The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:
Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2, where F1 = 1 and F2 = 1.
Hence the first 12 terms will be:
F1 = 1
F2 = 1
F3 = 2
F4 = 3
F5 = 5
F6 = 8
F7 = 13
F8 = 21
F9 = 34
F10 = 55
F11 = 89
F12 = 144
The 12th term, F12, is the first term to contain three digits.
What is the index of the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits?
I once did this problem by pencil-and-paper and lookups in printed tables of logarithms (in other words, the way you'd need to do this in, say, the 1950s before hand-held digital calculators).
I think that for this one I'll just use rug
and the straightforward
Fibonacci implementation rather than the clever solution that I used
with the pencil-and-paper version.
Yeah, pretty straightforward. The borrow checker did yell at me, but
it was pretty easy to work around that since rug
has a sensible set
of methods using references.