Sends an OOC whisper to all users when someone logs in. These messages have a lifetime and will self-delete after a specified amount of time. These messages currently use the same quotes that are used by Discord for when a user joins a server. There is also a message sent when a user logs out of the game.
If you want to support me or just help me buy doggy treats! Also, you can keep up to date on what I'm working on. I will be announcing any new modules or pre-releases there for anyone wanting to help me test things out!
- (GM Only) Manage Messages: You can Add, Remove, and Customize all log in and log out messages.
- (GM Only) Sound used for messages: The sound that is played when a user logs in or out of Foundry.
- (GM Only) Only show messages to GM: The whispers will only be seen by the GameMaster in the server.
- (GM Only) Auto-Remove Messages: The GM can turn off the auto-destruct feature so log messages are permanent.
- (All) Auto-Remove Delay: Users can set how long a message lives in their feed before it deletes itself.
- (All) Don't show my own to me: Users can have their login message show to others but not themselves.
- José E. Lozano (Viriato139ac#0342): Spanish Localization
- BrotherSharper: Japanese Localization
- smoothingplane: Italian Localization
You can find all the latest updates in the CHANGELOG