A custom decoder for decoding RemoteConfig
from Firebase. Work in progress!
Declare a simple struct
that conforms to Decodable
struct AppRemoteConfig: Decodable {
enum MyEnum: Int, Decodable {
case none
case update
let myEnum: MyEnum
let myUrl: URL
let myString: String
let myBool: Bool?
let myInt: Int // Float or Double as well
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case myUrl = "my_url"
case myString = "my_string"
case myBool
case myInt
case myEnum = "my_enum"
Once done, use FirebaseRemoteConfigDecoder
as follows:
let decoder = FirebaseRemoteConfigDecoder()
let decoded = try? decoder.decode(AppRemoteConfig.self, from: self.remoteConfig)
In the roadmap:
- [] improve the documentation;
- [] support more data types (e.g. Date);
- [] ship with CocoaPods or Carthage;
- [] integrate Unit Tests.