretty straightforward. The world seemed like a pretty great place to Mason. He had two loving parents, a brother who was somewhat distant, but still cared, and friends beyond that. Life seemed like it would never be bad. His first encounter with death was the day his mother was killed randomly by a man he later came to know of as Rumpelstiltskin. His mother did, of course, come back. However, that was a day Mason will never forget. As time moved on, Mason continued to think this place he lived in was nice and kind to him. Then his parents disappeared. Then he was forgotten. And it shook him to his core. Who was his family? was it just the people with the names and the faces, or did their history with him make them his family. He found the last to be true during that time. When they came back to him at the physical age of eleven, he became even more grateful for what he had and fearful he may lose them again. At the same time, Mason began to deal with the questions of how he fit in this world. He had only recently found out that he would die in this world and that he wasn't like the others. It was a hard thing to swallow, death. It became even harder when he learned he wasn't the first child that his mother had, and wouldn't be the first she lost. It seemed to Mason that he would one day break his mother's heart just as Jaxon had. From then on, he became like his father and brother in many ways. He had always looked up to them, of course, and things continued to shape him into the young man that he is. 12/30/2017 . Edited 12/31/2017 #8 [xX Liza Xx](/u/3803024/xX-Liza-Xx) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Jaxon Barrett Winters Gender: Male Date Of Birth: June 27, 2015 Parents: Jenna Winters & Bucky Barnes Universe/Fandom of Parents: Supernatural & MCU Species: Human Appearance: Jaxon is relatively average height standing 6'0. He takes after his father when it comes to looks. Short, dark hair is countered by lightly tanned fair skin and bright blue eyes. A smile almost always graces his lips making his eyes sparkle. He's quite strong and physically toned, however his style doesn't flaunt that. He can often be seen in simple shirts, jeans and boots. He tends to wear t-shirts but he might occasionally wear a button up if he is feeling dressy. Due to his death, Jaxon now bears a black 'X' on his back in the place where he was initially stabbed. It's like a tattoo, there to remind anyone watching of what happened in September of 2015. His physical age is 19 Personality: Jaxon is a very warm person. He smiles and laughs a lot. He gets along with list people very well and is pretty great at making friends. He is usually very light but he can get very defensive of his family, especially his mother. He is pretty good at cooking, which he learned from his mother. He enjoys going to the gym and occasionally going out to get a drink at the bar. Spending time with his friends and family is his favorite pass time. He enjoys a good game of chess and things like that that make him think and strategize. He tends to be very caring and understanding, but he can become explosive under extreme pressure. History: Born during the end of season 2, Jaxon came into the world and barely got to meet his father before Bucky died in one of the many explosions that phase. He spend the first week or so of his life with his mother and met one Taylor Weasley, though she wasn't really anything to his family at that point. He spent most of his life growing up in the world of season 3. He fell in love with a beautiful blonde girl by the name of Dominique Weasley. He moved out with her and enjoyed a simple life at her side. Peter Pan managed to get under his skin once and ten two had a fight. When he was only 2 months old, his mother left the world leaving him broken and confused. What made it all worse was walking in to find his father making out with his aunt. In a very blind rage, he killed her using the magic the world had given him for that phase. He was absolutely horrified by what he found and spent a while dealing with that. When his mother returned, he was afraid she wouldn't be a part of his life, but she ended up desiring close relationships. He was happy to get to spend time with her and grew close to her again. He also began a sort of friendship with Peter Pan and even fought monsters with him on one occasion. In September of 2015, Jaxon was just walking to his parents place when he ended up caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Loki used him as a bargaining chip to get Bucky to join him. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out well. Jaxon was ran through with the scepter and left to die. His mother was the one holding him as he died. Now, a year and a half later, he has returned to the Convergence. For everyone else, it's been so long. For him, it's been minutes 12/30/2017 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 12/30/2017 #9 [Xx-I Am Combat Ready-xX](/u/4970858/Xx-I-Am-Combat-Ready-xX) MINOR CHARACTER Full Name: Andrea \"Anthea\" Johnson Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 10th January 1980 (34) Universe/Fandom: Sherlock Role In Canon: Mycroft Holmes' Personal Assistant Species: Human Appearance: Since being in the Convergence for a year Andrea has let her hair grow out a bit, and it currently lies just above her waist and is naturally wavy though she's been straightening it lately. She has light blue eyes and full lips. Anthea is slightly tanned due to the nicer weather in the new world. She had a slim body, and stands at slightly above average at 5'5''. Anthea's style hasn't changed much, though she wears much more colour. She is almost always found in a blouse and skirt, though she will wear pants on occasion. Typically she wears no jewellery except for the engagement ring on her finger. Personality: Back in her own world Anthea was very closed off, she came off as kind of snarky and was blunt, if you asked her out and she wasn't interested she wouldn't sugarcoat it. She can still be like that, though she's softened up a lot. She's become more open to herself and others, she doesn't actively seek out people, but she won't shut them down anymore. She acknowledges that there is no point in lying and hiding. Even if she still goes by Anthea except for those she cares about. Around the people, she cares and trusts she is very kind and loving and protective. Anthea is always very strong-willed, and that can often lead to conflict with James Wesley, her soon to be husband, who is protective of her. History: As a kid, Anthea had a comfortable childhood, the Johnson's being an upper-middle-class family and her being an only child meant money was never tight, though both her parents worked very hard, and Anthea grew to be very independent. From a young age, she strove to work as hard as she could in order to be successful like her parents. She excelled in all of her subjects and graduated high school with top marks. In college, she took Political Science and graduated with top marks as well, right after she applied for a position in the British government. With her grades, and other skills such as being fluent in multiple languages she caught the eye of Mycroft Holmes, and she eventually became his PA. She considered herself close to the \"Ice Man\" and they spent a fair amount of time together. She was pulled into the convergence during the time that Sherlock was \"Dead\" she was one of the people who knew that he was still alive. 12/30/2017 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 12/30/2017 #10 [Joseph Haney](/u/1724075/Joseph-Haney) ORIGINAL CHARACTER Full Name: Scarlett Hawkins Gender: Female Date Of Birth: May 6, 1990 (30 years old) Universe/Fandom: Supernatural Species: Human Powers/Abilities (if applicable): While she has no super-human abilities, Scarlett is skilled with many different kinds of weapons, including knives and handguns with which she is most efficient. She is also a skilled fighter in close-quarter combat. Appearance:Scarlett's most striking feature is her bright red hair which she prefers to keep cut short so that it only reaches her shoulders. She also has brown eyes and, most of the time, a confident smirk on her face. She stands at 5 feet, 9 inches tall with a mildly athletic build. She prefers to dress casually, wearing jeans, plain colored shirts and black boots, along with a light, black jacket that used to belong to her mother. She has more than a few scars across her chest, arms and back, and an anti-possession tattoo on the back of her left shoulder, all of which she prefers to keep hidden if possible. [Face Claim: Katherine Barrell (pbs.twimg.com/media/C8qL1nWVYAEdh9L.jpg)] Personality: At heart, Scarlett is a warm and caring person, though that may not always come through right away. Over a decade of hunting monsters has caused her to build up a bit of a rough exterior, if only to keep herself from going mad from all of the things she's seen. As a result, her first impression can be cold and unfeeling. Hang around her long enough, though, and her caring heart will show itself, so long as you remain on her good side. To her enemies or those she perceives as a threat to herself or those she cares about, she is a force to be reckoned with, and heaven help anyone who betrays her loyalty. History: Scarlett was born in a small town in the Colorado Rockies to a loving mother and an absent father. She could never get a straight answer from her mother as to his identity or where he was and eventually she gave up trying to find out. Instead, she focused her efforts on living her life \u2013 going to school, playing on a youth basketball team, spending time with her friends, etc. All of that changed one night, a week before her fifteenth birthday when she came home early from a basketball practice to find a shape-shifter, wearing the likeness of a neighbor, killing her mother. The creature tried to do the same to Scarlett, but hunter, a woman named Robin, who was in town tracking the creature, managed to show up in time to save her. With no other family, Robin offered to take Scarlett under her wing, training her to be a hunter. They were a nearly inseparable team for nearly seven years before Robin was killed by a wendigo. Scarlett spent the next five years hunting on her own, until she rescued an orphaned teenage boy named Tobias from a nest of vampires. He didn't have any other family, so Scarlett looked after him, teaching him to be a hunter as best as she could. They formed a pretty good team and hunted together for three years. On a hunt for a nest of ghouls, Tobias and Scarlett got separated. The last thing she remembered before being pulled into the Convergence was the sound of him calling for help. (I don't know how, but I think I ended up posting this in the wrong place before...anyway, here we go!) 12/30/2017 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 12/30/2017 #11 [Xx.Wild Wolf.xX](/u/8530929/Xx-Wild-Wolf-xX) MINOR CHARACTER Full Name: Paige Grace Gender: Female Date Of Birth: Unknown (May 16 for the actress) Universe/Fandom: Once Upon A Time Role In Canon: Grace is the daughter of Jefferson(The Mad Hatter) and Priscilla. During the first curse she was known as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grace. Species: Human Appearance:Although technically she is about 47 years old, Grace appears to be a 19 year old teen. She has slightly wavy, dark blonde hair with blonde highlights that lie past her shoulders. Grace usually keeps her hair down. She stands at 5' 6\", and has a slim figure. She also has light skin and big brown eyes. You'll most likely see her in a light denim jacket and a pair of skinny jeans, but she also wears dresses often. Grace has more of a cute look to her and she isn't too big on make-up, so she has a natural beauty. * m.imdb.com/name/nm3309629/mediaviewer/rm2224105472 * m.imdb.com/name/nm3309629/mediaviewer/rm2811308032 Personality:Even after all those years Grace still kept her sweet, innocent, and a caring personality. She is a very compassionate girl who refuses to grow up. She's also old fashioned having that she (somewhat) grew up in the Enchanted Forest and she loves to help people whenever she can. You will mostly, if not always, see a smile on her face. Unless of course she is troubled with something. Grace can be very optimistic, though sometimes she has her doubts. She is also very friendly to everyone, regardless of their appearance. History: As a little girl, Grace would always spend time with her father when he wasn't selling mushrooms; they had a very close relationship. One day the evil queen had made a deal with him that involved him having to go to Wonderland. He declined the offer, but later he decided to take the deal after he couldn't buy her a stuffed rabbit at a market, figuring that he couldn't give her a good life. But what he didn't know was that all she truly needed was him for her to be happy. While they were having a little tea party her father made her a rabbit, and told her that he had to go. She knew it had to do with the queen and had tried to convince him not to go, but it didn't work. Before he had left he promised he'd be back for their tea party. Grace always kept the rabbit that he made close to her since it meant a lot. While he was out of the realm Grace spent her time with their neighbors. She would always count the days waiting for her fathers return, but he never showed up. She soon began to get really worried, but the neighbors kept reassuring her that everything was okay. Although that didn't stop her from worrying, and eventually the curse came some time after. While she was her cursed self she lived with who she thought was her parents, but really they were her former neighbors. She attended the same school as Henry and had no memory(of any kind) of her papa. After the curse was broken, Grace lived with her father in Storybrooke, often visiting her neighbors/ cursed parents. And after being separated from him for so long, she liked to stay close by his side after he had reunited with her. For a while she didn't go out much since her father was always afraid something might happen to her in the chaotic town, but eventually he warmed up to the idea of her being away at times. They would still oftenly go to the town together to do something. And on one of these trips to town Grace had bought a gift for him. Grace was now aged to appear 19. She was admiring the rabbit that she had still kept after all those years. Not too long after she was dropped into the convergence. 12/30/2017 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 12/31/2017 #12 [shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod](/u/6239591/shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod) ORIGINAL CHARACTER Full Name: Melanie Silver (calls herself Mirror) Gender: Female Date of Birth: March 17, 1992 (age: 22) Universe/Fandom: DC TV-verse (Earth One) Species: Metahuman Powers/Abilities: Because of the STAR Labs particle accelerator explosion and broken shards of mirror that hit her when the explosion happened, Mel is now able to project alternate images into others' minds, therefore making it possible to hide things in very plain sight from the eyes of others. She can also \"mirror\" a single aspect of a person, be it their eyes, voice, fingerprint, etc...but never more than one at the same time. Appearance: (FC: Saoirse Ronan) Melanie has light blue eyes and straight, blond hair that goes down to her shoulders. She is relatively small in stature, standing a little shorter than five and a half feet tall. Her limbs are a decent size, which comes from her years of doing whatever work she could find. Mel's clothes are usually more of a darker variety, but not so dark as to be described as goth. For \"tricks\", she dons a white mask and silver wig. She wears a purple vest over her white shirt with black pants and silver heels to go along. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Melanie is a rather quiet and reserved person. She is smart, calm and is good at seeing two sides to an argument, which is a useful skill when it comes to keeping Anton in check. She is not quick to make friends with people, as she always has a fear of losing them or being separated. If someone can get close to her though, as Anton has, she can talk for hours and has a good sense of humor. Melanie enjoys making people smile, just another reason why she loves magic, and will always fulfill a request to perform a trick. History: Melanie was born in Ivy Town, Connecticut to her parents. When she was only a year and a half old, her father fell victim to lung cancer and died before she turned two. Her father had been the main earner in the family, and in his absence Melanie's mother had to take up two jobs. When Melanie started school, they were forced to move into an apartment. Unfortunately, they were forced to move every two years or so, never able to find steady work or rent prices. As she grew older, Melanie began taking on any kind of jobs that she could find, from mowing lawns to delivering mail. Working and homework left her with little time for friends, which were hard to make with her constant moving. They finally settled in Coast City when Melanie was thirteen. By that time, her mom was working three jobs and sleeping whenever she could. When Melanie turned fourteen, a family friend in the area offered her a job at their Magic Shop, which she took up instantly. She began thumbing through manuals and kits in order to help customers, but as time went on, she found herself learning and enjoying tricks. She would spend her lunch breaks practicing small card tricks or vanishing acts at her lonely table in the corner, not really minding her absence of friends. When her sophomore year of high school rolled around, her only two friends convinced her to show off some of her tricks in the talent show. With nothing to lose, since nobody seemed to know she existed, and the opportunity to bring more business to the Magic Shop, she agreed. The talent show went off without a hitch, and the applause she received at the end was enough confirmation that Melanie was doing what she was always meant to. Magic, working, and good grades eventually landed her a scholarship to Midwestern University in Keystone City. There a quiet, indrawn Melanie met the ambitious and amazing Anton. They hit it off immediately, and four years later she began working as his assistant, later partner, in a magic act. On December 11 during their opening act in Central City in front of their largest crowd ever, Melanie wasn't even nervous. Fogg and Silver, Feats of Tomorrow was about to become a hit. It was what she had been working for nearly half her life, and it paid off. Just as they took their bows, the STAR labs' particle accelerator exploded. The close proximity to the lab send waves of energy rippling through their area, which shattered the mirrors surrounding Melanie, leaving pieces of glass stuck in her flesh. She woke up two weeks later with a nurse standing over her. Melanie immediately thought of how pretty the woman's eyes were, but thought nothing else of it until she looked at herself in the mirror. The eyes looking back at her were not her own. As the days passed, she grew more into her \"abilities\" and learned how to properly use them. When Anton awoke, they only had a brief reunion before the bad news started piling up. Debt upon debt came in, asking for money that the young adults didn't have. When Anton suggested breaking into the bank, Melanie didn't see any other option. It went well, not considering how Anton had flung black smoke at the police officers that had discovered them. After some of the debts were paid, Melanie found that her new job was keeping Anton in check. She constantly warned him which \"tricks\" were too big and could hurt too many people. He had been changed by the explosion in more ways than one, and that hurt her. She owed it to her only friend to keep him safe and secure. When he handed her a white mask and a silver wig, she didn't say no. When he moved them all over the country for their \"tricks\", she didn't say no. When he told her about a heist in Starling City, she didn't say no. Instead she went along with the increasingly rash Anton, keeping her mental promise of keeping him in check. That was until they were both pulled from their plans to the Convergence, which was possibly the greatest trick of them all. 12/30/2017 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 12/31/2017 #13 [shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod](/u/6239591/shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Evie Laurel Queen Gender: Female Date of Birth: July 9, 2017 Parents: Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak Universe/Fandom of Parents: DC TV: Arrow Species: Human Powers/Abilities: N/A Appearance: (FC: Ginny Gardener) Evie looks much like her mom Felicity, with shoulder-length blonde hair that is normally straight, but she curls it sometimes if she has time. She also has blue eyes and is usually seen with a slight smile on her face if she isn't concentrating on something. Evie stands at about 5'8'', having gotten her height more from Oliver's side of the family. Through her training sessions, she has put on a good deal of muscle, leading to her being a rather fit-looking individual. She normally wears whatever she finds to be comfortable, and can often be seen in athletic clothes following a training session or workout. Personality: Evie is curious, not afraid to meet new people, a bit protective, and is generally an upbeat person. She loves figuring out more about the world, and where others came from, and any new information she can get her hands on is welcome. She is a keen learner, whether it be from books, on computers, or through physical trial and error. Her somewhat protective nature she got from her father, and she is devoted to her parents and younger brother. Evie is generally a happy person, eager to help someone should they need it, and does not come off as having a shy personality, but not so much that she is abrasive. While she doesn't babble quite as often as her mother does, she can go on and on about something she truly enjoys without ever tiring of talking about it. She loves to draw just about anything, and can usually be found with a sketchpad in her hands after a particularly rough day, as it allows her to focus on other things. If something is bothering her though, it can take her a little while to open up about it, which in part she also got from her father. She can be a bit stubborn at times, but it is always because she believes that something better will come out of her holding her ground. History: Evie was born on July 9, 2017, to her parents Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. During her first few months of life, she was rather sheltered. She stuck close to her parents as they warned her about some of the dangers of the people in the world. This has led to her still being very connected to them even as she became a young adult. As a child, Evie was always curious, and as she grew so did her affinity for computers, drawing, and becoming a better fighter. Through lessons with Oliver and Sara in the lair, she's become a formidable fighter, though she hasn't had to use it much during her time in the world. Evie has made a few friends outside of her family, but tends to stay close to them and is always wary of something going wrong. The first time something truly awful happened in Evie's life was when her Uncle Barry and half-brother William both left the world at the same time. Evie had never dealt with loss on that scale before, and wasn't quite sure how to handle suddenly missing two very important people to her. Eventually they did come back, though they had new memories of their own...and none of her. Evie managed to work through it with help from her parents, and learned to make the most of the time she has with her family. 12/30/2017 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 1/28/2018 #14 [ALazyGeek](/u/2554469/ALazyGeek) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Riley Grace Weasley Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 31st January, 2016 Parents: George Weasley and Taylor Weasley Universe/Fandom of Parents: Harry Potter Species: Witch Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Normal Wizarding abilities Appearance: (FC: Katherine McNamara) Riley has inherited her mother's dark blue eyes, and her dad's ginger hair. It's fairly long, falling down past her shoulders. It's usually kept down, despite the fact she's almost constantly moving and wouldn't be at risk of having it yanked on when she was exploring if she simply tied it up. When living in the fourth world, her skin was quite tanned. Due to the spent in the cooler environment of the fifth and following worlds, the tan has faded, revealing her skin to be much paler. Riley's much shorter than her brother, standing at 5'3, the same height as her mother. Her sense of adventure can be seen by the cheeky grin she's usually wearing, as well as the spark of mischief she often has in her eyes, like both of her parents. Her active lifestyle has also lead to her having a slim but somewhat toned figure, though she doesn't tend to show it off. Usually she wears simple t-shirts and jogging pants, accompanied by a hoodie, completed by trainers, on her many escapades around the world. Unless she really wants to make an effort, or is forced to by the world, she won't wear make-up or dresses. During her time in the wasteland, where Worldborns were able to respawn, Riley gained three scars. These include a scar covering the palm of her left hand, from where she touched the electric forcefield surrounding the wasteland, a scar on her neck from having her throat ripped out by a monster, and a scar down her spine from where she accidentally fell off a building at the very end of her time in the wasteland. Personality: Riley is bright, bubbly, and loves to have fun. She's feisty, enthusiastic about life, and just wants to take on the whole world. She's ready to make the most of it, because, after all, you only live once in this place. She's fiercely protective of those she loves, like her mother, and will always be ready to fight for them. She also didn't escape the tempers of her parents, having inherited hers from both of them. She rarely gets angry, but when she does, you'll know it. Despite this, she doesn't hold a grudge. She's also extremely curious, fancying herself to be somewhat of a detective when it comes to exploring the world, which she frequently does. She's almost always out exploring the world, particularly where most of the monsters lurk - after all, they're one of the most exciting parts of it. When she isn't out looking for them, she's probably writing about them in a journal. Making her own notes is Riley's favourite way to learn - she's never cared much for reading and prefers to be much more hands on with educating herself. Still, running around chasing monsters isn't the safest life to live, and on more than one occasion she's been called reckless. That, she's been reminded, makes her quite like her father (and though that might not be always seen as a good thing, Riley's extremely proud of that fact). Riley is also a lesbian, and won't hesitate to be upfront and honest about it, if it happens to come up in conversation. Her personality type is ENFP; she is a true free spirit. If she'd actually had the opportunity to attend Hogwarts, there is no doubting that she would have been a Gryffindor through and through. History: Riley was born to George and Taylor Weasley alongside her twin brother, Matthew, to whom she is very close, on the 31st of January, 2016. Growing up, she had quite a lonely upbringing, although unlike most children born in-world, she got to grow up at the same time as her brother. Her parents raised her to have an educated view of the world and made sure she was capable of witchcraft, like any other magical child would be, which included getting a wand to perform magic with. Her time in the fourth world was spent mostly in the sun. She was almost always outside, exploring, mostly in the jungles, despite the risks. Offensive and defensive spells slowly became Riley's favourite to perform, and it was those that she was most talented at doing. It was the world that very much felt like home, being warm and comfortable and having all of her family in it. But Riley had no choice but to go 'On' when the doors appeared, heading straight into the much colder fifth world. She didn't like the fifth world anywhere near as much as she loved the fourth. It was contrasted too strongly with the previous world, not only temperature wise, but also in the fact that only a few months after arriving there, her father left the world. This left Riley completely devastated for a time, rendering her angry and bitter at everything and everyone around her. Even more of her energy went into exploring and keeping herself as isolated as possible, often involving her camping out in the forest for days at a time. Over time, Riley managed to get back to being her usual self. She started engaging with people a lot more, and though she continued to camp out in the forest, she did so for fun, not to try and isolate herself. Although there were bumps along the way, like her brother's temporary death, and an accident in the forest where she had her leg all but mauled, she's managed to bounce back into being the feisty young woman she truly is. Much like she had in all the previous worlds, Riley continued to adventure during her time in the sixth world. Despite her cousin, Oscar, being born just before this world started, she did not take on a role of responsbility. Her favourite place to be was Infernos, and if she wasn't there, she'd probably be found in Empyrean. Some key moments included her and then her brother being possessed, as well as Riley being told to not explore the levels of the world alone, for her own safety. The sixth world also saw the introduction of Cal Derek, her mother's new boyfriend, and Sky Smith, a young alien her mother adopted, into her life. In the seventh world, Riley has continued to thrive and explore, and remains living with the rest of her family in an adaptable cottage on D\u00f9rachd. Her adventures included attempting to get the kraken to reveal itself, as well as taking Sky (who has taken the surname Weasley-Derek) to Olc to track down the dragon. Although that particular adventure wasn't successful, it resulted in both her and Sky being grounded for a week. One phase in the seventh world was timed in such a way that when Riley's reckless adventure to see the dragon on her own lead to her death, she was able to respawn. Unfortunately in order for this to happen, her own mother died for the rest of the week. Soon, normality was restored, but it the event did knock Riley's confidence and encouraged her to live life with a little more care. Also in the seventh world, Riley's Uncle Fred left. Because of this, her cousin Oscar and his two dogs moved in, expanding the household further. Cal, her mother's boyfriend, soon left the world too. Since all of that happened, Riley's life hasn't been all that interesting. She's met some people, such as Kalina (a fellow Worldborn). In the weeks before the seventh world ended, Riley enjoyed decorating the house with her family and exploring the world a few more times, making sure she hadn't missed anything. Towards the end of the seventh world, Riley stepped through the door on the bridge and straight into the wasteland of the next world. Her life from this point onward is detailed here. 12/31/2017 . Edited 2/24/2018 #15 [lawyerbeewitched](/u/4474640/lawyerbeewitched) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: William Sterling Romanov-Holmes Gender: Male Date of Birth: November 26, 2016 Parents: William Sherlock Scott Holmes and Natasha Romanov-Holmes Universe/Fandom of Parents: BBC Sherlock/MCU Species: Human Abilities: Sterling has no supernatural abilities, but is remarkably observant and analytical, proficient in hand to hand combat, and can handle with a variety of weapons, courtesy of his parents' training. He prefers avoiding conflict, though, so if he can charm his way out of a situation, he'd much rather rely on that. Appearance: (FC for edits: Nicholas Hoult) Sterling is tall, around 6'1\", and previously leaned towards the skinnier side, with a bit of muscle from regular training. He's grown just a little bigger after time spent in the Wasteland. His curly hair is dark brown and cropped relatively, and his eyes are a soft green, similar to his mother's. Pale complexion, like both his parents. Sherlock's nose and cheekbones, and a smile very much like Natasha's. He'll wear button-down shirts, jumpers, and jeans, with a little leather coat and scarf. He also wears a watch, given to him by his parents as a coming of age gift. Personality: Sterling is an intellectually gifted child and a musical prodigy. He's very curious about the world around him, very imaginative, and usually enthusiastic about learning. He'll get excited about topics that interest him, read up on them, ask questions, and discuss what he's learned. He's not shy, but he can be on the quieter side if he feels he has nothing of value to ask or contribute to a conversation, and will prefer to listen. He's also perceptive. And though he's not afraid to ask questions about the things he perceives, he'll sometimes keep them to himself until he can figure them out on his own. When it comes to his family, Sterling absolutely adores them, and will often be physically affectionate with those he's closest to. He can be mischievous like his parents, but it's a mischief that usually translates into getting into and out of rooms and places to further investigate something he's curious about. Mischief with a purpose. He can also be a little messy, but it's a systematic sort of messy. He has an excellent memory and knows exactly where he's left everything. Sterling's interests usually center around all things science and music. He especially loves the violin because his father's playing was his very first introduction into the world of music he loves so much, but he's developed an interest in other instruments. He plays the piano, the cello, the electric cello, the guitar, aside from his violin. During his time in the Wasteland, with nothing on hand save his knife, wood, and the occasional animal bone, the list has expanded to include flutes, whistles, and drums, which he's made for himself, much like the American Native Americans did. He also enjoys composing and reading. Particularly about bugs (and specifically, butterflies), plants, music, musical instruments, fiction (leaning towards fantasy, and the occasional romance, because he's a curious child) and non-fiction biographies of scientists and composers. Currently, he speaks English, Russian, Klingon, with some French he's picked up from his family, but his preferred form of communication is music. History: Sterling was born to Sherlock Holmes and Natasha Romanov-Holmes during the world's Season 5, Episode 19, after the angel Hadriel healed his mother from an old surgery without her knowledge. Because of the world's extreme climate, he spent the better part of his first few weeks of life indoors, with his parents, family, and pets, with the occasional trip outside for bug hunting with his dad, snowball fights with his parents, and just running around and playing in the snow. It is perhaps one of the reasons he came to love science so much, and at such a young age. It opened up a whole world within a world for him, when his own was still technically very, very small. Sterling also came to love music, and would sit and listen to his dad playing the violin with an awestruck look on his face, later trying to recreate the melody with his toys. He had a gift for it. His very, very first violin was a gift from his dad, and it is his most loved possession. Some weeks before the change in setting, they all went to live with his Aunt Naomi, Uncle Mycroft, and his cousin, Zariah, whom he'd come to adore. Here Sterling learned to play the piano, and indulged his sneakier, stealthier, curious side, encouraged by both his parents, naturally. Despite having lost his house when a large chunk of moon fell on it and destroyed it, it was losing his dad that hit him the hardest. He cried until he returned, and even after, never really let go of his fear that it would happen again. The change in setting came as a new adventure. There were a lot of firsts. Trips to the beach, scavenger hunts with his parents, bug hunting with his dad, training with his mum, visits to the Hologram Cinema, horseback rides with Zariah, lots and lots of family dinners, even his first butterfly house. He explored the new world with all the curiosity of a little boy confined to snow for too long. Other firsts weren't as pleasant. Sterling came close to losing Zariah, and his own life, in the world's Inferno; watched his uncle die to save them from dangerous creatures; and suffered through an opioid overdose that hurt his parents as much, if not more, than it hurt him. He recovered with the love and support of his family. The setting changed again, and again it came as a new adventure. There was a new butterfly house from his dad, and it is where he spent the majority of his time, when he wasn't composing or leaning a new instrument, or spending time with Zariah, or getting swept into his parents games. CHARACTER TRACKER Character Name: William Sterling Romanov-Holmes Name Changes (e.g. due to marriage): None. Universe/Fandom: Worldborn Point in Fandom Taken From (e.g. first book): None. DOB/Age: November 26, 2016. Physically looks 18. Date/Episode Arrived: November 26, 2016. Season 5, Episode 19. Actor/Faceclaim: Nicholas Hoult House Description: Sterling lives with Zariah in a fairly big house near their parents. There is a barn and pasture for her horses, and Sterling has a butterfly house. * gifts-of-convergence.tumblr.com/post/172616182036/holmes-home-20-zariah-sterlings-afterlife Events In The Convergence: Season 5: Sterling was born to Sherlock Holmes and Natasha Romanov on November 26, 2016, during Season 5, Episode 19. Because of the world's extremely cold climate, he spent the better part of his first few weeks indoors with his parents and pets. It's perhaps one of the reasons he's come to love science so much. It opened up a whole new world for him when his own world was still technically very small. There was a lot of playing, reading, studying, and spending time with his family. As well as cultivating the musical talents he'd already developed at a young age. His very first violin was a gift from his dad. He treasures it above all his other instruments to this day. Sherlock and Natasha took Sterling out to play in the snow around the four-year mark, taught him about snowballs and snowball fights, and took him on many trips to the gardens to hunt for bugs and study plants. For a couple of weeks before the change in setting, after a piece of moon fell on their house and destroyed most of their belongings, Sterling and his parents went to live with his aunt Naomi, his uncle Mycroft, and his cousin Zariah. He was always good at getting into and out of places, but here he learned to be sneaky and cautious in his endeavors. He also learned to play the piano. Close to the end of the setting, he lost his dad for a couple of days. He eventually got him back, and his whole family was very supportive in the meantime, but he's since been scared of losing members of his family for good. Season 6: With the new setting came new adventures. Sterling acquired new instruments, started training with his mum, visited the gardens and went bug hunting with his dad. There were many firsts. Beach days, trips to the pool, learning to drive, many original compositions, including one for his dad's birthday, one for Zariah, and another for his mum. During Episode 3, he drank a potion and fiddled with the power to control sound waves for a week. Which was all kinds of fun to play with where music was concerned. He also had his very first birthday that same week and was given a beautiful watch by his parents, engraved with the words 'Forever ours' behind the watch face. Zariah gifted him an elegant leather journal. During Episode 5, Sterling believed he'd lived his whole life in the Convergence and had plans to become a concert musician once he graduated. Afterward, when his memories came back and he realized there'd be no such future for him here, he was very upset. His dad took him to the gardens to hunt for bugs in an effort to cheer him up, as well as sneakily catch a caterpillar for Sterling to observe at home. Sterling had the opportunity to see its whole lifecycle from beginning to end with his own eyes. The journal Zariah gave him is now full of copious notes and observations that he updates regularly. Towards the end of Episode 12, Sterling was accidentally triggered by Zariah and spent a long while recovering from the aftermath of an opioid overdose. He's since made up with his family and moved on. The Letters: Sterling has his mum and dad's determination and sense of adventure, and has taken to the world much the same way he took to the last, if not a little better. He was gifted a butterfly house by his dad, which he's kept track of in a new journal. He's developed friendships, with Henry and Barriss. He trains every day, and composes frequently, often inspired by the people in his life. Still, tragedy was never far away. Sterling 'lost' his mum during 'W is for Worrisome', and was completely shattered by the loss. While his dad tried to solve the mystery, he relied mostly on Zariah to cope. He barely ate, rarely slept, and scarcely looked out for himself, let alone his dad. She eventually came back, but Zariah's later loss only set him back further. He still has nightmares of both, but he's since tried his best to move on. The last few months have been filled with tending to his butterfly house, reading, riding, and walking with Zariah, playing games of chess with his Uncle Mycroft, training with his mum, music sessions with his dad and Aunt Eurus, getting tangled up in his parents games (because they insist on planting clues on him, so he never knows when he's going to be dragged out of bed at four in the morning, or be bodily searched for clue), and just trying to make the most of his last days with the people he loves most in the world. His parents may not be perfect people, or even perfect parents, but their love for him is in everything they do, and he wouldn't trade them for anything. He'll be heartbroken when they're gone. The Wasteland: After four months in The Wasteland, Sterling is looking a little scruffier than usual, complete with a five o'clock shadow, but he's kept as neat as the circumstances allow. He gets Zariah to cut his hair when his curls get too long. The first couple of months were the hardest. Sterling was withdrawn, quiet, coping with the loss of everything through silence, the physical comfort of his family and friends, and through entries in his journal. Occasionally, he'd sketch in the margins, same as he used to do with his butterflies, but with people. Most of the Worldborns are sketched into the pages. When animals finally arrived in the world, he took in Jackie and Basil. After scavenging for the appropriate materials, he also made musical instruments for himself using bone and wood, and kept them on a little shelf in the home he shared with Zariah. Butterflies reappeared in his journal. Eventually, he decided to build a new butterfly house, and did so with Mason's help. He remembered building his first with his dad, and the day his Sherlock unveiled the second, bigger, better one he'd built for him to cheer him up. After it was all built and ready to be filled with plants and butterflies, he sat in a little corner by himself, and had a long cry until Zariah came for him. Afterlife: Sterling has spent all his life fearing his lose his parents, and those fears had finally come true. When Zariah had delivered the news that people were starting to come back, while he'd been tending to his butterflies, he tried not to get his hopes up. That didn't work. They met their parents on the beach, the moment he laid eyes on his mum and dad, he crumbled in their arms. The fear was back full force. With Mary's disappearance, it only grew. He worried, he obsessed. Now he's doing a little better, and can usually be found in his dad's lab, in his own butterfly house, composing in room, riding with Zariah, or being a clue/clue-holder in one of his parents' games. On occasion, he'll have to sneak into his parents' house to steal back the dog and cat he's taken custody of. When he heard of Sherlock, Mycroft, and Eurus' encounter with the wyvern, he stole his dad away to take through one of the arches for some quality time, just the two of them. His mum came to keep an eye on them, just in case. He's had few friends, Mason and Zach being two of them, but his closest has been Barriss. After her second disappearance, he tried to make peace with the fact that they might not be friends like they used to, but now that she's come back again, he's hopeful. He's not entirely sure how to go about it, though. Advice will be solicited. He's been composing a lot since in an effort to figure it out. 12/31/2017 . Edited by [Gracie Holmes](/u/2398995/Gracie-Holmes), 7/30/2018 #16 [The Skittles Princess](/u/6307862/The-Skittles-Princess) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Genevieve Addison Dare Gender: Female Date Of Birth: August 29th, 2017 Parents: Eric Coulter & Kassandra 'Kasi' Dare Universe/Fandom of Parents: Divergent & Fox MCU (X-Men) Species: Mutant Powers/Abilities: Illusion Manipulation (Psychosomatic Illusion) Appearance: [ FC : Bridget Satterlee ] As a young child, Genevieve had bright hazel-green eyes and light blond hair. Throughout her infant years her eyes lightened to a more green colour. Not standing very tall, taking after her mother in height she only stood 5'5\" at the age of sixteen. Not that she had much problem with her height. Taking after her father, in her stance and the way she walked. She also has most of her father's stern, grumpy looking features. Her brows furrowed most of the time and her lips pursed. That didn't stop her from constantly smiling and laughing. As a teen, her hair and eyes darkened slightly making more of her features stand out. Her skin tone now less pale, darkened slightly from going out and playing in the sun when she could. Once Genevieve hit eighteen, the majority of her features heightened and suddenly she started to take more after her father. Her hair was still long and almost an auburn colour and Genevieve's eyes a hazel colour. Her cheekbones are sharp, making that one of her more noticeable features. She stands slightly taller than her mom at 5'5\" and a half. She's got a lean figure that is claud most of the time in dark clothes (which she took after her father being dauntless). Personality: Genevieve as a young girl, was more on the shy side. She clung to her parents for most of her younger years, shy and quiet but friendly to anyone her parents told her were family. As a she grew up she became more outgoing, wondering around to meet new people and not being afraid to crack a smile and joke at people she felt that might need it. She started to become more of an extrovert, someone who started talking to more people and someone who wasn't afraid to ask questions when she need clarification. Throughout her teen years, Genevieve became more of a social butterfly. She wanted to meet new people all the time and she wanted to explore the worlds. Both parents letting her do so, with their supervision - Genevieve easily picking up on different traits from her parents. She took after Eric, through some of his 'hard-ass' personality. Genevieve is not afraid to get in a fight - especially if she knows she can win. She took after her mother as well in the sense she's fun and keep her family close to her heart. If anyone hurts the people she loves, she'd destroy them. History: Genevieve Addison Dare was born on August 29th, 2017 to her two parents Eric and Kasi during The Twelfth Letter (Fifteen: O is for...O'clock). The first few faces the child of the mutant and dauntless leader saw was Pepper Potts, Minho and Arthur Pendragon. All three of which she proceeded to continuously see throughout most of her childhood. Her first few days in the world, were surrounded by both Eric and Kasi watching her every hour of the day, both new parents under stress of making sure they kept her as safe as possible. Genevieve became very familiar with the face of Pepper Potts, who was asked to be Genevieve's godmother. Pepper brought Bruno over the first few days of Genevieve's life, the little girl later on becoming very much in love with her first best friend in the world. As soon as Genevieve started learning how to walk and how to talk, she's been rather a handful for both parents. Genevieve being a curious little girl like most young children insisted that her father and mother take her out to explore the changing world constantly. While exploring with her mother, she met many new people including; Arthur Pendragon, Jem Carstairs (Uncle Jem), Tessa Grey (Aunt Tessa), Minho, Charlie Bradbury, etc. As she grew up, she started to become close with her godmother 'Aunt' Pepper, and Bruno her godmother's pet dog. Bruno was her first and still is her best friend. Genevieve became very close to Bruno, and she treasured him dearly. Pepper saw this and brought Genevieve a companion of her own.Jack, a brown labordoddle that she cherishes deeply. Her second best friend and protector. The pair are inseparable now that Genevieve was old enough to go out on her own. Both Jack and Genevieve were very much protected by Eric and Kasi - mainly because neither parent wanted to lose their daughter or the dog that they'd both grown just as attached to as Genevieve had. When Genevieve turned fourteen she started to develop her mutant powers, they suddenly appeared when Eric had eaten the cake. Genevieve had been concentrating so hard that an illusion of the cake appeared on the table, which scared both Eric and Genevieve at the time. Kasi later learnt of her daughter's mutant powers, and began to help their daughter understand how to use her powers. Though they didn't know the extent of her powers, they did know that she was a strong mutant - especially when it comes to illusions. Since then, Genevieve has constantly practiced and used her powers to get away with certain things she wouldn't have gotten away with if she hadn't had powers. If she uses too much of her powers she starts to develop an almost headache like feeling on the right side of her head - which can be very painful the stronger the illusion. Genevieve took to reading up what she could on her powers, and found out that with her powers she could get into peoples heads as well and make the illusions very painful for them. She compares this constantly to her dauntless roots, always saying that she couldn't have had a power that didn't include pain towards others. On the day of her eighteenth birthday she stopped aging, and her mother showed her how to fully control her powers. She didn't move away from home, and her and Jack still go out and explore the world together. CHARACTER TRACKER Character Name: Genevieve Addison Dare Name Changes in The Convergence (e.g. due to marriage): N/A Universe/Fandom: Worldborn (Parents from the FMCU and Divergent) Point in Fandom Taken From (e.g. First Book): N/A Date/Episode Arrived at The Convergence: August 29, 2017 (During Fifteen: O is for... O'Clock) Original Age (when they entered the world): Physically 18 years old at the end of the Letters Current Age: 19 years old Actor/Faceclaim: Bridget Satterlee House Description: TBA Events in The Convergence: The Letters * Born to Eric Coulter and Kassandra Dare on August 29, 2017, Genevieve grew up surrounded by love and family. She was taught everything her parents knew about the Convergence and the worlds it contained, with a particular focus on the worlds of Divergent and the FMCU. Her godmother, Pepper Potts, was a very familiar face to the young girl, and the three adults cared greatly for her. As a toddler, Gen grew attached to Bruno, Pepper's dog, prompting her godmother to bring home a dog for the girl as well - a labradoodle named Jack. As time passed, Genevieve became more and more independent and extroverted, enjoying meeting new people and making new friends. Her mutant power began emerging, and though she was afraid at first of hurting someone, Kasi assured her that it was alright and helped her learn to control it. Once she was more confident in her abilities, playing tricks on people with her illusions became a pastime of her's. She made several close friends once fully matured, including Georgina - aka Gigi - and Teddy, another mutant. Wasteland * Stepping through the door and arriving in the Wasteland rather than what she expected was an utter shock for Genevieve. For someone always surrounded by family and friends, it was new for Gen to be considerably alone, save for the other worldborns there. She had only one weapon - a plain pistol, which she began keeping on her person at all times. Though she did grow closer to the others there, befriending or at least speaking to the majority of them, she began relying on her illusions, using them to make it seem like her family was there. When it came to hunting as well, she began using her illusions, forcing down enemies with illusions of pain. It worked - most of the time. She did, however, die twice when she first began attempting it, resulting in a scar directly across her throat and one in the middle of her spine, as if someone had directly pierced it. When her home appeared, it was very plain, and Gen chose to leave it that way. The Afterlife * It was a shock to finally see people again - people other than worldborns. Reyna, a friend of hers, was the first person she saw, and she began waiting on the edge of Arcadia for a family member. She quickly found her godmother, Pepper (aka Aunt Pepper), followed by her friend Teddy and finally her father. However, there was no sign of her mother, and she began worrying that she wouldn't even arrive. Nearing the end of January, she was certain her mother wouldn't be coming back, and she went to tell Pepper along with her father. They discovered an interesting surprise there\u2014a baby on her godmother's doorstep, sent by the world. She swore to herself to be there for the little girl as she grew up. Vera Potts became somewhat like a younger sister to her, and she cared for her like family. When her father left, it was hard for Gen to leave the house and be the same cheery person she usually was. She'd always been very close to her father, and the shock of losing both her parents in the new world was difficult. With Pepper, Vera, and Teddy's help, she managed to get through it and returned to her regular self. February soon came around, and she and Teddy began dating after some emotional confessions. 12/31/2017 . Edited by [Gracie Holmes](/u/2398995/Gracie-Holmes), 7/21/2018 #17 [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Alara May Derek. Gender: Female. Date Of Birth: June 4th, 2017. Parents: Ben Derek (father) & Jenna Winters (mother). Universe/Fandom of Parents: Star Wars (father) & Supernatural (mother). Species: Humanoid. Powers/Abilities: Alara possesses a high level of midichlorians in her blood, something from her father's galaxy; because of their intense strength, she has the ability to tap into a living energy called the Force. The Force allows her to connect with life itself in various ways and heightens her reflexes, gives her a bit of a 'sixth sense' when it comes to danger, and allows her to learn to use various other abilities available to her the more she trains. Currently, Alara is able to use: * Telepathy - The ability to call and speak to other Force-sensitives. * Telekinesis - The ability to move things with her mind, without touching them. * Sense - Alara can sense danger when it is nearby, and also when familiar presences are nearing her, like her family. She can feel their emotions and their pain if strong enough, and everything is vice versa; she can project her own emotions and pain as well. Alara is constantly striving to access more of the Force for other gifts as well. Besides this, she also has learned hand-to-hand combat from her parents and her uncle, Callen Derek. She knows how to use various weapons, including guns, blasters, knives, and her lightsaber (a special laser sword from her father's world, which she built herself with an emerald blade). She's an agile girl who enjoys remaining active and thus, has a decent amount of physical strength and flexibility to her form. She has an acceptable level of stamina that she is always trying to improve in, through ways such as running or sparring with someone from her family. Naturally, Alara is more drawn to and talented in physical activities and sports than studies. She does, however, know literature, math, science, and other subjects in a basic curriculum taught to her by a variety of sources. Appearance: Alara Derek has inherited a great deal of her mother's appearance; including the thick, wavy, dark-brown hair and oval facial structure. Her eyes are her father's, a very bright and deep blue; these, nestled beneath dark locks, and accompanied with soft lips and a fair complexion, make her a handsome child. The illustration cannot be complete without dark eyebrows, long eyelashes, and a slender frame, filled out well with days she fills with physically-challenging activities, such as running and exploring. Her style of dress is not limited to one genre, though articles of clothing worn almost daily are a simple black leather jacket, and a cap upon her head. She also has a pair of favorite sneakers, some white converses. She might be seen in jeans and a crop top, a skirt and a casual tee, or a sundress and sandals. Overall, her clothing is practical but fitting to her sense of style that day. She is also never without some form of weapon, her lightsaber and/or a knife being the most common on her person. Personality: An extrovert, with the mind of a mature teenager who has only seen the world for a few months, Alara is curious but intelligent. Having grown so fast but existing so little, she manages to still see with childish wonder the awe of things like nature and the world around her. She is independent and in that sense, chooses her loyalties and will remain with them strongly. She loves with her whole heart, and nearly trusts an equal amount. Her vice is a quick temper and a swift inclination to sarcasm and wariness if she is given a reason to do so. Alara's personality type is ENFP - \"the campaigner.\" Words used to describe such a personality are: charming, independent, energetic and compassionate. Alara views the world as an intricate source but doesn't analyze the facts but rather the emotions. This mindset is amplified with her connection with the Force, that allows her emotions, heart, and mind to be linked with every living thing around her (to the extent the world allows). Strengths associated with an ENFP personality are: curiosity, being observant, energetic, knowing how to relax, and good communicators. Faults, however are: being easily stressed, difficulty in focusing, and being extremely emotional. History: The major events in the life of Alara May Derek can all be read HERE on her Character Tracker. 12/31/2017 . Edited 1/12/2018 #18 [Thelis Hanna](/u/4400116/Thelis-Hanna) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Ava Morgause Gorlois Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 29/11/2015, but is physically nineteen Parents: Gwaine and Morgana Pendragon Universe/Fandom: Merlin Species: Human/Witch Powers/abilities: Can do quite complex spells, not as powerful as her mother but is in no way weak. She highly educated when it comes to magic, having a high priestess as a mother and another as an aunt though unlike her mother and brother, is not a seer. Face Claim: Nicola Posener Appearance: Ava despite being born not long ago looks about nineteen and is about 5'6 with a well built body due to her mother's ambition to make her a great warrior. She has long straight brown hair that hangs just below her shoulders and has brown eyes that match her father's. She often wears it down and occasionally curls it. She has an oval face and is lightly tanned, thanks to her father and love for the outdoors. She usually wears jeans, and simple T-shirts unless in formal situations when she will attempt to steal her one of mother's gowns. She wears an anti-possession necklace given that Jenna gave to her while she was a baby. Personality: Ava is a bit of a mix between her parents. She loves the same humour as her dad and can't stay inside for too long, always needing to be doing something practical. But after events such as Uther and Sarrum, Ava has become a bit more protective, getting her mother's spirit and not being afraid to speak her mind. She does, however, keep such things like sadness private, believing she needs to be strong for Braedon who is a bit more senstitive. Ava is straightforward, sarcastic and is nearly always in the mood to laugh. Ava is obsessed with archery and is hardly ever, seen in public without a bow. She is fit, spending most of her time training. Due to her childhood, her accent is a mixture of Irish and American. History: Ava was born during Season Three, Episode Nineteen: Forest Escapades. Her parents are Sir Gwaine of Camelot and the Lady Morgana, leader of the Saxons and High Priestess of the old religion, both are from Merlin. Despite her mother being a Pendragon, she was given the surname Gorlois as her mother despised the name due to Uther Pendragon's actions and believed her step/adoptive father Gorlois was more of a parent. Soon after her birth she began growing quickly becoming a few months old after only one week of life and gained magic quite quickly, around when she was the physical age of eight. Uther showed up in that first week which caused fear for Ava's safety and Morgana tried to keep her hidden. Luckily, his visit was short. Ava was immediately put into hiding once Sarrum showed up and had lost a lot of her social life/friends during that time. Her time in hiding became even longer when Uther showed up again causing trouble for her family. Once she was free, she met Michael the archangel and quickly formed a friendship (and crush). The friendship turned out to be quite dangerous with demons constantly attacking her family. Due to some other issues, she lost her friendship with Michael. She became an elder sister when Braedon was born and loves him dearly, even with a few dramas in the past. Ava moved in with her long-term boyfriend Minho after a bigger fight among the family but hen things settled, she spent a lot of her time back at her parent's house. Seeing Braedon suffer from nightmares, she often wishes she could take his place in the curse. 12/31/2017 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 12/31/2017 #19 [ALazyGeek](/u/2554469/ALazyGeek) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Oscar George Bell-Weasley Gender: Male Date Of Birth: December 31st, 2016 Parents: Fred Weasley and Katie Bell Universe/Fandom(s) of Parents: Harry Potter Species: Squib Powers/Abilities (if applicable): N/A Appearance: [FC: Rhys Matthew Bond] Taking most of his features from his mother, Oscar has dark brown hair, which is almost constantly styled so that it sticks up. His eyes could arguably be from either parent, though they're closer to his mother's in colour, while the shape more closely resembles his father's. He stands at around 5'9 and has an average build. His skin is quite pale, something that again was almost inevitable to be passed down to him from his parents. His day-to-day clothes consist mainly of jeans and t-shirts, sometimes with a leather jacket thrown over the top, if he's going out. He opts for darker colours more often than not, even though it doesn't seem to match the weather very well. Personality: In only a handful of words, Oscar would likely be described as quiet and a bit of an awkward dork. He isn't exactly shy, thanks to who his parents are and how they raised him, but he can be hesitant or awkward when interacting with others initially due to the fact he worries he'll be judged for his lack of abilities, or for his overall self, mainly stemming from the fact he doesn't have magic, unlike the rest of his family. One of the best things about him though is his loyalty and love for his entire family. Even if he doesn't have the same abilities as them, he'd be willing to do anything for them in a heartbeat. To compensate for his lack of magic, Oscar is determined to find different means of proving himself, expressing this mainly through gathering as much information as he can about the world and the various universes through research. Although much of this comes from books, he's also more tech-savvy than the rest of his family because of the fact he finds it so beneficial, the Internet being almost like his own version of magic. He smiles a lot and isn't quick to pass judgement on people, willing to give anyone a chance. It is important to note, however, that Oscar is the type of person to keep his emotions bottled up. Any sadness is likely to gradually turn into anger, and will eventually burst forth in a rather emotional explosion. Of course, this doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's very expressive. He's also aware of his fragility compared to those he's surrounded by, History: Oscar was conceived, and later born, as a result of a drunken one night stand between his parents, Katie Bell and Fred Weasley. Classier still, he was born in a hotel on New Year's Eve, 2016. Despite the fact his parents weren't together, the three of them lived as a family unit, and it took a while for Oscar to realise this wasn't typically the case. Aside from being born during the New Year's party, Oscar was raised in the sixth world. At a young age, he was given his Bernese Mountain Dog, Gavin, who he has grown with and adores. At no point in his childhood did Oscar show any signs of having magic, something which aroused suspicion in his parents initially but didn't become actual, recognised Squibness until he looked around 9 years old. It was at this time his parents broke the news to him that it was extremely unlikely he'd ever display magical traits, and was a Squib. This was a key moment in Oscar's life, as it shaped who he was as a person. Even now, nearly fully grown, it weighs quite heavily on his mind. When he was around 4 months old, Oscar's mother left the world, something that upset him quite a lot, though he tended to try and hide it and act as much like his normal self as possible. To compensate for the loss, his dad acquired a new dog, this time a Westie, which Oscar named Michael. From this point onward, it was only the four of them living in their flat, and then when they moved to the seventh world they acquired an adaptable cottage on D\u00f9rachd, near the rest of their family. Unfortunately, in the later months of the seventh world, Oscar's dad also left The Convergence, leaving him without either of his parents. This led to him moving in with his aunt, Taylor, his two cousins Matt and Riley, and his adopted cousin, Sky. Of course, his dogs came with him too. Although he was at first heartbroken and felt a bit awkward living in their house, he soon settled in and enjoyed decorating the cottage for Christmas. Not long before his first birthday, Oscar stepped through the door and landed in a wasteland, with the rest of the Worldborns. His life from this moment onward can be found here. 12/31/2017 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 12/31/2017 #20 [x.GalaxyQueen.x](/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Matthew Arthur Weasley, (Matt, Matty) Gender: Male Date Of Birth: 31st January 2016 Parents: George Weasley and Taylor Weasley Universe/Fandom of Parents: Harry Potter Species: Pureblood Wizard Powers/Abilities: Typical wizarding abilities. Appearance: (FC: Callan McAucliffe) Matthew has wavy dark brown, almost black, hair that he wears moderately short. He has warm brown eyes, an almost exact copy of his fathers and has a bit of stubble around his chin. He stands moderately tall at around 5'11, with a lithe but muscular body. He has a wide grin, which can be cheeky, but his face is obviously soft and kind, with hints of mischief in his expression. The tips of his ears have a habit of turning red, especially when embarrassed. His clothing of choice is usually jeans and a black jacket - which he usually wears with a blue scarf and a beanie. Personality: Matt is incredibly kind, happy and carefree. He has the cheekiness, moderate rebellious streak and stubbornness that comes from his Weasley genes, though he also inherited Taylor's blunt attitude. As a worldborn child, he doesn't always understand the danger that comes from the real world and morality is somewhat a grey area. Death especially is something beyond his understanding. Although not academically the brightest when it comes to muggle science and technology, he is slowly becoming a skilled and knowledgeable wizard and is curious about learning new things. Although slightly quieter than his sister, he has no problems going along with her schemes and the two are incredibly close. ENFJ - The Giver/Protagonist : Popular and sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from the human angle, and dislike impersonal analysis. Very effective at managing people issues, and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others, and probably place the needs of others over their own needs. History: Matthew and his twin sister, Riley, were born to George and Taylor Weasley. He had a fairly lonely upbringing, though he had his sister and parents and godmother and learnt a lot through exploration. Their parents raised them to have an educated view of the world, making sure they were capable of witchcraft and teaching them as any other child of their home world would be. This means he has a fairly limited view of the usual 21st technology in the world. He was born in the fourth world, enjoying the sun and was almost always outside exploring the beach. It became his home and he developed a close relationship with another worldborn child, Isabelle Fitzsimmons, that he has a massive crush on but has trouble sorting out all the new feelings. He had no choice but to go through the 'On' door into the 5th world, almost dying of the cold as he did so. In this world, his father left which was devastating, but Matthew felt as if he had to stay strong for his mother and sister, and did his best to keep things the way they were. He has had many mishaps over the two years he has been alive, dying twice to protect his family most notably, leaving him with a hatred of the cold. He also met a girl named Sky Smith who he brought home and she soon became his sister. 12/31/2017 . Edited by [xX Liza Xx](/u/3803024/xX-Liza-Xx), 1/1/2018 #21 [jeremy jordan can't dance](/u/4671294/jeremy-jordan-can-t-dance) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Isabelle Nicole Fitz-Simmons Gender: Female Date Of Birth: March 12, 2016 Parents: Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons Universe/Fandom of Parents: Marvel Cinematic Universe Species: Human Powers/Abilities: Izzy has magical capabilities, having learned originally from her cousin Peter Pan, expanding on such in the wasteland. Appearance : (FC: Kiernan Shipka) Izzy looks much like her mother, with bright brown eyes and a wide smile. She's stopped growing at the short height of 5'2\", but she's still feisty as ever. Her dirty blonde hair has become rather frizzy with the months of living in the wasteland, reaching past her shoulders but not quite touching her elbows; she plans on keeping it more natural from now on. Her once-sparkling enthusiasm has dimmed, also revealed in her resting expression. Months of living in an abandoned world have affected her greatly. She has a scar that stretches across her abdomen originating from a rather awful attack that tore a rift between herself and her brother. Izzy has taken to wearing darker colors, almost taking some hints from her lost cousin, Peter. Underneath it all, she always wears a lovely necklace and bracelet given to her by Aunt Jenna, along with a small anti-possession charm from her parents. She always keeps a small dagger on her (one given to her by her cousin Peter), just in case things get hairy. Personality: Izzy is a very observant, clever, and inquisitive young woman. Smarter than average, thanks to her fantastic parents and their teachings, she grew up looking up to those with big hearts and even greater minds as role models. Before the wasteland, she tended to rattle on about things she loves, and defended them just as well. However, the wasteland dulled her enthusiasm, replacing such with a somewhat colder personality. Death, loss, and constant pain have affected her greatly, and it will take the love of her family to truly get her back to her happier self. She is also an out-of-the-box ENFP, which is described as such: Campaigners are fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, they crave creativity and freedom. Although hers is a turbulent personality, and she often can change, her energy and spunkiness will always keep her going. History: Izzy was born on March 12, 2016, to Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. When only a young girl, she experienced her first big \"change\" thanks to the Convergence, with all her memories changed. She didn't like it, and felt a little violated upon returning to her original state of mind. Since then, she's been increasingly curious about the world, not treating it like \"just where she grew up\" but a curious and slightly frightening place to live. At around the physical age of ten, she discovered the tombstones. Her parents explained the world to her in more fullness, which certainly made her all the more afraid for herself, though with another feeling as well: determination. She wasn't going to end up like the others; she was going to live on. Upon learning her father had been possessed, she had her first real moment of doubt and fear. Real fear. She's gotten over it, somewhat, though it still itches in the back of her mind, and perhaps she is more wary of things. Growing up, her family had been impervious superheroes, but now she knew that they were just like the others\u2014human. Which she began to doubt she was herself, though she obviously was just that, if not a little different in other ways. When the world changed, Izzy was not ready to be thrust into snow. She was also not ready to be thrust into her first overwhelmingly human experience: developing a crush on Matthew Weasley. Whilst dealing with frigid temperatures and big time emotions, Izzy continued to grow mentally and learns plenty, even if that meant freezing a little now and then. It wasn't until months after her birth that the next big shocker came: she was to be a big sister. Her little brother, Zachary Michael Fitz-Simmons, was born on September 11 of the same year of her birth. She has always been very protective of him (in an older sister sort of way), even once he grew both taller and physically older than her (only by some inches and a year). She will do anything to protect those she loves, which has meant some close calls in the past. A more in-depth look at her life in the Convergence can be seen here. Izzy takes great delight learning anything she can, and has learned French, Mandarin Chinese (thanks to Daisy), Sokovian (some, thanks to Wanda), German, and some bits of Latin and Greek. 12/31/2017 #22 [Xx-I Am Combat Ready-xX](/u/4970858/Xx-I-Am-Combat-Ready-xX) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Kendra Claire Watson Gender: Female Date Of Birth: April 30th, 2017 Parents: John and Mary Watson Universe/Fandom of Parents: Sherlock Species: Human Powers/Abilities (if applicable): N/A Appearance:Kendra has long blond hair that she likes to streak different colours, her hair has a slight wave to it. She has blue eyes just like her parents. Because of her parents, she's also not very tall being only 5'3''.Kendra is an average weight for her height weighing 124 pounds. Due to training with her mum and just generally staying active she has slight muscles and is fairly tanned. Kendra doesn't have a set style really, she loves dresses and flowery outfits as well as t-shirts and shorts. She likes wearing a lot of green, purple and red. Personality: Kendra may have gotten a bit too much of her parents (And Uncle Sherlocks) adventurous personality. A Genuinely curious person she enjoys learning new things and going on adventures with her family. She is very ambitious and often thinks she can do more than what she actually can do. Unlucky for her parents Kendra inherited her father's temper. She is quite hot-headed and stubborn,and very loyal to those she cares about family or otherwise. Very kind hearted and welcoming unless she's been told about, or knows a person is dangerous she will strive to become friends with them. History: Kendra was born in the sixth season. Growing up she spent a lot of time with her parents, Uncle Sherlock and her cousins Sterling (Who she grew very attached to) and Zariah As a child she loved princesses and pirates. The first big incident in her life was when Magnussen showed up in the world when she was around four. That showed her a side of her mum she hadn't seen before and scared her. As she got older and learned just what type of person Magnussen was she understood why her mother acted the way she did. She started training with different weapons and hand to hand fairly young, her family wanting to be able to keep herself safe should she run into trouble. In the Letters Kendra was nearly grown, and started branching out more. Meeting a few friends and eventually her first boyfriend Harry Hook. She an Harry did not get along at first, though he started to grow on her and apparently she him.It was only after she was fully grown that she was allowed on the other island and that was still only with somebody from her family. Still that wasn't without risks. During H is for Heal Sherlock took Kendra over to explore the shipwreck and they were attacked by the dragon. Kendra was very injured. Thankfully with Sherlock she was able to be healed as they went back over. In the finales of the Letters Kendra was a lot quieter and withdrawn, she was scared to lose everyone she loved. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing she ever experienced. 1/1/2018 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 1/1/2018 #23 [Xx-I Am Combat Ready-xX](/u/4970858/Xx-I-Am-Combat-Ready-xX) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Rowan Aiden Johnson Gender: Male Date Of Birth: September 10th 2017 Parents: Andera\"Anthea\" Johnson Universe/Fandom of Parents: Sherlock Species: Faerie (TMI) Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Faerie magic, heightened senses and reflexes Appearance:Rowan has longer crimson hair that has a wild look to it, looking almost unkempt. When training he wears it in a ponytail, otherwise he leaves it down. Rowan has bright green eyes that seem to have a spark of mischief in them. Being a Faerie means he has an an unnatural grace about him, very tall standing at 6'6 and pale skin he has lean muscle from his training with Vallyun. Rowan wears a lot of different clothes and doesn't really have a set style though he does prefer wearing loose clothing and his favourite colours green, blue and brown. He only wears one piece of Jewelry, like most Fae it's made out of some form of nature, his is a bracelet made from sticks he made himself. Personality: Loyalty is one of Rowans defining traits, he will do anything to protect the people he cares about, especially his mother. When it comes to his beliefs and choices he is very stubborn and wont sway. He has a certain way with words, knowing how to talk around the truth as he can't explicitly lie. He tends to keep his worries bottled up, much like his mother and doesn't like to make people worry, pretending to be fine even when he isn't. He's pretty mild mannered and polite even towards people he doesn't like. Rowan tries to be cautious when he can not wanting to die. History: Rowan was born/gifted in the Letters M is for Millennium, being the second child given to a parent from the world. Rowan's life has been for he most part uneventful. Born as a gift from the wishing well Rowan has no father and his mother is Anthea. However, unlike Anthea he isn't human, he's a Faerie from The Mortal Instruments. When he was around the Physical age of 3 his powers started to manifest, and Anthea was having a hard time helping him control it. Though eventually, they did meet Vallyun, a Faerie as well who was more than willing to help him not only gain control of his abilities but also learn about what it meant to be a Faerie. As time went on Rowan viewed Vallyun as almost a father figure and grew close to Magnus as well. Th only inncident that happened to him was a vampire attack by Klaus Mikaelson. He was found by Magnus and Vallyun and healed. During the finally Rowan acted like he was fine, not wanting to worry anyone. He didn't want to say goodbye 1/1/2018 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 1/1/2018 #24 [x.GalaxyQueen.x](/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x) MINOR CHARACTER Full Name: Dominique Weasley Gender: Female Date of Birth: 2nd August 2004 Universe/Fandom: Harry Potter/Next Gen Role in Canon: Dominique is the second daughter and middle child of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. She has an elder sister, Victoire, and a younger brother, Louis. Species: Witch, 1/8 Veela Appearance: (FC: Indiana Evans) Dominique is naturally very beautiful, due in part to her Veela heritage. Her hair is golden blonde, with the slightest hints of red tones, and hangs in waves to the bottom of her ribcage. She is 5 foot 4, (1.65m) and slender, with lightly tanned, but fair, skin. She has big, expressive blue eyes - almost an exact copy of her fathers and a soft, fairly round, face. Dominique is fairly girly, taking a lot of pride in her appearance. She barely ever goes out without at least natural makeup on, and she never has a hair out of place. Her wardrobe usually includes summer dresses, and high-waisted skirts and blouses - which now they are in a winter world, includes thick patterned tights, a white coat which belts at the waist and on occasion, skinny jeans. Personality: Dominique is very expressive, her emotions are clear to read on her face and in her eyes. She is very kind and empathic and is always there as a shoulder to cry on and the first to celebrate her friends and families achievements. She is very motherly and caring to those she loves, especially looking out for her younger cousins, and is very affectionate which shows through hugging, kisses, handholding, etc. She has a strong sense of adventure, but would rather sit back on the sidelines and let others take the spotlight while she assists. Her loyalty and kindness to those she loves could rival that of a Hufflepuff, but her bravery and determination placed her in Gryffindor. She would do anything for her family, even if that meant sacrificing her morals, health and happiness. She can be very stubborn, wanting to get her way through either subtle hints or just putting her foot down and sassy when she's comfortable enough to drop the mask. She gets jealous very easily, especially over her sister who has always overshadowed her with the perfect grades, boyfriend and social life, and when her friends or boyfriend is hanging out with people, she doesn't know or trust herself. This comes from her insecurities over being part Veela and constantly being worried that people are only near her for her appearance and would leave her instantly when a better offer came along. In typical Weasley fashion, she has an explosive temper which can be very destructive and harmful, and when she is mad, she tends to say a lot of things she doesn't mean. Dominique is very close to her parents, especially Bill as she is a complete Daddy's girl. James Sirius is one of her best friends, as they practically grew up side by side. Wand: Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 12 and a quarter in length with slightly yielding flexibility. (A Pearwood wand does best in the hands of the warm-hearted and wise, owners are usually popular and well-respected. A unicorn core remains faithful to the owner and strongly attached.The flexibility shows readiness to adapt, but still to stand strong when necessary) History: Dominique's very first memory is being sat in the garden of the Burrow and making mudpies with James. She spent a lot of her childhood following him into schemes and pranks, but often with an air of caution. She had a very happy life, getting on well with her family and making friends easily, she was always incredibly close to all her cousins if they let her. Although never really being into Quidditch so much herself, she was her families biggest supporter during any of the matches she saw. She has been bilingual since she learnt to talk and switches between French and English very quickly - especially when she is excited or emotional. She was sorted into Gryffindor alongside James at Hogwarts, and was fairly intelligent in class, enjoying Potions and Transfiguration. She also favoured Ancient Runes as she enjoyed the academic challenge of the subject and translating the texts between languages. Although never getting into trouble much herself, she often helped James and their other friends out with pranks in secret and had been known to sneak out to Hogsmeade now and then. She was made a Gryffindor prefect in her 5th year but was always fairly generous and lenient when it came to the younger years and her friends. She has aspirations to be a Healer once she leaves school and helps out in the Hospital Wing a couple of days a week as practice for this. She was taken from the very beginning of her seventh Hogwart's year, just a couple of weeks after her 17th birthday. 1/1/2018 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 1/1/2018 #25 [imaani.m](/u/7772785/imaani-m) ORIGINAL CHARACTER Full Name: Logan Miles Gender: Male Date Of Birth: 27 February 1981 (Age: 17 - taken from 6th year at Hogwarts) Universe/Fandom: Harry Potter Species: Wizard Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Clever wizard who can perform most 7th year spells with ease. He's a pure blood, and practises spells and broom-stick flying often. Quidditch is a strength, along with Transfiguration and Charms, but Herbology is his greatest weakness. Appearance: [Faceclaim: Munro Chambers] Logan is around 1.7 m in height, with black, almost midnight blue, hair and green eyes. His hair, which he sees as one of his best features, is grown to the bottom of the back of his neck, and he rocks a side-swept fringe. His eyes are, as described by his mother, sea-green and bright, and his lashes are considerably long and thick. He has a recognisable grin, and dimples. His face is diamond-shaped and he's quite pale, with a few scattered freckles which can only be seen up close. He also wears a black stud earring in his right earlobe. He has a lean body shape, with full shoulders and a flat, if not toned, stomach (with Quidditch to thank). When he appears in the Convergence, he is in his Slytherin house Hogwarts robes. Casually, he wears edgy styled attire such as black jeans and a black turtle-neck long sleeved top, hoodies, tight jeans, things laced in chains, stripes and tears. For shoes, he likes to wear black trainers, but mostly he can be seen in ankle-high, high, Doc Martin style boots of dark or sharp colours. His style is almost gothic, but is toned down by his green (house pride, he knows) watch and studded ring from his mother. He also wears black eyeliner under his lower eyelids, and often will paint his nails black. On both wrists he wears black wristbands, and his jeans have hanging off them metal chains. Personality: Logan is definitely mysterious. Not the mysterious as in shy, quiet and resevered, but in the sense that when he talks to you one-on-one, he comes up close, his speech almost slurred, and there is a glint in his eyes which suggest secrecy and excitement. He is quite the chatterbox when he wants to be, but that's only when the topic is hot, otherwise his demeanour is very much bored and uninterested - and he won't fail to show you that through body language, such as resting his chin on his hand (if he's sitting down, of course), or casting his gaze elsewhere. He likes to smile and laugh, because he likes to come across as exciting, though really, he is quite emotional. If he is upset, he's very upset; this usually comes out as extreme anger, or extreme anxiety. On the other hand, when he's excited or happy, he laughs a lot, grins, even giving the friendly nudge to random people. His character is considerably complex; he almost picks and chooses who he pays interest to, the rest getting the I-don't-care treatment. Logan is also quite contemplative: if he doubts something, he most likely will strongly deny it, because he knows that he gets stressed out easily and doesn't want to have to turn into the emotional mess he can be. He prefers to be careless, laid back, and thrilled. Excitement and mystery, on top of adventure, is his middle name. He is a pure-blood, and belongs to the Slytherin house, but this doesn't make him sly and snappy, or a spoilsport, as the stereotypes go. He takes on a competitive nature due to his love for Quidditch, but isn't biased or judgemental, meaning he certainly isn't one to hate someone just because of their status (he's had multiple crushes on Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, by the way). Taking after his parents, Logan likes to keep a circle of friends, with whom he can be himself with. He likes to shout and be a nuisance in public sometimes, but he is a teenager, and, hormones. Though when walking alone, he's more curious, his sea-green eyes seem to glow when he is seeking excitement and thrill. History: Logan grew up as an only child to Natalie and Felix Miles. His humble parents were both extroverted pure-bloods, who showered Logan in attention and affection. They own a family-friendly pub in Hogsmeade, in which Logan had been helping at from the age of 10, in terms of cleaning up for pocket money, which he would spend mostly on sweets from Honeydukes with his two friends. Despite being accepting, however, Natalie and Felix had little connection to non pure-bloods, leading to Logan only really being surrounded by witches and wizards of his own status. The biggest excitement for Logan while waiting for his letter from Hogwarts, was being able to branch out to other, different kinds of students all over the wizarding world. Logan, along with only one other of his friends, was sorted into Slytherin. He saw it coming, because his Mother was a Slytherin, and he took a lot of his attributes from her. Though, despite his ambitions to make new friends, Logan spent the first few weeks of his school life hanging out with the same friends from back home. In the following weeks, Logan had finally found his more sociable side, and branched out to others. He also became quite the trouble maker. However, it was only the harmless type of trouble, and it was all in his favour since most of the teachers had grown to like him because of his determination in class. In Logan's second year, his passion for Quidditch had grown considerably. He was the seeker of his team, and found most of his happiness in game. During tournaments especially, Logan had a real competitive side. On of his worst memories to this day occurred in his third year, where his team had lost miserably due to his slip-up. Reflecting his emotional side, Logan had a break-down, including a lot of shouting, and the tackling of a player from the opposing Ravenclaw team. Logan had happened to have sent Belle into a mild concussion, of course feeling utterly guilty soonafter having arrived back at his senses; his frequent visits to the Hogwarts hospital during that time also led to the pair's unlikely friendship, and eventually the pair began dating. The couple lasted until their fifth year, where Belle had decided to break up with him in order to focus more on her studies, after her parents' warning to do so. Despite seeing no justice in this - because she was one of the smartest people he knew - Logan agreed, as long as the pair could still be friends, and that it wouldn't be awkward between them. Logan's fifth and sixth year revolved around hard revision. Logan had developed his love for transfiguration and charms in these years, but also his hatred for Herbology. However, studies were interrupted during the battle of Hogwarts. During the battle, he was in his 6th year, an had no idea where his parents were. After fighting amongst two of his friends and damaging his left leg, Logan, under the heat, was about to join Voldemort's side with the rest of the Slytherins when he was pulled into The Convergence. 1/1/2018 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 2/4/2018 #26 [dalishdovahkiin](/u/4291958/dalishdovahkiin) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Kalina Rose Mikaelson-Petrova Gender: Female Date of Birth: 23rd July, 2017 (Physically 18) Parents: Katherine Pierce & Elijah Mikaelson Universe/Fandom of Parents: The Vampire Diaries & The Originals Species: Witch (The Vampire Diaries) Powers/Abilities: Though she may not seem like it, Kalina is a relatively powerful witch. As a witch from The Vampire Diaries she has various powers she could use, but Kalina tends to focus on telekinesis and the ability to control the elements. She has all but mastered these two powers and can use them with ease. Her ability to use chlorokinesis (the ability to control and manipulate plants) and of electrokinesis (the ability to control and manipulate electricity) stem from her being able to control the main four elements, but it takes more out of her to use the two of these branches of magic. Pain infliction, divination, spell casting, and potion making are subjects she hasn't learned or has no interest in learning, preferring to focus on the elements and telekinesis. Appearance: Though Kalina arrived in the world as a newborn baby, she has the appearance of an older teenager. She stands at about 5'3\" and has a slim, slightly curvy build. Her skin is naturally tan, but with the amount of time she spends out in the sun her skin is roughly a shade darker than her natural complexion. She has long and naturally wavy hair that falls to just below her shoulders, the color being a dark brown that seems to be a shade lighter in the sunlight. Her eyes are very warm and expressive, the color of them being close to the shade of dark chocolate. She has a small birthmark on her left hip that's close to the size of a misshapen coat button. She has a few different scars dotted along her body from her time in the Wasteland, but aside from these there aren't any markings on her skin. Much to the dismay of her mother and sister, Kalina has a very casual sense of fashion and isn't one for dressing up in the slightest. More often than not you'll find her in a pair of cut-off jean shorts and a take top or loose t-shirt with a pair of sandals, but it's not uncommon to see her with a light jacket or buttoned shirt tied around her waist. Whenever the weather calls for it she will wear jeans and her favorite hooded black trench coat. She's hardly ever seen without a floral print hat that she tends to wear backwards. Kalina doesn't wear or own much jewelry, the only real piece of jewelry she owns is a silver and sapphire ring that was given to her by her father, but she often wears colorful cloth bracelets that she's made herself. [FC: Camila Cabello] Personality: For the most part it would be hard to believe that Kalina is related to the people she is related to, purely because she is the exact opposite of them. She's a very kind person by nature, and though being kind, patient, and compassionate is very much a part of who she is, it was influenced by a need to make up for what she considers her parents' mistakes. She loves the idea of life, she loves living her life to the fullest and she loves to watch others do the same. She's very adventurous and explores every bit of the world she can because of how curious she is about the world around her. She's very outgoing and can hold a conversation with pretty much anyone she meets unless they're truly not interested in speaking to her. She's not a genius by any means, but she's knowledgeable in most subjects. She's a very loyal person; though she disagrees with practically every choice her family members made in their home worlds she would still defend them and would risk her life for them if she needed to despite knowing they would come back and she wouldn't. She's a bit of a rambler when she's comfortable around a person. It is extremely hard to get Kalina truly mad, but when someone does she is just as cold and ruthless as her parents and is not someone that you want on your bad side. Kalina's interested are extremely varied. She's visits the beach at least once a day and collects seashells and other little stones and gems she finds in the water or sand. She loves the subjects of history and English literature, but she likes to study all sorts of myths and legends as well. She loves exploring and likes to just pack a bag and go out all day, snapping pictures and taking little notes as she goes along. She's very artistic and creative; she loves to make her own colorful bracelets, tie-dye her own shirts and pillows and blankets and other things along those lines, and make abstract drawings and doodles on whatever surface available. She's fluent in English, Bulgarian, and Latin, with the third being learned out of curiosity and not because of her parents like the other two. She likes to garden and grows her own vegetables and some fruits, as well as flowers because she loves the colors and smells. History: Unlike every worldborn child before her Kalina wasn't actually born to her parents, and instead was delivered to their doorstep on the morning of July 23rd, 2017. Her older sister Nadia was the one who found her, having been on her way to join Katherine and Elijah for breakfast. It was a bit of a shock to the two of them, not having expected it in the slightest. But within minutes, Kalina had been taken in by the two of them without a second thought. Growing up, Kalina was always trying to do something fun. She'd get her parents or sister to take her out on a walk, would try and sneak ice cream for every meal and snack she was given, would spend hours drawing with her markers at the coffee table, and would even use her father's pet wolf Posey as a horse and ride on his back in the front yard when she was small enough. She'd get someone to read to her whenever she wanted to be held, and her love of stories began when her father first began reading Treasure Island to her. The first time in her life that she was truly affected by the world was when she woke up and went to get breakfast in the kitchen because her father always made breakfast and it was always done before she woke up; that was just how things went. But when she got into the kitchen, her father wasn't there. She looked around and grew more panicked with each room she searched and didn't find him in, and when she finally looked on the plaque outside of the house and saw that his name was gone, she broke down right then because she knew her father was gone. Things were hard for Kalina after that. A part of her feared how her mother would handle him being gone, but once her mother reassured her that they would be okay she was simply numb from how much she missed her father. He was her best friend and she was his little rose. She knew that if he ever came back, it would be different, and this wasn't something she wanted to accept. She started getting nightmares after he left, and on most nights when she got them she ended up sleeping next to her mother to feel safe. It was only when Kalina met another worldborn; a girl by the name of Alara Derek, did Kalina feel less numb about her father's disappearance. The world made the two girls platonic soulmates and there was an instant connection to each other, but even without that Kalina was sure that they would've become friends. This was the first time she had ever met another child from the world, and even though they arrived in different ways Kalina still wanted to know everything she could about being a worldborn. Kalina's life became relatively uneventful after this. When the world broke the connection between her and Alara she still felt that the girl was her friend, and found friends in various others as well. Her sister had moved in with her and her mother, something that Kalina was grateful for as it made the house feel less empty. She started getting out more again after this, having truly missed seeing new things in the world and meeting new people. Everything was fine for a while, the world went on and she experienced different phases it put her through, but they were all pretty easy to get through and didn't bother her much. There was a phase that made everyone extra tired, and this was fine for Kalina as she usually slept until the afternoon anyways. She didn't mind it, she just cuddled with Posey and slept, and occasionally got out and met some new people. But then one morning during this phase, she woke up to her mother and sister arguing about their lives in their world, and everything became too much. She had just started feeling better. and they were talking about her mother letting her sister die, and between the arguing itself and the topic they were discussing, it all just became too much too fast. Before she knew it, something just snapped inside of her, and a flower pot was slung from the kitchen window all the way across the room to crash into the wall. She ran as soon as she realized what had happened. She couldn't stay in the house and face them, not after she had done something that could have hurt them. They'd heal from a flower pot crashing into them and she knew that, she wasn't dumb after all, but that wasn't the point. The point was, she was potentially dangerous, and she didn't want to hurt them, so she went to the one place she knew she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone and went to the Waterfall Cave. Her mother found her there, she could've spent minutes or hours in the cave before her mother found her but she didn't know how long it had been. By the time she was found she was shaking and on the verge of more tears, but her mother managed to talk to her and get her to go home with her. She spent her time inside again after this, not wanting to risk getting overwhelmed and hurting someone else again. Because her sister knew her and was her friend, Kalina then met Morgana, and the woman taught her a few things to help her control her magic. They weren't the same type of witch, but there were enough similarities between them that Morgana could help her. When she felt relatively comfortable with her control over her magic, which all she could truly do at that time was not have random outbursts but that was enough for her, she started going out again and stopped hiding away in her house. This was when the world began it's countdown to what she felt was destruction, and Kalina rushed to explore as much as she could before she died. She didn't think there were any other options for her. She would die, and her mother and sister would go home and eventually die as well. She didn't have any hope for their survival; she didn't see it happening so she knew not to get her hopes up. She'd done that a hundred times over through looking into her mirror and wanting to see her father, but ended up being left with nothing. She didn't want to experience that with her mother and sister as well, so she didn't. She enjoyed what time she had left with them, then watched as they went through the door, and once they were gone she went home and waited. What she was waiting for she wasn't sure, but she was ready for the world to end. She just wasn't ready for the world to begin again. 1/1/2018 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 1/1/2018 #27 [dalishdovahkiin](/u/4291958/dalishdovahkiin) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Zachary Michael Fitz-Simmons Gender: Male Date of Birth: 11th September, 2016 Parents: Leo Fitz & Jemma Simmons Universe/Fandom of Parents: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) Species: Human Powers/Abilities: While Zach has no actual powers, he is intellectually gifted and is knowledgeable in various subjects. Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, and Astrophysics are the subjects he knows best, but he knows a fair amount about other sciences and maths as well. Between the brief training he received from his uncle, his usual exercise routine, and the time he spent in the Wasteland, he is slightly above average when it comes to being athletic in the general exercise department, but he is no master at any sport or combat type. Appearance: Zach gained much of his appearance from his father and though it doesn't show much when he is by himself, comparing the two side by side would make it fairly obvious. His hair is kept trimmed and neat, and is close to the shade of brown that is the color of his mother's hair. On occasion the lower half of his face is covered in a light stubble, but he tends to keep this shaved. His eyes are a light shade of green but will darken depending on his mood, and have tiny specks of brown in them. He stands at roughly 5'11\" and has a lean, slightly muscular build. His skin is lightly tanned and there are a few minor scars along his body from his time the Wasteland. Zach's sense of fashion is very smart and sophisticated but still casual, as he tends to wear nice trousers and a buttoned shirt with either a tie or bow-tie, loafers, and a cardigan. He owns only three pieces of jewelry; one is a simple leather watch that belonged to his father, another is a silver ring with the words 'I love you' carved into it that also belonged to his father, and the third is a lilac colored ribbon that he was given by a friend that he keeps tied around his wrist. [FC: Peyton Meyer] Personality: If someone were to sum Zach up into a single statement, it would easily be that he is truly his parents' son. He absolutely loves to learn, he would spend all of his time locked up in his room studying up on the topics he finds interesting if he could. He's typically a relatively quiet and reserved person, often seeming to be shy when he's out in public and speaking to people he doesn't know. Despite this, he's still a polite and respectful person unless given a reason not to be. He used to be a dependent and relatively immature person when it came to being an adult, but ever since he was stuck in the Wasteland for months he has matured and is much more independent than he was. He often argues with his sister and enjoys annoying her and bothering her whenever he can, but despite this she's still the person he considers his closest friend and he would do anything for her without any hesitation. He's a fairly creative person and enjoys painting and drawing, and while he's not a master at doing either he only does it for his enjoyment and is still decent at the two of them. He likes to be outside and enjoys to explore the world around him, always curious about where he is and everything the world can do. History: Zach was born on the eleventh of September in 2016, the day that would have been his mother's twenty-ninth birthday had he been born in her home world. As he was born only a little bit before the world decided to reset itself and go through every phase it had gone through again, Zach was able to experience much more than he originally would have been able to as a child. The first real memory that Zach has is of his mother showing him around her hometown of Ashburton in Devon, England. His life was amazing as he grew up; he was never targeted by an enemy of his parents as he had heard some had been, he got along well with his sister save for some minor brother-sister arguing that happens between siblings (he didn't speak to her for nearly a week because of her being Team Captain America while he was Team Iron-Man), and he had his family. All he truly wanted was his family, and he had everyone so he couldn't complain. His parents, sister, and aunts all taught him various things, and those memories are some of the best that Zach has to this day. The first time Zach experienced the world's ability to be cruel was when he had only just finished growing up and he and his family were transported to the Halloween mansion. The mansion itself had been amazing, he had a real Stormtrooper costume with a working blaster and it had been epic. That was, until they made it to the pizzeria, and he got trapped in an office with his family. He was in a corner with his sister, trying to keep her calm when they were attacked, and his mother sacrificed herself to let the two of them escape with their father. The event left Zach scarred and he didn't know how to feel about it, but what mattered was that when the Halloween event was over, he had his mother back. The next few months were fairly uneventful for Zach. He discovered what he would have been like if he had been born a girl, but the experience was fairly simple for him. He had been just as intelligent as a girl as he was normally, so he didn't particularly care about the change. This was the only thing he considered significant before he experienced his first world change, something he found to be difficult as the winter world was his home. He woke up in the next world in the section called Empyrean and he was quickly found by his parents and sister. The family of four settled into the new world then, and for a bit life was once again uneventful for him. One change affected Zach more than others, and this was when the world made everyone believe that they had all been there their entire lives. Zach had a normal life; he had grown up over years instead of weeks, he went to school, his parents weren't in their twenties, everything was completely normal. And as soon as this phase ended, Zach found himself missing it. This was something he hadn't ever known he wanted, not until he experienced it. Losing it after spending time believing everything was normal, it bothered him more than he cares to admit even now. Nothing happened to Zach after this until he woke up one morning and his father was gone from the world. His father, the man he considered to be his best friend, was gone, and if he came back he wouldn't remember him or his sister. This broke him inside, he wanted him back and he wanted him to know him and his sister. He wanted to have his family back to the way it was, but he knew it wouldn't ever be the same again. Zach's father returned to the world some time later, and he doesn't like to admit it but he reacted rather badly to this. He tore up the bar, breaking bottle after bottle and cutting up his arms and hands in the process until his Aunt Jenna found him and got him to calm down. She took him home with her and helped him clean up his hands, and after a day or two sleeping on the couch at her house he ended up rooming with his cousin Jaxon. He didn't want to stay at home anymore, it had felt emptier than ever now that his father was back and not living there with them. He still visited his family every day, always made sure his mother and his sister were doing alright, because he didn't want to abandon them. It was just too hard for him to stay there, and he hoped they understood. 1/1/2018 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 1/1/2018 #28 [Great-Need-to-Take-a-Nap](/u/3834114/Great-Need-to-Take-a-Nap) WORLDBORN CHILD Full Name: Braedon Dwaine Gorlois (Brae) Gender: Male Date Of Birth: August 14th, 2016 but physically 18 Parents: Morgana Pendragon and Gwaine Universe/Fandom of Parents: Convergence for Brae/Merlin for both parents Species: Human/Sorcerer/Seer Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Magic and Seer (past only and only Convergence World events) Appearance:Face Claim is Dylan O'Brien. Braedon is 5'10 with dark brown hair and matching brown eyes. Unlike his sister, his complexion is rather pale like his mother's and he has a number of freckles dotting his face. He's rather slim as he doesn't workout all that much, preferring his magic skills over the sword. He typically likes to wear jeans with a button up and a leather jacket/hoodie combo. He wears a necklace that his father made him to match his own, baring the crescent moon sigil of his father's house along with the Saxon sigil for his mother's army, and the druid triskelion. And he always wears a rather elegant bracelet that's silver and gold which his mother gave to him when he was just a baby to help him with his nightmares. He never takes it off. Personality: Braedon doesn't like to listen and do as he's told. If given the chance, he'll do the opposite as he's told. Unless it's his mother who told him. He'll still disobey just not as much. He's often tired from sleepless nights, which leaves him emotional and sometimes irritable, but he has a kind and caring heart. He doesn't like to hold one's past against them if they're willing to change. However, Braedon tends to be overprotective of his family, particularly his mother. He to take time to be by himself and read. His accent is nearly identical to his sister's. A mixture of Irish and American. History: Braedon was born during Season Five, Episode Ten. His parents are Morgana Pendragon, Last High Priestess of the Triple Goddess, and Gwaine, Knight of Camelot. He was named after both of his grandfather's, Dwaine and Gorlois. However at the time, his father was not there. He had disappeared from the world, replaced by a double with different memories and a different life. This other Gwaine had started living with Morgana and helped with Braedon when he was a baby and a toddler. This became a problem when his real father showed back up in the world. As Little Braedon had become accustomed to the fake Gwaine, he often preferred him over his real father but he eventually grew out of it by the time fake Gwaine vanished. He had been nicknamed Little Braedon by fake Gwaine due to the fact that he was always rather small for his age. A trait that continued on till he became an adult and reached an average height of 5'10. A few inches taller than his mother but just shy of reaching his father's height. Growing up, Braedon was always a complete Mama's boy. He'd listen to her more than his father and always wanted her attention and affection. He never liked going to sleep because of the nightmares and so he always fought bedtime. His father tried to teach him to use a sword but Braedon preferred his magic instead, not liking the sword or weapons all that much. He'd still use them and carry them around, but he preferred his magic. Though he looks a lot like his father, he's always felt a stronger connection to his mother. He fully takes his mother's side on the war they fought back home and will heatedly argue with anyone who disagree's, even his father and uncles. Despite his nightmares, Braedon remained a very happy child and baby. He was always smiling and giggling about something. Though, as he grew up and his nightmares got worse, they began to affect his mood during the day often leaving him emotional and sad though he tries to fight it. When it wasn't bedtime, he was happy as could be, laughing and grinning at everything and everyone he met. He still refers to his mother as Mama, even once he grows up and shortened his name for his sister from Sis Sis to just Sis. Though he remained kind and happy, he began to grow annoyed, even angered when it came to his mother. He'd come to the point that he was tired of how people spoke of her, calling her a villain and evil. He grew to resent it and those who said such things about his mother. He and his family grew tense and distance for a couple of months when Braedon started dating his first girlfriend, Glimmer. His family greatly disapproved of her. Braedon was stubborn and wouldn't even talk to his family about the situation and communication broke down between him and his mother and sister, causing many fights and tears on both sides. When Brae was hurt and nearly killed by Joker, the situation only got worse. Braedon began isolating himself from everyone until his sister and mother reached out to him and they had a chance to talk about everything. Things went back to normal among them and they all agreed to simply not discuss Braedon's dating life. However, Braedon had changed. Being distant from his family made him feel isolated and alone. Especially when he realized that without them, he didn't really have anyone. He didn't have friends. He had people that he talked to. The closest he had to friends were Leo and Glimmer. But he hardly ever saw Leo and Glimmer was his girlfriend so he didn't count her. And others who might consider themselves his friends were among those who spoke badly about his mother which was one of his pet peeves. He felt that he was outcast among them because of this. After being possessed by a demon and shot, Braedon's self esteem plummeted even further. He'd been attacked and once again couldn't defend himself. It was his father who showed up and saved the day. His grandparents were warriors, his parents were warriors, his uncles and aunt were warriors, his sister was a fighter. But he couldn't even protect himself. His mother assigned one of her magic wolves as Braedon's body guard. Etri became part of Braedon's life, following him everywhere to protect him. He adored Etri as the wolf was fond of the boy. The wolf snuggled with Braedon, played with him, even slept in the same bed as him. Brae enjoyed having the wolf around but it also reminded him of what he couldn't do. He began to see himself as a failure and like he couldn't do anything right. He was plagued by nightmares of Allard's death, his older brother, and constantly feared the same would happen to him. He'd been trained to fight since he was born, his father made him practice with a sword every day and made sure he carried his weapon with him at all times. He'd studied magic more so than he did sword play and still when it came to fighting he lost every time. His moods didn't begin to lift until his girlfriend was freed of her possession and left with a bad wound. Braedon was concerned for her and decided to put his knowledge of magic to the test. He'd studied healing spells but never used them much. But he tried anyway. And by doing so, he discovered that he was extremely good at them. Her wound was almost fully healed by the time he was done and then he did the same to his own wound. He'd learned that he was gifted at healing magic. Some time later, while out for a walk with his sister, the two of them were ambushed by Joker who shot Ava in the leg. Once Ava was down, Joker drew a sword that he'd recently gotten, prepared to kill her with it. Ava told Braedon to run, but as usual, he didn't listen. In his fear and anger, he drew his own sword and attacked. Something seemed to click for Braedon at that moment. All of his father's training had proved successful. With his sister's life on the line he fought expertly, swinging the sword like a natural. He disarmed Joker and ran him through, killing for the first time. Shortly after, his mother came upon the two of them and then their father. After Ava's wound was tended to, his father carried her home and Morgana walked behind with Braedon and spoke to him about what happened. She'd guessed that he killed Joker by how his hands were shaking and how he and Ava glanced at each other every so often. Braedon didn't take his first kill very well. He felt extremely guilty over the whole thing and was plagued by nightmares for a couple of weeks. He eventually moved past it and began training harder with a sword. After killing Joker, Braedon changed. The experience had forced him to grow up. His sword fighting had improved as well. The situation with Joker seemed to wake up part of Braedon's brain when it came to skills with a sword and suddenly he wasn't fumbling it or tripping over his feet constantly. He trained every day to get better along with the pages and pages of reading he did for his magic, often practicing spells late into the night. He fell into a regular sleep pattern. Sleep for a few hours then get up. A few hours later then sleep again. He'd do this about four times a day in order to get a proper amount of sleep. Thanks to his nightmares, he was lucky if he got a five hours in one go so he aimed for multiple naps a day, each lasting a few hours. Even with his healing bracelet on there were some nightmares that its magic could not keep away. Mainly those of Allard or those pertaining to his family in any way. However, as time passed the visions seemed to stay focused on the bad. The terrible and terrifying things that would happen throughout the world of Convergence and it became rare for Braedon to have a vision that was happy and not traumatizing. He'd wake up shaking and sweating every time he went to sleep and it started to affect him throughout the day. And then Glimmer vanished from the world. He took it hard as he never got to say goodbye to her. A month later she returned to the world and with no memories of him which hurt more than her leaving had. It took awhile for Braedon to move on from her. But as time passed he did. And he looked back on his relationship with her. He still loved her but he also looked back on what the relationship had done to his relationship with his family. He began to see that he wasn't entirely faultless in all of it. Yes, his family was stubborn but he'd always known that. How he dealt with all of it though, he realized he could've handled it a lot better. Instead of moping around, feeling sorry for himself and then going home and yelling at his family before isolating himself from them, he could have simply talked to them. Talk to them rationally that is. Not how he did to begin with. He'd pushed his parents away and treated his sister like garbage all over a girl. He never once stopped to consider their point of view he just thought about his feelings for her and ignored everything else. It took a long and deep conversation with his mother for his family life to go back to normal. His mother had been right. He needed to grow up. He'd acted very much like a spoiled child and did have a habit of playing the victim. Not just with Glimmer but with everything back them. If something didn't go his way he'd cry about it, somehow hoping that it would get him what he wanted. Though it often had the opposite result. Having grown up, Braedon saw just how spoiled and sheltered he had been. Didn't stop him from crying but it's nothing like before. He no longer cries if he doesn't get his way. Only if he's upset or just having a bad day. Unfortunately, he tends to have a lot of bad days thanks to his visions. He's been trying to work on it but it's a work in progress. He knows he needs to have better control over his emotions. While he was in the new world things got worse for him. He'd found his sister easily enough but...his parents weren't there. Months with his parents gone, going through his visions without them or his wolf, and dying in his sister's arms while thinking he was dying permanently. It took a toll on him. He thought his parents were gone for good and he'd never see them again. Add that to dying and his visions and it's safe to say that he's not quite the same. He's withdrawn now and quiet, very quiet. Often just staring out in front of him. Not happy, not sad, just...there. He's more jumpy than he used to be, quick to draw his weapons. 1/3/2018 . Edited by [x Bout as Stable as the Wind x](/u/4541453/x-Bout-as-Stable-as-the-Wind-x), 1/28/2018 #29 [x.alassefaelivrin.x](/u/7792909/x-alassefaelivrin-x) ORIGINAL CHARACTER Full Name: Shalto O'Hara Gender: Male Date of Birth: January 17th - year unknown - (17 years old) Universe/Fandom: Divergent Species: Human - Dauntless Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Quick on his feet, skilled fighter. Appearance: (FC: Min Yoongi - data.whicdn.com/images/280567923/original.jpg ) Shalto stands at a height of around 5'6. He has a lean, slender figure and soft facial details - due to his Korean ethnicity. He has deep blue - almost chromatic - coloured eyes and small puckered lips. He has a slightly rounded face shape, but an accentuated jawline and what would be described as a button nose. He has unblemished soft skin of a pale peach colour. His hair is pitch black and quite full and he has a heavy fringe that falls just above his eyes. Shalto wears 2 sapphire hoop earrings in each lobe, and one black helix stud in his right ear. He also has a tattoo just behind his right ear - the tattoo is of tribal flame pattern, it's only small - not too big and noticeable. Whilst training, he wears his usual dauntless attire. Casually, he wears oversized jackets, long tops, ripped jeans and ankle boots. He also likes to wear a black Homburg hat. Personality: Some say that Shalto takes fun too seriously. He is active, mischievous and sometimes rather stubborn and stuck in his ways. He has a cute side which rarely surfaces, but when it does it results in him being ditsy, usually over someone that he loves, or if he got a compliment that made him feel good. He is not shy but steers away from being loud. His demeanour is confident and outgoing, and although he avoids socialising in most cases, he can easily approach people when he needs to. Around his friends, he uses his sharp, quick side to be as protective as he can for them, willing to sacrifice himself for anyone he holds close. Although amongst his friends, he is always the one to start a game, pull a prank or spark a buzz of excitement. On the other hand, his ambitiousness leads to an inability to cope with failure and loss. When he's quiet, he is very observant of his surroundings and current affairs - seeing more importance in what is going on then being involved in it. When he is involved, however, he always looks for ways to make things interesting. History: Shalto was born and raised in Chicago. He grew up as the younger sibling of 2 in a Korean family - his mother, father and older sister, who always seemed to tease him. He had grown up in Dauntless, his parents had always challenged him to become one of them and Shalto had always looked up to them as his biggest role-models. As a child, Shalto had always aspired to be the perfect Dauntless - he knew he wouldn't be, but always thought he could try and be as good as he could. He was determined in all the activities his parents had challenged him with. Even before he was classed as an individual in the faction, his parents encouraged him out of his comfort zone frequently claiming it would help him for the challenges he would face later on in life. All in all his parents got him ready for the outside world, after choosing his faction. Although he had a fulfilling family life, he spent a lot of time continuing his love for thrilling activities with his small group of friends. They would often climb to rooftops, and have races on train tracks. His results for the Aptitude test came back as Dauntless, to his relief. At the choosing ceremony, his family and friends were glad to see him choose the faction that he was destined to. He entered Dauntless at the same time as Tris Prior. He stuck with friends that he had known prior to the choosing ceremony, which made him confident and at home during the process of settling in. He and his friends grew to dislike their leader, Eric. However, it was Shalt who despised him the most: he didn't like his abrupt ways and his obnoxious attitude. Even so, Shalt made staying within the top of the group, and therefore in Dauntless, not only a goal but something vital to him. He worked hard to achieve in many of the things that the faction did: he soon learnt that his parents' earlier training were to his advantage. Shalt remained a character within the young Dauntless community, making new friends but only sticking to a few. Others soon recognised his mischievous side. Shalt was pulled into the convergence during his third week of Dauntless training. 1/4/2018 . Edited by [ALazyGeek](/u/2554469/ALazyGeek), 2/15/2018 #30 Page 1 .. Last Next \u00bb Forum Moderators: [ALazyGeek](/u/2554469/ALazyGeek) [x.GalaxyQueen.x](/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x) Rules: * Forums are not to be used to post stories. * All forum posts must be suitable for teens. * The owner and moderators of this forum are solely responsible for the content posted within this area. * All forum abuse must be reported to the moderators. Membership Length: 2+ years 1 year 6+ months 1 month 2+ weeks new member Help . Cookies . Privacy . Terms of Service . [Top](#top) ",
"gold_standard_annotation": [
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "CHARACTER CREATION AND INFORMATION In This Topic... 1. Minor Character Sheets + Minor Characters are characters that are known to exist in their fandoms, however not much is known about them and their history and personality have not been fleshed out properly. These sheets give you the chance to fully develop your characters before playing them. 2. Original Character Sheets + OCs are characters that you can create yourself for each of the fandoms that we have on the forum. They are totally unique and we do have high standards when it comes to requests. 3. Worldborn Children + The Worldborn Children are children that have been born or appeared in the Convergence. They require their sheets to be accepted in the same way as normal OC characters, however these sheets must be completed and changed as they get older. Please make sure that your sheets are in the required formats and that each character has their own post.",
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"surface_form": "Original Character Creation Sheets 1. All OCs are to be submitted, via PM, to Rhya. The sheet will then be reviewed, possibly discussed, and then accepted, at which point you will be able to post the sheet in this topic and play them. 2. You are allowed two OCs in total, one male and one female (either presenting gender or biological). 3. We do not accept OCs that are related to canon characters, nor do we accept OCs that heavily impact on the plot of a fandom. Acquaintances are permitted, but close friends and family are not, with few exceptions (e.g. Percy Jackson OCs who will almost certainly be related to somebody). This is because we do not expect roleplayers that play canons to change their headcanons for OCs. 4. Certain OCs will be disallowed, such as droids from Star Wars and fairytale characters from OUAT - see the Welcome Topic for more details. 5. Names must be realistic. No Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Ways. The name of your OC should be suitable for their fandom and the time period they're from. Additionally, OC names should not be the same as another character in their fandom or as another OC. 6. OCs should be 15 years old, or older. 7. Describe your character. Links and faceclaims are okay, but only as an additional feature, not as the description for your character. Personality and appearance must be at least 3 lines long (around 10 or 11 on mobile). Links are not included in the length. 8. Be detailed with the history of your character. At least 5 lines (around 15 or 16 on mobile) are required. Do not add things after your OC has been accepted without PMing Rhya. Don't add additional things over the course of the RP if it's going to affect the plot of a series or significantly change your OC. The history of an OC should not be overly tragic. As is in line with the forum's rules, your OC's history should not mention any form of abuse. 9. Don't add unnecessary detail to your character. Weight doesn't really matter, especially if you're not certain about what's normal and what isn't. Some characters have been posted in the past with ridiculous, unrealistic proportions. 10. Your OC should not 'outshine' the protagonist of a series. For example, you shouldn't post a Harry Potter OC who has also happened to survive the Killing Curse. The protagonist of a fandom should not have their unique trait 'stolen' by an OC. Your OC should also not be overpowered. OCs must be original. Don't base them heavily on a character from another fandom - that's cheating the system and not allowed. These characters are supposed to be your own. We don't know every fandom ever, but if we realise you have made your OC incredibly similar to a fictional character from any fandom that already exists, we will take action. Template ORIGINAL CHARACTER - Please include at the top of your sheet Full Name: Gender: Date Of Birth: Universe/Fandom: Species: Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Appearance: (must be at least 3 lines long, links not included) Personality: (must be at least 3 lines long) History: (must be at least 5 lines long) Original Character List Female (Max. 25) 1. Taylor Jade Williams (Weasley) 2. Scarlett Hawkins 3. Melanie Silver (Mirror) 4. Jasper (Feral Wolf) 5. Cassandra Helena Lake 6. Holly Daniella Clarke 7. Shaela \"Shae\" O'Hara 8. Alexandria \"Ria\" June Maddox 9. Nadia Madeline Foxx 10. Maelle \"May\" Alva Landon 11. Lirisse 12. Stephanie Cy \"Bean\" Beckett Male (Max. 25) 1. Logan Miles 2. Shalto O'Hara 3. Tobias Langdon 4. Evan Vin Hale 5. DJ Lake 6. Jared Williamson 7. Ryo Lu 8. Nicolas Irugashi 9. Jaiden 'Jai' Park 10. Carter Frederick Watson 11. Elias Owen Hale",
"start": 4397,
"end": 8026
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 8027,
"end": 8037
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/2554469/ALazyGeek",
"start": 4375,
"end": 4395
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Worldborn Children Information Sheets 1. Sheets for the Worldborns will be held to the same standard as normal OCs and MCs. 2. A sheet must be PM'd to and accepted by Rhya before your Worldborn can be played independent of another character. Once accepted, you will be able to post the sheet within this topic. 3. Please ensure that what is written on the sheet of your Worldborn is consistent with how they behave on the roleplay itself. They should be 'in-character', and if they aren't, the sheet or the way your roleplay them needs to change. 4. Character sheets are allowed to be changed and adapted as the Worldborn develops. However, if we decide that the sheet is not up to standard, even if it has been accepted before, you will receive a PM informing you that you will not be allowed to play that character until the sheet has been reaccepted. 5. Worldborns can only be created biologically, in which case permission must be requested from Lena, or via a stork or a wish, in which case permission is from Rhya. For more information on Major Life Events and Wishes, have a look at the Welcome Topic. Template WORLDBORN CHILD - Please include at the top of your sheet Full Name: Gender: Date Of Birth: Parents: Universe/Fandom of Parents: Species: Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Appearance: (must be at least 3 lines long) Personality: (must be at least 3 lines long) History: Worldborn Children List (in birth order) 1. Jaxon Barrett Winters 2. Ava Morgause Gorlois 3. Matthew Arthur Weasley 4. Riley Grace Weasley 5. Isabelle Nicole Fitz-Simmons 6. Zariah Hope Celestia Holmes (deceased) 7. Mason Jay Derek 8. Braedon Dwaine Gorlois 9. Zachary Michael Fitz-Simmons 10. William Sterling Romanov-Holmes (deceased) 11. Oscar George Bell-Weasley 12. Kendra Claire Watson 13. Alara May Derek 14. Evie Laurel Queen 15. Kalina Rose Mikaelson-Petrova 16. Genevieve Addison Dare (deceased) 17. Rowan Aiden Johnson 18. Vera Juliette Potts 19. Stella Mackenzie Ram\u00edrez-Arellano 20. Zoran Ragnor Rhyan Lightwood-Bane 21. Raven Knight 22. Amr Balinor Emrys 23. Aneira Linette Emrys 24. Nathaniel Aloysius Gray 25. Adrian Howard Christopher Stark-Potts",
"start": 8095,
"end": 10246
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 10247,
"end": 10257
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/2554469/ALazyGeek",
"start": 8073,
"end": 8093
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Taylor Jade Williams (Otherwise known as Taylor Weasley) Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 14/6/1978 (Age: 24) Universe/Fandom: Harry Potter Species: Witch Powers/Abilities: Taylor is a strong witch due to her pureblood heritage. She is able to perform wandless magic, to a degree, and many of the trickier spells from her universe. Her real skill, however, is Potions, and that is her main area of expertise. She is significantly worse at Transfiguration. Appearance: Taylor is approximately 5'3 with a curvy and athletic figure. She has black hair which brushes the tips of her shoulders and is dyed blue at the tips. She often curls it unnaturally or wears it thrown back into a ponytail or bun. Strands often escape from her hairband and call around her face, and she has a habit of running her fingers through it when she is stressed or frustrated. She has a very expressive heart-shaped face with piercing blue eyes that turn icy when she is angry. When she can be bothered, she will wear light make up that includes winged eyeliner and different coloured eyeshadows. She is lightly tanned, due to the amount of time she spends outside, and usually wears shorts, jeans or athletic wear. She wears two necklaces, one being a locket and other being a small silver broomstick, and a bracelet with four charms (an F, a G, an L and a T). On her right hand, she wears the wedding and engagement rings that George gave her all those years ago. Personality: Taylor is a jock with a put-on carefree and cheeky personality. To those she loves, she is incredibly affectionate, loyal and protective but this doesn't come easily, and she will make people work to get close to her. She can come across as friendly and open, but this is often accompanied by sarcasm, dry humour and a biting wit. Her blunt and honest nature can come across rude and bitchy. Often, Taylor will pretend to be fearless and stupidly brave in the face of danger. That is, other than her irrational cat phobia. In reality, she is terrified of losing people that she allows close to her \u2013 which makes it hard for her to bond properly with others. When she does lose someone, she can often fall straight into despair where she will lash out and attack those that she holds close to her heart. There are many layers to her personality and many barriers that someone must break through to be considered a 'friend' in her eyes. While at Hogwarts, Taylor was a troublemaker with no regard for the rules unless it suited her. She was sorted into Gryffindor at school, though some might have said that Slytherin was a better choice. She has respect for authority but often places her own needs above those directions. She is impulsive and jealous, leading to a 'hit first, ask questions later' philosophy, and doesn't do well with personal arguments as she gets riled up and angry \u2013 clouding her judgement. She is very proud of her pureblood heritage as it shows the different witches and wizards that she has been descended from and their achievements, but this doesn't impact on the way she sees muggles or muggle-borns \u2013 other than to see them as more vulnerable beings. Taylor has matured in the five years she has been away, and her children from the world have impacted her as well. One of her key characteristics is the way she will lead and take charge of a group if needed. In an emergency, she can be very clear-headed and make fast decisions. She is a lot calmer than she was when she was younger and has been able to forgive herself for much of what happened. ESTP Personality Type - Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results. Theories and conceptual explanations bore them - they want to act energetically to solve the problem. Focus on the here-and-now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can be active with others. Enjoy material comforts and style. Learn best through doing. History: Born in London, Taylor is the third child, and only girl, of known Death Eater, Damien Williams. Damien was a follower of Voldemort in the first Wizarding War but escaped capture originally and married. Taylor's mother, Ruth, worked as a healer in St Mungo's and had no idea about his original past. Soon after Taylor's younger brother, Kyle, was born and Taylor had turned, Damien was arrested for using muggles as test subjects for potions, among other things. Taylor's first memory was of him using the Cruciatus Curse in the house. No one in her family talks about the incident, and it's not something that she likes to spread around. She was especially close to her brothers growing up, especially Edmund, who was a couple of years older than she was. All four of them learnt very early on how to build walls around their feelings and put on emotional masks. Although Ruth made sure that they were brought up to respect muggles, not detest them as their father had done, a few lessons remained \u2013 witches were more important, and muggles were vulnerable and needed protecting. At Eleven years old, Taylor received her Hogwarts letter. Tommy, her eldest brother, was just entering his final year, and Edmund was entering his third. On the train, she walked off and met up with Fred, George and Lee on the train going to Hogwarts, and as luck would have it, they were all sorted into Gryffindor. She was always bright at school, getting mostly Os and Es in her subjects without trying, especially Potions \u2013 in which she was on the best in the year. She barely scraped through Transfiguration with a pass. Most of her spare time was spent with the twins and Lee, helping to prank the school and come up with schemes. She adored Quidditch, playing as a chaser in the Gryffindor team, though it was all for the adrenaline rather than the glory \u2013 and with the number of detentions she ended up having, it was a wonder she had any chance to play at all. She did start gaining a bit of a reputation for sleeping around during her final Hogwarts years, tending to use men for entertainment \u2013 something which was a great amusement to the twins. There was no hesitation when it came to joining Dumbledore's Army as was very much behind Harry due to her relationship with Fred and George. Although she didn't leave with him, she chose to try and aggravate Umbridge as much as possible until she completed her Newts. This was also the year her father escaped from Azkaban, adding an extra layer of bitterness and defensive behaviour to her personality. After Hogwarts, Taylor seemed set for a career in Quidditch, aiming to play professionally and joining the Holyhead Harpies. She loved it, devoting a lot of time and effort to the game. Offseason, she would be found in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, generally helping them out and assisting them. She managed to estrange herself from her family, all of them running from issues regarding their father. Edmund had let himself fall in love with a muggle during this time, someone their father murdered while out of prison. As the threat of Voldemort grew, Taylor left Quidditch and worked for the Order of the Phoenix. She fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, killing many people that she had once known, many of whom she can't remember the name of. She didn't find out about Fred's death until the day after, having reunited with her own family and begun to celebrate. As a result, partly blaming herself for any role she might have played, she stayed with George after the war and gave up on her dreams of being a professional Quidditch player. She helped to keep him, and the shop, alive, picking him up off the street while drunk and doing the housework while battling her demons and issues. It took a while for George to recover and begin to move on with his life, and at this point, Taylor made the brave decision to move on with her own. She began to travel, eventually settling in New York for three years, training in Potions and qualifying as a pharmacist. On her return to England, aged 24, she bought the apothecary in Diagon Alley with what was left of her part of the family money. The section she was most proud of was her collection of antidotes to WWW products. She remained close with George and Lee, getting to know George's children until her death. She died aged 29 in a fire when she was babysitting for George and Angelina \u2013 she managed to get the children out, but the smoke had affected her lungs too significantly. Taylor came into the world for the first time aged 20 and remained there for four years. On January 1st, 2018 she returned to the world aged 24. Her Convergence history can be found HERE (Taylor was one of the first OC characters created on the forum, therefore some of her history does not comply with the more up to date rules for OC characters.)",
"start": 10346,
"end": 19083
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 19084,
"end": 19094
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x",
"start": 10299,
"end": 10325
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Zariah Hope Celestia Holmes (zuh-RYE-uh) Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 10 April 2016 (Aged 18) Parents: Mycroft and Naomi Holmes Universe/Fandom: Supernatural/Sherlock Species: Human, natural psychic Powers: She has psychic abilities. (see: supernatural.wikia.com/wiki/Psychics ) * Clairsentience - The ability to perceive the residual information of an object by touching it. * Telepathy - The ability to read people's minds and mentally communicate with others, sometimes over a distance. * Empathy - The ability to sense the emotions that a person is feeling. * Telekinesis - One of the rarest powers for a natural psychic, but also one of the most powerful; this allows them to move objects with their mind. Appearance: (FC: Anna Popplewell) Zariah is 5'8'' tall, with a pale complexion. She has shoulder-length wavy dark brown hair that highlights dark auburn in the sunlight. Her eyes are bright blue and expressive. She has an adorable smile with little dimples and blushes to the tips of her ears. Her nose is just a bit too big and she has a cleft chin, both from her father's side. Otherwise, she looks quite like her left-handed's left handed. She's fairly athletic and if very fit, from horseback riding as well as her training. She wears a heart-shaped silver locket she received from her father and uncle when she was young and a dearest ring on her right hand. She's fond of wearing jumpers, nice trousers, dresses, scarves, tights with boots, anything that looks well put together and proper. She carries a selection of hidden weapons. She speaks in both American and British accents or a combination thereof, depending on who is talking to her. Personality: (ENTJ/ENFJ, with variation because people don't fit in boxes) Quietly curious, terribly clever, cautious, diplomatic, sensitive, and completely loves her family. Zariah is an intellectually gifted child (Holmes level smart, obviously), and has a unique way of perceiving things as she both tunes into thoughts as well as seeks to answer the many questions she has. Usually very organized and put together, she's fond of lists and neatness. Her thinking and feeling sides battle each other and her personality has been shaped by her empathetic powers and the people she grew up with. Not anything close to bubbly, she's still very friendly with strangers and usually keeps her distaste hidden. She is just very curious about people. She rarely misbehaves and dislikes conflict, but will stand up to fight back if the situation calls for it. She gets angry quickly but lets it go if it is illogical to continue. Like her father, she tends to carry the world on her shoulders and is a quiet leader. With an excellent memory, she recalls most every encounter she's had and treats people accordingly. She leans a bit more towards the feminine side. She's fairly sensitive and emotionally expressive. She's a dreamer, and while she's enjoying her life in the short time she has it, she is always wishing she could do/see/experience more. After the time in the Wasteland, she's grown up a bit. Is less naive and more independent, hardened against the reality of their situation in the four months of living in nothing. Her protective side is just as strong as it's always been, however. She turns into the mum-friend if she senses people need a little push. She enjoys horseback riding, reading, dancing, journaling, learning, dressing up, and self-defense lessons. Her love languages would be physical touch and words of affirmation. History: Zariah was born to Naomi and Mycroft Holmes during Season 4, Episode 17 on 10 April 2016 at sunrise. She's human, due to being accidentally conceived while Naomi's grace was stolen, and psychic because of her development with Naomi's grace surrounding her. Her first couple weeks of life were very quiet and she did a lot of learning and playing, but she was still young as the end of the season happened and the world crumbled around them. The change of climate from the tropics to the snowy mountains was rough. They settled into a home and Naomi amped up security measures in the new world. She cautiously explored the world she lives in with her family, venturing out on her own mainly on horseback. Victoria is a black thoroughbred mare and Boaz is a dapple gray thoroughbred gelding. They're both about 16hands tall and have been with her parents since the beginning of Season 4. Zariah has been through a number of tragedies and close calls in her life. A concussion after being thrown from her horse and dying during the world-born reset episode in September 2016, are just two of a few others. She's developed and working through post-traumatic stress leading to slight obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. She functions best when her loved ones are close. Her favorite place is tucked between her parents. She's been dating James Potter II since October 2016 and decided to tell him she loves him at Christmas. She will nearly always blush when he's mentioned. Her best friend is her cousin Sterling. They are very close, and she decided as much the moment he was born. Although she's seven months older, she doesn't treat him like a little kid. They're like two peas in a pod and understand each other better than most anyone else. She's a language learner and has mastered English, Enochian, Russian, French, Klingon, Latin, Spanish, and Mandarin. She's skilled in self-defense and weaponry. Her favorite is her weaponized dove-grey umbrella, which has a number of special features including bulletproof fabric, a gun, a sword coated in angel blade metal, and a panic button. Her interests veer towards history, philosophy, and social/cultural studies, less towards science. She is an avid reader of many genres. Blog: zariahholmes.tumblr.com bakerstreetviolin.tumblr.com/tagged/zariah CHARACTER TRACKER Character Name: Zariah Hope Celestia Holmes Universe/Fandom: Worldborn Original Age: stopped growing at 18, born 10th of April 2016 Current Age: 20 y.o., will be 21 in August, 22 in December Date/Episode Arrived: Born on 10 April 2016, Season 4, Episode 17 Faceclaim: Anna Popplewell (for edits only, Zariah's got a Holmes-nose) House Description: She and Sterling live in a fairly big house near their parents. There is a barn and pasture for her horses, and Sterling has a butterfly house. Link to pictures here: * gifts-of-convergence.tumblr.com/post/172616182036/holmes-home-20-zariah-sterlings-afterlife Events In The Convergence: Pre-Afterlife Events can be found: HERE Wasteland: Zariah walked through the door with her family, hoping that her bad feeling was just a false alarm. But instead of something good on the other side, she and Sterling were by themselves. With nothing but a single weapon, a backpack with a journal, crackers, and a water bottle, and a hoodie with their names on it, they faced an eternal nothingness. Zariah's weapon was her special weaponized umbrella. She got very protective of her people and became a sort of mum-friend to anyone who needed a little bossing around. Thinking they were never going to see their family again, they just worked on surviving. Zariah's heart broke at the loss of James. They'd promised to love each other forever and this nothingness without him wasn't conducive to that. She tried to move on, throwing herself into taking care of her cousins. She held Sterling a long while and they cried together. That first week was just getting used to the fact they were on their own. She chopped her hair quite short since it was less of a mess that way without being able to wash it. Zariah found her horses in the world after a month of living in the wasteland. She was overjoyed to have a piece of her home back. With only their halters and some rope, she ended up riding around bareback. They just stayed around the worldborn camp, nibbling on the sparse grass. Jackie and Basil made it too, but it was James' do Pikachu that surprised her. She took in the little corgi, and after a good long cry, allowed herself to move on again. She missed people. Her friends, her family, her boyfriend. With so much time to fill, she worked on her psychic gifts, like her mother had taught her to do. She expanded her abilities, being able to cut herself off easier and get a wider range of feeling. During a bought of extreme stress and emotion, she found herself able to use an ability she'd never done before. Telekinetic movement of objects. She can't do this as a usual, but rather only during the extreme. Once the houses were made, she and Sterling moved into one of them, despite it being a one-bedroom outfit. They'd been sleeping next to each other on the ground for months now and they both had horrible nightmares, they couldn't be apart. She decorated it with flowers and their sketches, trying to bring some hope into their lonely world. They had the Derek-Winters, as well as the other worldborns, over for dinner a few times, and just kept busy with creating their new life. A new normal. Zariah didn't die in the Wasteland, but she'd seen others do and come back. She had died twice in her short life already, that was more than enough. But she does have a new scar, her only scar, one that cuts her shoulder over the top, after a monster attack she just barely survived. Afterlife: #1 Zariah woke up like any other day after a bought of nightmares and left the house she shared with Sterling to go on a morning ride. She found Mason and they chatted a bit. As usual, a little cheering up helped her spirits and she moved on. Finding Evie, she learned that people were starting to come back. Now, if only it was the people she loved more than any other. She waits. When their parents came back, Zariah was overjoyed. She and Sterling could finally start living again. Time had passed for most of them, but it would be okay, they'd heal from it all together. Over the weeks, she spent time with her parents and various members of her family. When Mary vanished, she was heartbroken. For the family and for Kendra specifically, living in fear that her parents would disappear too. James came back a bit later, but he'd jumped ahead four years. Zariah was a mess and knew they couldn't be together anymore, at least not right away. She brought his dog back and they spoke a couple times. She needed more time. But before they could have that time, he vanished too. Zariah has met a lot of people, both new and old. She spent time with Mason, and made plans to do sword fighting practice with Jaxon. But she also made a new friend in Jack Kline, seeing as they're both children of angels, and almost cousins.",
"start": 19175,
"end": 29790
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 29791,
"end": 29801
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/2398995/Gracie-Holmes",
"start": 19133,
"end": 19157
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Lily Luna Potter Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 12th September 2007 (age 17) Universe/Fandom: Harry Potter Role In Canon: Daughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, Younger sister of James and Albus Potter. Godsister to Teddy Lupin Species: Witch Appearance: (FC: Holland Roden) Lily has fiery red hair and brown eyes like her mother. She is about 5'3 being on the shorter side of five feet. Her eyes always have a twinkle in them, as if she's up to something. She also has the same build as her mother, slender and mostly legs. When most people look at her they say she looks exactly like her mother but with her father's eye shape. Some people who knew her grandmother say she looks like her without the eye color. Personality: Much like her mother, Lily has a fiery temper when someone does something to her family or her or her friends. She may be the youngest of her family, but she is very protective of them. Being her parents' daughter, Lily is also very pranky. Though when she pranks, it's to get revenge on someone. She's willing to do whatever she can to help her family. She's loyal, definitely brave enough to do things, and she loves to have fun. She's kind towards those who aren't mean to others. She's picky towards those she trusts, mainly because of the people who tried to befriend her in Hogwarts. History: Lily was born on 12th of September 2007. It was a normal day expect for her being born. Throughout her toddler years, she proved to be a handful. She would make trouble and run away laughing like she was having the time of her life. As she got older, she wound down. She would only prank Albus and James only after they did something to her. At eleven, Lily walked into Hogwarts. She was very excited. Unlike Albus, she wouldn't have cared if she were put in Slytherin. She wasn't evil, and she knew it. But she'd like to be with her family. When her name was called, she got on the stool and waited for the decision. 'Ah, Lily Potter.... The youngest Potter. Where shall we put you?' 'I don't mind.... Though I want to be with at least one person in my family....' 'Hmm.... You're loyal and brave, but mostly brave. Much like your uncles Fred and George you prank people but only for revenge... I put you in Gryffindor!\" Lily got up and walked to her table. James congratulated her, so did her cousins. Her first few years were tough. Girls would try to befriend her only because of her dad and when they would talk bad about her, or her family, they could always expect a prank. They tried to get on her good side, but she had her family to help her, even if they were annoying at times. One day in her third year, she befriended someone named Everrett. Everrett was a muggle-born, and he was very proud of it. They were great friends throughout their school years. In her fifth year, a Slytherin called him a mudblood. That day she sent him to the hospital wing. From that day on, people knew not to mess with her. She was fine with only one true friend; she didn't want any of them to be fake. She dropped all her other friends and started hanging out with only Everrett. Most people decided that it meant she like him and everyone would tease her, except her brothers. Teddy especially told her that she wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend. In her sixth year, being seventeen, she found another friend, Analynn, she was in the year below her and Everrett, and they all became fast friends. They would prank people who were rude to kids who didn't deserve it or people who were mean to people that they cared about. They were the revengeful prankers, and that was how Lily liked it. During Winter break, Lily spent time with her family, and when she was in her room, designing things for pranks, she fell asleep and woke up in the Convergence.",
"start": 29880,
"end": 33666
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 33667,
"end": 33677
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/3492955/ChaserGlader",
"start": 29839,
"end": 29862
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Mason Jay Derek (Winters) Gender: Male Date of Birth: July 15, 2016 (Physically 17) Parents: Bennal Derek and Jenna Winters Universe/Fandom of Parents: Star Wars and Supernatural Species: Human Powers/Abilities: Force sensitive. Trained by Anakin Skywalker for some time but now self training. A natural inclination towards the healing abilities of the force. Appearance: Mason is a young man of light completion which is complimented by his dark hair and deep brown eyes. His hair is kept pretty short, but it's still enough for him to run his fingers through, which he does on occasion. He's a relatively tall teen, matching his father at 6'1. He wears a lot of jeans and steel toed boots. For tops, he prefers long sleeve shirts with a hoddie type jacket, occasionally wearing something heavier to keep from the cold. He almost always wears a leather bracelet on his wrist, reminding him of his brother. He also will sport a ball cap from time to time, like his father in that way. (FC - Nick Robinson) Personality: Mason is a relatively quiet young man. He will make conversation if he feels he must, but he often doesn't feel the need to. He is kind at heart and rather content. He has all that he needs from life and doesn't seek more. Answers are something he does struggle with, issues that he wants to understand or things he is slightly insecure about, but he still doesn't ask for more than what he has. As long as he has his parents, his brother, and his friends, he is a lucky man. He can come off as a little short to some people, seeing as he doesn't always see the point of forcing conversation with a person. He will try, but he's never been the type to keep pushing if there isn't much happening. He'll close the conversation kindly and be on his way. While Mason may be content with the things he has been given in life, there are a few things that bother him. He doesn't enjoy being treated like a child. He knows that he is his parents' kid and he knows they will always be his parents, so his issue isn't so much with them. He wants to be one of his peers, fit in with them despite the fact he was born late in the order of worlborn kids. He wants to be seen as grown, more mature than a mere child. And with this issue is also that of his origin. He knows he was born in this world and that some of his growth has been fascinating compared to that of others in this world, however he isn't fond of being looked at like a museum display or categorized as 'one of them.' Mason is just a person. He's just a regular seventeen-year-old. He doesn't enjoy being seen any other way. Mason enjoys reading books, is secretly quite good at art. He has found his spot in abstract expressionism, using it as a way to express what he feels through the force. He's been doing this for months now. He likes to focus on specific things and people at specific times. Most of his pieces could almost look like they could be of stars or nebula in space, but it's really so much more than that. He puts emotion into every stroke, able to sit there and paint for hours because he tends to bury himself in the force. Though it may not seem like much, he is incredibly proud of his work. It's been his secret hobby for a while and is just finally coming to light. Mason is also pretty good in the kitchen. He likes baking with his mother, reading, meditating, and walking the dog in his free time. He uses his force abilities in every day life, not so much as a defense or a weapon because he doesn't often encounter the need. However, if he did, he wouldn't hesitate to protect those he loves. Mason's MBTI type is INFJ (from 16personalities.com) Strengths * Creative \u2013 Combining a vivid imagination with a strong sense of compassion, Advocates use their creativity to resolve not technical challenges, but human ones. People with the Advocate personality type enjoy finding the perfect solution for someone they care about, and this strength makes them excellent counselors and advisors. * Insightful \u2013 Seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives, Advocates step past manipulation and sales tactics and into a more honest discussion. Advocates see how people and events are connected, and are able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter. * Inspiring and Convincing \u2013 Speaking in human terms, not technical, Advocates have a fluid, inspirational writing style that appeals to the inner idealist in their audience. Advocates can even be astonishingly good orators, speaking with warmth and passion, if they are proud of what they are speaking for. * Decisive \u2013 Their creativity, insight and inspiration are able to have a real impact on the world, as Advocates are able to follow through on their ideas with conviction, willpower, and the planning necessary to see complex projects through to the end. Advocates don't just see the way things ought to be, they act on those insights. * Determined and Passionate \u2013 When Advocates come to believe that something is important, they pursue that goal with a conviction and energy that can catch even their friends and loved ones off guard. Advocates will rock the boat if they have to, something not everyone likes to see, but their passion for their chosen cause is an inseparable part of their personality. * Altruistic \u2013 These strengths are used for good. Advocates have strong beliefs and take the actions that they do not because they are trying to advance themselves, but because they are trying to advance an idea that they truly believe will make the world a better place. Weaknesses * Sensitive \u2013 When someone challenges or criticizes Advocates' principles or values, they are likely to receive an alarmingly strong response. People with the Advocate personality type are highly vulnerable to criticism and conflict, and questioning their motives is the quickest way to their bad side. * Extremely Private \u2013 Advocates tend to present themselves as the culmination of an idea. This is partly because they believe in this idea, but also because Advocates are extremely private when it comes to their personal lives, using this image to keep themselves from having to truly open up, even to close friends. Trusting a new friend can be even more challenging for Advocates. * Perfectionistic \u2013 Advocates are all but defined by their pursuit of ideals. While this is a wonderful quality in many ways, an ideal situation is not always possible \u2013 in politics, in business, in romance \u2013 and Advocates too often drop or ignore healthy and productive situations and relationships, always believing there might be a better option down the road. * Always Need to Have a Cause \u2013 Advocates get so caught up in the passion of their pursuits that any of the cumbersome administrative or maintenance work that comes between them and the ideal they see on the horizon is deeply unwelcome. Advocates like to know that they are taking concrete steps towards their goals, and if routine tasks feel like they are getting in the way, or worse yet, there is no goal at all, they will feel restless and disappointed. * Can Burn Out Easily \u2013 Their passion, poor patience for routine maintenance, tendency to present themselves as an ideal, and extreme privacy tend to leave Advocates with few options for letting off steam. People with this personality type are likely to exhaust themselves in short order if they don't find a way to balance their ideals with the realities of day-to-day living. History: Mason was born the equivalent of a month early to parents Jenna Hope Winters and Bennal Derek. His first few weeks of development were pretty straightforward. The world seemed like a pretty great place to Mason. He had two loving parents, a brother who was somewhat distant, but still cared, and friends beyond that. Life seemed like it would never be bad. His first encounter with death was the day his mother was killed randomly by a man he later came to know of as Rumpelstiltskin. His mother did, of course, come back. However, that was a day Mason will never forget. As time moved on, Mason continued to think this place he lived in was nice and kind to him. Then his parents disappeared. Then he was forgotten. And it shook him to his core. Who was his family? was it just the people with the names and the faces, or did their history with him make them his family. He found the last to be true during that time. When they came back to him at the physical age of eleven, he became even more grateful for what he had and fearful he may lose them again. At the same time, Mason began to deal with the questions of how he fit in this world. He had only recently found out that he would die in this world and that he wasn't like the others. It was a hard thing to swallow, death. It became even harder when he learned he wasn't the first child that his mother had, and wouldn't be the first she lost. It seemed to Mason that he would one day break his mother's heart just as Jaxon had. From then on, he became like his father and brother in many ways. He had always looked up to them, of course, and things continued to shape him into the young man that he is.",
"start": 33833,
"end": 42959
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 33767,
"end": 33777
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/3803024/xX-Liza-Xx",
"start": 33794,
"end": 33815
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Jaxon Barrett Winters Gender: Male Date Of Birth: June 27, 2015 Parents: Jenna Winters & Bucky Barnes Universe/Fandom of Parents: Supernatural & MCU Species: Human Appearance: Jaxon is relatively average height standing 6'0. He takes after his father when it comes to looks. Short, dark hair is countered by lightly tanned fair skin and bright blue eyes. A smile almost always graces his lips making his eyes sparkle. He's quite strong and physically toned, however his style doesn't flaunt that. He can often be seen in simple shirts, jeans and boots. He tends to wear t-shirts but he might occasionally wear a button up if he is feeling dressy. Due to his death, Jaxon now bears a black 'X' on his back in the place where he was initially stabbed. It's like a tattoo, there to remind anyone watching of what happened in September of 2015. His physical age is 19 Personality: Jaxon is a very warm person. He smiles and laughs a lot. He gets along with list people very well and is pretty great at making friends. He is usually very light but he can get very defensive of his family, especially his mother. He is pretty good at cooking, which he learned from his mother. He enjoys going to the gym and occasionally going out to get a drink at the bar. Spending time with his friends and family is his favorite pass time. He enjoys a good game of chess and things like that that make him think and strategize. He tends to be very caring and understanding, but he can become explosive under extreme pressure. History: Born during the end of season 2, Jaxon came into the world and barely got to meet his father before Bucky died in one of the many explosions that phase. He spend the first week or so of his life with his mother and met one Taylor Weasley, though she wasn't really anything to his family at that point. He spent most of his life growing up in the world of season 3. He fell in love with a beautiful blonde girl by the name of Dominique Weasley. He moved out with her and enjoyed a simple life at her side. Peter Pan managed to get under his skin once and ten two had a fight. When he was only 2 months old, his mother left the world leaving him broken and confused. What made it all worse was walking in to find his father making out with his aunt. In a very blind rage, he killed her using the magic the world had given him for that phase. He was absolutely horrified by what he found and spent a while dealing with that. When his mother returned, he was afraid she wouldn't be a part of his life, but she ended up desiring close relationships. He was happy to get to spend time with her and grew close to her again. He also began a sort of friendship with Peter Pan and even fought monsters with him on one occasion. In September of 2015, Jaxon was just walking to his parents place when he ended up caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Loki used him as a bargaining chip to get Bucky to join him. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out well. Jaxon was ran through with the scepter and left to die. His mother was the one holding him as he died. Now, a year and a half later, he has returned to the Convergence. For everyone else, it's been so long. For him, it's been minutes",
"start": 43046,
"end": 46257
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 42960,
"end": 42970
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/3803024/xX-Liza-Xx",
"start": 43007,
"end": 43028
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Andrea \"Anthea\" Johnson Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 10th January 1980 (34) Universe/Fandom: Sherlock Role In Canon: Mycroft Holmes' Personal Assistant Species: Human Appearance: Since being in the Convergence for a year Andrea has let her hair grow out a bit, and it currently lies just above her waist and is naturally wavy though she's been straightening it lately. She has light blue eyes and full lips. Anthea is slightly tanned due to the nicer weather in the new world. She had a slim body, and stands at slightly above average at 5'5''. Anthea's style hasn't changed much, though she wears much more colour. She is almost always found in a blouse and skirt, though she will wear pants on occasion. Typically she wears no jewellery except for the engagement ring on her finger. Personality: Back in her own world Anthea was very closed off, she came off as kind of snarky and was blunt, if you asked her out and she wasn't interested she wouldn't sugarcoat it. She can still be like that, though she's softened up a lot. She's become more open to herself and others, she doesn't actively seek out people, but she won't shut them down anymore. She acknowledges that there is no point in lying and hiding. Even if she still goes by Anthea except for those she cares about. Around the people, she cares and trusts she is very kind and loving and protective. Anthea is always very strong-willed, and that can often lead to conflict with James Wesley, her soon to be husband, who is protective of her. History: As a kid, Anthea had a comfortable childhood, the Johnson's being an upper-middle-class family and her being an only child meant money was never tight, though both her parents worked very hard, and Anthea grew to be very independent. From a young age, she strove to work as hard as she could in order to be successful like her parents. She excelled in all of her subjects and graduated high school with top marks. In college, she took Political Science and graduated with top marks as well, right after she applied for a position in the British government. With her grades, and other skills such as being fluent in multiple languages she caught the eye of Mycroft Holmes, and she eventually became his PA. She considered herself close to the \"Ice Man\" and they spent a fair amount of time together. She was pulled into the convergence during the time that Sherlock was \"Dead\" she was one of the people who knew that he was still alive.",
"start": 46450,
"end": 48910
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 46258,
"end": 46268
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/4970858/Xx-I-Am-Combat-Ready-xX",
"start": 46398,
"end": 46432
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Scarlett Hawkins Gender: Female Date Of Birth: May 6, 1990 (30 years old) Universe/Fandom: Supernatural Species: Human Powers/Abilities (if applicable): While she has no super-human abilities, Scarlett is skilled with many different kinds of weapons, including knives and handguns with which she is most efficient. She is also a skilled fighter in close-quarter combat. Appearance:Scarlett's most striking feature is her bright red hair which she prefers to keep cut short so that it only reaches her shoulders. She also has brown eyes and, most of the time, a confident smirk on her face. She stands at 5 feet, 9 inches tall with a mildly athletic build. She prefers to dress casually, wearing jeans, plain colored shirts and black boots, along with a light, black jacket that used to belong to her mother. She has more than a few scars across her chest, arms and back, and an anti-possession tattoo on the back of her left shoulder, all of which she prefers to keep hidden if possible. [Face Claim: Katherine Barrell (pbs.twimg.com/media/C8qL1nWVYAEdh9L.jpg)] Personality: At heart, Scarlett is a warm and caring person, though that may not always come through right away. Over a decade of hunting monsters has caused her to build up a bit of a rough exterior, if only to keep herself from going mad from all of the things she's seen. As a result, her first impression can be cold and unfeeling. Hang around her long enough, though, and her caring heart will show itself, so long as you remain on her good side. To her enemies or those she perceives as a threat to herself or those she cares about, she is a force to be reckoned with, and heaven help anyone who betrays her loyalty. History: Scarlett was born in a small town in the Colorado Rockies to a loving mother and an absent father. She could never get a straight answer from her mother as to his identity or where he was and eventually she gave up trying to find out. Instead, she focused her efforts on living her life \u2013 going to school, playing on a youth basketball team, spending time with her friends, etc. All of that changed one night, a week before her fifteenth birthday when she came home early from a basketball practice to find a shape-shifter, wearing the likeness of a neighbor, killing her mother. The creature tried to do the same to Scarlett, but hunter, a woman named Robin, who was in town tracking the creature, managed to show up in time to save her. With no other family, Robin offered to take Scarlett under her wing, training her to be a hunter. They were a nearly inseparable team for nearly seven years before Robin was killed by a wendigo. Scarlett spent the next five years hunting on her own, until she rescued an orphaned teenage boy named Tobias from a nest of vampires. He didn't have any other family, so Scarlett looked after him, teaching him to be a hunter as best as she could. They formed a pretty good team and hunted together for three years. On a hunt for a nest of ghouls, Tobias and Scarlett got separated. The last thing she remembered before being pulled into the Convergence was the sound of him calling for help. (I don't know how, but I think I ended up posting this in the wrong place before...anyway, here we go!)",
"start": 49085,
"end": 52320
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 48911,
"end": 48921
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/1724075/Joseph-Haney",
"start": 49041,
"end": 49064
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Paige Grace Gender: Female Date Of Birth: Unknown (May 16 for the actress) Universe/Fandom: Once Upon A Time Role In Canon: Grace is the daughter of Jefferson(The Mad Hatter) and Priscilla. During the first curse she was known as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grace. Species: Human Appearance:Although technically she is about 47 years old, Grace appears to be a 19 year old teen. She has slightly wavy, dark blonde hair with blonde highlights that lie past her shoulders. Grace usually keeps her hair down. She stands at 5' 6\", and has a slim figure. She also has light skin and big brown eyes. You'll most likely see her in a light denim jacket and a pair of skinny jeans, but she also wears dresses often. Grace has more of a cute look to her and she isn't too big on make-up, so she has a natural beauty. * m.imdb.com/name/nm3309629/mediaviewer/rm2224105472 * m.imdb.com/name/nm3309629/mediaviewer/rm2811308032 Personality:Even after all those years Grace still kept her sweet, innocent, and a caring personality. She is a very compassionate girl who refuses to grow up. She's also old fashioned having that she (somewhat) grew up in the Enchanted Forest and she loves to help people whenever she can. You will mostly, if not always, see a smile on her face. Unless of course she is troubled with something. Grace can be very optimistic, though sometimes she has her doubts. She is also very friendly to everyone, regardless of their appearance. History: As a little girl, Grace would always spend time with her father when he wasn't selling mushrooms; they had a very close relationship. One day the evil queen had made a deal with him that involved him having to go to Wonderland. He declined the offer, but later he decided to take the deal after he couldn't buy her a stuffed rabbit at a market, figuring that he couldn't give her a good life. But what he didn't know was that all she truly needed was him for her to be happy. While they were having a little tea party her father made her a rabbit, and told her that he had to go. She knew it had to do with the queen and had tried to convince him not to go, but it didn't work. Before he had left he promised he'd be back for their tea party. Grace always kept the rabbit that he made close to her since it meant a lot. While he was out of the realm Grace spent her time with their neighbors. She would always count the days waiting for her fathers return, but he never showed up. She soon began to get really worried, but the neighbors kept reassuring her that everything was okay. Although that didn't stop her from worrying, and eventually the curse came some time after. While she was her cursed self she lived with who she thought was her parents, but really they were her former neighbors. She attended the same school as Henry and had no memory(of any kind) of her papa. After the curse was broken, Grace lived with her father in Storybrooke, often visiting her neighbors/ cursed parents. And after being separated from him for so long, she liked to stay close by his side after he had reunited with her. For a while she didn't go out much since her father was always afraid something might happen to her in the chaotic town, but eventually he warmed up to the idea of her being away at times. They would still oftenly go to the town together to do something. And on one of these trips to town Grace had bought a gift for him. Grace was now aged to appear 19. She was admiring the rabbit that she had still kept after all those years. Not too long after she was dropped into the convergence.",
"start": 52498,
"end": 56065
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 52321,
"end": 52331
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/8530929/Xx-Wild-Wolf-xX",
"start": 52454,
"end": 52480
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Melanie Silver (calls herself Mirror) Gender: Female Date of Birth: March 17, 1992 (age: 22) Universe/Fandom: DC TV-verse (Earth One) Species: Metahuman Powers/Abilities: Because of the STAR Labs particle accelerator explosion and broken shards of mirror that hit her when the explosion happened, Mel is now able to project alternate images into others' minds, therefore making it possible to hide things in very plain sight from the eyes of others. She can also \"mirror\" a single aspect of a person, be it their eyes, voice, fingerprint, etc...but never more than one at the same time. Appearance: (FC: Saoirse Ronan) Melanie has light blue eyes and straight, blond hair that goes down to her shoulders. She is relatively small in stature, standing a little shorter than five and a half feet tall. Her limbs are a decent size, which comes from her years of doing whatever work she could find. Mel's clothes are usually more of a darker variety, but not so dark as to be described as goth. For \"tricks\", she dons a white mask and silver wig. She wears a purple vest over her white shirt with black pants and silver heels to go along. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Melanie is a rather quiet and reserved person. She is smart, calm and is good at seeing two sides to an argument, which is a useful skill when it comes to keeping Anton in check. She is not quick to make friends with people, as she always has a fear of losing them or being separated. If someone can get close to her though, as Anton has, she can talk for hours and has a good sense of humor. Melanie enjoys making people smile, just another reason why she loves magic, and will always fulfill a request to perform a trick. History: Melanie was born in Ivy Town, Connecticut to her parents. When she was only a year and a half old, her father fell victim to lung cancer and died before she turned two. Her father had been the main earner in the family, and in his absence Melanie's mother had to take up two jobs. When Melanie started school, they were forced to move into an apartment. Unfortunately, they were forced to move every two years or so, never able to find steady work or rent prices. As she grew older, Melanie began taking on any kind of jobs that she could find, from mowing lawns to delivering mail. Working and homework left her with little time for friends, which were hard to make with her constant moving. They finally settled in Coast City when Melanie was thirteen. By that time, her mom was working three jobs and sleeping whenever she could. When Melanie turned fourteen, a family friend in the area offered her a job at their Magic Shop, which she took up instantly. She began thumbing through manuals and kits in order to help customers, but as time went on, she found herself learning and enjoying tricks. She would spend her lunch breaks practicing small card tricks or vanishing acts at her lonely table in the corner, not really minding her absence of friends. When her sophomore year of high school rolled around, her only two friends convinced her to show off some of her tricks in the talent show. With nothing to lose, since nobody seemed to know she existed, and the opportunity to bring more business to the Magic Shop, she agreed. The talent show went off without a hitch, and the applause she received at the end was enough confirmation that Melanie was doing what she was always meant to. Magic, working, and good grades eventually landed her a scholarship to Midwestern University in Keystone City. There a quiet, indrawn Melanie met the ambitious and amazing Anton. They hit it off immediately, and four years later she began working as his assistant, later partner, in a magic act. On December 11 during their opening act in Central City in front of their largest crowd ever, Melanie wasn't even nervous. Fogg and Silver, Feats of Tomorrow was about to become a hit. It was what she had been working for nearly half her life, and it paid off. Just as they took their bows, the STAR labs' particle accelerator exploded. The close proximity to the lab send waves of energy rippling through their area, which shattered the mirrors surrounding Melanie, leaving pieces of glass stuck in her flesh. She woke up two weeks later with a nurse standing over her. Melanie immediately thought of how pretty the woman's eyes were, but thought nothing else of it until she looked at herself in the mirror. The eyes looking back at her were not her own. As the days passed, she grew more into her \"abilities\" and learned how to properly use them. When Anton awoke, they only had a brief reunion before the bad news started piling up. Debt upon debt came in, asking for money that the young adults didn't have. When Anton suggested breaking into the bank, Melanie didn't see any other option. It went well, not considering how Anton had flung black smoke at the police officers that had discovered them. After some of the debts were paid, Melanie found that her new job was keeping Anton in check. She constantly warned him which \"tricks\" were too big and could hurt too many people. He had been changed by the explosion in more ways than one, and that hurt her. She owed it to her only friend to keep him safe and secure. When he handed her a white mask and a silver wig, she didn't say no. When he moved them all over the country for their \"tricks\", she didn't say no. When he told her about a heist in Starling City, she didn't say no. Instead she went along with the increasingly rash Anton, keeping her mental promise of keeping him in check. That was until they were both pulled from their plans to the Convergence, which was possibly the greatest trick of them all.",
"start": 56274,
"end": 61953
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 56066,
"end": 56076
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/6239591/shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod",
"start": 56213,
"end": 56253
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Evie Laurel Queen Gender: Female Date of Birth: July 9, 2017 Parents: Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak Universe/Fandom of Parents: DC TV: Arrow Species: Human Powers/Abilities: N/A Appearance: (FC: Ginny Gardener) Evie looks much like her mom Felicity, with shoulder-length blonde hair that is normally straight, but she curls it sometimes if she has time. She also has blue eyes and is usually seen with a slight smile on her face if she isn't concentrating on something. Evie stands at about 5'8'', having gotten her height more from Oliver's side of the family. Through her training sessions, she has put on a good deal of muscle, leading to her being a rather fit-looking individual. She normally wears whatever she finds to be comfortable, and can often be seen in athletic clothes following a training session or workout. Personality: Evie is curious, not afraid to meet new people, a bit protective, and is generally an upbeat person. She loves figuring out more about the world, and where others came from, and any new information she can get her hands on is welcome. She is a keen learner, whether it be from books, on computers, or through physical trial and error. Her somewhat protective nature she got from her father, and she is devoted to her parents and younger brother. Evie is generally a happy person, eager to help someone should they need it, and does not come off as having a shy personality, but not so much that she is abrasive. While she doesn't babble quite as often as her mother does, she can go on and on about something she truly enjoys without ever tiring of talking about it. She loves to draw just about anything, and can usually be found with a sketchpad in her hands after a particularly rough day, as it allows her to focus on other things. If something is bothering her though, it can take her a little while to open up about it, which in part she also got from her father. She can be a bit stubborn at times, but it is always because she believes that something better will come out of her holding her ground. History: Evie was born on July 9, 2017, to her parents Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. During her first few months of life, she was rather sheltered. She stuck close to her parents as they warned her about some of the dangers of the people in the world. This has led to her still being very connected to them even as she became a young adult. As a child, Evie was always curious, and as she grew so did her affinity for computers, drawing, and becoming a better fighter. Through lessons with Oliver and Sara in the lair, she's become a formidable fighter, though she hasn't had to use it much during her time in the world. Evie has made a few friends outside of her family, but tends to stay close to them and is always wary of something going wrong. The first time something truly awful happened in Evie's life was when her Uncle Barry and half-brother William both left the world at the same time. Evie had never dealt with loss on that scale before, and wasn't quite sure how to handle suddenly missing two very important people to her. Eventually they did come back, though they had new memories of their own...and none of her. Evie managed to work through it with help from her parents, and learned to make the most of the time she has with her family.",
"start": 62159,
"end": 65475
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/30/2017",
"start": 61954,
"end": 61964
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/6239591/shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod",
"start": 62101,
"end": 62141
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Riley Grace Weasley Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 31st January, 2016 Parents: George Weasley and Taylor Weasley Universe/Fandom of Parents: Harry Potter Species: Witch Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Normal Wizarding abilities Appearance: (FC: Katherine McNamara) Riley has inherited her mother's dark blue eyes, and her dad's ginger hair. It's fairly long, falling down past her shoulders. It's usually kept down, despite the fact she's almost constantly moving and wouldn't be at risk of having it yanked on when she was exploring if she simply tied it up. When living in the fourth world, her skin was quite tanned. Due to the spent in the cooler environment of the fifth and following worlds, the tan has faded, revealing her skin to be much paler. Riley's much shorter than her brother, standing at 5'3, the same height as her mother. Her sense of adventure can be seen by the cheeky grin she's usually wearing, as well as the spark of mischief she often has in her eyes, like both of her parents. Her active lifestyle has also lead to her having a slim but somewhat toned figure, though she doesn't tend to show it off. Usually she wears simple t-shirts and jogging pants, accompanied by a hoodie, completed by trainers, on her many escapades around the world. Unless she really wants to make an effort, or is forced to by the world, she won't wear make-up or dresses. During her time in the wasteland, where Worldborns were able to respawn, Riley gained three scars. These include a scar covering the palm of her left hand, from where she touched the electric forcefield surrounding the wasteland, a scar on her neck from having her throat ripped out by a monster, and a scar down her spine from where she accidentally fell off a building at the very end of her time in the wasteland. Personality: Riley is bright, bubbly, and loves to have fun. She's feisty, enthusiastic about life, and just wants to take on the whole world. She's ready to make the most of it, because, after all, you only live once in this place. She's fiercely protective of those she loves, like her mother, and will always be ready to fight for them. She also didn't escape the tempers of her parents, having inherited hers from both of them. She rarely gets angry, but when she does, you'll know it. Despite this, she doesn't hold a grudge. She's also extremely curious, fancying herself to be somewhat of a detective when it comes to exploring the world, which she frequently does. She's almost always out exploring the world, particularly where most of the monsters lurk - after all, they're one of the most exciting parts of it. When she isn't out looking for them, she's probably writing about them in a journal. Making her own notes is Riley's favourite way to learn - she's never cared much for reading and prefers to be much more hands on with educating herself. Still, running around chasing monsters isn't the safest life to live, and on more than one occasion she's been called reckless. That, she's been reminded, makes her quite like her father (and though that might not be always seen as a good thing, Riley's extremely proud of that fact). Riley is also a lesbian, and won't hesitate to be upfront and honest about it, if it happens to come up in conversation. Her personality type is ENFP; she is a true free spirit. If she'd actually had the opportunity to attend Hogwarts, there is no doubting that she would have been a Gryffindor through and through. History: Riley was born to George and Taylor Weasley alongside her twin brother, Matthew, to whom she is very close, on the 31st of January, 2016. Growing up, she had quite a lonely upbringing, although unlike most children born in-world, she got to grow up at the same time as her brother. Her parents raised her to have an educated view of the world and made sure she was capable of witchcraft, like any other magical child would be, which included getting a wand to perform magic with. Her time in the fourth world was spent mostly in the sun. She was almost always outside, exploring, mostly in the jungles, despite the risks. Offensive and defensive spells slowly became Riley's favourite to perform, and it was those that she was most talented at doing. It was the world that very much felt like home, being warm and comfortable and having all of her family in it. But Riley had no choice but to go 'On' when the doors appeared, heading straight into the much colder fifth world. She didn't like the fifth world anywhere near as much as she loved the fourth. It was contrasted too strongly with the previous world, not only temperature wise, but also in the fact that only a few months after arriving there, her father left the world. This left Riley completely devastated for a time, rendering her angry and bitter at everything and everyone around her. Even more of her energy went into exploring and keeping herself as isolated as possible, often involving her camping out in the forest for days at a time. Over time, Riley managed to get back to being her usual self. She started engaging with people a lot more, and though she continued to camp out in the forest, she did so for fun, not to try and isolate herself. Although there were bumps along the way, like her brother's temporary death, and an accident in the forest where she had her leg all but mauled, she's managed to bounce back into being the feisty young woman she truly is. Much like she had in all the previous worlds, Riley continued to adventure during her time in the sixth world. Despite her cousin, Oscar, being born just before this world started, she did not take on a role of responsbility. Her favourite place to be was Infernos, and if she wasn't there, she'd probably be found in Empyrean. Some key moments included her and then her brother being possessed, as well as Riley being told to not explore the levels of the world alone, for her own safety. The sixth world also saw the introduction of Cal Derek, her mother's new boyfriend, and Sky Smith, a young alien her mother adopted, into her life. In the seventh world, Riley has continued to thrive and explore, and remains living with the rest of her family in an adaptable cottage on D\u00f9rachd. Her adventures included attempting to get the kraken to reveal itself, as well as taking Sky (who has taken the surname Weasley-Derek) to Olc to track down the dragon. Although that particular adventure wasn't successful, it resulted in both her and Sky being grounded for a week. One phase in the seventh world was timed in such a way that when Riley's reckless adventure to see the dragon on her own lead to her death, she was able to respawn. Unfortunately in order for this to happen, her own mother died for the rest of the week. Soon, normality was restored, but it the event did knock Riley's confidence and encouraged her to live life with a little more care. Also in the seventh world, Riley's Uncle Fred left. Because of this, her cousin Oscar and his two dogs moved in, expanding the household further. Cal, her mother's boyfriend, soon left the world too. Since all of that happened, Riley's life hasn't been all that interesting. She's met some people, such as Kalina (a fellow Worldborn). In the weeks before the seventh world ended, Riley enjoyed decorating the house with her family and exploring the world a few more times, making sure she hadn't missed anything. Towards the end of the seventh world, Riley stepped through the door on the bridge and straight into the wasteland of the next world. Her life from this point onward is detailed here.",
"start": 65640,
"end": 73205
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/31/2017",
"start": 73206,
"end": 73216
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/2554469/ALazyGeek",
"start": 65602,
"end": 65622
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: William Sterling Romanov-Holmes Gender: Male Date of Birth: November 26, 2016 Parents: William Sherlock Scott Holmes and Natasha Romanov-Holmes Universe/Fandom of Parents: BBC Sherlock/MCU Species: Human Abilities: Sterling has no supernatural abilities, but is remarkably observant and analytical, proficient in hand to hand combat, and can handle with a variety of weapons, courtesy of his parents' training. He prefers avoiding conflict, though, so if he can charm his way out of a situation, he'd much rather rely on that. Appearance: (FC for edits: Nicholas Hoult) Sterling is tall, around 6'1\", and previously leaned towards the skinnier side, with a bit of muscle from regular training. He's grown just a little bigger after time spent in the Wasteland. His curly hair is dark brown and cropped relatively, and his eyes are a soft green, similar to his mother's. Pale complexion, like both his parents. Sherlock's nose and cheekbones, and a smile very much like Natasha's. He'll wear button-down shirts, jumpers, and jeans, with a little leather coat and scarf. He also wears a watch, given to him by his parents as a coming of age gift. Personality: Sterling is an intellectually gifted child and a musical prodigy. He's very curious about the world around him, very imaginative, and usually enthusiastic about learning. He'll get excited about topics that interest him, read up on them, ask questions, and discuss what he's learned. He's not shy, but he can be on the quieter side if he feels he has nothing of value to ask or contribute to a conversation, and will prefer to listen. He's also perceptive. And though he's not afraid to ask questions about the things he perceives, he'll sometimes keep them to himself until he can figure them out on his own. When it comes to his family, Sterling absolutely adores them, and will often be physically affectionate with those he's closest to. He can be mischievous like his parents, but it's a mischief that usually translates into getting into and out of rooms and places to further investigate something he's curious about. Mischief with a purpose. He can also be a little messy, but it's a systematic sort of messy. He has an excellent memory and knows exactly where he's left everything. Sterling's interests usually center around all things science and music. He especially loves the violin because his father's playing was his very first introduction into the world of music he loves so much, but he's developed an interest in other instruments. He plays the piano, the cello, the electric cello, the guitar, aside from his violin. During his time in the Wasteland, with nothing on hand save his knife, wood, and the occasional animal bone, the list has expanded to include flutes, whistles, and drums, which he's made for himself, much like the American Native Americans did. He also enjoys composing and reading. Particularly about bugs (and specifically, butterflies), plants, music, musical instruments, fiction (leaning towards fantasy, and the occasional romance, because he's a curious child) and non-fiction biographies of scientists and composers. Currently, he speaks English, Russian, Klingon, with some French he's picked up from his family, but his preferred form of communication is music. History: Sterling was born to Sherlock Holmes and Natasha Romanov-Holmes during the world's Season 5, Episode 19, after the angel Hadriel healed his mother from an old surgery without her knowledge. Because of the world's extreme climate, he spent the better part of his first few weeks of life indoors, with his parents, family, and pets, with the occasional trip outside for bug hunting with his dad, snowball fights with his parents, and just running around and playing in the snow. It is perhaps one of the reasons he came to love science so much, and at such a young age. It opened up a whole world within a world for him, when his own was still technically very, very small. Sterling also came to love music, and would sit and listen to his dad playing the violin with an awestruck look on his face, later trying to recreate the melody with his toys. He had a gift for it. His very, very first violin was a gift from his dad, and it is his most loved possession. Some weeks before the change in setting, they all went to live with his Aunt Naomi, Uncle Mycroft, and his cousin, Zariah, whom he'd come to adore. Here Sterling learned to play the piano, and indulged his sneakier, stealthier, curious side, encouraged by both his parents, naturally. Despite having lost his house when a large chunk of moon fell on it and destroyed it, it was losing his dad that hit him the hardest. He cried until he returned, and even after, never really let go of his fear that it would happen again. The change in setting came as a new adventure. There were a lot of firsts. Trips to the beach, scavenger hunts with his parents, bug hunting with his dad, training with his mum, visits to the Hologram Cinema, horseback rides with Zariah, lots and lots of family dinners, even his first butterfly house. He explored the new world with all the curiosity of a little boy confined to snow for too long. Other firsts weren't as pleasant. Sterling came close to losing Zariah, and his own life, in the world's Inferno; watched his uncle die to save them from dangerous creatures; and suffered through an opioid overdose that hurt his parents as much, if not more, than it hurt him. He recovered with the love and support of his family. The setting changed again, and again it came as a new adventure. There was a new butterfly house from his dad, and it is where he spent the majority of his time, when he wasn't composing or leaning a new instrument, or spending time with Zariah, or getting swept into his parents games. CHARACTER TRACKER Character Name: William Sterling Romanov-Holmes Name Changes (e.g. due to marriage): None. Universe/Fandom: Worldborn Point in Fandom Taken From (e.g. first book): None. DOB/Age: November 26, 2016. Physically looks 18. Date/Episode Arrived: November 26, 2016. Season 5, Episode 19. Actor/Faceclaim: Nicholas Hoult House Description: Sterling lives with Zariah in a fairly big house near their parents. There is a barn and pasture for her horses, and Sterling has a butterfly house. * gifts-of-convergence.tumblr.com/post/172616182036/holmes-home-20-zariah-sterlings-afterlife Events In The Convergence: Season 5: Sterling was born to Sherlock Holmes and Natasha Romanov on November 26, 2016, during Season 5, Episode 19. Because of the world's extremely cold climate, he spent the better part of his first few weeks indoors with his parents and pets. It's perhaps one of the reasons he's come to love science so much. It opened up a whole new world for him when his own world was still technically very small. There was a lot of playing, reading, studying, and spending time with his family. As well as cultivating the musical talents he'd already developed at a young age. His very first violin was a gift from his dad. He treasures it above all his other instruments to this day. Sherlock and Natasha took Sterling out to play in the snow around the four-year mark, taught him about snowballs and snowball fights, and took him on many trips to the gardens to hunt for bugs and study plants. For a couple of weeks before the change in setting, after a piece of moon fell on their house and destroyed most of their belongings, Sterling and his parents went to live with his aunt Naomi, his uncle Mycroft, and his cousin Zariah. He was always good at getting into and out of places, but here he learned to be sneaky and cautious in his endeavors. He also learned to play the piano. Close to the end of the setting, he lost his dad for a couple of days. He eventually got him back, and his whole family was very supportive in the meantime, but he's since been scared of losing members of his family for good. Season 6: With the new setting came new adventures. Sterling acquired new instruments, started training with his mum, visited the gardens and went bug hunting with his dad. There were many firsts. Beach days, trips to the pool, learning to drive, many original compositions, including one for his dad's birthday, one for Zariah, and another for his mum. During Episode 3, he drank a potion and fiddled with the power to control sound waves for a week. Which was all kinds of fun to play with where music was concerned. He also had his very first birthday that same week and was given a beautiful watch by his parents, engraved with the words 'Forever ours' behind the watch face. Zariah gifted him an elegant leather journal. During Episode 5, Sterling believed he'd lived his whole life in the Convergence and had plans to become a concert musician once he graduated. Afterward, when his memories came back and he realized there'd be no such future for him here, he was very upset. His dad took him to the gardens to hunt for bugs in an effort to cheer him up, as well as sneakily catch a caterpillar for Sterling to observe at home. Sterling had the opportunity to see its whole lifecycle from beginning to end with his own eyes. The journal Zariah gave him is now full of copious notes and observations that he updates regularly. Towards the end of Episode 12, Sterling was accidentally triggered by Zariah and spent a long while recovering from the aftermath of an opioid overdose. He's since made up with his family and moved on. The Letters: Sterling has his mum and dad's determination and sense of adventure, and has taken to the world much the same way he took to the last, if not a little better. He was gifted a butterfly house by his dad, which he's kept track of in a new journal. He's developed friendships, with Henry and Barriss. He trains every day, and composes frequently, often inspired by the people in his life. Still, tragedy was never far away. Sterling 'lost' his mum during 'W is for Worrisome', and was completely shattered by the loss. While his dad tried to solve the mystery, he relied mostly on Zariah to cope. He barely ate, rarely slept, and scarcely looked out for himself, let alone his dad. She eventually came back, but Zariah's later loss only set him back further. He still has nightmares of both, but he's since tried his best to move on. The last few months have been filled with tending to his butterfly house, reading, riding, and walking with Zariah, playing games of chess with his Uncle Mycroft, training with his mum, music sessions with his dad and Aunt Eurus, getting tangled up in his parents games (because they insist on planting clues on him, so he never knows when he's going to be dragged out of bed at four in the morning, or be bodily searched for clue), and just trying to make the most of his last days with the people he loves most in the world. His parents may not be perfect people, or even perfect parents, but their love for him is in everything they do, and he wouldn't trade them for anything. He'll be heartbroken when they're gone. The Wasteland: After four months in The Wasteland, Sterling is looking a little scruffier than usual, complete with a five o'clock shadow, but he's kept as neat as the circumstances allow. He gets Zariah to cut his hair when his curls get too long. The first couple of months were the hardest. Sterling was withdrawn, quiet, coping with the loss of everything through silence, the physical comfort of his family and friends, and through entries in his journal. Occasionally, he'd sketch in the margins, same as he used to do with his butterflies, but with people. Most of the Worldborns are sketched into the pages. When animals finally arrived in the world, he took in Jackie and Basil. After scavenging for the appropriate materials, he also made musical instruments for himself using bone and wood, and kept them on a little shelf in the home he shared with Zariah. Butterflies reappeared in his journal. Eventually, he decided to build a new butterfly house, and did so with Mason's help. He remembered building his first with his dad, and the day his Sherlock unveiled the second, bigger, better one he'd built for him to cheer him up. After it was all built and ready to be filled with plants and butterflies, he sat in a little corner by himself, and had a long cry until Zariah came for him. Afterlife: Sterling has spent all his life fearing his lose his parents, and those fears had finally come true. When Zariah had delivered the news that people were starting to come back, while he'd been tending to his butterflies, he tried not to get his hopes up. That didn't work. They met their parents on the beach, the moment he laid eyes on his mum and dad, he crumbled in their arms. The fear was back full force. With Mary's disappearance, it only grew. He worried, he obsessed. Now he's doing a little better, and can usually be found in his dad's lab, in his own butterfly house, composing in room, riding with Zariah, or being a clue/clue-holder in one of his parents' games. On occasion, he'll have to sneak into his parents' house to steal back the dog and cat he's taken custody of. When he heard of Sherlock, Mycroft, and Eurus' encounter with the wyvern, he stole his dad away to take through one of the arches for some quality time, just the two of them. His mum came to keep an eye on them, just in case. He's had few friends, Mason and Zach being two of them, but his closest has been Barriss. After her second disappearance, he tried to make peace with the fact that they might not be friends like they used to, but now that she's come back again, he's hopeful. He's not entirely sure how to go about it, though. Advice will be solicited. He's been composing a lot since in an effort to figure it out.",
"start": 73304,
"end": 87037
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/31/2017",
"start": 87038,
"end": 87048
"user": {
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"start": 73259,
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"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Genevieve Addison Dare Gender: Female Date Of Birth: August 29th, 2017 Parents: Eric Coulter & Kassandra 'Kasi' Dare Universe/Fandom of Parents: Divergent & Fox MCU (X-Men) Species: Mutant Powers/Abilities: Illusion Manipulation (Psychosomatic Illusion) Appearance: [ FC : Bridget Satterlee ] As a young child, Genevieve had bright hazel-green eyes and light blond hair. Throughout her infant years her eyes lightened to a more green colour. Not standing very tall, taking after her mother in height she only stood 5'5\" at the age of sixteen. Not that she had much problem with her height. Taking after her father, in her stance and the way she walked. She also has most of her father's stern, grumpy looking features. Her brows furrowed most of the time and her lips pursed. That didn't stop her from constantly smiling and laughing. As a teen, her hair and eyes darkened slightly making more of her features stand out. Her skin tone now less pale, darkened slightly from going out and playing in the sun when she could. Once Genevieve hit eighteen, the majority of her features heightened and suddenly she started to take more after her father. Her hair was still long and almost an auburn colour and Genevieve's eyes a hazel colour. Her cheekbones are sharp, making that one of her more noticeable features. She stands slightly taller than her mom at 5'5\" and a half. She's got a lean figure that is claud most of the time in dark clothes (which she took after her father being dauntless). Personality: Genevieve as a young girl, was more on the shy side. She clung to her parents for most of her younger years, shy and quiet but friendly to anyone her parents told her were family. As a she grew up she became more outgoing, wondering around to meet new people and not being afraid to crack a smile and joke at people she felt that might need it. She started to become more of an extrovert, someone who started talking to more people and someone who wasn't afraid to ask questions when she need clarification. Throughout her teen years, Genevieve became more of a social butterfly. She wanted to meet new people all the time and she wanted to explore the worlds. Both parents letting her do so, with their supervision - Genevieve easily picking up on different traits from her parents. She took after Eric, through some of his 'hard-ass' personality. Genevieve is not afraid to get in a fight - especially if she knows she can win. She took after her mother as well in the sense she's fun and keep her family close to her heart. If anyone hurts the people she loves, she'd destroy them. History: Genevieve Addison Dare was born on August 29th, 2017 to her two parents Eric and Kasi during The Twelfth Letter (Fifteen: O is for...O'clock). The first few faces the child of the mutant and dauntless leader saw was Pepper Potts, Minho and Arthur Pendragon. All three of which she proceeded to continuously see throughout most of her childhood. Her first few days in the world, were surrounded by both Eric and Kasi watching her every hour of the day, both new parents under stress of making sure they kept her as safe as possible. Genevieve became very familiar with the face of Pepper Potts, who was asked to be Genevieve's godmother. Pepper brought Bruno over the first few days of Genevieve's life, the little girl later on becoming very much in love with her first best friend in the world. As soon as Genevieve started learning how to walk and how to talk, she's been rather a handful for both parents. Genevieve being a curious little girl like most young children insisted that her father and mother take her out to explore the changing world constantly. While exploring with her mother, she met many new people including; Arthur Pendragon, Jem Carstairs (Uncle Jem), Tessa Grey (Aunt Tessa), Minho, Charlie Bradbury, etc. As she grew up, she started to become close with her godmother 'Aunt' Pepper, and Bruno her godmother's pet dog. Bruno was her first and still is her best friend. Genevieve became very close to Bruno, and she treasured him dearly. Pepper saw this and brought Genevieve a companion of her own.Jack, a brown labordoddle that she cherishes deeply. Her second best friend and protector. The pair are inseparable now that Genevieve was old enough to go out on her own. Both Jack and Genevieve were very much protected by Eric and Kasi - mainly because neither parent wanted to lose their daughter or the dog that they'd both grown just as attached to as Genevieve had. When Genevieve turned fourteen she started to develop her mutant powers, they suddenly appeared when Eric had eaten the cake. Genevieve had been concentrating so hard that an illusion of the cake appeared on the table, which scared both Eric and Genevieve at the time. Kasi later learnt of her daughter's mutant powers, and began to help their daughter understand how to use her powers. Though they didn't know the extent of her powers, they did know that she was a strong mutant - especially when it comes to illusions. Since then, Genevieve has constantly practiced and used her powers to get away with certain things she wouldn't have gotten away with if she hadn't had powers. If she uses too much of her powers she starts to develop an almost headache like feeling on the right side of her head - which can be very painful the stronger the illusion. Genevieve took to reading up what she could on her powers, and found out that with her powers she could get into peoples heads as well and make the illusions very painful for them. She compares this constantly to her dauntless roots, always saying that she couldn't have had a power that didn't include pain towards others. On the day of her eighteenth birthday she stopped aging, and her mother showed her how to fully control her powers. She didn't move away from home, and her and Jack still go out and explore the world together.",
"start": 87192,
"end": 93086
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/31/2017",
"start": 96875,
"end": 96885
"user": {
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"start": 87142,
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"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Alara May Derek. Gender: Female. Date Of Birth: June 4th, 2017. Parents: Ben Derek (father) & Jenna Winters (mother). Universe/Fandom of Parents: Star Wars (father) & Supernatural (mother). Species: Humanoid. Powers/Abilities: Alara possesses a high level of midichlorians in her blood, something from her father's galaxy; because of their intense strength, she has the ability to tap into a living energy called the Force. The Force allows her to connect with life itself in various ways and heightens her reflexes, gives her a bit of a 'sixth sense' when it comes to danger, and allows her to learn to use various other abilities available to her the more she trains. Currently, Alara is able to use: * Telepathy - The ability to call and speak to other Force-sensitives. * Telekinesis - The ability to move things with her mind, without touching them. * Sense - Alara can sense danger when it is nearby, and also when familiar presences are nearing her, like her family. She can feel their emotions and their pain if strong enough, and everything is vice versa; she can project her own emotions and pain as well. Alara is constantly striving to access more of the Force for other gifts as well. Besides this, she also has learned hand-to-hand combat from her parents and her uncle, Callen Derek. She knows how to use various weapons, including guns, blasters, knives, and her lightsaber (a special laser sword from her father's world, which she built herself with an emerald blade). She's an agile girl who enjoys remaining active and thus, has a decent amount of physical strength and flexibility to her form. She has an acceptable level of stamina that she is always trying to improve in, through ways such as running or sparring with someone from her family. Naturally, Alara is more drawn to and talented in physical activities and sports than studies. She does, however, know literature, math, science, and other subjects in a basic curriculum taught to her by a variety of sources. Appearance: Alara Derek has inherited a great deal of her mother's appearance; including the thick, wavy, dark-brown hair and oval facial structure. Her eyes are her father's, a very bright and deep blue; these, nestled beneath dark locks, and accompanied with soft lips and a fair complexion, make her a handsome child. The illustration cannot be complete without dark eyebrows, long eyelashes, and a slender frame, filled out well with days she fills with physically-challenging activities, such as running and exploring. Her style of dress is not limited to one genre, though articles of clothing worn almost daily are a simple black leather jacket, and a cap upon her head. She also has a pair of favorite sneakers, some white converses. She might be seen in jeans and a crop top, a skirt and a casual tee, or a sundress and sandals. Overall, her clothing is practical but fitting to her sense of style that day. She is also never without some form of weapon, her lightsaber and/or a knife being the most common on her person. Personality: An extrovert, with the mind of a mature teenager who has only seen the world for a few months, Alara is curious but intelligent. Having grown so fast but existing so little, she manages to still see with childish wonder the awe of things like nature and the world around her. She is independent and in that sense, chooses her loyalties and will remain with them strongly. She loves with her whole heart, and nearly trusts an equal amount. Her vice is a quick temper and a swift inclination to sarcasm and wariness if she is given a reason to do so. Alara's personality type is ENFP - \"the campaigner.\" Words used to describe such a personality are: charming, independent, energetic and compassionate. Alara views the world as an intricate source but doesn't analyze the facts but rather the emotions. This mindset is amplified with her connection with the Force, that allows her emotions, heart, and mind to be linked with every living thing around her (to the extent the world allows). Strengths associated with an ENFP personality are: curiosity, being observant, energetic, knowing how to relax, and good communicators. Faults, however are: being easily stressed, difficulty in focusing, and being extremely emotional. History: The major events in the life of Alara May Derek can all be read HERE on her Character Tracker.",
"start": 97047,
"end": 101418
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/31/2017",
"start": 101419,
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"user": {
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"start": 96988,
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"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Ava Morgause Gorlois Gender: Female Date Of Birth: 29/11/2015, but is physically nineteen Parents: Gwaine and Morgana Pendragon Universe/Fandom: Merlin Species: Human/Witch Powers/abilities: Can do quite complex spells, not as powerful as her mother but is in no way weak. She highly educated when it comes to magic, having a high priestess as a mother and another as an aunt though unlike her mother and brother, is not a seer. Face Claim: Nicola Posener Appearance: Ava despite being born not long ago looks about nineteen and is about 5'6 with a well built body due to her mother's ambition to make her a great warrior. She has long straight brown hair that hangs just below her shoulders and has brown eyes that match her father's. She often wears it down and occasionally curls it. She has an oval face and is lightly tanned, thanks to her father and love for the outdoors. She usually wears jeans, and simple T-shirts unless in formal situations when she will attempt to steal her one of mother's gowns. She wears an anti-possession necklace given that Jenna gave to her while she was a baby. Personality: Ava is a bit of a mix between her parents. She loves the same humour as her dad and can't stay inside for too long, always needing to be doing something practical. But after events such as Uther and Sarrum, Ava has become a bit more protective, getting her mother's spirit and not being afraid to speak her mind. She does, however, keep such things like sadness private, believing she needs to be strong for Braedon who is a bit more senstitive. Ava is straightforward, sarcastic and is nearly always in the mood to laugh. Ava is obsessed with archery and is hardly ever, seen in public without a bow. She is fit, spending most of her time training. Due to her childhood, her accent is a mixture of Irish and American. History: Ava was born during Season Three, Episode Nineteen: Forest Escapades. Her parents are Sir Gwaine of Camelot and the Lady Morgana, leader of the Saxons and High Priestess of the old religion, both are from Merlin. Despite her mother being a Pendragon, she was given the surname Gorlois as her mother despised the name due to Uther Pendragon's actions and believed her step/adoptive father Gorlois was more of a parent. Soon after her birth she began growing quickly becoming a few months old after only one week of life and gained magic quite quickly, around when she was the physical age of eight. Uther showed up in that first week which caused fear for Ava's safety and Morgana tried to keep her hidden. Luckily, his visit was short. Ava was immediately put into hiding once Sarrum showed up and had lost a lot of her social life/friends during that time. Her time in hiding became even longer when Uther showed up again causing trouble for her family. Once she was free, she met Michael the archangel and quickly formed a friendship (and crush). The friendship turned out to be quite dangerous with demons constantly attacking her family. Due to some other issues, she lost her friendship with Michael. She became an elder sister when Braedon was born and loves him dearly, even with a few dramas in the past. Ava moved in with her long-term boyfriend Minho after a bigger fight among the family but hen things settled, she spent a lot of her time back at her parent's house. Seeing Braedon suffer from nightmares, she often wishes she could take his place in the curse.",
"start": 101509,
"end": 104933
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/31/2017",
"start": 104934,
"end": 104944
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/4400116/Thelis-Hanna",
"start": 101468,
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"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Oscar George Bell-Weasley Gender: Male Date Of Birth: December 31st, 2016 Parents: Fred Weasley and Katie Bell Universe/Fandom(s) of Parents: Harry Potter Species: Squib Powers/Abilities (if applicable): N/A Appearance: [FC: Rhys Matthew Bond] Taking most of his features from his mother, Oscar has dark brown hair, which is almost constantly styled so that it sticks up. His eyes could arguably be from either parent, though they're closer to his mother's in colour, while the shape more closely resembles his father's. He stands at around 5'9 and has an average build. His skin is quite pale, something that again was almost inevitable to be passed down to him from his parents. His day-to-day clothes consist mainly of jeans and t-shirts, sometimes with a leather jacket thrown over the top, if he's going out. He opts for darker colours more often than not, even though it doesn't seem to match the weather very well. Personality: In only a handful of words, Oscar would likely be described as quiet and a bit of an awkward dork. He isn't exactly shy, thanks to who his parents are and how they raised him, but he can be hesitant or awkward when interacting with others initially due to the fact he worries he'll be judged for his lack of abilities, or for his overall self, mainly stemming from the fact he doesn't have magic, unlike the rest of his family. One of the best things about him though is his loyalty and love for his entire family. Even if he doesn't have the same abilities as them, he'd be willing to do anything for them in a heartbeat. To compensate for his lack of magic, Oscar is determined to find different means of proving himself, expressing this mainly through gathering as much information as he can about the world and the various universes through research. Although much of this comes from books, he's also more tech-savvy than the rest of his family because of the fact he finds it so beneficial, the Internet being almost like his own version of magic. He smiles a lot and isn't quick to pass judgement on people, willing to give anyone a chance. It is important to note, however, that Oscar is the type of person to keep his emotions bottled up. Any sadness is likely to gradually turn into anger, and will eventually burst forth in a rather emotional explosion. Of course, this doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's very expressive. He's also aware of his fragility compared to those he's surrounded by, History: Oscar was conceived, and later born, as a result of a drunken one night stand between his parents, Katie Bell and Fred Weasley. Classier still, he was born in a hotel on New Year's Eve, 2016. Despite the fact his parents weren't together, the three of them lived as a family unit, and it took a while for Oscar to realise this wasn't typically the case. Aside from being born during the New Year's party, Oscar was raised in the sixth world. At a young age, he was given his Bernese Mountain Dog, Gavin, who he has grown with and adores. At no point in his childhood did Oscar show any signs of having magic, something which aroused suspicion in his parents initially but didn't become actual, recognised Squibness until he looked around 9 years old. It was at this time his parents broke the news to him that it was extremely unlikely he'd ever display magical traits, and was a Squib. This was a key moment in Oscar's life, as it shaped who he was as a person. Even now, nearly fully grown, it weighs quite heavily on his mind. When he was around 4 months old, Oscar's mother left the world, something that upset him quite a lot, though he tended to try and hide it and act as much like his normal self as possible. To compensate for the loss, his dad acquired a new dog, this time a Westie, which Oscar named Michael. From this point onward, it was only the four of them living in their flat, and then when they moved to the seventh world they acquired an adaptable cottage on D\u00f9rachd, near the rest of their family. Unfortunately, in the later months of the seventh world, Oscar's dad also left The Convergence, leaving him without either of his parents. This led to him moving in with his aunt, Taylor, his two cousins Matt and Riley, and his adopted cousin, Sky. Of course, his dogs came with him too. Although he was at first heartbroken and felt a bit awkward living in their house, he soon settled in and enjoyed decorating the cottage for Christmas. Not long before his first birthday, Oscar stepped through the door and landed in a wasteland, with the rest of the Worldborns. His life from this moment onward can be found here.",
"start": 105099,
"end": 109705
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/31/2017",
"start": 105034,
"end": 105044
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/2554469/ALazyGeek",
"start": 105061,
"end": 105081
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Matthew Arthur Weasley, (Matt, Matty) Gender: Male Date Of Birth: 31st January 2016 Parents: George Weasley and Taylor Weasley Universe/Fandom of Parents: Harry Potter Species: Pureblood Wizard Powers/Abilities: Typical wizarding abilities. Appearance: (FC: Callan McAucliffe) Matthew has wavy dark brown, almost black, hair that he wears moderately short. He has warm brown eyes, an almost exact copy of his fathers and has a bit of stubble around his chin. He stands moderately tall at around 5'11, with a lithe but muscular body. He has a wide grin, which can be cheeky, but his face is obviously soft and kind, with hints of mischief in his expression. The tips of his ears have a habit of turning red, especially when embarrassed. His clothing of choice is usually jeans and a black jacket - which he usually wears with a blue scarf and a beanie. Personality: Matt is incredibly kind, happy and carefree. He has the cheekiness, moderate rebellious streak and stubbornness that comes from his Weasley genes, though he also inherited Taylor's blunt attitude. As a worldborn child, he doesn't always understand the danger that comes from the real world and morality is somewhat a grey area. Death especially is something beyond his understanding. Although not academically the brightest when it comes to muggle science and technology, he is slowly becoming a skilled and knowledgeable wizard and is curious about learning new things. Although slightly quieter than his sister, he has no problems going along with her schemes and the two are incredibly close. ENFJ - The Giver/Protagonist : Popular and sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from the human angle, and dislike impersonal analysis. Very effective at managing people issues, and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others, and probably place the needs of others over their own needs. History: Matthew and his twin sister, Riley, were born to George and Taylor Weasley. He had a fairly lonely upbringing, though he had his sister and parents and godmother and learnt a lot through exploration. Their parents raised them to have an educated view of the world, making sure they were capable of witchcraft and teaching them as any other child of their home world would be. This means he has a fairly limited view of the usual 21st technology in the world. He was born in the fourth world, enjoying the sun and was almost always outside exploring the beach. It became his home and he developed a close relationship with another worldborn child, Isabelle Fitzsimmons, that he has a massive crush on but has trouble sorting out all the new feelings. He had no choice but to go through the 'On' door into the 5th world, almost dying of the cold as he did so. In this world, his father left which was devastating, but Matthew felt as if he had to stay strong for his mother and sister, and did his best to keep things the way they were. He has had many mishaps over the two years he has been alive, dying twice to protect his family most notably, leaving him with a hatred of the cold. He also met a girl named Sky Smith who he brought home and she soon became his sister.",
"start": 109883,
"end": 113157
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/31/2017",
"start": 109706,
"end": 109716
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x",
"start": 109839,
"end": 109865
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Isabelle Nicole Fitz-Simmons Gender: Female Date Of Birth: March 12, 2016 Parents: Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons Universe/Fandom of Parents: Marvel Cinematic Universe Species: Human Powers/Abilities: Izzy has magical capabilities, having learned originally from her cousin Peter Pan, expanding on such in the wasteland. Appearance : (FC: Kiernan Shipka) Izzy looks much like her mother, with bright brown eyes and a wide smile. She's stopped growing at the short height of 5'2\", but she's still feisty as ever. Her dirty blonde hair has become rather frizzy with the months of living in the wasteland, reaching past her shoulders but not quite touching her elbows; she plans on keeping it more natural from now on. Her once-sparkling enthusiasm has dimmed, also revealed in her resting expression. Months of living in an abandoned world have affected her greatly. She has a scar that stretches across her abdomen originating from a rather awful attack that tore a rift between herself and her brother. Izzy has taken to wearing darker colors, almost taking some hints from her lost cousin, Peter. Underneath it all, she always wears a lovely necklace and bracelet given to her by Aunt Jenna, along with a small anti-possession charm from her parents. She always keeps a small dagger on her (one given to her by her cousin Peter), just in case things get hairy. Personality: Izzy is a very observant, clever, and inquisitive young woman. Smarter than average, thanks to her fantastic parents and their teachings, she grew up looking up to those with big hearts and even greater minds as role models. Before the wasteland, she tended to rattle on about things she loves, and defended them just as well. However, the wasteland dulled her enthusiasm, replacing such with a somewhat colder personality. Death, loss, and constant pain have affected her greatly, and it will take the love of her family to truly get her back to her happier self. She is also an out-of-the-box ENFP, which is described as such: Campaigners are fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, they crave creativity and freedom. Although hers is a turbulent personality, and she often can change, her energy and spunkiness will always keep her going. History: Izzy was born on March 12, 2016, to Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. When only a young girl, she experienced her first big \"change\" thanks to the Convergence, with all her memories changed. She didn't like it, and felt a little violated upon returning to her original state of mind. Since then, she's been increasingly curious about the world, not treating it like \"just where she grew up\" but a curious and slightly frightening place to live. At around the physical age of ten, she discovered the tombstones. Her parents explained the world to her in more fullness, which certainly made her all the more afraid for herself, though with another feeling as well: determination. She wasn't going to end up like the others; she was going to live on. Upon learning her father had been possessed, she had her first real moment of doubt and fear. Real fear. She's gotten over it, somewhat, though it still itches in the back of her mind, and perhaps she is more wary of things. Growing up, her family had been impervious superheroes, but now she knew that they were just like the others\u2014human. Which she began to doubt she was herself, though she obviously was just that, if not a little different in other ways. When the world changed, Izzy was not ready to be thrust into snow. She was also not ready to be thrust into her first overwhelmingly human experience: developing a crush on Matthew Weasley. Whilst dealing with frigid temperatures and big time emotions, Izzy continued to grow mentally and learns plenty, even if that meant freezing a little now and then. It wasn't until months after her birth that the next big shocker came: she was to be a big sister. Her little brother, Zachary Michael Fitz-Simmons, was born on September 11 of the same year of her birth. She has always been very protective of him (in an older sister sort of way), even once he grew both taller and physically older than her (only by some inches and a year). She will do anything to protect those she loves, which has meant some close calls in the past. A more in-depth look at her life in the Convergence can be seen here. Izzy takes great delight learning anything she can, and has learned French, Mandarin Chinese (thanks to Daisy), Sokovian (some, thanks to Wanda), German, and some bits of Latin and Greek.",
"start": 113313,
"end": 117856
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "12/31/2017",
"start": 113158,
"end": 113168
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/4671294/jeremy-jordan-can-t-dance",
"start": 113259,
"end": 113295
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Kendra Claire Watson Gender: Female Date Of Birth: April 30th, 2017 Parents: John and Mary Watson Universe/Fandom of Parents: Sherlock Species: Human Powers/Abilities (if applicable): N/A Appearance:Kendra has long blond hair that she likes to streak different colours, her hair has a slight wave to it. She has blue eyes just like her parents. Because of her parents, she's also not very tall being only 5'3''.Kendra is an average weight for her height weighing 124 pounds. Due to training with her mum and just generally staying active she has slight muscles and is fairly tanned. Kendra doesn't have a set style really, she loves dresses and flowery outfits as well as t-shirts and shorts. She likes wearing a lot of green, purple and red. Personality: Kendra may have gotten a bit too much of her parents (And Uncle Sherlocks) adventurous personality. A Genuinely curious person she enjoys learning new things and going on adventures with her family. She is very ambitious and often thinks she can do more than what she actually can do. Unlucky for her parents Kendra inherited her father's temper. She is quite hot-headed and stubborn,and very loyal to those she cares about family or otherwise. Very kind hearted and welcoming unless she's been told about, or knows a person is dangerous she will strive to become friends with them. History: Kendra was born in the sixth season. Growing up she spent a lot of time with her parents, Uncle Sherlock and her cousins Sterling (Who she grew very attached to) and Zariah As a child she loved princesses and pirates. The first big incident in her life was when Magnussen showed up in the world when she was around four. That showed her a side of her mum she hadn't seen before and scared her. As she got older and learned just what type of person Magnussen was she understood why her mother acted the way she did. She started training with different weapons and hand to hand fairly young, her family wanting to be able to keep herself safe should she run into trouble. In the Letters Kendra was nearly grown, and started branching out more. Meeting a few friends and eventually her first boyfriend Harry Hook. She an Harry did not get along at first, though he started to grow on her and apparently she him.It was only after she was fully grown that she was allowed on the other island and that was still only with somebody from her family. Still that wasn't without risks. During H is for Heal Sherlock took Kendra over to explore the shipwreck and they were attacked by the dragon. Kendra was very injured. Thankfully with Sherlock she was able to be healed as they went back over. In the finales of the Letters Kendra was a lot quieter and withdrawn, she was scared to lose everyone she loved. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing she ever experienced.",
"start": 117950,
"end": 120765
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "1/1/2018",
"start": 120766,
"end": 120774
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/4970858/Xx-I-Am-Combat-Ready-xX",
"start": 117898,
"end": 117932
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Rowan Aiden Johnson Gender: Male Date Of Birth: September 10th 2017 Parents: Andera\"Anthea\" Johnson Universe/Fandom of Parents: Sherlock Species: Faerie (TMI) Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Faerie magic, heightened senses and reflexes Appearance:Rowan has longer crimson hair that has a wild look to it, looking almost unkempt. When training he wears it in a ponytail, otherwise he leaves it down. Rowan has bright green eyes that seem to have a spark of mischief in them. Being a Faerie means he has an an unnatural grace about him, very tall standing at 6'6 and pale skin he has lean muscle from his training with Vallyun. Rowan wears a lot of different clothes and doesn't really have a set style though he does prefer wearing loose clothing and his favourite colours green, blue and brown. He only wears one piece of Jewelry, like most Fae it's made out of some form of nature, his is a bracelet made from sticks he made himself. Personality: Loyalty is one of Rowans defining traits, he will do anything to protect the people he cares about, especially his mother. When it comes to his beliefs and choices he is very stubborn and wont sway. He has a certain way with words, knowing how to talk around the truth as he can't explicitly lie. He tends to keep his worries bottled up, much like his mother and doesn't like to make people worry, pretending to be fine even when he isn't. He's pretty mild mannered and polite even towards people he doesn't like. Rowan tries to be cautious when he can not wanting to die. History: Rowan was born/gifted in the Letters M is for Millennium, being the second child given to a parent from the world. Rowan's life has been for he most part uneventful. Born as a gift from the wishing well Rowan has no father and his mother is Anthea. However, unlike Anthea he isn't human, he's a Faerie from The Mortal Instruments. When he was around the Physical age of 3 his powers started to manifest, and Anthea was having a hard time helping him control it. Though eventually, they did meet Vallyun, a Faerie as well who was more than willing to help him not only gain control of his abilities but also learn about what it meant to be a Faerie. As time went on Rowan viewed Vallyun as almost a father figure and grew close to Magnus as well. Th only inncident that happened to him was a vampire attack by Klaus Mikaelson. He was found by Magnus and Vallyun and healed. During the finally Rowan acted like he was fine, not wanting to worry anyone. He didn't want to say goodbye",
"start": 120955,
"end": 123478
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "1/1/2018",
"start": 120864,
"end": 120872
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/4970858/Xx-I-Am-Combat-Ready-xX",
"start": 120903,
"end": 120937
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Dominique Weasley Gender: Female Date of Birth: 2nd August 2004 Universe/Fandom: Harry Potter/Next Gen Role in Canon: Dominique is the second daughter and middle child of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. She has an elder sister, Victoire, and a younger brother, Louis. Species: Witch, 1/8 Veela Appearance: (FC: Indiana Evans) Dominique is naturally very beautiful, due in part to her Veela heritage. Her hair is golden blonde, with the slightest hints of red tones, and hangs in waves to the bottom of her ribcage. She is 5 foot 4, (1.65m) and slender, with lightly tanned, but fair, skin. She has big, expressive blue eyes - almost an exact copy of her fathers and a soft, fairly round, face. Dominique is fairly girly, taking a lot of pride in her appearance. She barely ever goes out without at least natural makeup on, and she never has a hair out of place. Her wardrobe usually includes summer dresses, and high-waisted skirts and blouses - which now they are in a winter world, includes thick patterned tights, a white coat which belts at the waist and on occasion, skinny jeans. Personality: Dominique is very expressive, her emotions are clear to read on her face and in her eyes. She is very kind and empathic and is always there as a shoulder to cry on and the first to celebrate her friends and families achievements. She is very motherly and caring to those she loves, especially looking out for her younger cousins, and is very affectionate which shows through hugging, kisses, handholding, etc. She has a strong sense of adventure, but would rather sit back on the sidelines and let others take the spotlight while she assists. Her loyalty and kindness to those she loves could rival that of a Hufflepuff, but her bravery and determination placed her in Gryffindor. She would do anything for her family, even if that meant sacrificing her morals, health and happiness. She can be very stubborn, wanting to get her way through either subtle hints or just putting her foot down and sassy when she's comfortable enough to drop the mask. She gets jealous very easily, especially over her sister who has always overshadowed her with the perfect grades, boyfriend and social life, and when her friends or boyfriend is hanging out with people, she doesn't know or trust herself. This comes from her insecurities over being part Veela and constantly being worried that people are only near her for her appearance and would leave her instantly when a better offer came along. In typical Weasley fashion, she has an explosive temper which can be very destructive and harmful, and when she is mad, she tends to say a lot of things she doesn't mean. Dominique is very close to her parents, especially Bill as she is a complete Daddy's girl. James Sirius is one of her best friends, as they practically grew up side by side. Wand: Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 12 and a quarter in length with slightly yielding flexibility. (A Pearwood wand does best in the hands of the warm-hearted and wise, owners are usually popular and well-respected. A unicorn core remains faithful to the owner and strongly attached.The flexibility shows readiness to adapt, but still to stand strong when necessary) History: Dominique's very first memory is being sat in the garden of the Burrow and making mudpies with James. She spent a lot of her childhood following him into schemes and pranks, but often with an air of caution. She had a very happy life, getting on well with her family and making friends easily, she was always incredibly close to all her cousins if they let her. Although never really being into Quidditch so much herself, she was her families biggest supporter during any of the matches she saw. She has been bilingual since she learnt to talk and switches between French and English very quickly - especially when she is excited or emotional. She was sorted into Gryffindor alongside James at Hogwarts, and was fairly intelligent in class, enjoying Potions and Transfiguration. She also favoured Ancient Runes as she enjoyed the academic challenge of the subject and translating the texts between languages. Although never getting into trouble much herself, she often helped James and their other friends out with pranks in secret and had been known to sneak out to Hogsmeade now and then. She was made a Gryffindor prefect in her 5th year but was always fairly generous and lenient when it came to the younger years and her friends. She has aspirations to be a Healer once she leaves school and helps out in the Hospital Wing a couple of days a week as practice for this. She was taken from the very beginning of her seventh Hogwart's year, just a couple of weeks after her 17th birthday.",
"start": 123652,
"end": 128356
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "1/1/2018",
"start": 123479,
"end": 123487
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/2742265/x-GalaxyQueen-x",
"start": 123608,
"end": 123634
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Logan Miles Gender: Male Date Of Birth: 27 February 1981 (Age: 17 - taken from 6th year at Hogwarts) Universe/Fandom: Harry Potter Species: Wizard Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Clever wizard who can perform most 7th year spells with ease. He's a pure blood, and practises spells and broom-stick flying often. Quidditch is a strength, along with Transfiguration and Charms, but Herbology is his greatest weakness. Appearance: [Faceclaim: Munro Chambers] Logan is around 1.7 m in height, with black, almost midnight blue, hair and green eyes. His hair, which he sees as one of his best features, is grown to the bottom of the back of his neck, and he rocks a side-swept fringe. His eyes are, as described by his mother, sea-green and bright, and his lashes are considerably long and thick. He has a recognisable grin, and dimples. His face is diamond-shaped and he's quite pale, with a few scattered freckles which can only be seen up close. He also wears a black stud earring in his right earlobe. He has a lean body shape, with full shoulders and a flat, if not toned, stomach (with Quidditch to thank). When he appears in the Convergence, he is in his Slytherin house Hogwarts robes. Casually, he wears edgy styled attire such as black jeans and a black turtle-neck long sleeved top, hoodies, tight jeans, things laced in chains, stripes and tears. For shoes, he likes to wear black trainers, but mostly he can be seen in ankle-high, high, Doc Martin style boots of dark or sharp colours. His style is almost gothic, but is toned down by his green (house pride, he knows) watch and studded ring from his mother. He also wears black eyeliner under his lower eyelids, and often will paint his nails black. On both wrists he wears black wristbands, and his jeans have hanging off them metal chains. Personality: Logan is definitely mysterious. Not the mysterious as in shy, quiet and resevered, but in the sense that when he talks to you one-on-one, he comes up close, his speech almost slurred, and there is a glint in his eyes which suggest secrecy and excitement. He is quite the chatterbox when he wants to be, but that's only when the topic is hot, otherwise his demeanour is very much bored and uninterested - and he won't fail to show you that through body language, such as resting his chin on his hand (if he's sitting down, of course), or casting his gaze elsewhere. He likes to smile and laugh, because he likes to come across as exciting, though really, he is quite emotional. If he is upset, he's very upset; this usually comes out as extreme anger, or extreme anxiety. On the other hand, when he's excited or happy, he laughs a lot, grins, even giving the friendly nudge to random people. His character is considerably complex; he almost picks and chooses who he pays interest to, the rest getting the I-don't-care treatment. Logan is also quite contemplative: if he doubts something, he most likely will strongly deny it, because he knows that he gets stressed out easily and doesn't want to have to turn into the emotional mess he can be. He prefers to be careless, laid back, and thrilled. Excitement and mystery, on top of adventure, is his middle name. He is a pure-blood, and belongs to the Slytherin house, but this doesn't make him sly and snappy, or a spoilsport, as the stereotypes go. He takes on a competitive nature due to his love for Quidditch, but isn't biased or judgemental, meaning he certainly isn't one to hate someone just because of their status (he's had multiple crushes on Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, by the way). Taking after his parents, Logan likes to keep a circle of friends, with whom he can be himself with. He likes to shout and be a nuisance in public sometimes, but he is a teenager, and, hormones. Though when walking alone, he's more curious, his sea-green eyes seem to glow when he is seeking excitement and thrill. History: Logan grew up as an only child to Natalie and Felix Miles. His humble parents were both extroverted pure-bloods, who showered Logan in attention and affection. They own a family-friendly pub in Hogsmeade, in which Logan had been helping at from the age of 10, in terms of cleaning up for pocket money, which he would spend mostly on sweets from Honeydukes with his two friends. Despite being accepting, however, Natalie and Felix had little connection to non pure-bloods, leading to Logan only really being surrounded by witches and wizards of his own status. The biggest excitement for Logan while waiting for his letter from Hogwarts, was being able to branch out to other, different kinds of students all over the wizarding world. Logan, along with only one other of his friends, was sorted into Slytherin. He saw it coming, because his Mother was a Slytherin, and he took a lot of his attributes from her. Though, despite his ambitions to make new friends, Logan spent the first few weeks of his school life hanging out with the same friends from back home. In the following weeks, Logan had finally found his more sociable side, and branched out to others. He also became quite the trouble maker. However, it was only the harmless type of trouble, and it was all in his favour since most of the teachers had grown to like him because of his determination in class. In Logan's second year, his passion for Quidditch had grown considerably. He was the seeker of his team, and found most of his happiness in game. During tournaments especially, Logan had a real competitive side. On of his worst memories to this day occurred in his third year, where his team had lost miserably due to his slip-up. Reflecting his emotional side, Logan had a break-down, including a lot of shouting, and the tackling of a player from the opposing Ravenclaw team. Logan had happened to have sent Belle into a mild concussion, of course feeling utterly guilty soonafter having arrived back at his senses; his frequent visits to the Hogwarts hospital during that time also led to the pair's unlikely friendship, and eventually the pair began dating. The couple lasted until their fifth year, where Belle had decided to break up with him in order to focus more on her studies, after her parents' warning to do so. Despite seeing no justice in this - because she was one of the smartest people he knew - Logan agreed, as long as the pair could still be friends, and that it wouldn't be awkward between them. Logan's fifth and sixth year revolved around hard revision. Logan had developed his love for transfiguration and charms in these years, but also his hatred for Herbology. However, studies were interrupted during the battle of Hogwarts. During the battle, he was in his 6th year, an had no idea where his parents were. After fighting amongst two of his friends and damaging his left leg, Logan, under the heat, was about to join Voldemort's side with the rest of the Slytherins when he was pulled into The Convergence.",
"start": 128519,
"end": 135416
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "1/1/2018",
"start": 128357,
"end": 128365
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/7772785/imaani-m",
"start": 128479,
"end": 128498
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Kalina Rose Mikaelson-Petrova Gender: Female Date of Birth: 23rd July, 2017 (Physically 18) Parents: Katherine Pierce & Elijah Mikaelson Universe/Fandom of Parents: The Vampire Diaries & The Originals Species: Witch (The Vampire Diaries) Powers/Abilities: Though she may not seem like it, Kalina is a relatively powerful witch. As a witch from The Vampire Diaries she has various powers she could use, but Kalina tends to focus on telekinesis and the ability to control the elements. She has all but mastered these two powers and can use them with ease. Her ability to use chlorokinesis (the ability to control and manipulate plants) and of electrokinesis (the ability to control and manipulate electricity) stem from her being able to control the main four elements, but it takes more out of her to use the two of these branches of magic. Pain infliction, divination, spell casting, and potion making are subjects she hasn't learned or has no interest in learning, preferring to focus on the elements and telekinesis. Appearance: Though Kalina arrived in the world as a newborn baby, she has the appearance of an older teenager. She stands at about 5'3\" and has a slim, slightly curvy build. Her skin is naturally tan, but with the amount of time she spends out in the sun her skin is roughly a shade darker than her natural complexion. She has long and naturally wavy hair that falls to just below her shoulders, the color being a dark brown that seems to be a shade lighter in the sunlight. Her eyes are very warm and expressive, the color of them being close to the shade of dark chocolate. She has a small birthmark on her left hip that's close to the size of a misshapen coat button. She has a few different scars dotted along her body from her time in the Wasteland, but aside from these there aren't any markings on her skin. Much to the dismay of her mother and sister, Kalina has a very casual sense of fashion and isn't one for dressing up in the slightest. More often than not you'll find her in a pair of cut-off jean shorts and a take top or loose t-shirt with a pair of sandals, but it's not uncommon to see her with a light jacket or buttoned shirt tied around her waist. Whenever the weather calls for it she will wear jeans and her favorite hooded black trench coat. She's hardly ever seen without a floral print hat that she tends to wear backwards. Kalina doesn't wear or own much jewelry, the only real piece of jewelry she owns is a silver and sapphire ring that was given to her by her father, but she often wears colorful cloth bracelets that she's made herself. [FC: Camila Cabello] Personality: For the most part it would be hard to believe that Kalina is related to the people she is related to, purely because she is the exact opposite of them. She's a very kind person by nature, and though being kind, patient, and compassionate is very much a part of who she is, it was influenced by a need to make up for what she considers her parents' mistakes. She loves the idea of life, she loves living her life to the fullest and she loves to watch others do the same. She's very adventurous and explores every bit of the world she can because of how curious she is about the world around her. She's very outgoing and can hold a conversation with pretty much anyone she meets unless they're truly not interested in speaking to her. She's not a genius by any means, but she's knowledgeable in most subjects. She's a very loyal person; though she disagrees with practically every choice her family members made in their home worlds she would still defend them and would risk her life for them if she needed to despite knowing they would come back and she wouldn't. She's a bit of a rambler when she's comfortable around a person. It is extremely hard to get Kalina truly mad, but when someone does she is just as cold and ruthless as her parents and is not someone that you want on your bad side. Kalina's interested are extremely varied. She's visits the beach at least once a day and collects seashells and other little stones and gems she finds in the water or sand. She loves the subjects of history and English literature, but she likes to study all sorts of myths and legends as well. She loves exploring and likes to just pack a bag and go out all day, snapping pictures and taking little notes as she goes along. She's very artistic and creative; she loves to make her own colorful bracelets, tie-dye her own shirts and pillows and blankets and other things along those lines, and make abstract drawings and doodles on whatever surface available. She's fluent in English, Bulgarian, and Latin, with the third being learned out of curiosity and not because of her parents like the other two. She likes to garden and grows her own vegetables and some fruits, as well as flowers because she loves the colors and smells. History: Unlike every worldborn child before her Kalina wasn't actually born to her parents, and instead was delivered to their doorstep on the morning of July 23rd, 2017. Her older sister Nadia was the one who found her, having been on her way to join Katherine and Elijah for breakfast. It was a bit of a shock to the two of them, not having expected it in the slightest. But within minutes, Kalina had been taken in by the two of them without a second thought. Growing up, Kalina was always trying to do something fun. She'd get her parents or sister to take her out on a walk, would try and sneak ice cream for every meal and snack she was given, would spend hours drawing with her markers at the coffee table, and would even use her father's pet wolf Posey as a horse and ride on his back in the front yard when she was small enough. She'd get someone to read to her whenever she wanted to be held, and her love of stories began when her father first began reading Treasure Island to her. The first time in her life that she was truly affected by the world was when she woke up and went to get breakfast in the kitchen because her father always made breakfast and it was always done before she woke up; that was just how things went. But when she got into the kitchen, her father wasn't there. She looked around and grew more panicked with each room she searched and didn't find him in, and when she finally looked on the plaque outside of the house and saw that his name was gone, she broke down right then because she knew her father was gone. Things were hard for Kalina after that. A part of her feared how her mother would handle him being gone, but once her mother reassured her that they would be okay she was simply numb from how much she missed her father. He was her best friend and she was his little rose. She knew that if he ever came back, it would be different, and this wasn't something she wanted to accept. She started getting nightmares after he left, and on most nights when she got them she ended up sleeping next to her mother to feel safe. It was only when Kalina met another worldborn; a girl by the name of Alara Derek, did Kalina feel less numb about her father's disappearance. The world made the two girls platonic soulmates and there was an instant connection to each other, but even without that Kalina was sure that they would've become friends. This was the first time she had ever met another child from the world, and even though they arrived in different ways Kalina still wanted to know everything she could about being a worldborn. Kalina's life became relatively uneventful after this. When the world broke the connection between her and Alara she still felt that the girl was her friend, and found friends in various others as well. Her sister had moved in with her and her mother, something that Kalina was grateful for as it made the house feel less empty. She started getting out more again after this, having truly missed seeing new things in the world and meeting new people. Everything was fine for a while, the world went on and she experienced different phases it put her through, but they were all pretty easy to get through and didn't bother her much. There was a phase that made everyone extra tired, and this was fine for Kalina as she usually slept until the afternoon anyways. She didn't mind it, she just cuddled with Posey and slept, and occasionally got out and met some new people. But then one morning during this phase, she woke up to her mother and sister arguing about their lives in their world, and everything became too much. She had just started feeling better. and they were talking about her mother letting her sister die, and between the arguing itself and the topic they were discussing, it all just became too much too fast. Before she knew it, something just snapped inside of her, and a flower pot was slung from the kitchen window all the way across the room to crash into the wall. She ran as soon as she realized what had happened. She couldn't stay in the house and face them, not after she had done something that could have hurt them. They'd heal from a flower pot crashing into them and she knew that, she wasn't dumb after all, but that wasn't the point. The point was, she was potentially dangerous, and she didn't want to hurt them, so she went to the one place she knew she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone and went to the Waterfall Cave. Her mother found her there, she could've spent minutes or hours in the cave before her mother found her but she didn't know how long it had been. By the time she was found she was shaking and on the verge of more tears, but her mother managed to talk to her and get her to go home with her. She spent her time inside again after this, not wanting to risk getting overwhelmed and hurting someone else again. Because her sister knew her and was her friend, Kalina then met Morgana, and the woman taught her a few things to help her control her magic. They weren't the same type of witch, but there were enough similarities between them that Morgana could help her. When she felt relatively comfortable with her control over her magic, which all she could truly do at that time was not have random outbursts but that was enough for her, she started going out again and stopped hiding away in her house. This was when the world began it's countdown to what she felt was destruction, and Kalina rushed to explore as much as she could before she died. She didn't think there were any other options for her. She would die, and her mother and sister would go home and eventually die as well. She didn't have any hope for their survival; she didn't see it happening so she knew not to get her hopes up. She'd done that a hundred times over through looking into her mirror and wanting to see her father, but ended up being left with nothing. She didn't want to experience that with her mother and sister as well, so she didn't. She enjoyed what time she had left with them, then watched as they went through the door, and once they were gone she went home and waited. What she was waiting for she wasn't sure, but she was ready for the world to end. She just wasn't ready for the world to begin again.",
"start": 135590,
"end": 146663
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "1/1/2018",
"start": 135417,
"end": 135425
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/4291958/dalishdovahkiin",
"start": 135546,
"end": 135572
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Zachary Michael Fitz-Simmons Gender: Male Date of Birth: 11th September, 2016 Parents: Leo Fitz & Jemma Simmons Universe/Fandom of Parents: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) Species: Human Powers/Abilities: While Zach has no actual powers, he is intellectually gifted and is knowledgeable in various subjects. Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, and Astrophysics are the subjects he knows best, but he knows a fair amount about other sciences and maths as well. Between the brief training he received from his uncle, his usual exercise routine, and the time he spent in the Wasteland, he is slightly above average when it comes to being athletic in the general exercise department, but he is no master at any sport or combat type. Appearance: Zach gained much of his appearance from his father and though it doesn't show much when he is by himself, comparing the two side by side would make it fairly obvious. His hair is kept trimmed and neat, and is close to the shade of brown that is the color of his mother's hair. On occasion the lower half of his face is covered in a light stubble, but he tends to keep this shaved. His eyes are a light shade of green but will darken depending on his mood, and have tiny specks of brown in them. He stands at roughly 5'11\" and has a lean, slightly muscular build. His skin is lightly tanned and there are a few minor scars along his body from his time the Wasteland. Zach's sense of fashion is very smart and sophisticated but still casual, as he tends to wear nice trousers and a buttoned shirt with either a tie or bow-tie, loafers, and a cardigan. He owns only three pieces of jewelry; one is a simple leather watch that belonged to his father, another is a silver ring with the words 'I love you' carved into it that also belonged to his father, and the third is a lilac colored ribbon that he was given by a friend that he keeps tied around his wrist. [FC: Peyton Meyer] Personality: If someone were to sum Zach up into a single statement, it would easily be that he is truly his parents' son. He absolutely loves to learn, he would spend all of his time locked up in his room studying up on the topics he finds interesting if he could. He's typically a relatively quiet and reserved person, often seeming to be shy when he's out in public and speaking to people he doesn't know. Despite this, he's still a polite and respectful person unless given a reason not to be. He used to be a dependent and relatively immature person when it came to being an adult, but ever since he was stuck in the Wasteland for months he has matured and is much more independent than he was. He often argues with his sister and enjoys annoying her and bothering her whenever he can, but despite this she's still the person he considers his closest friend and he would do anything for her without any hesitation. He's a fairly creative person and enjoys painting and drawing, and while he's not a master at doing either he only does it for his enjoyment and is still decent at the two of them. He likes to be outside and enjoys to explore the world around him, always curious about where he is and everything the world can do. History: Zach was born on the eleventh of September in 2016, the day that would have been his mother's twenty-ninth birthday had he been born in her home world. As he was born only a little bit before the world decided to reset itself and go through every phase it had gone through again, Zach was able to experience much more than he originally would have been able to as a child. The first real memory that Zach has is of his mother showing him around her hometown of Ashburton in Devon, England. His life was amazing as he grew up; he was never targeted by an enemy of his parents as he had heard some had been, he got along well with his sister save for some minor brother-sister arguing that happens between siblings (he didn't speak to her for nearly a week because of her being Team Captain America while he was Team Iron-Man), and he had his family. All he truly wanted was his family, and he had everyone so he couldn't complain. His parents, sister, and aunts all taught him various things, and those memories are some of the best that Zach has to this day. The first time Zach experienced the world's ability to be cruel was when he had only just finished growing up and he and his family were transported to the Halloween mansion. The mansion itself had been amazing, he had a real Stormtrooper costume with a working blaster and it had been epic. That was, until they made it to the pizzeria, and he got trapped in an office with his family. He was in a corner with his sister, trying to keep her calm when they were attacked, and his mother sacrificed herself to let the two of them escape with their father. The event left Zach scarred and he didn't know how to feel about it, but what mattered was that when the Halloween event was over, he had his mother back. The next few months were fairly uneventful for Zach. He discovered what he would have been like if he had been born a girl, but the experience was fairly simple for him. He had been just as intelligent as a girl as he was normally, so he didn't particularly care about the change. This was the only thing he considered significant before he experienced his first world change, something he found to be difficult as the winter world was his home. He woke up in the next world in the section called Empyrean and he was quickly found by his parents and sister. The family of four settled into the new world then, and for a bit life was once again uneventful for him. One change affected Zach more than others, and this was when the world made everyone believe that they had all been there their entire lives. Zach had a normal life; he had grown up over years instead of weeks, he went to school, his parents weren't in their twenties, everything was completely normal. And as soon as this phase ended, Zach found himself missing it. This was something he hadn't ever known he wanted, not until he experienced it. Losing it after spending time believing everything was normal, it bothered him more than he cares to admit even now. Nothing happened to Zach after this until he woke up one morning and his father was gone from the world. His father, the man he considered to be his best friend, was gone, and if he came back he wouldn't remember him or his sister. This broke him inside, he wanted him back and he wanted him to know him and his sister. He wanted to have his family back to the way it was, but he knew it wouldn't ever be the same again. Zach's father returned to the world some time later, and he doesn't like to admit it but he reacted rather badly to this. He tore up the bar, breaking bottle after bottle and cutting up his arms and hands in the process until his Aunt Jenna found him and got him to calm down. She took him home with her and helped him clean up his hands, and after a day or two sleeping on the couch at her house he ended up rooming with his cousin Jaxon. He didn't want to stay at home anymore, it had felt emptier than ever now that his father was back and not living there with them. He still visited his family every day, always made sure his mother and his sister were doing alright, because he didn't want to abandon them. It was just too hard for him to stay there, and he hoped they understood.",
"start": 146837,
"end": 154227
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "1/1/2018",
"start": 146664,
"end": 146672
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/4291958/dalishdovahkiin",
"start": 146793,
"end": 146819
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Braedon Dwaine Gorlois (Brae) Gender: Male Date Of Birth: August 14th, 2016 but physically 18 Parents: Morgana Pendragon and Gwaine Universe/Fandom of Parents: Convergence for Brae/Merlin for both parents Species: Human/Sorcerer/Seer Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Magic and Seer (past only and only Convergence World events) Appearance:Face Claim is Dylan O'Brien. Braedon is 5'10 with dark brown hair and matching brown eyes. Unlike his sister, his complexion is rather pale like his mother's and he has a number of freckles dotting his face. He's rather slim as he doesn't workout all that much, preferring his magic skills over the sword. He typically likes to wear jeans with a button up and a leather jacket/hoodie combo. He wears a necklace that his father made him to match his own, baring the crescent moon sigil of his father's house along with the Saxon sigil for his mother's army, and the druid triskelion. And he always wears a rather elegant bracelet that's silver and gold which his mother gave to him when he was just a baby to help him with his nightmares. He never takes it off. Personality: Braedon doesn't like to listen and do as he's told. If given the chance, he'll do the opposite as he's told. Unless it's his mother who told him. He'll still disobey just not as much. He's often tired from sleepless nights, which leaves him emotional and sometimes irritable, but he has a kind and caring heart. He doesn't like to hold one's past against them if they're willing to change. However, Braedon tends to be overprotective of his family, particularly his mother. He to take time to be by himself and read. His accent is nearly identical to his sister's. A mixture of Irish and American. History: Braedon was born during Season Five, Episode Ten. His parents are Morgana Pendragon, Last High Priestess of the Triple Goddess, and Gwaine, Knight of Camelot. He was named after both of his grandfather's, Dwaine and Gorlois. However at the time, his father was not there. He had disappeared from the world, replaced by a double with different memories and a different life. This other Gwaine had started living with Morgana and helped with Braedon when he was a baby and a toddler. This became a problem when his real father showed back up in the world. As Little Braedon had become accustomed to the fake Gwaine, he often preferred him over his real father but he eventually grew out of it by the time fake Gwaine vanished. He had been nicknamed Little Braedon by fake Gwaine due to the fact that he was always rather small for his age. A trait that continued on till he became an adult and reached an average height of 5'10. A few inches taller than his mother but just shy of reaching his father's height. Growing up, Braedon was always a complete Mama's boy. He'd listen to her more than his father and always wanted her attention and affection. He never liked going to sleep because of the nightmares and so he always fought bedtime. His father tried to teach him to use a sword but Braedon preferred his magic instead, not liking the sword or weapons all that much. He'd still use them and carry them around, but he preferred his magic. Though he looks a lot like his father, he's always felt a stronger connection to his mother. He fully takes his mother's side on the war they fought back home and will heatedly argue with anyone who disagree's, even his father and uncles. Despite his nightmares, Braedon remained a very happy child and baby. He was always smiling and giggling about something. Though, as he grew up and his nightmares got worse, they began to affect his mood during the day often leaving him emotional and sad though he tries to fight it. When it wasn't bedtime, he was happy as could be, laughing and grinning at everything and everyone he met. He still refers to his mother as Mama, even once he grows up and shortened his name for his sister from Sis Sis to just Sis. Though he remained kind and happy, he began to grow annoyed, even angered when it came to his mother. He'd come to the point that he was tired of how people spoke of her, calling her a villain and evil. He grew to resent it and those who said such things about his mother. He and his family grew tense and distance for a couple of months when Braedon started dating his first girlfriend, Glimmer. His family greatly disapproved of her. Braedon was stubborn and wouldn't even talk to his family about the situation and communication broke down between him and his mother and sister, causing many fights and tears on both sides. When Brae was hurt and nearly killed by Joker, the situation only got worse. Braedon began isolating himself from everyone until his sister and mother reached out to him and they had a chance to talk about everything. Things went back to normal among them and they all agreed to simply not discuss Braedon's dating life. However, Braedon had changed. Being distant from his family made him feel isolated and alone. Especially when he realized that without them, he didn't really have anyone. He didn't have friends. He had people that he talked to. The closest he had to friends were Leo and Glimmer. But he hardly ever saw Leo and Glimmer was his girlfriend so he didn't count her. And others who might consider themselves his friends were among those who spoke badly about his mother which was one of his pet peeves. He felt that he was outcast among them because of this. After being possessed by a demon and shot, Braedon's self esteem plummeted even further. He'd been attacked and once again couldn't defend himself. It was his father who showed up and saved the day. His grandparents were warriors, his parents were warriors, his uncles and aunt were warriors, his sister was a fighter. But he couldn't even protect himself. His mother assigned one of her magic wolves as Braedon's body guard. Etri became part of Braedon's life, following him everywhere to protect him. He adored Etri as the wolf was fond of the boy. The wolf snuggled with Braedon, played with him, even slept in the same bed as him. Brae enjoyed having the wolf around but it also reminded him of what he couldn't do. He began to see himself as a failure and like he couldn't do anything right. He was plagued by nightmares of Allard's death, his older brother, and constantly feared the same would happen to him. He'd been trained to fight since he was born, his father made him practice with a sword every day and made sure he carried his weapon with him at all times. He'd studied magic more so than he did sword play and still when it came to fighting he lost every time. His moods didn't begin to lift until his girlfriend was freed of her possession and left with a bad wound. Braedon was concerned for her and decided to put his knowledge of magic to the test. He'd studied healing spells but never used them much. But he tried anyway. And by doing so, he discovered that he was extremely good at them. Her wound was almost fully healed by the time he was done and then he did the same to his own wound. He'd learned that he was gifted at healing magic. Some time later, while out for a walk with his sister, the two of them were ambushed by Joker who shot Ava in the leg. Once Ava was down, Joker drew a sword that he'd recently gotten, prepared to kill her with it. Ava told Braedon to run, but as usual, he didn't listen. In his fear and anger, he drew his own sword and attacked. Something seemed to click for Braedon at that moment. All of his father's training had proved successful. With his sister's life on the line he fought expertly, swinging the sword like a natural. He disarmed Joker and ran him through, killing for the first time. Shortly after, his mother came upon the two of them and then their father. After Ava's wound was tended to, his father carried her home and Morgana walked behind with Braedon and spoke to him about what happened. She'd guessed that he killed Joker by how his hands were shaking and how he and Ava glanced at each other every so often. Braedon didn't take his first kill very well. He felt extremely guilty over the whole thing and was plagued by nightmares for a couple of weeks. He eventually moved past it and began training harder with a sword. After killing Joker, Braedon changed. The experience had forced him to grow up. His sword fighting had improved as well. The situation with Joker seemed to wake up part of Braedon's brain when it came to skills with a sword and suddenly he wasn't fumbling it or tripping over his feet constantly. He trained every day to get better along with the pages and pages of reading he did for his magic, often practicing spells late into the night. He fell into a regular sleep pattern. Sleep for a few hours then get up. A few hours later then sleep again. He'd do this about four times a day in order to get a proper amount of sleep. Thanks to his nightmares, he was lucky if he got a five hours in one go so he aimed for multiple naps a day, each lasting a few hours. Even with his healing bracelet on there were some nightmares that its magic could not keep away. Mainly those of Allard or those pertaining to his family in any way. However, as time passed the visions seemed to stay focused on the bad. The terrible and terrifying things that would happen throughout the world of Convergence and it became rare for Braedon to have a vision that was happy and not traumatizing. He'd wake up shaking and sweating every time he went to sleep and it started to affect him throughout the day. And then Glimmer vanished from the world. He took it hard as he never got to say goodbye to her. A month later she returned to the world and with no memories of him which hurt more than her leaving had. It took awhile for Braedon to move on from her. But as time passed he did. And he looked back on his relationship with her. He still loved her but he also looked back on what the relationship had done to his relationship with his family. He began to see that he wasn't entirely faultless in all of it. Yes, his family was stubborn but he'd always known that. How he dealt with all of it though, he realized he could've handled it a lot better. Instead of moping around, feeling sorry for himself and then going home and yelling at his family before isolating himself from them, he could have simply talked to them. Talk to them rationally that is. Not how he did to begin with. He'd pushed his parents away and treated his sister like garbage all over a girl. He never once stopped to consider their point of view he just thought about his feelings for her and ignored everything else. It took a long and deep conversation with his mother for his family life to go back to normal. His mother had been right. He needed to grow up. He'd acted very much like a spoiled child and did have a habit of playing the victim. Not just with Glimmer but with everything back them. If something didn't go his way he'd cry about it, somehow hoping that it would get him what he wanted. Though it often had the opposite result. Having grown up, Braedon saw just how spoiled and sheltered he had been. Didn't stop him from crying but it's nothing like before. He no longer cries if he doesn't get his way. Only if he's upset or just having a bad day. Unfortunately, he tends to have a lot of bad days thanks to his visions. He's been trying to work on it but it's a work in progress. He knows he needs to have better control over his emotions. While he was in the new world things got worse for him. He'd found his sister easily enough but...his parents weren't there. Months with his parents gone, going through his visions without them or his wolf, and dying in his sister's arms while thinking he was dying permanently. It took a toll on him. He thought his parents were gone for good and he'd never see them again. Add that to dying and his visions and it's safe to say that he's not quite the same. He's withdrawn now and quiet, very quiet. Often just staring out in front of him. Not happy, not sad, just...there. He's more jumpy than he used to be, quick to draw his weapons.",
"start": 154419,
"end": 166509
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "1/3/2018",
"start": 166510,
"end": 166518
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/3834114/Great-Need-to-Take-a-Nap",
"start": 154366,
"end": 154401
"post_text": {
"surface_form": "Full Name: Shalto O'Hara Gender: Male Date of Birth: January 17th - year unknown - (17 years old) Universe/Fandom: Divergent Species: Human - Dauntless Powers/Abilities (if applicable): Quick on his feet, skilled fighter. Appearance: (FC: Min Yoongi - data.whicdn.com/images/280567923/original.jpg ) Shalto stands at a height of around 5'6. He has a lean, slender figure and soft facial details - due to his Korean ethnicity. He has deep blue - almost chromatic - coloured eyes and small puckered lips. He has a slightly rounded face shape, but an accentuated jawline and what would be described as a button nose. He has unblemished soft skin of a pale peach colour. His hair is pitch black and quite full and he has a heavy fringe that falls just above his eyes. Shalto wears 2 sapphire hoop earrings in each lobe, and one black helix stud in his right ear. He also has a tattoo just behind his right ear - the tattoo is of tribal flame pattern, it's only small - not too big and noticeable. Whilst training, he wears his usual dauntless attire. Casually, he wears oversized jackets, long tops, ripped jeans and ankle boots. He also likes to wear a black Homburg hat. Personality: Some say that Shalto takes fun too seriously. He is active, mischievous and sometimes rather stubborn and stuck in his ways. He has a cute side which rarely surfaces, but when it does it results in him being ditsy, usually over someone that he loves, or if he got a compliment that made him feel good. He is not shy but steers away from being loud. His demeanour is confident and outgoing, and although he avoids socialising in most cases, he can easily approach people when he needs to. Around his friends, he uses his sharp, quick side to be as protective as he can for them, willing to sacrifice himself for anyone he holds close. Although amongst his friends, he is always the one to start a game, pull a prank or spark a buzz of excitement. On the other hand, his ambitiousness leads to an inability to cope with failure and loss. When he's quiet, he is very observant of his surroundings and current affairs - seeing more importance in what is going on then being involved in it. When he is involved, however, he always looks for ways to make things interesting. History: Shalto was born and raised in Chicago. He grew up as the younger sibling of 2 in a Korean family - his mother, father and older sister, who always seemed to tease him. He had grown up in Dauntless, his parents had always challenged him to become one of them and Shalto had always looked up to them as his biggest role-models. As a child, Shalto had always aspired to be the perfect Dauntless - he knew he wouldn't be, but always thought he could try and be as good as he could. He was determined in all the activities his parents had challenged him with. Even before he was classed as an individual in the faction, his parents encouraged him out of his comfort zone frequently claiming it would help him for the challenges he would face later on in life. All in all his parents got him ready for the outside world, after choosing his faction. Although he had a fulfilling family life, he spent a lot of time continuing his love for thrilling activities with his small group of friends. They would often climb to rooftops, and have races on train tracks. His results for the Aptitude test came back as Dauntless, to his relief. At the choosing ceremony, his family and friends were glad to see him choose the faction that he was destined to. He entered Dauntless at the same time as Tris Prior. He stuck with friends that he had known prior to the choosing ceremony, which made him confident and at home during the process of settling in. He and his friends grew to dislike their leader, Eric. However, it was Shalt who despised him the most: he didn't like his abrupt ways and his obnoxious attitude. Even so, Shalt made staying within the top of the group, and therefore in Dauntless, not only a goal but something vital to him. He worked hard to achieve in many of the things that the faction did: he soon learnt that his parents' earlier training were to his advantage. Shalt remained a character within the young Dauntless community, making new friends but only sticking to a few. Others soon recognised his mischievous side. Shalt was pulled into the convergence during his third week of Dauntless training.",
"start": 166695,
"end": 171067
"datetime": {
"surface_form": "1/4/2018",
"start": 171068,
"end": 171076
"user": {
"surface_form": "/u/7792909/x-alassefaelivrin-x",
"start": 166644,
"end": 166674