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ebibliography workflows

Sharon Grant edited this page Mar 29, 2022 · 4 revisions

How to cross-reference/check a citation against an online resource.

Used By: All In Use?: Yes

There are Resource->Tools set up so that you can cross reference the citation/article that you have entered against one of 4 external services. See Tools->Resources section for the current list.

How to document a URL

Used By: All In Use?: Yes

For example for use with/in an FMNH Website or when you just want to record a URL for reference purposes. Using a stable URL is recommended. These are sometimes labeled as "Permalink" or "Stable URL" on BHL and elsewhere. If the URL is also a resolvable DOI it should also be entered on the Admin Tab in the GUID field of the bibliography record.

Type = “Web site” URL should go in the Web Site Identifier field.


Workflow for linking journals/books to urls.

Used By: All In Use?: Yes

For Citation and Article records ensure that you fill in the “Published In” field. This will then autofill the Author, Role and Language fields for you.


How to catalog publications

Used By: All In Use?: Yes

A Guide to Unlicensed Publications in EMu

Used By: All In Use?: Yes

Understanding when PDFs can/can't go into EMu.

Cataloguing PDFs

PROPOSED Workflows

Adding data to a record automatically

You may validate a citation string against an external bibliographic resource and bring the parsed data back into EMu using the “Validate Reference Tool”.

Adding data to a record manually

If no online tool has the citation in question manual parsing will be necessary.
Add the citation text to the citation string field either: As it should appear in reports etc. As it was given to you. For all types below Book and Journal attach to the appropriate Parent. This will autofill fields on Reference 1 and 2 tabs. Otherwise go to step 3. Enter the rest of the data as necessary.