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Releases: firebase/FirebaseUI-Android

FirebaseUI for Android v2.0.1

15 Jun 01:53
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FirebaseUI for Android v2.0.1 is a minor release with the following changes:

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.0.1
Support Library 25.3.1

FirebaseUI for Android v2.0.0

12 Jun 16:59
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FirebaseUI for Android v2.0.0 is our biggest release ever! It contains many new features and bugfixes as well as some API improvements that result in breaking changes.

See the upgrade guide for information on upgrading from v1.2.0 or lower to v2.0.0.

Notable changes:

  • Added support for Phone Number Authentication (!)
  • API improvements to database module including exposing FirebaseArray to make customization easier.
  • Fine-grained control over SmartLock for passwords
  • Improved display on very small screens
  • Make Facebook and Twitter dependencies optional
  • Many bugfixes and stability improvements

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.0.0
Support Library 25.3.1

FirebaseUI for Android v1.2.0

21 Feb 20:03
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FirebaseUI for Android v1.2.0 contains a number of fixes and improvements.


  • Update underlying dependencies (Firebase/Play services 10.2.0, etc)
  • Support for intercepting batch events in FirebaseRecyclerAdapter and FirebaseListAdapter
  • Better landscape support as well as fixes for rotation during sign-in
  • Small bug fixes and performance improvements

A full listing of the changes can be seen in the milestone

FirebaseUI for Android v1.1.1

13 Jan 22:47
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FirebaseUI for Android v1.1.1 is a bugfix on v1.1.0 with a fix for the following issue:

FirebaseUI for Android v1.1.0

12 Jan 23:16
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FirebaseUI for Android v1.1.0 includes a large number of bug fixes and some backwards-compatible feature improvements.

Some highlights:

  • Auth
    • Improvements to email-gathering flow for Twitter auth users.
    • Ability to determine between user-cancelled and failed sign in attemtps.
    • UI improvements including animations and a transparent kickoff activity resulting in fewer 'flickering' transitions.
    • Display name now propagated from SmartLock when available.
    • Elimination of multiple memory leaks.
  • Database
    • Users of FirebaseRecyclerAdapter and FirebaseListAdapter can now intercept batch change events, allowing easier handling of situations like empty state.

For a complete listing of the contents of this release, see:

(special thanks on this release to @SUPERCILEX who contributed the majority of the code)

FirebaseUI for Android v1.0.1

28 Nov 17:04
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Version 1.0.1 fixes a number of bugs and updates underlying dependencies.

For a list of bugs fixed in this release,

FirebaseUI for Android v1.0.0

04 Nov 23:02
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Version 1.0.0 is our biggest release ever! Stability increased across the board. The following notable features and bugfixes were implemented:



  • Twitter login now supported (#157)
  • New format for specifying provider options (#294)
  • Access token now returned after sign in (#286)
  • Dialog shown when no internet connection (#241)


  • Support for joins in list/recycler views (#276)


FirebaseUI for Android v0.6.2

24 Oct 23:33
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Version 0.6.2 updates transitive dependencies:

  • Update Firebase and Play Services dependencies from 9.6.1 to 9.8.0
  • Update support library dependencies from 24.x to 25.x
  • Update build tools and compile SDK version from 24 to 25

FirebaseUI for Android v0.6.1

13 Oct 15:35
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  • Fix for #347 which caused double password visibility toggles
  • Fix for memory leak from #323

Dependency changes:

  • Depends on Firebase/Play Services 9.6.1 (up from 9.6.0)
  • Move to use Android SDK 24 and support libraries 24.2.1 (up from 23.x)

FirebaseUI for Android v0.6.0

24 Sep 02:00
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  • Added new firebase-ui-storage module that integrates Firebase Storage and Glide


  • Moved database tests into proper location, made them run
  • Updated Firebase and Play Services dependencies to `9.6.0
  • Fixed non-dismissing spinner issue for incorrect passwords