As described in the README
file, FS2 is based mostly on cats
and cats-effect
- The
library provides definitions for the typeclassesFunctor
, andMonadError
. - FS2 also uses the data type
from thecats-core
module. This data structure implements an ordered list-like sequence as a catenable list, which allows for efficient insertion at both ends. This data type was originally developed infs2
, where it was calledCatenable
. - The
library extends the typeclasses fromcats
with other more specialised typeclasses, which describe effectful computations. These type-classes cover resource bracketing, concurrency, asynchronicity, input-output, timing, and interruption. - FS2 also uses from
several data structures used for communicating and coordinating concurrent processes, such as semaphores, deferred values, atomic references. Some of these types were first developed as part of the internal implementation of FS2, but then moved tocats-effect
. - From scodec-bits, FS2 uses the
data type to implement bytevector chunks. This is relevant for efficiently processing streams of binary data.
If you have a project you'd like to include in this list, either click here or let us know in the gitter channel and we'll add it for you.
- cabbit: Simple client for RabbitMQ using fs2 and cats-effect.
- canoe: A purely functional library for building Telegram chatbots.
- chromaprint: A Scala implementation of the Chromaprint/AcoustID audio fingerprinting algorithm, built with fs2 streams / Cats Effect.
- circe-fs2: Streaming JSON manipulation with circe.
- doobie: Pure functional JDBC built on fs2.
- fs2-aes: AES encryption for fs2.
- fs2-aws: FS2 streams to interact with AWS utilities
- fs2-blobstore: Minimal, idiomatic, stream-based Scala interface for S3, GCS, SFTP and other key/value store implementations.
- fs2-cassandra: Cassandra bindings for fs2.
- fs2-columns: a
that uses shapeless to storecase class
data column-wise. - fs2-cron: FS2 streams based on cron expressions.
- fs2-crypto: TLS support for fs2.
- fs2-data: A set of data parsers and manipulation libraries for various formats for fs2.
- fs2-elastic: Simple client for Elasticsearch.
- fs2-es: Event-sourcing and event-driven state management utilities using FS2.
- fs2-ftp: Simple client for Ftp/Ftps/Sftp using fs2 and cats-effect.
- fs2-google-pubsub: A Google Cloud Pub/Sub implementation using fs2 and cats-effect.
- fs2-grpc: gRPC implementation for FS2 / Cats Effect.
- fs2-http: Http server and client library implemented in fs2.
- fs2-jms: Java Messaging Service (JMS) connectors for FS2 streams
- Apache Kafka integrations
- kafka4s: Functional programming with Kafka and Scala.
- fd4s/fs2-kafka: Functional Kafka Streams for Scala.
- spinoco/fs2-kafka: Simple client for Apache Kafka.
- fs2-mail: Fully asynchronous java non-blocking email client using fs2.
- fs2-mqtt: A purely functional MQTT client library based on fs2 and cats effect.
- fs2-rabbit: RabbitMQ stream-based client built on top of fs2 and cats effect.
- fs2-reactive-streams: A reactive streams implementation for fs2.
- fs2-ssh: A wrapper around Apache SSHD targeting cats-effect and fs2.
- fs2-throttler: Throttling for fs2 based on the token bucket algorithm.
- fs2-zk: Simple Apache Zookeeper bindings for fs2.
- http4s: Minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP services using fs2.
- Lepus: Purely functional, non-blocking RabbitMQ client for Scala, Scala.js and Scala Native (with complete support for AMQP 0.9.1 + RabbitMQ extensions)
- mongo4cats: Mongo DB Scala client wrapper for Cats Effect & FS2.
- mongosaur: fs2-based MongoDB driver.
- mysql-binlog-stream: Stream MySQL binlog events with FS2
- neotypes: A Scala lightweight, type-safe & asynchronous driver for neo4j. Support streaming queries using fs2.
- neutron: Apache Pulsar bindings for fs2.
- prox: A library for working with system processes
- pure-aws: Pure-functional AWS clients including FS2 streaming support.
- redis4cats: Redis client built on top of fs2 and cats effect.
- scarctic: fs2-based driver for MAN/AHL's Arctic data store.
- scodec-protocols: A library for working with libpcap files. Contains many interesting pipes (e.g., working with time series and playing back streams at various rates).
- scodec-stream: A library for streaming binary decoding and encoding, built using fs2 and scodec.
- spata: CSV parser build on FS2.
- sqs4s: A pure Scala client for AWS SQS using fs2.
- streamz: A library that supports the conversion of Akka Stream
s andSink
s to and from FS2Stream
s andSink
s, respectively. It also supports the usage of Apache Camel endpoints in FS2Stream
s and Akka StreamSource
s andSubFlow
s. - upperbound: A purely functional, interval-based rate limiter with support for backpressure.
- vinyldns: A DNS governance system using fs2 for throttling updates to DNS backends.
Don't see your project on the list? Click here to add it!