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This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 16, 2022. It is now read-only.

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380 lines (282 loc) · 13.6 KB

File metadata and controls

380 lines (282 loc) · 13.6 KB

Contributing Guide

This document aims to describe the workflows and rules used for developing this project. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • how to contribute code (coding standards, testing, documenting source code)
  • how pull requests are handled
  • how to file bug reports


Getting Started
Contributing Code
Opening Issues
Pull Requests & Code Reviews
Merge Strategies

Getting Started


People interacting with the trext project are grouped into 4 categories:

  • owner: flex-development organization owners with full admin rights
  • maintainer: owners and people added to the organization who actively contribute to projects and have direct push access
  • contributor: someone who has helped improve any projects, but does not have direct push access
  • user: developers who use any flex-development projects and may or may not participate in discussions regarding a given project

Additional Terminology

  • contribution:
    • new features
    • fixing documentation
    • filing bug reports with reproducible steps
    • engaging in discussions for new feature requests
    • answering questions
  • ticket: JIRA issue


Environment Variables

Project environment variables are listed below.

name required development test production build, release, and deployment (local & ci)
NODE_ENV false
PAT_GPR true

* Environment variable set by package user
** Environment variable specific to Yarn 2

If you're using ZSH, you can use the dotenv plugin to autosource the project .env file. Otherwise, following the instructions in the Clone & Install section to setup your environment.

Git Configuration

The examples in this guide contain references to custom Git aliases.

Copy the starter Git global configuration to follow along fully, as well as begin extending your own workflow.


This project uses Yarn 2. The Yarn configuration for this project can be found in .yarnrc.yml. If you're already using Yarn globally, see the Yarn 2 Migration docs.

GitHub Packages

Some workspaces depend on scoped packages (e.g: @flex-development). Some of those packages are published to the GitHub Package Registry, but not to NPM. A Personal Access Token with at least the read:packages scope attached is required for installation.

Scopes, their registry servers, and required environment variables are defined in .yarnrc.yml under the npmScopes field.

Clone & Install

git clone
cd trext && source .env

Note that if you have a global Yarn configuration (or any YARN_* environment variables set), an error will be displayed in the terminal if any settings conflict with the project's Yarn configuration, or the Yarn 2 API. An error will also be displayed if you're missing any environment variables.

Contributing Code

Husky is used to run Git hooks that locally enforce coding and commit message standards, as well run tests associated with any files changed since the last commit.

Any code merged into the development and production branches must confront the following criteria:

  • changes should be discussed prior to implementation
  • changes have been tested properly
  • changes should include documentation updates if applicable
  • changes have an associated ticket and pull request

Branching Model

  • Development: next
  • Production: main

Branch Prefixes

When creating a new branch, the name should match the following format:

 │           │      │
 │           │      └─⫸ a short, memorable name (possibly the future PR title)
 │           │
 │           └─⫸ check jira issue
 └─⫸ bugfix|feat|hotfix|release

For example:

git chbf PROJ-4-authentication

will create a new branch titled feat/PROJ-4-authentication.

Commit Messages

This project follows Conventional Commit standards and uses commitlint to enforce those standards.

This means every commit must conform to the following format:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>
 │     │                │
 │     │                └─⫸ summary in present tense; lowercase without period at the end
 │     │
 │     └─⫸ see commitlint.config.js
 └─⫸ build|ci|chore|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test|wip

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

<type> must be one of the following values:

  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
  • chore: Changes that don't impact external users
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • feat: New features
  • fix: Bug fixes
  • perf: Performance improvements
  • refactor: Code improvements
  • revert: Revert past changes
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
  • wip: Working on changes, but you need to go to bed 😉


  • git docs 'update contributing guide' -> docs: update contributing guide
  • git ac 'refactor(api)!: user queries' -> refactor(api)!: user queries

See .commitlintrc.ts for an exhasutive list of valid commit scopes and types.

Code Style

Prettier is used to format code, and ESLint to lint files.

Prettier Configuration

ESLint Configuration

Making Changes

All source code can be found in the src directory.

The purpose of each file should be documented using the @file annotation, along with an accompanying @module annotation.


Before making a pull request, be sure your code is well documented, as it will be part of your code review.


This project uses Jest as its test runner. To run all the tests in this project, run yarn test from the project root.

Husky is configured to run tests before every push. Use describe.skip or it.skip if you need to create a new issue regarding the test, or need to make a wip commit.

Getting Help

If you need help, make note of any issues in their respective files. Whenever possible, create a test to reproduce the error. Make sure to label your issue as type:question and status:help-wanted.


This project uses a well-defined list of labels to organize tickets and pull requests. Most labels are grouped into different categories (identified by the prefix, eg: status:).

A list of labels can be found in .github/labels.yml.

Opening Issues

Before opening an issue please make sure, you have:

  • read the documentation
  • searched open issues for an existing issue with the same topic
  • search closed issues for a solution or feedback

If you haven't found a related open issue, or feel that a closed issue should be re-visited, please open a new issue. A well-written issue has the following traits:

  • follows an issue template
  • is labeled appropriately
  • contains a well-written summary of the feature, bug, or problem statement
  • contains a minimal, inlined code example (if applicable)
  • includes links to prior discussion if you've found any

Pull Requests & Code Reviews

When you're ready to have your changes reviewed, open a pull request against the next branch.

Every opened PR should:

  • use this template
  • reference it's ticket id
  • be labeled appropriately
  • be assigned to yourself
  • give maintainers push access so quick fixes can be pushed to your branch

Pull Request URL Format<branch>

where <branch> is the name of the branch you'd like to merge into next.

Code Reviews

All pull requests are subject to code reviews before being merged into next and main. During code reviews, code-style and documentation will be reviewed.

If any changes are requested, those changes will need to be implemented and approved before the pull request is merged.

Merge Strategies

In every repository, the create a merge commit and squash and merge options are enabled.

  • if a PR has a single commit, or the changes across commits are logically grouped, use squash and merge
  • if a PR has multiple commits, not logically grouped, create a merge commit

When merging, please make sure to use the following commit message format:

<type>[optional scope]: <pull-request-title> (#pull-request-n)
 │     │                │
 │     │                └─⫸ check your pull request
 │     │
 │     └─⫸ see commitlint.config.js
 └─⫸ build|ci|chore|docs|feat|fix|merge|perf|refactor|release|revert|style|test


  • refactor(api): github oauth flow #52
  • merge: update contributing guides and tsconfigs #39
  • perf(web): decrease page loading time #26
  • release: @flex-development/trext@1.0.0 #13


This repository is configured to publish packages and releases when a release/* branch is merged.

Note: Publishing is executed via the Continuous Deployment workflow. This is so invalid or malicious versions cannot be release without merging those changes into next first.

Before releasing, the following steps must be completed:

  1. Schedule a code freeze
  2. Create a new release/* branch
    • where * is <package.json#name-no-scope>@<package.json#version>
      • e.g: trext@1.1.0
    • branch naming conventions must be followed exactly. the branch name is used to create distribution tags, locate drafted releases, and generate the correct workspace publish command
  3. Decide what version bump the release needs (major, minor, patch)
    • versioning
      • yarn release (determines bumps based on commits)
      • yarn release --first-release
      • yarn release --release-as major
      • yarn release --release-as minor
      • yarn release --release-as patch
    • a new release will be drafted
  4. Open a new pull request from release/* into next
    • title the PR release: <package.json#name>@<package.json#version>
      • e.g: release: @flex-development/trext@1.1.0
    • link all issues being released
    • after review, squash and merge the PR: release: @flex-development/trext@1.1.0 (#pull-request-n)
      • e.g: release: @flex-development/trext@1.1.0 (#3)
    • once the PR is merged, the deployment workflow will be triggered
    • the maintainer who approved the PR should check to make sure the workflow completes all jobs as expected. if successful, the workflow will:
      • publish package to the GitHub Package Registry and
      • update the production branch (merge branch next into main)
      • publish the drafted release
      • delete the release branch
    • the maintainer who approved the PR should go through the PR's linked issues and:
      • make sure all issues are closed and have the label status:merged
      • add the status:released label to all issues