Releases: flipperdevices/Flipper-Android-App
Releases · flipperdevices/Flipper-Android-App
Flipper App 0.1.25
Quick fix for crash
Flipper App 0.1.24
Add echo screen (#62) **Background** With newest firmware version you can use echo from/to flipper **Changes** - Add echo screen **Test plan** Open information screen Type text and send
Flipper App 0.1.23
Fix review comments (#61) **Background** Here i have some comments about code quality: **Changes** - Remove from `ConfigurationPlugin` autoset for gradle modules - Replace to `StateFlow` object in `FlipperBleManager` - Replace `if` to `check` **Test plan** Pass github checks
Flipper App 0.1.22
Fix ktlint and detekt (#60) **Background** Now we have detekt and ktlint script, but ignore them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ **Changes** - Migrate `build.gradle` to `build.gradle.kts` - Remove `ktlint` and `detekt` scripts - Add `ktlintFormat` and `detekt` tasks - Fix lint error **Test plan** - Launch `./gradlew ktlintFormat` and `./gradlew detekt`
Flipper App 0.1.21
Fix back button and save last connected device (#59) **Background** Now we have bug with navigator screen **Changes** - Fix back button - Stop scan after leaving finding screen - Auto open screen with device **Test plan** Open app and check changes
Flipper App 0.1.20
Add screen with information about device (#58) **Background** Screen with device information **Changes** - Add device information screen **Test plan** - Open it and check information
Flipper App 0.1.19
Add device finding screen (#57) **Background** Before connect with device we want provide ble discover screen **Changes** - Add device finding screen **Test plan** - Launch app - Check that you see device
Flipper App 0.1.18
Add screen with permission request (#56) **Background** Before start connection we need check all granted permission **Changes** - Add permission screen and dispatch edge cases - Add routing library **Test plan** Test case 01: - Open application without bluetooth enabled - Click to button - Check that application suggest enabled bluetooth Test case 02: - Open application without permission granted but with bluetooth enabled - Click to button - Check that application suggest grant permission Test case 03: - Open application with all permission granted - Click to button - Check that application write "Yay!"
Flipper App 0.1.17
Change arch (#55) **Background** I want use arch which help me make app faster and easier **Changes** - I split root folder to two subfolder - components and instances. First folder include all feature components, in instances contains entry points in application. - Add Anvil **Test plan** Just build and run
Flipper App 0.1.16
Update gradle, agp, kotlin to lastest versions (#54) **Background** I want try update android gradle plugin and gradle to newest release version **Changes** - Up Kotlin from `1.4.0` to `1.5.21` - Up Gradle from `6.1.1` to `7.0.2` - Up AGP from `4.0.1` to `7.0.1` - Up JDK from `1.8` to `1.11` - Up Dagger from `2.28.3` to `2.38.1` - Up Moxy from `2.1.2` to `2.2.2` **Test plan** - Build project