Title: Notes Date: 20/12/2012 Author: Ramon
- As discussed with Mike, instead of clicking hinzufugen twice, we'll just have the fields ready to be filled, submitted only on Hinzufugen (R.)
- I've added the date picker, more to come (R.)
- made the hinzufügen link into a submit button as it seems more common to me (M.)
- don't check for description when adding rows. this is to be debated, but I don't see why it would always be necessary, cause the category might explain enough (M.)
- Completion of base UI
- allow weekend days to be picked
- make bearbeiten and löschen work
- change data based on date/month (is this necessary for now?)
- Stats page
- Actual search functionality (As above, is this necessary?)
- Clean up modal input for Anschaffung plannen
- Table sorting (even if it is just a visual addition - points!)
- Add input validation (M.)
- Add modal popups upon search (R.)
- Completion of search UI (R.)
- Integrate input.html into modal on main site(R.)
- add consistent date formatting (R.)