Function | Trigger | Binding | Notes |
LongRunningTimer | Timer | - | |
LongRunningHttp | Http | - | |
QueueProducer | Http | Queue+Queue | |
QueueConsumer | Queue | - | |
ParamsSignaure 1 & 2 | Http / Timer | Queue | Different way of specifying config parameters |
JsonProducer | Http | Queue | |
InvoiceAPI | Http | - | REST API for fake invoices |
CustomMetrics | Http | - | Application Insights traces and custom metrics |
reCap | Http | - | reCaptcha in Azure Functions (html output) |
FoodDemo | Http | - | Food demo |
FloodTheQueue | Http | Queue | Add many items to queue |
Before running, add a local.settings.json file with required settings.
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"AzureWebJobs.LongRunningTimer.Disabled": "true",
"AzureWebJobs.QueueConsumer.Disabled": "false",
"azstoragedemo": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"reCaptchaPrivateKey": "rrrrrrrrr"
On a running app-function, I deploy a new version from visual studio. The app restarts. This is what happens to running fucntions.
Http triggered fucntions seem to honor the cancellationn token. Timeout around 5 seconds.
2019-08-28T00:42:24.298 [Information] i=25
2019-08-28T00:42:25.330 [Information] i=26
2019-08-28T00:42:26.367 [Information] i=27
2019-08-28T00:42:27.128 [Information] Assembly reference changes detected. Restarting host...
2019-08-28T00:42:27.376 [Information] i=28
2019-08-28T00:42:27.377 [Information] *** CancellationToken ***
2019-08-28T00:42:28.384 [Information] i=29
2019-08-28T00:42:28.385 [Information] *** CancellationToken ***
2019-08-28T00:42:29.401 [Information] i=30
2019-08-28T00:42:29.401 [Information] *** CancellationToken ***
2019-08-28T00:42:30.407 [Information] i=31
2019-08-28T00:42:30.408 [Information] *** CancellationToken ***
2019-08-28T00:42:31.423 [Information] i=32
2019-08-28T00:42:31.424 [Information] *** CancellationToken ***
2019-08-28T00:43:52 No new trace in the past 1 min(s).
Timer triggered functions have a different behaviour compared to Http triggered. The shutdown process is faster and checking the token with "if (token.IsCancellationRequested)" is not working as expected. Instead, regiter to the event with: token.Register(() => { ... });
[01/06/2020 08:17:40] i=0
[01/06/2020 08:17:41] i=1
[01/06/2020 08:17:42] i=2
[01/06/2020 08:17:43] i=3
[01/06/2020 08:17:44] i=4
[01/06/2020 08:17:44] *** CancellationToken ***
[01/06/2020 08:17:45] i=5
[01/06/2020 08:17:46] i=6
[01/06/2020 08:17:47] i=7
[01/06/2020 08:17:48] i=8
[01/06/2020 08:17:49] i=9
[01/06/2020 08:17:49] Host did not shutdown within its allotted time.
On Timer triggered functions, during shutwodn, App Insight events are lost (need to be verified on http function. Perhpas the is not related to azure function itself but is cause by the way IIS kills the app-pool). Kusto query to get items from Appplication Insights.
| where timestamp > ago(100m)
| where customDimensions["InvocationId"] == "b6f2xxxxx"
| take (1000)
| order by timestamp desc
Azure/azure-functions-host#2153 <<<===
EasyAuth not working ???
Azure/azure-functions-host#33 Azure/azure-functions-host#3898
var xxxx = req.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated; //https:///.auth/me