- Changes:
- Deployment Unit dynamic load and unload
- Metrics integration
- UI advancements
- Bug fixes
- Changes:
- Local routers instead of Cluster singleton routers to avoid performance bottleneck and single point of failure
- Distributed Redriver
- Fixed connection leaks in client library
- Fixed request burst behaviour (incase of high qps, the requests used to end up as hystrix threadpool rejections, now they will wait in Akka Actor's mailbox)
- Local retries implemented through Akka Scheduler and follow exponential backoff strategy
- @SelectDataSource annotation coupled with @Transactional to specify the datastore for reads/writes
- Support for tasks with multiple params of same type
- Http API to find the workflows which are errored
- few Akka cluster & UI changes
- New features:
- Support for Deployment Units
- Global redriver
- Workflows versioning support
- Support for Retriable exceptions
- Http API for unsidelining sidelined/errored tasks
- New features:
- Client SDK for writing workflows with @Workflow, @Task annotations
- Implicit Concurrent execution of workflow instances, tasks
- Support for Task execution timeouts and retries
- Support for Local & Distributed execution across a number of Flux nodes
- Http API interface for triggering workflows, inspection and monitoring
- Real-time monitoring of Task execution across state machine instances
- Visualization for inspecting individual State machine executions