- Correct "fill-rule" attribute (#11)
- Remove Python 3.6, 3.7 from list of supported versions
- Fix an error checking certain geometries (#8)
- Migrate CI workflows from Travis to Github Actions
- Remove Python 3.5 from list of supported versions
- Improve Windows compatibility (#5)
- Improve projection handling (#4)
- Update documentation
- Drop Python 2 support
- Add "data_fields" option to generate data attributes in output SVG.
- Update for newer pyproj and Fiona APIs
- Shift CSS handling from tinycss to tinycss2
- Add requirements for cssselect, move lxml from optional to required
- bump fiona requirements to 1.8
- bump requirements
- bump fiona requirements, now compatible with GDAL v2.
- Ignore id_field in layers without that field
- Sanitize ampersands in data fields
- Allow an x/y pair argument to svgis project.
- Improve CSS parsing and creating in style
- Simplify string conversion in svg
- Expand and update tests a bit
- Bump fionautil requirement, fixing bug that occurs when Numpy is missing.
- Add support for zipped data
- Change "svgis style --style" shorthand option from -s to -c
- Improve support for custom map drawing workflows
- Change keyword argument for SVGIS from out_crs to crs
- Shorthand reprojections now work for with data in any projection
- build as a universal wheel
- Fix bug for unicode attributes in Python 2 (0.4.0 regression)
- Fix bug with certain uses of 'file' projection keyword
- Fix error on multipolygon coordinates in unexpanded generators
- Make --no-viewbox default in svgis draw
- Refactor internal bounds handling, squashing a few bugs
- Better handling for precision and padding in svgis.SVGIS
- Filter out successive identical coordinates in geometries
- Fix padding to truly be in output (projected) units
- Warn, don't crash, when geometry is null
- Additional verbose flags now provide more debugging infomation
- Repair bug that sometimes added styles based on a class substring, rather than exact match
- Put r attributes right on the element when inlining
- Fix bug when layer contained a field with its name
- Restructured modules: renamed 'clip' and 'convert' to 'transform' and 'bounding'
- Fix CDATA bug with svgis style
- refactoring, PEP 8 formatting
- Fix bug that ignored precision
- Correctly identify and use projections in projected files
- Remove periods and number signs from classes and ids.
- Refactor classing functions to svgis.style
- Improve error messages when drawing features.
- Make inlined styles default
- Handle empty files without complaining
- ignore topological errors when clipping
- Add precision argument for svgis draw
- Add svgis graticule command line tool
- Ensure no repeated style rules when inlining CSS.
- Round numbers at the last minute in the svg module. This is quicker.
- Improve py 2/3 compatibility, esp. when testing.
- Fix problem reprojecting bounds with mixed projections.
- Add cli tool for getting bounds of a layer
- Repair --verbose option.
- Add svgis bounds command line tool for checking the bounds of a layer.
- Expand tests (coverage now above 90%)
- change --project option to --crs.
- Fix error with empty CSS selectors
- Add quiet and verbose logging options to svgis draw.
- Fix simplification in svgis draw.
- Ensure that geojson layers get a pretty name.
- Regularize svgis.svg, adding tools for creating more SVG elements, even those not directly used here.
- Try, just slightly, not to have infinite bounds
- Expand docs.
- Switch from argparse to click for cli functions. Much better performance, same options.
- Switch --simplify argument to accept an integer between 1-99
- Change --project/-j option in svgis project to --method/-m
- Remove lxml dependency for inlining CSS.
- Completely refactor functions that parse XML to use ElementTree (quicker than minidom).
- Add column names to class of layer group.
- Prevent broken pipes
- Squash several bugs related to setting class fields.
- Squash bugs in drawing certain paths.
- Remove duplicate/unused code.
- Ensure use of unicode internally, fixed some small Py3 bugs.
- More tests and more docs!
- Fix bug introduced in 0.3.1, caused improper bounds in output SVGs.
- Add svgis.map function as a shorthand for working with the API
- Add option to clip files, requires Shapely
- Add option to inline files, requires lxml
- Add line simplification option using Visivalingam algorithm, requires numpy
- Remove svgwrite as a dependency for faster file writing
- Tests expanded and code refactored, crushing lots of bugs
- --proj option can now read a file containing a proj4 string
- Allow unicode in class and id fields
- Accept a text file containing a proj4 string in svgis draw --project
- fix typo in cli help
- add version option to cli
- Fix class bug for NULL values
- Prefix data classes with field name
- Remove test data from build
- Add layer name to class list to get around ID issues in some SVG clients.
- Simplify and update the draw api: draw.geometry now returns either a single svgwrite shape object or a svgwrite group.
- Fix errors when input has a Z coordinate
- Better bounds handling
- Fix numpy errors when drawing MultiPolygons
- --style flag now accepts a css file
- Expand tests
- Remove OSM support, which was broken and not easily fixable
- Move scale functions to sibling project fionautil
- Project bounds as each file is parsed, rather than fussily at the end
- Simplify feature drawing and argument-passing
- Fix a NAD32-for-WGS84 typo in osm.
- Add 'svgis project' command line tool, for generating proj.4 strings
- Add tests
- Add ability to read OSM files (if slowly)
- bug fixes in reading, writing
- Add --no-viewbox option to create translated SVGs, rather than viewboxed ones