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217 lines (144 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

217 lines (144 loc) · 10.4 KB

Sass.js Changelog

0.10.3 (January 8th 2016)

0.10.2 (December 28th 2016)

0.10.1 (December 19th 2016)

0.10.0 (December 11th 2016)

  • Deprecating the synchronous Sass.lazyFiles() - as this can be achieved asynchronously with an Importer Callback
  • upgrading to libsass 3.4.0
  • fixing Importer to properly process UTF8 strings - (Issue #72)
  • adding sass.node.js for convenient compilation of SCSS and SASS files in Node - (Issue #72)

0.9.13 (September 25th 2016)

  • fixing Importer to allow passing empty strings - (Issue #63)

0.9.12 (August 14th 2016)

  • refactoring Importer to expose Sass.findPathVariation() and Sass.getPathVariations() in the Synchronous API - (Issue #61)

0.9.11 (July 17th 2016)

0.9.10 (April 20th 2016)

0.9.9 (April 20th 2016)

0.9.8 (April 7th 2016)

0.9.7 (February 4th 2016)

  • refactoring sass.js initialization when emscripten is ready

0.9.6 (February 1st 2016)

0.9.5 (January 23rd 2016)

0.9.4 (October 27th 2015)

0.9.3 (October 24th 2015)

0.9.2 (June 14th 2015)

0.9.1 (May 30th 2015)

  • fixing automatic path detection (for loading sass.worker.js and libsass.js.mem), to make sass.sync.js load libsass.js.mem relative to itself (Node and browser) - (Issue #33)

0.9.0 (May 21st 2015)

NOTE: This release contains breaking changes!

  • upgrading to libsass 3.2.4
  • fixing worker API to avoid throwing DataCloneError because postMessage can't handle Error instances
  • improving worker API to find sass.worker.js itself when loaded through simple <script> element - (Issue #32)
  • improving worker API to allow multiple parallel workers to be initialized - Breaking Change
  • improving Sass.compile() to queue multiple invocations for serialized execution rather than throwing an error
  • adding sass.destroy() to terminate a worker and free its resources
  • adding Sass.setWorkerUrl() to define the path of the worker before a Sass instance is created

Breaking Changes

  • The worker API used to be initialized with Sass.initialize('path/to/sass.worker.js'), but as of v0.9.0 requires proper instantiation: var sass = new Sass('path/to/sass.worker.js').

0.8.2 (May 9th 2015)

  • upgrading to libsass 3.2.3
  • fixing build to cope with emcc --version not naming a commit - (Issue #30)
  • fixing build to not minify distributables (very little gain, but breaks asm in Firefox) - (Issue #29)
  • fixing .compile() to wait until emscripten is ready - (Issue #29)

0.8.1 (May 2nd 2015)

  • upgrading to libsass 3.2.2
  • adding Sass.compileFile() to compile directly from file system
  • fixing Sass.options('defaults', callback) to actually fire the callback
  • improving Sass.compile() to accept options to temporarily set for that invocation, extending the signature to
    • Sass.compile(source, callback)
    • Sass.compile(source, options, callback)
  • improving Sass.writeFile() to accept a map of files to write
  • improving Sass.readFile() to accept an array of files to read
  • improving Sass.removeFile() to accept an array of files to remove

0.8.0 (May 2nd 2015)

(failed and unpublished from npm, removed tag, see 0.8.1, I'm sorry)

0.7.2 (April 30th 2015)

  • fixing option precision so that by default Sass.js won't overwrite libsass default precision (5)

0.7.1 (April 30th 2015)

0.7.0 (April 27th 2015)

NOTE: This release contains several breaking changes!

  • Upgrading build infrastructure
    • compile libsass 3.2.0
    • allowing builds without forced download of libsass.git every time
    • providing emscripten debug mode
  • improving emscripten_wrapper.cpp to use sass_context.h instead of the deprecated sass_interface.h
  • renaming files to make more sense
  • improving synchronous API to perfectly mirror the worker API
  • adding .options('defaults') to reset options to Sass.js defaults
  • adding dist/libsass.js.mem, optimized memory file created by emscripten
  • adding Sass.lazyFiles() and Sass.preloadFiles()
  • adding Sass.clearFiles() to wipe all files known to Sass.listFiles()
  • adding Sass.importer() to intercept file loading requests from libsass
  • adding configuration options
    • precision - Precision for outputting fractional numbers (0 using libsass default)
    • indentedSyntax - Treat source string as SASS (as opposed to SCSS)
    • indent - String to be used for indentation (2 spaces)
    • linefeed - String to be used to for line feeds (\n)
    • sourceMapRoot - Pass-through as sourceRoot property
    • sourceMapFile - Path to source map file (enables generating source maps)
    • sourceMapContents - embed include contents in maps
    • sourceMapEmbed - embed sourceMappingUrl as data URI
    • sourceMapOmitUrl - Disable sourceMappingUrl in CSS output
    • inputPath - source map generation source (stdin)
    • outputPath - source map generation target

Breaking Changes

  • synchronous API (formerly dist/sass.js and dist/sass.min.js) is now required to be loaded from a directory called dist relative to document.URL (irrelevant for use in Node!)
  • synchronous API now has the exact same signature as the worker API, meaning responses are not returned, but passed to callback functions instead.
  • Sass.compile() used to return the compiled CSS as string, it now returns an object
  • distribution files renamed or removed for clarity
    • dist/worker.js removed
    • dist/sass.worker.js removed
    • dist/sass.min.js removed
    • dist/sass.worker.js renamed to dist/sass.js (public API for the browser)
    • dist/worker.min.js renamed to dist/sass.worker.js (emscripted libsass for the web worker)
    • dist/sass.js renamed to dist/sass.sync.js (emscripted libsass synchronous API)
  • source files renamed for clarity
    • src/libsass.worker.js renamed to src/sass.worker.js (contains the worker's onmessage handler)
    • src/sass.js renamed to src/sass.api.js (abstraction of libsass and emscription)
    • src/sass.worker.js renamed to src/sass.js (public API using postMessage to talk to worker internally)
  • example files renamed for clarity
    • sass.sync.html added
    • console.html renamed to sass.source.html
    • worker.html renamed to sass.worker.html

0.6.3 (March 3rd 2015)

  • fixing invalid source error handling (#23)

0.6.2 (January 22nd 2015)

  • fixing Makefile.patch for "memory file" to work with emscripten 1.29

0.6.1 (January 5th 2015)

  • fixing Makefile.patch to work with libsass 3.1.0
  • upgrading to libsass 3.1.0

0.6.0 (December 23rd 2014)

  • adding grunt build:libsass to make libsass.js (#15)
  • making absolute paths work via symlinks (#19)

0.5.0 (August 31st 2014)

0.4.0 (June 6th 2014)

0.3.0 (April 5th 2014)

0.2.0 (January 16th 2014)

  • using libsass at v1.0.1 (instead of building from master)
  • adding grunt build to generate dist files
  • adding mocha tests grunt test

0.1.0 (January 13th 2014)

  • Initial Sass.js