Releases: fladd/ScanSessionTool
Releases · fladd/ScanSessionTool
Scan Session Tool 0.9.1
- changed package name to ScanSessionTool
Scan Session Toool 0.9.0
- Fix for TBV links
- Scan Session Tool can now be installed with pipx
Scan Session Tool 0.8.0
- New archiving dialogue
- Option to create links to DICOMS in BrainVoyager-compatible format
- Option to create links to DICOMS in TurbBrainVoyager-compatible format
- Option to copy Turbo-BrainVoyager files into target directory and manipulate them to work in there
- Performance improvements during archiving
- Bug fixes
We do not provide binary files anymore. For installation instructions, please read
Scan Session Tool 0.7.0
- Changed fields under "General Information":
- "Subject": 3 digit number + type (used to be "Group")
- "Session": 3 digit number + type
- New field under "Documents":
- "Files": Files to be copied to session directory during archiving
- Archiving now also reads nested raw DICOM structure with files per run in sub-directories
- BrainVoyager .dcm files with correct filenames are created as hard link during archiving
- Turbo-BrainVoyager .dcm files with correct filenames are created as hard link if TBVFiles folder present during archiving
- New directory structure/naming convention when archiving
- Changed scan protocol structure
- Changed config file structure
Scan Session Tool 0.6.1
- Support for surface files
- Correct intra-session motion correction file path in .prt files
- Correct .prt file path in .fmr files
- Added .docx and .odt to general documents
Scan Session Tool 0.6.0
- New YAML-based config file
- Option to add default "Notes", as well as "Vols" and "Comments" per measurement
Scan Session Tool 0.5.6
- Undo(Ctrl/Cmd-z) and Redo(Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-z) now work in each text field (i.e. "Notes", "Logfiles" and "Comments")
Scan Session Tool 0.5.5
- Catch error when scan protocol file cannot be written during archivin
Scan Session Tool 0.5.4
- Clearing Notes field when opening protocol
- Clearing Comments fields of visible measurements when opening protocol
Scan Session Tool 0.5.3
- config file can now also be located in $HOME folder